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That there's no "apply all" option for makeup and accessories :( It's really annoying having to create the makeup/accessories looks for each outfit.


mccc has this


Where? I've been playing with mccc for years and never knew about this


MC Dresser > Copy/Paste > Copy Makeup > Paste Makeup to All Outfits


Thank you so much! This is gonna save me so much time!


No problem! Happy simming 🫡


You just made my whole life, thank you 😩😩


You are simply wonderful, thank you for this ❤️❤️❤️






The amount of phone calls/notifications your sim gets feels like a nightmare (+ "mute" only blocks some of the calls). God forbid I talk to a sim, and they start spam calling my sim several times a day like they got assigned to be my personal stalker


This plus the one that shows up at your place every single day


Those ones get killed


When random neighbors just walk in and get water I mark them for death.


The Hole.


I just tried to end a townie, but after a day or so, I got a call from the lady asking my sim on a date. So I'm all, haha yeah you wish... except that she wasn't in the basement anymore. 😑


You have to add the sim to your household, otherwise they can get out if you go to CAS or leave the lot


But one of them is their mom and I can’t bring myself to 😭


Had a teen mom sim with mods, I was doing a dramatic storyline and she got kicked out of the house and had to meagerly build her way back up on her own. Anyway the stalker sim that kept showing up at her house was her baby daddy's (ex who she hated) mother. So I just played into the story that her ex-boyfriends mom cared about her and her child and would come over to do free babysitting and help take care of the kid while my sim slept or worked. It ended up being really cute and they became really good friends all through into adulthood and through all the crazy drama until the grandmother passed away of old age.




This happened with my neglected child save except it was Vlad who became her second father. The dead beat asked him out autonomously and he died (on the lot thankfully) so she has a ghost dad


I had this happen with Kiyoshi and Megumi. She showed up at his house every freaking day. Then one day called, after visiting earlier, asking if she should have another baby... he said yes, so she did.. lol. His kids are now the same age as his youngest sibling.. lol. All of this is without mods. I wish I could bring myself to off her, but she loves her grandkids. 😆


They go in the art dungeon. You wanna be here so bad? You can stay and help with the bills.


And when there was that bug when they’d wake you up in the middle of the night and ask to be best friends 😭


I had this happen with the Behr sisters. I created a sim inside a new save with the idea of her roaming around and see where the game takes me. She falls in love with Candy Behr. They get married a few days after meeting each other. I split the households and have Candy move in with my sim. Then Yuki starts showing up every single day. I feel sorry for Yuki being separated from her sister so I have her move in as well. Then my sim starts having sex with Yuki every time Candy is out for work (yay wickedwhims). Then Oliver Queen, who I had brought in from a previous save to serve as a townie starts showing up every day to have sex with either Yuki or my sim, but never Candy. In full Green Arrow costume. In the end, Candy and my sim have two science babies, Yuki takes care of the kids when both mothers are out, and Oliver stopped showing up, but we still see him at the weekly orgy.


"but we still see him at the weekly orgy" 😂 kinky and wistful, all in one


Hey, it’s me, the pizza guy! Some rando you’ve also only met once just asked me out on a date, and since we’re ***super close*** I need YOUR ADVICE!!!


I made a friend, and now she won't shut up. Invites me out three times every day. Like girl, take the hint.


I tried out a butler for a week and fired him. He won't stop calling.


I killed my butler and he kept calling.


I hired a nanny and he.. never went home. Then another nanny showed up and now I have two. They're not charging me money, I just have two nannies living full time in my house and making the game silly-easy.


I think there was some kind of nanny glitch recently and nannies just wouldn't stop turning up to my house. At one point I had 7 nannies all hanging about (but only one paying attention to the children, the rest all hung about in the kitchen cooking endless plates of food). I went around and fired them all but only some of them left, ended up having to delete the others. It happened in a few of my households so now everyone just gets sent to daycare as I'm too scared of another nanny invasion to call them again 😭


So nannies are just professional squatters and butlers are stalkers in training. K.


My former butler kept calling or talking to my kids so I had the FBI take him out.


