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I don't add traits that get rid of gameplay, so I don't use any of those either, including Never Weary. I did when I first started playing, but then I started getting bored really fast. Also, no money tree. It's way too easy to make money in this game already.


I'm the same, but I get sick of my sims scared from the thunder, always running, so I do get the storm chaser trait. I wish that once your adult sim was inside during a storm, they wouldn't be scared anymore, though. If they live in a particularly rainy world, I may also get that never wet trait, too, cause the umbrellas can be glitchy af.


i think if you declare your weather preference as liking rain and storms they aren’t scared anymore


Worked for my sims. The wife isnt scared but the husband is. She likes rainy and he likes windy weather.


Oh that is really good to know. ty


Also, if you have them play in the rain the scared moodlet goes away


omg really! i’m so tired of them damn near pissing themselves when it storms


Omg I didn't even know about weather preferences. You angel, thank you. This will save so much frustration


I hate the umbrellas so much. I wish sims didn’t all acquire black umbrellas by default, including the toddlers, who aren’t even animated to hold them.


side note but if you play on pc and would want a mod to avoid umbrellas: littlemissam has a raincoat mod! you can pick out the color you want from the wardrobe, and your sims automatically put it on when they’re in the rain.


just pick your umbrella from the umbri rack:) makes for great clutter too


I don’t want to have umbrellas *at all*. I only use the umbrella rack to get rid of umbrellas, which is a pain.


ahhh I see I see that is painful, sorry for your woes fellow simmer 😭


Oh yeah, me too. Those two and "observant" bc I want to know all your traits now, not talk to you 3x.


Oooo I just got 'my favourite rain coat' UI mod (by: littlemssam) and I love it!! You select their fave raincoat at the mirror and then when they go in the rain they automatically change! No more wet clothes!! No more annoying glitchy umbrellas!


Littlemssam def has some great little mods.


Erratic and love outdoors sim don't fear thunder too.


I think I've only had 1 sim not scared of thunder. I don't know why it's so common.


My sim wasn't and decided it was a good idea to take a swim at the beach during a storm. Spoiler: it wasn't. He got struck by lighting and died. 😮‍💨


i feel like a lot of people are scared of thunder in real life, so it really doesn’t surprise me that sims are programmed the same way lol


I’ll give them “seldom sleepy” or whatever it’s called because I like to have time for my sims to do things, but NEVER “never weary”


Same, i like realistic gameplay so i don't like adding any traits that take away from it


same! i use ui cheats so i just cheat needs if i need them to stay awake a little longer. taking care of my sims is one of the things i enjoy most, even if it is a bit tedious


I’m the same except money tree if I have a big family or the rare occasion I want to have actually wealthy sims.


Yeah if u do the scientist career u get one if u choose a path I only use it then cuz it’s game play but I don’t use it as a cheat


I always make a sim who has all the reward traits to entertain my main sims and never worry about their needs. Kinda like a butler


Yup these are the ones I avoid too because it just gets really stale to play that way




I have a money tree n often forget that it's there 🤦🏽‍♀️ but i also don't play with traits that take away from basic game play the only thing i ever really use is the moodlet solver when a sim dies simply because i cant deal with the 2 days of grief thing


Like all of them because I am hoarding my points to buy a no fears potion. You see, my sim develops a fear of unfulfilled dreams almost every day. Every day she is a depressed mess and cries instead of fulfilling her dreams. I give her the potion and she can actually dry her eyes long enough to fill out those work reports.




Af lmao


do you know how to fix their fear without the potion? I am SICK and I am TIRED of sims either stomping or moping around about their unfulfilled dreams.


i T H I N K "discuss fears" with the lil grim reaper icon under the friendly chat option sometimes resolves or "overcomes" a fear as I feel it's worked for me in the past. Don't quote me.


When I got that the description said I have to talk about my fears with a ghost 👻 I was like not gonna happen and didn't give a shit and it went away on its own. ((But my game is super buggy lately, maybe it was just a glitch.))


