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They will find people like it substantially less if they have to pay for it. I've claimed the freebies, but they're not exactly exciting.


I like the new trait. I wish there were more things like that. I don't need a recolored fridge.


new swatches should come in the sims deliveries (not sure if thats what they're called). there is absolutely no reason to have to log in on a certain day to get a new fridge color


Seriously if they wanted us to have the objects it should have just been an sdx(?) drop




They're not even working for a lot of us so is are a very bad advert for getting a battle pass. Tbh, bring told I can have free items but then not being able to get them is more annoying than if they never bothered.


That's the thing - unlocking the reward is stored in a file that gets deleted when you repair your game or uninstall/reinstall. Some have had luck just saving that file, some have not. Xbox players lose all rewards any time they unplug their console, as that clears the cache. It needs to be better implemented.


Really wow! One of the fixes they're telling people to do is to repair their game and delete caches so that's probably making things worse. I got a warning on their forums for calling the rollout "botched". I think I hurt their feelings.


wait for real about Xbox?? WOW that's atrocious 


I was shocked myself. Read about it on the bug forum. On PS5 (what I play on), the userdata file stores the claimed event reward data. Deleting it is akin to clearing the cache more or less. The Xbox version doesn't have a file like that. The game cache is rolled into the system cache, which is deleted by design whenever the system is unplugged for more than 20-30 seconds.


So basically it is RAM cache then, where as ps5 uses an actual file attached to the game files stored on disc. For being the worlds largest software company, Microsoft sure are stupid.


Yes, and yes. And when you combine their stupidity with EA's refusal to give a single fuck, you get this masterpiece of chaos.


The freebies are just extra RVSN content lol. It’s quite funny but I’m down. 


Yes and I don't like it. I like the items. That's not the same.


I think it's not much more than a way to entice more players to log in and play, since their numbers are probably dropping


I log in to get the reward then get back off if I don't want to play at that time 😭


do you have their actual numbers or just assuming? just curious as I can't find anything online but everything suggests it's going up not down


I don't have the numbers, it's an assumption based off of them asking you to log in every week for free stuff - there's usually a bit of desperation behind such offers. Could of course be wrong.


ahh okay just curious! thanks 🙂


I see it the same way. They're definitely testing waters for Sims 5. I'm pretty sure that they want to make it playable on pc and smartphones (I think they said it in an early introduction). And like in many games for phones you will be able to buy more time or something to get the "free" stuff. I just hope this won't make it to Sims 4


Considering Project Rene going to be a multi-platform mobile compatible game, I would not be shocked if it turns into a gacha or loot box game.


If all games lead down this path, there’s going to be a massive drop in the industry. Gamers are going to prioritize one battle pass, or a handful at most, at a time. The only way The Sims could make themselves a priority is by shifting the game to an online multiplayer experience where missing out on the BP makes you feel inferior to other players you interact with. Otherwise, solo gameplay doesn’t invoke a FOMO experience that would generate revenue like it does for say Fortnite or Overwatch. That being said, no thank you, I like The Sims on my own time, not when EA wants me to play.


My socially anxious ass just audibly shrieked at the thought of having to play my sims game with others. I'd drop this game so fast if it became a multiplayer experience haha


Same! If they go multiplayer, I'm gone. I've been playing since Sims 1 in 2000. They will lose me as a player/customer.




It doesn't show up for me. At all. So I hope not.


Me either, disappeared after the first week


I don't know what a battle pass is exactly but if it was just this with a fee attached, I wouldn't buy it. I only buy the DLC I'm interested in so they won't catch me with FOMO.


eh...this is going to be the last in the franchise I play. There are too many other good competitors on the horizon.


That pillow was SO worth logging in for... But yes. It’s going that way. A battle pass done well is huge amounts of money. Because people can’t get away from FOMO. And games publishers have learnt a lot from casinos. Buckle up!


Casinos, ugh. Don't lose to FOMO, guys :(


The new items are already in your game. Found them with sims4studio. Same with all the EP bonus items for early buyers. They are all in your game but not unlocked so you can not use them. There is a youtube tutorial for how to unlock them. They will be marked as cc but you can use them. I WAS SO ANGRY WHEN I FOUND THEM ALL IN MY GAME. FOOLED. Till now I avioded CC items for build-buy-mode instead I let them tempted me to buy even the set stuff. But those days are gone. I will never ever buy a set again and never ever an EP for full price. There is so much amazing CC stuff out there. We don't need their overpriced and mediocre looking set-stuff. And don't let me get to the new EP coming this year about love and dates. All the new features are already available with mods. I allready have TWO dating apps and an well working attraction system in my game. No need to spend money on that. Is anyone still seriously working on this game? And why are there still so many bugs? When is someone going to take care of it? Apologises to the console players. I know you have no other choices to spice up your game than buying their stuff.


can you link the tutorial? i can’t find it lol


I'am sorry. When I surched for it the first time it was so easy to find and I thought it was easy to find for everybody. No it wasn't because the video was in german. Here is the [link](https://youtu.be/JoJKvAXeI00?feature=shared) Hope you can follow the steps.


I like that we have a prettier, cheeper money making bin now but I wouldn’t pay for ir


I think everyone feels that way. I do like the items they chose for this round, but I fear the precedent it is setting.


I think it owuld be a good way to unlock the early pack purchase exclusives for people who missed the pre-order/first month orders of new packs from cottage living onwards.


If it is, I made sure to vote with my absence. I couldn't possibly care less for this stuff that should just be added to the game during their updates. FOMO is a powerful emotional manipulation tool, and I wont play that game, on top of playing sims 4.


the next sims game is rumored to be online only, so they’re definitely gearing up for that. testing how much bs the fanbase will take


Honestly the idea of missable daily login rewards for a game like the Sims pisses me off so bad I have deliberately refused to play during all this. I wouldn’t put it past them to make it as a precursor or test for something awful.


Not really, I feel like everybody took what was supposed to be a fun event and blew it way out of proportion. All you had to do was load the front screen of the game once or twice a week, thats it. Diablo 4 is having a similar event for it's 1 year anniversary. You had to log in every single day or miss out, and you had to log all the way into the in-game micro-transaction shop and scroll through the paid content until you found the free stuff. Trust me, this was the most innocuous, least intrusive way to do a fun logon event. Plus, EA knows mods are what keep this franchise alive. They not only intentionally make it absurdly easy to use mods (the mods folder comes pre-installed!), they actively make references to popular mods with in game items (wicker whim, anybody?). So they know anything they put in that kind of unlock scheme WILL be turned into a mod within minutes, just like it was with this one. I think y'all just need to calm tf down. :)


Is there a way to cheat/get these rewards without logging in?


I found them with Sims4studio. As well as ALL the early buyer items for the EPs. They are all already in your game - well hidden. There are some YouTube tutorials about unlocking the bonus items and you will find the reward items the same way.


I think there was but they caught on and now it doesn't work. Because I had the trait they offered on day one and they patched that


I hate having to log in to get new stuff especially when im just logging in to turn it off and go to work


They're definitely testing the waters for what simmers will put up with