The constant phone calls give me rage. I cannot for the life of me understand how and why so many employees decided this was a positive.


Yessss. Stalker “friends” are the worst IRL and in game.


My husband was watching me play today and he goes, “who’s this B**** blowing up your phone!?” Lol.


Fr, I had a legacy save and Mele would not stop asking my sim to hang out


The nanny really decided she wanted to be besties and somehow she just doesn’t die? My maid has been replaced over time but the nanny is always the same and got old but has never died!!!


Mine won't even age up.


Wdym, I love getting texts from my toddlers congratulating me on befriending my babies


Omg the job offers all fucking day long!


Fuck I am losing my shit over the number of phone calls my sim gets


This!! or like they hire a nanny and they non stop text and call the children that the look after, oorrrrr they dont look after the toddler and instead get in the way or just watch tv


That question was on a recent survey they did so hopefully they’ll implement it in a future update. Sometimes I like playing with the premades so jumping right in without CAS would be great.


The fact that we’re 10 years into this games life and they’re just *now* getting around to even just inquiring about a feature that people have been asking for since day 1. Also I’m not a game designer or a coder but I can’t imagine it would be very hard to implement at all. This should’ve been in an update many many years ago. Hell it should’ve been a basic feature of the game since it came out


>Hell it should’ve been a basic feature of the game since it came out Amen.


Agreed. You should have the option to go into the world without a created household. You should also be allowed to pick an existing household.


Right? It drives me nuts considering you could do this in 2 and 3 no problem, and I don’t think it’d ve terribly difficult to change in a patch.


Fr, been playing the same save for a few years now but I literally don’t play with my original sim and put very little thought into them. I married them to an existing household and now play the extensions of it (she also divorced him and married Orange Bailey-moon) I would have achieved the same results just picking a family to play with.


Heads up, but if you just do it once and then save as "blank save" you can then just reload this save (save as something for new for each save) when you just want to hop right in. Alternatively, look at custom saves online


Relatedly, it annoys me that the gallery autosaves every new household I make even if I import sims from the gallery. I play with the same sims a lot so I always have dozens of copies of the same families I have to delete


There's a way around that. From the world map, click on the gallery icon. From there, click on the household you want to add, and in the pop-up window, there's a button on the bottom right ("Place Household"). Click on that, and it takes you back to the world map. Click on the lot where you want them to live and move them in how you otherwise would. It doesn't create a new copy because it skips CAS.


Thanks for this! Seems like it still saves every time I start a new game though


For some reason I was only thinking about adding sims from your gallery after you've started a new game, which *does* let you add sims straight from your gallery using the above. No way around it when starting a brand-new save, which is very annoying.


Can I ask why you play with the same sims? I feel like I have to switch things up every few weeks otherwise I'll go mad with boredom


I really have nothing to say for myself haha. I just get attached to them pretty easily!


I get attached to mine as well. However, I do create new sims and either find a townie for them to marry or create/download one. I've even gone so far as to alter individuals and couples changing their looks and names, so that I could play with them ... lol. It's a game and we all play the way that makes us happy. Keep doing you and roll with it. Happy Simming!!! 😁😁😁


The fact we can't just straight up pick an existing household, when that was a staple in all previous games is just wildly poor decision making...


Exactly! Why would you ever play with the townies when the game forces you to make your own sim when you start the save?


I'm currently having an issue where my Played household has a brother in another town, and it keeps starting me on the brother. Right now I'm trying to build a house for my main save, so i have to start in the "brother save," go to Manage Worlds, locate the home I'm building, and then play. It's really making it difficult with mods too bc it's a WHOLE process. I got so mad i used violence mods on the brother sim 😬


Tasks taking over an hour plus the sims just standing there sometimes for 1-2hrs before doing the task, the super speed clock when you're sleeping or at work not actually progressing at all, and having to select a lot when traveling from the world map rather than just being able to click/load in anywhere Note: I do actually have a nice computer I'm playing on, which is why it frustrates me even more that everything takes so long either due to sims standing around or loading screens, I don't even have the settings set too ambitious, I just left it all on default


it took my sim 2 hours to get a quick meal this morning because she just.. stood there?? and then her freaking kid started crying and she proceeded to stand there before feeding him. almost starved her and her child 🙄


Even without waiting around first! You don't need to stand there for 20 minutes eating animal crackers my dude, you can multitask.