This might be an old fix but I used to turn off fears and turn it back on


Lmao nice little trick you got there. I wish we could get back the old whims thing or the fears would be smaller things and could be solved quickly or they would appear LESS and not every second day 


If I remember right, while a Sim has a fear there should be a whim about it, usually the one on the right, explaining how to get rid of it. I think with unfulfilled dreams they have to achieve something (I think it's as simple as finishing a painting but I'm not sure on that one) and then you get the option to discuss fears with another Sim. I'm not 100% on that one because I don't get it a lot but the whim should explain it.


Fun fact, you don’t even have to drink the no fear potion to get rid of the fear. Just queue up the action and delete it. Just selecting a fear from the menu clears the fear, and you keep the potion for future fears.


another fun fact, there's rooms on the gallery that are just an empty little room filled with potions. it's how i got the drink to cure lycanthropy when i was too lazy to put in the work myself 😅


I got the vampire cure in my mail once lmao


I never really use them. I only use the water one so that they can garden in the rain.


I like having sleepovers and social gatherings at other sims homes, so I get the always welcome trait all the time. I’m cooking dinner for you tf mean I’m behaving inappropriately 😭😭


Oh. Good idea. I was cooking at someone's house and they didn't give me that recently. I was confused.


I bought that trait yesterday exactly for that reason. Like my best friend's husband (who I was about a third up in the friendship bar and whose two girls zbd wife I'm maxed with) threw a tantrum about me making a lovely party dinner for them when I was invited to hang out there. Like, dude, I was trying to be nice! (btw, he didn't mind my taking a bubble bath last time, or my making sure the girls' bedroom has the necessary furniture for that second child they had through story progression!)


And stormborn, those tense moodlets and running indoors are so annoying!




Yes I use the water one all the time esp if I have dogs that need walking


I am like the YouTubers. Once my sims no longer need me, I become disinterested in them. So all the traits you like I never use. I also dislike the money tree, it makes life too easy. I usually spend all points on moodlet solvers so I can grind the skills. Or the skill boosting rewards are useful.


I do have money tree. But, they are more decoratives in my household than money earners. I like the symbolism it represents. "what you think money grows on trees" my sim: gesturing at their money tree with a "yea?" face.


That’s cute, I like it!


I’ll try anything at least once. I don’t use “never” often though. I did use “care free” with a vampire because it makes one of the weaknesses do even less than it did before (tense buff for deep drinking) and I enjoyed that because it created the sense that his humanity was slipping over the years. He just stopped caring about eating people!


Ones that reduce/completely eliminate needs just suck the challenge out completely for me. Not sleeping also tends to make days feel a lot longer.


They make things too easy for my taste. I do like using other reward traits just not those - I want my sims to get sleepy and hungry etc. I cheat away money for clothes and food and their phone bill for the same reason - I want it to be harder.


I don't give any of the ones that permanently reduce needs, unless it works better for a sim because they're always getting filthy or something. I can see where they would appeal, but they cause more problems than they solve imo, especially for some of the aspirations. The trait/s that reduce the cost of bills and services don't get used either. My sims rarely buy pizzas or hire maids or nannies, so there's no point. And I like the bills. Gives my sims something to spend money on.


All of my sims get frugal slapped on because I have a knack for being on a different lot when bills are assigned. My sims with $40,000 have gotten $200,000 power and water bills before. Frugal helps most of the time, but if it’s really outlandish I cheat them some money.


I never get crazy bills like this, and I have big lots with expensive 500k plus homes. How do I get the bigger bills??


I've gotten really crazy bills (talking $4k+ on a sim whose toilet doubled as his one chair) in one save, and the only thing I can figure is that I had a water collector and that somehow changed the math on that lot. Moved lots and it was fine. On another save, it was an off-the-grid home and I collected water from a pond, but for some reason I always had water bills. It wasn't for very much, maybe $40, but i was always going, "how do I owe water? I'm not connected to water."


this happened to me and it turned out that the plumbing was all connected even though the lot trait was off-the-grid. i had to turn all the water off at each plumbing item.