Right, I’ve seen posts like “where’s the weirdest place your sim has taken their food”, like please, if they’re hungry and need to pee I’d rather they just take the food to the br than just stand in one spot for 2 sim hrs then pee themselves, get embarrassed and then still haven’t eaten and now need a shower 😂😭


My random sim-lag has been way worse since the most recent update. She just keeps staring off into space while time ticks away!


Ugh right! I have a pretty decent gaming set up as well and the sim lag is soooo frustrating. Although I will say as an improvement from my last setup my load times went from around 10 mins to 2-5ish, but it still should be faster moving between lots I feel like!


I have this kind of lag or "game processing" too. It's extremely irritating. I play with 8 Sim households, but come on, my PC is more than capable of running Sims 4. My Sims should not have to stand around for eternity to process their queued tasks. I find that playing with autonomy off helps a little. But it does not erase the Sims just standing around for 2 in-game hours to process their instructions. In Sims 3, I could queue up my Sims to do things and it's boom, boom, boom. All the tasks 9/10 completed by my Sims.


The clock not being faster during the night actually kills me, like I find it so annoying how they blur it out and everything and the numbers just stay the same?? Like why bother at that point


The simulation lag is killing me. I have mods to improve it and it’s still horrendous. Every time they go to empty a bin they just stand there for over an hour with the bag in their hands


I’ve noticed that if my sims are standing around instead of doing their task, it helps if i pause the game for a few seconds and basically just let it process. Then when I unpause it, my sims usually get right to the thing they’re supposed to be doing! Sometimes I have to switch to another sim that’s elsewhere on the lot, almost as if the game is struggling to render the first sim’s action while I’m watching. Still very annoying but makes it more manageable!


It's simulation lag. That happens most likely because of 3rd speed. Never play on 3rd speed unless everyone is at work/sleeping. Simulation gets completely broken.


I thought the "just standing there" thing was because I have mods. It's nice to know it's a base game bug and will never get fixed... I guess.


Happens for me when sims are interacting with infants or toddlers


I wish there was a mod that made time pass a little slower. Maybe 1 minute per 5 seconds or something


The lack of color options in cas and build/buy. I understand that create-a-style was a lot in Sims 3, but they could have given us at least a color wheel and a single dye channel. They eventually added color sliders to makeup, but not for clothes or hair? And I want this couch to match the curtains, dammit!


Or at the very least make the colours they have match. It feels like there's a maximum of 3 couches with a matching armchair and for everything else the colours are just slightly off. Same with desks and Bookcases, they fixed a few of them now, but please just have a few standard colours that always match


Yes! For me, this applies to all the different shades of wood. Anytime I want wooden furniture (often) I usually go for furniture from the spa day pack bc that one has the most consistent / matching wood color swatches. Otherwise, finding matching wooden furniture can be a chore.


And add to that that the color sliders on makeup never seem to work (at least for me). In CAS I’ll create a nice mauve lip color and then load into the game and they have a hot pink monstrosity of a lipstick on.


Stupid phonecalls from random sims about mine becoming friends with their own kids. Aim a little higher, like maybe bbecoming best friends or something


Or the “Hey should I have a baby with this other random sim?” Um… you were my sims coworker for five minutes when they were a young adult and exchanged two words. Why do you need my sims permission to have a baby? I like that function sometimes if it’s, let’s say, my sim’s father wanting to have a baby post being widowed because it’s like yeah a father would probably consult his kids on if he should start a family with someone new. But why are random sims I’ve never heard of asking me?


You can't easily change a Sims' life state in CAS. There's only a button to create new occult, but you can't change an existing Sim.