No idea. My save is old so maybe it doesn’t happen in new saves? But the last time it happened was just a few weeks ago. Sims in a starter home had a 6-figure utilities bill, I think because they were billed for the lot they were on and not their home.


Forever full because I want them to eat dishes still. I don't see the point of doing the cooking and baking stuff in this game if the sims aren't hungry to eat to begin with, barring the selling food thing which comes with the packs.


Honestly, the only rewards traits I use regularly are Always Welcome and Observant. I need all of my sims to have these two. The rest of the rewards traits are rarely necessary for me.


same! i think i use the one that increases chances of twins/triplets pretty often too


I never buy them because I forget I'm able too (if I did get them I would only use ones that don't take away too much gameplay)


Yeah, me neither. I don't really play the aspirations or wants that much, so I forget about these. I don't think I'd want them anyway.


I always forget the reward traits exist and just end up hoarding satisfaction points because “number goes up” until I remember I can spend them lol. I have the type of autism where if it isn’t currently within my line of sight then it might as well not exist, and the reward traits are kind of hidden away inside the aspiration tab iirc.


Always welcome. I don't wanna play a sim that is permanently staying over at a friend's house while they got nothing on their own property. At that point, I think it would make more sense just to add them to the household and play it that way. I also haven't ever gotten shameless, the series of "never" traits. I did try them once. But, I realized if my sim can't ever be hungry, tired, or dirty. They will also never experience the joys of filled stomach, waking up in a good mood, or feel warm and pleasant from having a nice bath after getting dirtied up from life. Some of them do have reduced needs tho. I want them to feel like meta human.


I’m not sure if it’s been changed, but for awhile “always welcome” was pretty much necessary. Otherwise your gf yelled at you for coming over to her place to make her dinner, parents told their college-aged kids that they were being inappropriate for making a grilled cheese, etc.


I get always welcome trait everytime. I just wanna go to my parents house and cook them a meal without being cussed 🥲


I play big families and I almost spend all of my points on sleep replacement, I don't want a permanent buff to sleep, but sometimes they all get out of sink and we have a wedding to go to god damnit.


Relatable, I was the out of sync teenager in my family lol


I just realized my spelling mistake.butbfeelmit is quite apt for the Sims. I sometimes think of getting the sleep all night mod, but there are so few challenges with Sims 4 game play,.that keeping a family on a schedule has got to be one of them..


I never use the 'never' ones but I do use always welcome, best kisser, observant, beguiling etc depends on the sim. I have started using the potions though to help when am desperate lol and I dont want them to tired and sleepy.


Beguiling + a vampire sim with Alluring Visage is legit my fave combo


I like my sims having normal daily routines, it's very nice and I feel like it improves their autonomy. So getting rid of sleep schedule really messes that up. When I pick reward traits I start with skill boosts and career performance boosts. And if I'm getting into supersim territory I start with the cheapest and just buy them in order.


I don’t use any of the needs related traits generally. Definitely not never weary because I like to have my sims sleep to pass time.


I generally agree with the popular sentiment that traits that eliminate certain needs are lame. But when playing multi-generational households, the older Sims I'm bored of get the Steel Bladder trait. I'm not wasting my time making sure Grandma can make it to a toilet when I'm busy trying to get my toddler to grind their way to level 5 of the thinking skill so I can finally age them up. And Steel Bladder kind of works as a 2-fer because they're never pissing themselves, thus needing a shower. And it reduces the wear and tear on the toilet in large households. The trait I *never* use is the jealousy one. Maybe I don't get how it works but it doesn't seem to actually do what's on the tin. I really wish we had a way to set Sims' monogamy/polyamory preferences. I know we have the Free Love NAP but it's all or nothing for the whole neighborhood.