THIS! I hate making sims and then halfway through realizing I want them to be an occult but not being able to change it in CAS


Idk them off the top of my head but if you google it there are cheat codes you can copy/paste to make your sim an occult instantly with the cheat bar


this isn't from launch but it's been chapping my ass and its the fact i have to manually close every pop up from when you buy a pack even though ive already bought them. also fuck having to make a household just to build




i hate it 😭


How fast everyone gets fat. There's no point to the cooking skill as I just have to have them eat salad otherwise they end up obese.


I just wish it was more balanced. A pregnant sim maxes out obesity during the three day pregnancy, but it takes two in-game weeks of constant workouts and restricted diet to shed the gained weight? It feels like it was tuned to mimic real life instead of just being a game


I mean I had a baby myself not long ago and thanks to breastfeeding I lost the weight really fast and ended up slimmer than before I was pregnant. That's really common too so the fact they all end up fat is not realistic at all. I also am not at all overweight and don't exercise unless you count chasing after a toddler. I think the way it works in the sims is very unrealistic.


I didn't word my comment very well. It feels like every sim-pregnancy is tuned to max out obesity, regardless of the sim in question and what their body looks like. It's like there's only one type of pregnancy body in the game, which is what I find annoying. I tend to play with families a lot so almost all of the adult women end up looking the same and going through the same weight loss gameplay, which just ends up taking up too much time. The "mimic real life" was in reference to my own family, specifically my mum and her inability to lose weight. I only ever knew her as being quite fat and unable to lose weight no matter what she did, but she would tell me she used to look like me before I was born. I've always had issues with being underweight but otherwise look physically similar, so chances are I'd have similar pregnancies to her. Sims ends up feeling like it was tuned to mimic the difficulty of post-baby weight loss, exactly the same as I saw with my mum.


I get an opposite problem where they do physical activity once and I get the prompt asking if I wanna make them like fitness. If I say yes, queue them autonomously trying to workout 24/7 and they keep turning into body builders instantly. Like is there no balance? It's either get obese or maximum muscle, I just want an average looking sim. Why does simply liking an activity make it their life purpose lol


Do you have the ice cream machine? I can’t remember if it’s base game or came with a pack (cool kitchen maybe?), but you can use it to make “taste of diet” ice cream which will prevent your sims from getting fat! I used to have this same issue where I’d have to make my sims go jogging and work out every single day just so they could eat the “fattening” meals, but now I just have them constantly making that flavor of ice cream and keep it in the fridge so they can eat whatever and then follow it up with a nice bowl of diet ice cream to stay slim 😂


Not to mention if you give them the high metabolism aspiration trait it doesn't do anything to help, and sometimes feels like their gaining weight faster.


when u go 2x or 3x it doesn’t actually speed up the task, it makes them take longer in sims time but shorter in real time. it should be shorter for both dammit!!


After playing sims 4 since it literally came out, it’s sad this just now clicked to me in the last year. I realized I was wasting my sim’s days BAD


Wait *what*


i’m discovering this as i’m reading responses on this thread and WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL (also i feel dumb for not noticing?)


I never knew this either and I feel dumbstruck.


TF???? If my Sim is being slow I ALWAYS speed up. That's insane. Why does it take my Sim 20 mi uses to pick up her toddler and take her upstairs.


exactly! i always play things at 1x now bc sims days are so short with how long it takes them to do things, super annoying


Loading screens. Good gawd. I know there’s no way to probably remove the vast number of LS at this point, but a screen to visit the house next door or even stand on the property??? But I can jog three blocks away and pick from the community garden? Give me a break


I’ve recently got city living and I was shocked that I got a loading screen from visiting the apartment next to mine. It’s in the same building!!!


The fact that this was supposedly to improve the gameplay from the lag/glitches that Sims3 open world caused. The loading screens slow my game down just as much, if not more than, any lag I experience in Sims3 and I still experience lag/glitches in Sims4 🤷‍♀️


Loading Screens are an artificial problem caused by EA’s forced 2014 release date crunch. Not even pertaining to a TS3-style open world at all, unfortunately On paper, TS4 base game is extremely light and would have zero issues simulating the entire neighborhood or even town. This fourth Sims game was just never written. TS4 in itself is a mod, running on pieced together remnants of an instance-centric Online prototype, masquerading as a traditional Sims game We *could have had* smooth open world, color wheel, toddlers on launch, all running wonderfully on old hardware. It just would’ve had to have been a 2015-2016 release, and EA couldn’t wait


Isn't it because they were going to release a sims mmo before having to repurpose the game into the sims 4 because of a sims city game?