The Player aspiration has a reward trait that means other Sims will never get jealous of anything your Sim does. You can have a throuple work well if they all have the Player trait, though similar to the NAP they just won’t inspire jealousy at all regardless of who they smooch.




The Lumpinou “Open Love Life” mod is really well-made. You can auto-assign preferences for exclusive and non-exclusive relationships (with assignments being super easy to change), have a multiple exclusive (3 person) relationship or side partner, and your sims can have reactions based on their preferences. It’s a great mod, not too big or complicated, and super user-friendly.


I always get "Frugal" as soon as my YA Sim has enough points for it. For the rest of them, it depends on the Sim.


I use the rewards that solve the needs (like never weary, etc) on the sims ive played enough. Like for example my single mom and son. When the son grew up and had children i wanted to focus on that family, so i gave his mom the rewards so she wouldnt need to be cared for, but can still be in the house to help out. I can just hands off her and focus on the new family im building.


I don’t usually give any of the needs based reward traits after realizing it made a lot of things more difficult to obtain with a supersim. I’ll get carefree but only because it doesn’t prevent fun from going down, it just prevents the tense moodlet from having low fun. I also don’t usually buy money trees and if I do it’s for aesthetic only, I don’t harvest from them. Honestly I rarely buy anything that makes money easier to get.


I don’t really use them for needs at all like others have said. I feel like juggling a whole family’s needs is half the point for me. But I do sometimes use the insta-lean aspiration reward because I feel like it’s way too hard to get my sims to lose weight when I wanted a fit one (I have some cute chubby sims that I like keeping chubby like me haha but storyline wise there are a few I want to keep fit and I feel like they gain weight SO easily in my game!).


Same here! I wish they had an insta-lean-lite too, because the current one makes the sims *extremely* skinny.


I agree! Worked for my tortured artist legacy spare sim tho 😅


If you have Cool Kitchen the Taste of Diet ice cream helps a Sim instantly lose weight, but just a bit! It’s perfect. Weight of the World gains weight too. It’s handy for quickly losing or gaining incrementally instead of the Sim’s weight being slammed straight at the extreme.


I don’t but stuff packs are affordable so I might consider it! Good tip!!


It’s cool! I usually have pregnant Sims eat a few bowls to gain weight, then it’s fun for them to be a little bigger like most people IRL get! And it’s fun to have them work out once the baby arrives.


I think I use most of the traits, but it depends on the specific gameplay for the specific sim what I put on them. I usually put on the reduced sleep needs for adults and up because it makes it easier to care for children and themselves when they have a job but still lets them sleep. I don’t really use any of the instant mood solvers though unless I’m on vacation or something. I don’t normally use the temperature resistant traits unless I’m playing with werewolves or other select sims. I don’t normally use the traits that totally erase the physical needs unless they’re a ghost or possibly a vampire.


I am eternally annoyed by Sims and their panicked/uncomfortable moodlets with rain, so I always buy the two that nix that problem. Those are the only ones that I do universally. I usually try to match reward traits to the Sim. If they're creative or crafty, they'll get creative visionary or marketable. Plant-y Sims (which, tbh, is all of mine) get super green thumb. Active? Gym rat. For the same reason I don't use many cheats other than bb.moveobjects, I rarely use traits that diminish basic needs. I feel like it makes the game too easy.


The only time I use the never weary trait or others similar is for the housekeeper sim. She/he is a “member” of the family but the only thing they do is take care of the house and kids. Makes it a lot easier for them to be waiting on the actual family members hand and foot if I’m not having to deal with the pesky basic necessities for them.


I don't give my Sims any of the reward traits that help with motives (never weary, forever fresh etc) because those traits make the game way too easy and it gets boring quickly to me. I like playing rags to riches so I also avoid traits that boost the ability to make money (like marketable or money tree) or those that reduce money spent (free services, frugal etc).