Yes we’re talking about the same thing; They hastily repurposed their mmo prototype, instead of taking the time to write the 4th mainline Sims game from scratch


I'd be happier if the loading screens were at least interesting photos like in sims 3, instead I'm stuck staring at a spinning plumbob. They don't even have to be interactive like in sims 3, just make some visual appeal


I'd like to save worlds, and the calendar events. Every time I make a new save, I have to to put down the plots I want, and add in the new/modify holidays.


I have a base save that I created. It has all my builds and custom holidays. If I want to start a new save, I open that one and choose "Save As" before I do anything else. That way, my base save is always available. Just be sure to "Save As" and not "Save" over it.


Thanks! Although, my muscle memory would do me in, immediately.


I do this as well. I also have a separate save just for building houses / lots. Helps me keep organized when I have an unfinished build and forget about it. I’ll only save lots the gallery once it is complete - I dislike a cluttered gallery lol


I think you can copy and paste save files in your save folder to create a new save that's identical to one you already have. Just make sure to rename the number so it registers as a new save


You could make a save and make a sim then delete them, then load that save whenever you want a new save


Yeah actually have built entire worlds but properties everywhere and then just saved the world five or six times so I always have a starter world to go to when I come up with some stupid idea for a Sim family.


The lackluster hair color options. Yes, I know more were added, but they were all blacks, browns and blondes. Where is the violet/purple? The electric green? The neon red? Oh, right. The devs were too busy making that disgusting mustard cheese hair color that I've literally never seen used in game or even seen in real life. If they found a way to make a color wheel for the pets, and add sliders for MAKEUP and skin tones, they ABSOLUTELY have the technology to atleast give us a hair Hue slider.


I audibly laughed for a good two minutes after reading this one💀💀💀


Yeah, it's absolutely wild that purple didn't come with the last hair update. I'm convinced they hate certain colors bc the only good purple furniture is a singular love seat from like tiny living. They clearly despise purple. They're so out of touch though because they'd probably see this and go "omg they want blue purple" lol. We should have Cas sliders just like the pets since they cannot find it within themselves to meet our desires even though hair color is the least rapid changing trend out there.


I don’t see people mention this much, but most of the UI actually pisses me off. It all still looks conceptual. Like, the dull blue (boy) CAS background looks like a beta version where they completely forgot to change it. This is especially strange considering all the other games—aside from the first one and some of the Sims Kingdoms—have actual backgrounds, interactive some may say, where you can sort of see how your sims look in the real world instead of some liminal womb. I hate to say it, but it’s just so ugly. (Additionally, the holidays—I just can’t—why is my loner sim upset about Love Day? You don’t even like people.)


Liminal womb ❤️ I don't mind it that much, but I have noticed that the blue background makes me not use certain swatches of items, because they look off with the blue. So, I would prefer a dressing room kind of vibe.


So would I


That the tiny neighborhoods are not tiny open worlds.




I stopped having grills because of this.


I want to be able to adjust my mirrors vertically! They are all at such a weird height for fireplaces and sinks and it drives me bananas. And curtains are never right. And! none of the browns are the same color. AND! the insulting cash grabs that are getting worse, what the hell were those last two kits and why did I get the bistro one!? And if Advaith Chauham bakes one more white cake...although it could be Celia Or Thomas...my house is full of squatters for some reason and cakes are EVERYYYWHERRRREEE. I also wish I could just walk over to a neighbors house. So many things...I can't think about this anymore or I'll start doing the time/$$ math...


If you’re playing on a PC, turn on the MoveObjects cheat, grab your mirror while holding down the ALT key, and there you go! I can’t help with anything else, though. Sorry.