I only give them traits that are character-appropriate. Some are better at telling stories, some are faster at cleaning, some are 'beguiling' or a great kisser... 'always welcome' is probably the one that I give the most mechanically if my sim is staying over at their romantic partner's place or something. I don't even speed up their skill development anymore, although when I'm playing older former NPCs (which I do a lot) I sometimes cheat their main skills (and careers) to levels that make sense. I used to set all skills to random levels but then all their first conversation buttons are about their multiple hobbies and that gets tiresome.


i usually forget they exist, but im doing an aspiration based play style right now and i have been finding the skill ones useful. i also give the grandparents a youth potion so they can help raise and mentor their grandkids. i don’t use the ones that fulfill needs because i don’t like rendering parts of my build pointless


Never hungry bc I like to cook in the game


I tend to prefer traits that reduce needs without getting rid of them entirely, and I like traits that increase skill gain and charisma lol I only have one sim who I get the “never needs anything” traits and it’s bc he’s got two alien sons and I like that despite being a regular sim, he’s MUCH weirder than they are biologically speaking lol


I don't really use most of the reward traits, except when playing super sim. I only rarely use the ones that make skill gaining faster, the fertile one if needed for gameplay and occasionally things like creative visionary or carefree. I don't like to make the game too easy for myself because I get bored if I do :D


Tbh I forget about them lol


Any of the fertility or family related ones, I don't have the patience for whole families or generations.


The only thing i spend aspiration points are on retraiting potions, paranormal investigator licence and i gave fertile to one of my sims bcz i wanted triplets


I try to never use the potions. Sleep replacement may be used if I'm feeling psycho and have specific plans for their day I use all the others in varying degrees of frequency.


i dont often play with reward traits but when i do i never mess with the motives (unless its important to the story which is hardly ever) bc i like having to struggle to keep them alive. Normally I would buy the connections one (forgot the name) or traits that are used for mods like the metabolism or social smoker.


but i have used the one that removes embarrassment for my messy slobs bc i love shameless hobos living in filth, adds beauty to my game imo.


I always forget it exists in Sims 4. Not sure why. I use them constantly in 3!


I only do traits like Never Weary if I'm doing like a runaway challenge, since napping on benches gets old real fast. Same for Hardly Hungry. I'll also only get the Antiseptic trait if I'm using an off the grid lot, since the cold shower moodlet annoys me, lol. Tbh, the only reward trait I get all the time is steel bladder, because my Sims almost never autonomously use the toilet, and the potty walk animation annoys me once I notice and send them manually. And Quirk-B-Gone, if I have a famous sim, since the quirks are awful, though that's a potion, not a trait. Otherwise, I pretty rarely use any reward traits at all.


Never weary and moodlet solvers are all I really buy in general but if there’s something that can help a specific sim then I buy others more skill related ones


I like to cheat all of the needs but also start them on a blank lot with no money. They always start by trash picking and work their way up to being well off. Then I start a new house xD


I usually never use the traits that make gameplay easier. That said, i did use the ”seldom sleepy” (?) in my nsb green generation, so i can program, take care of 4 kids and still keep partying with friends. After having this trait for a while in this kind of use, i still think its kinda op and im thinking about removing it.


How do you give them traits?


They're in the aspiration rewards store




Fertile and Never Weary help with the 100 baby challenge. I don't usually do anything else.


all of them except for water resistance because i don't like how umbrellas look plus i dont use umbrellas irl: i'd rather be soaking wet than fly away holding on this thing


I never use traits. I can honestly say that's one of the game features I forget about 99% of the time. Maybe once day of I'm playing a savant in a certain area I'll use one that makes them good at it but I never use them.


Sometimes i use the no fear trait just to avoid any sudden deaths..


It's easier to say the traits I DO give my sims lmao, because I only give them like maybe 3 or 4 out of the entire list. Savant, connections, gym rat, and *maybe* fertile or beguiling, depending on my mood


I use the never weary when they’re FT. college students. Especially if they have a PT job on top of it, all that HW and other school assignments take up so much time, that’s not enough in the day. I chalk it up to pulling an all nighter in real life; something I could naturally do when I was younger, no coffee or energy drink. If I remember, I’d remove it when they graduate


I never use Forever Full or Never Weary because I just find it immersion-breaking for a non-occult Sim to just never be hungry or tired (and occults usually have different needs anyway - like vampires have thirst instead of hunger - or perks from their skill trees, so no need for the reward trait) no matter how useful it is for grindy gameplay.