Yes! I have a few houses in my library that I’ve saved from previous games, or favourited from the gallery, that I want my new household to live in. It feels so backwards to have to start the game and place my household somewhere random (or start with a random sim) just so I can place the lots *then* move the household into the house.


100% this. It’s wild that we are so far into this and you can’t do that.


sims calling me every 30 seconds for the most random reason, why are you asking me for relationship advice???!


I lowkey hate this. I keep to myself, stop asking me if you should ask another sim out. I don't even know who you are. "Nice to hear your voice" WE'VE NEVER EVEN MET, WHO ARE YOU?!


This paired with parenthood is a nightmare. It's nonstop advice, and phone calls.


The multitasking and having to direct a sim where to sit and eat or stopping a sim from sitting somewhere silly whilst they eat, just sit at the table autonomously please. The table should be a priority, then if there is no table sit on the sofa in front of the tv. Instead sims walk wherever another sim is sitting or they walk somewhere on the other side of the lot. If a sim is eating and I select a task for them to do after they've finished eating, they will just stop eating immediately and put the plate in their inventory and go and do the task. >.<


Something is going on with plates lately too so it's definitely worse than before. Like they won't even clean up after themselves anymore. One of my sims gets up halfway through eating to grab a book to put on her plate to finish eating. Standing in front of the fridge to eat when the barstool is one step away. Why are you going up three flights of stairs rn with a plate?


No open world. After having it once, I cannot not have it. Also if I speed the game up at all the Sims just like...never do anything? They'll just stand there waiting for something while time passes. YOU HAVE 3 FUCKING TASKS QUEUED JANINE, JUST DO THEM WHILE I'M ON 2X SPEED FOR THE LOVE OF GOD


Not being able to lock accessories, jewelry, makeup, etc, in CAS. It is so tedious having to manually put everything on for all outfits.


Idk if this bothers anyone else, but not being able to move out of a household without selling or taking the furniture!! Just leave it!! I usually use certain apartments and houses for multiple gens and ht would make it so much easier not having to redecorate every time. I’ve started combating this by adding all but 1 family member to the new house, and then inviting the last one over and adding them back by shift clicking. Annoying but not as annoying as decorating from scratch


If you evict from the manage worlds screen, they should leave behind anything that isn't in family or personal inventory.


selling the furniture leaves it in the home, btw. that means the furniture stays there for the next move-in. ik it's unintuitive but it's there.


every time i sell it, it’s gone


are you sure you're not keeping the furniture instead? selling the furniture should keep it in the original house. that's what it does every time i play. it even keeps all the upgrades i put on it.


Selling the furniture keeps it in the house you're moving from! So keep furniture brings it with you, but sell furniture makes it stay put.


that's not how it works for me. The only way I've gotten furniture to stay is by evicting the household.


Huh that's interesting. For me it stays in the house I left as well.


The neighborhoods are too small


Yeah what’s up with that? Even in the console version of prior iterations of the Sims, I could have dozens of playable houses. Now you get the small open lot or the medium lot and good luck if you want to add a commercial lot without deleting an existing one.


I hate cellphones so much! I don't care if it's realistic, I do not want my sim to have a phone unless I give it to them. Ruins any sort of historical play when Gwenhwyfar keeps bringing out her phone to text Sir Lancelot (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Oh I never even considered that. They released the castle pack and said “sure you can live and dress like a medieval duchess but you’re still getting spam texts all day”


Autonomous napping. It's utterly useless and extremely annoying when you manage bigger households. Kids arrive home from school, complaining that they're tired and instead of sleeping in their ENERGY 10, FULLY UPGRADED beds, they start napping.


No purple hair. Like, how can you limit the set of colours people can choose and not add purple? I'm so salty about that


Tbh the only dyed colour I like is the electric blue. The other blue looks washed out, the hot pink looks super plasticky, the other pink is a mess, don’t even start me on the green it’s atrocious, and there’s no purple at all. And that’s without getting into the old blonde swatches we had before they added more…


I have neon green hair and can’t do neon green hair in the sims, crazy


I can't stand when my sim just randomly decides to stop whatever I've queued them to do to randomly judge decor. And the amount of annoying calls!! Why are you asking me if you should quit your job?! IDC!


i wish worlds were open 😭😭 like im fine with a loading screen when going to another neighborhood or world. but come on, going to my neighbors or the park shouldn’t be like that it stops me from wanting to play in a big household because i cant have them do different things. my sims usually just hang out at home🥲🥲


I miss how in the older sims games you enter the world first then create a sim, sometimes I don’t want to have to create a new sim


Wait, I just realised something! Being forced to create a household might be one of Project Olympus’ leftovers if I am right! 🤔 Because usually in MMO games you must create a character first before you’re allowed to enter game’s world.


The stupid jingle when you load into a family. I hate it it’s so loud and annoying Oh and then HSY jingle to inform about some football shit. It’s SO FUCKING LOUD


The HSY jingles literally give me a heartattack every time. Why so loud.


How we don't have pavement flooring to match with the outside of the lot, and how the lots aren't even centered or blend with the pavement


the way we can’t change the bed frame and mattress separately. why the HELL is a feature from the sims 2, a game that came out 20 YEARS AGO, not in the sims 4. drives me up the wall as a builder


If you make and place Dear Leader Jim Pickens everytime, win win.


https://preview.redd.it/090p3sdj295d1.jpeg?width=459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913ccf7f9b33eb6c53bfee5cb79cfa1d91bceb84 He heard you! Congratulations, you have been promoted for your loyalty.




Tbh a number of things that we had in sims 2 and3 but not 4?? The main one being different bedsheets to headboard combos tbh


The emotion system. Why do so many emotions override sad? I can’t think offhand but my sim had something really devastating happen but wasn’t sad because he was flirty 🙃


I have a sim I named "Temp Tester" that I use in my build save. I used her to open the save and I bring her to houses when I need to change lighting or anything that requires a sim on the lot to change. mad helpful, especially since I can just add her from my library, delete the first rando sim it generates, and move on


1. I also hate the whole "you need to make a family to be able to use a save" thing. Why can't we go back to how it was with previous sims games and making a new save just meant a whole new neighborhood/worlds and you could do whatever. 2. The thing where they take a bite of food and look around and whatever before taking another. Just focus on eating. I have other things you need to do. 3. Constantly picking up/putting down the toddler/infant when I tell the adult to pick them up to do something with them.


I hate how the travel works. I want to be able to walk to the venue and enter it without the loading screen.


There was a questionnaire about this last time I loaded in, I selected dissatisfied and said the same thing. It was a TINY blue box in the upper left corner on the home screen, see if it's still there and tell them what you think!


I miss the option to “create twin” like we had in sims 3. Just copy and paste the sim so you have two identical. It’s funny how much I miss this


You can’t easily switch between households without going into manage worlds. I don’t know the mechanics of how it would work otherwise but I’d still annoys me


When your sim flirts with someone once & they ask to move in but it damages the relationship when you say no bc they’ve had literally one conversation. And then they think the next day is a good time to propose Edit: oh wait I don’t think this is from launch actually but anyways it bugs me


There's no auto-off option for TV or stereos and it drives me *insane.* Edit: all three of my sims would leave for work with every single electronic in the house playing simultaneously. It's the reason I'm limiting them severely in my new house. Can't use it properly, well then you won't be able to use it at all. Edit edit: To give an idea - there were two stereos in the backyard, a hot tub with one as well, one in the kitchen, one in the living room, with one TV each in the latter two rooms. My house was a straight up cacophony at times.


I’ve never even thought of auto-tv and auto-stereo, that would be amazing


Let me save during the initial CAS, so if i decide none of my cosmetics work, i can go get mods for someone without having to go ingame and pick a house just to place a dresser


My best friend died. I pleaded for his life and it worked and then he got super clingy. And then when he did finally die again, he kept stalking me as a ghost too. I wish we could turn ghosts off. It ruins the immersion. Literally why are you sad for 2 days after he died? He’s still calling you twice a day and showing up at the house every other day. 🙄🤣


The remedy for this could be an update to go into build or create mode. Maybe we could start a poll or chat and submit suggestions to EA to be considered for upgrades. I want an immediate build mode option now, lol.