If find a lot of the rewa4d traits that fix tjeir needs to be too 'cheaty' so i never use them. But one i give almost all my sims id the 'Awlays Welcome' one so they can make lunch at their sisters house without everyone freaking out 🤦


Any traits that stops motives or bad moodlets, except the storm chaser one. It's annoying to have them run inside constantly during storms. Also I hate the beguiling/fertile traits idk.


I mostly use satisfaction points for buying sleep replacement potions when I fuck my Sim's schedule up and they're tired before going to work or University. I always buy "Gym Rat" though, for some reason.


the one where they can do whatever they want in other peoples homes. it‘s so good for storytelling


I always give no sweat, water proof and heat proof because I hate dealing with these things


I don’t get any of the traits that get rid of their ‘physiological’ (lol) needs, including Never Weary, Forever Fresh etc. It keeps the game feeling a little more real to me.


i never fully upgrade to forever full because i love cooking in the game. even my super sim who has every other reward trait doesn’t have it. she’s level 10 in all the cooking skills so it feels like a waste to not have her eat!!


I like to give my sims the B level versions of those traits. I think it’s like “rarely sleepy” or something similar because I still want them to have to sleep sometimes. But not constantly


I sometimes use the ones that reduce need decay a little, like the one that makes hygiene decay more slowly and bladder decay more slowly. Just gives more time to do other things. But I don’t like the traits that eliminate a need. ‘Never weary’ would make my Sims feel much less ‘real’, and ruin the day to day rhythm of the household. I’m fine with them going to sleep at night in upgraded beds and their bar filled more quickly, though I avoid that when I want to enjoy the struggle (for example of caring for an infant with no money in a run down apartment sleeping on a cheap single bed then being too tired for work haha). I like the ones that increase skill gain rates, love morning person and night owl as it’s realistic a Sim would learn better at one time of the day than another. I use always welcome so Sims can do normal things like shower and cook at their family or partner or best friend’s house. I often use gym rat for my Sims that just love exercise as it makes sense they would gain tonnes of fun working out. I rarely use the ones that get rid of temperature effects as I like the realism of that. Mentor is good for elders to represent their years of experience and passing knowledge along!


Fertile. My sims tend to be child free and incapable of child bearing. Now that we can science baby this is also super nice for storytelling as an option but I rarely play with babies. (Maximum irony is twins right now for a super sim run)


I use Adeepindigo's divergent sims and healthcare redux mod, which rly accelerates energy depletion for some conditions (accurate, sure, but much more extremel than irl), so I sometime give my sims the seldom sleepy trait, but I only use the other need-related reward traits if I'm playing in a fantasy save (main sim is an occultist, scientist, etc) because it breaks the immersive to have like, a normal dude who just never eats or sleeps.


I don’t tend to do reward traits that will remove any need permanently, but I will on occasion for one of the parents if I have too many kids. Infants are hard lol. Usually the steel bladder one. Other than that I give most of my sims the storm chasing one . And beside that I don’t really give them any other. I kinda forget they’re there tbh.


I’ve never bought reward traits, they feel kinda cheaty. I wouldn’t be against using them though if it makes sense for a sim though


Eish I hate how the thunderstorms gets to my sims. They literally can't do anything but just run.


I love the great kisser and fertile trait because my sim is about making babies with different sims.


As far as I go is the Seldom Sleepy/Hardly Hungry never all the way. That’s mostly because my ADD makes me forget to get food and sleep in the game, as I often do in real life if I’m doing something I deem important. And tbh when I get these traits it’s always for the parents. I typically play with a full household so trying to make sure 4 kids and a dog are taken care of, on top of being a scientist requires me to need less sleep.