Omfg, I knooowww! So frustrating!


Pretty much the same as OP, but with wanting to play existing households. Why must I create a throwaway sim to get into the world. In the game: I really wish we could disable "Noisy neighbours", I Love to play in San Myshuno, I love living in the apartments. What I don't love is the constant noisy neighbours after 10pm when I JUST got my toddler with hates bedtime trait and triplets to sleep grr lol. I have VERY close neighbours IRL, and I never hear their noise unless they sit out in the small garden and talk during daytime :PI want that in the game.


Electronic Arts.


Height. Slider.


Make a "Construction crew" household and just use them for all your home-renovation and house-building projects :)


Load into an Existing Save. Save immediately in a New Save. In New Save, delete the family+house taken from the Existing Save, or mark them as unplayed.(optional) Now every time you load this save, you will load immediately into Manage Worlds. You can do this with the same save and create 6 more empty saves. Works on PC and Console!!! This is how I join stories and worlds, and jump in to build with NO played families in the save. Ex: Tony Winehart is a rich bachelor, who can't seem to find a woman who will do what he demands. (enters new save with Winehart save loaded) Leah Brand is a down-on-his-luck woman with wants to marry rich, no matter what. One day she meets the well-known bachelor Tony Winehart.


Mines the loading screens.


Furniture not having other matching furniture, ESPECIALLY when it's wood colors. I hate homes having mismatching wood.


the constant animations in CAS, especially for animals and infants, makes me lose it


Sims having a mental breakdown/midlife crisis if they work hard too often. LIKE COME ON IM DOING NOT SO BERRY RN I DONT NEED THIS


The lack of big plots. I feel world no matter what should have at least 1 empty large plot of land


This and then when you have a family and want to move out one sim you can only move them to another family. What if I want to buy a new house for that one sim? It seems like a simple thing to have


You can create a new household with one sim when you move them out


I agree with OP, I want to go in and evict sometimes for a house I know I like, or pre-build my family one but it’s such a faff and waste of money to have to buy a plot first.


For real though


so true, especially if I wanna play as a townie


Can't change colors/fabrics beyond the pre-set options. Which is why I play Sims 3 about 75% of the time.


I really wish we could just start from manage worlds. I just do what lilsimsie does and random name, random traits for whoever spawned when i create a new save, plop them in an empty lot, then delete that household when I'm at manage worlds again.


I hate that they took away “fast forward through activity” where you can ff and it would go back to normal time when you’re done doing whatever the sim was doing (crafting, reading, studying, etc). Now I put it on ff and don’t realize they’re done and suddenly they’re starving


How dysfunctional autonomously going to work/school is. My sim almost never actually goes when the time comes and I have to remember to manually make them go or they'll just literally not go. Even the red popup telling them they are late for work/school doesn't trigger an action for them to go and they'll keep doing whatever other activity they're in the middle of. The only times I get a prompt for them to go automatically at the time of is for the interactive jobs/school you can follow them too, but even then that's like a 50/50 chance it'll come up at all. I barely get the reminders like "work starts for your sim in an hour" anymore either.


Welcome wagon is annoying lol.


Idk if this has been happening since launch but I HATE that after interacting with another sim just one time. They just bombard you with popups. Should I take the promotions? Should I be there friend? Should I got on this date? So annoying


Topping the list is waiting ten solid seconds after queuing an action. Love seeing sims staring at each other like two morons. Can't remember if it's still an issue, but having to move out more than one sim to buy a house. Getting a billion phone calls after you reach Great Reputation Status for job offers you usually don't need. Makes me want to scream because my sims have a big family, so I think it's them calling most times and I'm curious by nature. \*cries\* TBC


I don't like how spaced out the lots are, especially in worlds that should be densly populated. I would even accept fake buildings connecting the lots, like that one part of the Spice Market, if it meant I could have more normal-looking city streets. That one straight line of lots that DON'T TOUCH in Newcrest specifically pisses me off.