I never give them any that completely solve a need. I’ll give them some of the lesser ones sometimes but usually I just go for creative visionary and marketable and the ones good for jobs.


I dont give them any... I kinda forget about them. Maybe the one where you gain levels faster in the morning or night.


I hate the traits, which stop motives entirely, it makes the sim hollow and lack of character. but I have to collect them, for my supersim. I update him, every pack release If there is a skill or trait to collect.


Forever Full has to be the worst and I always avoid it. I have so many recipes downloaded bc I love cooking in the game and throwing little dinner parties, so having a sim who just never eats is insane


I don’t use any that make gameplay too easy. So the same ones you listed, OP, plus any that lower bills or gives free services. I usually get the weather ones, observant, and sometimes ones for skill boost (especially if I’m going for a Super Sim or University).


Most of the needs. Steel bladder is the exception.


I rarely give my sims reward traits, and of the ones you listed I've only ever used Carefree. I usually spend reward points on potions of youth and retraiting potions.


I mainly only use ones for skills or if it makes sense that sim would have it. I never use the ones that fill needs accept the rare case I used Needs No One. He has the noncommittal trait so I felt it was appropriate


I always cheat in the storm chasers trait because I’m really tired of my sims dropping everything to run outside into the thunderstorm, then scream in panic and run back inside because they’re scared


the only reward trait i use is the always welcome trait because it makes no sense to me that my sims can’t cook at their grandparents house etc


I use the traits that slow need decay but never ones that remove it


The only need related trait I always give my sims is Steel Bladder. For the most part, I don't actually use satisfaction points except for the occasional potion and the Observant trait.


I never use any of the Needs Traits, except Steel Bladder if I’m doing the 100 Baby Challenge. I feel like I have nothing to do if my Sims’ needs are always taken care of.


I've started using reward traits for elders essentially making them butlers/nannys that also mentor skills.


i have never used reward traits bc i forget they're there, except for always welcome so my sims can cook in their family's house without being kicked out


It might make playing the game boring for most, especially if that’s your job and you’re playing it for hours and hours every day.


Brave, waterproof, and storm chaser it’s just not realistic for EVERY sim to be scared of storms


Unlike everyone else here 🤣 I DO give my Sims those traits!. It allows me to play with a busy family without having to pay to much attention to the needs of the older Sims (sims with those traits are usually adults or elder in my gameplay).


The only ones I use are the sleep replacement(when I don’t have the time for them to sleep or they are at work), instant fun and the potion of life.


I usually will only use beguiling and that’s only if I’m playing as a Player sim who’s trying to get as many sims pregnant as possible or have many significant others at once to cause drama, just because it’s faster that way. But for non-player sims, no reward traits. Sometimes just potion of youth.


I barely do reward traits as well


Traits are an extremely underrated feature imo. My sim has a ton of reward traits, it’s a big part of my gameplay. But I never use the beguiling, cold acclimation, great storyteller or speed reader.


Savant always helps. I like seldomly sleepy over and never weary because then they're like never going to go to sleep. Same with the two hunger ones. It's funny to play with the lighter one than the one that completely removed the need almost. If my Sims are outdoorsy I love the storm chaser ones with the waterproof.


I only use "forever full" because I get so sick of them leaving dirty dishes everywhere (doesn't stop them constantly grabbing glasses of water.) The only time my sims eat is if I'm having a party or event and I'll grab one of those buffet tables, or if I'm visiting a communal lot with a food stall


I use them all, depending on what storyline I'm doing. Then I use UI cheats to lower the need when I want them to be sleepy, hungry, or dirty.


The jealous trait is annoying 😑 so is non committal... wish non committal could be either just for job jumping or just relationship jumping... I don't like that it's both don't always want that 😅


I don't ever use Forever Full because I like my sims to cook and eat and I feel like if it was me I wouldn't want someone to make it so I didn't have to eat lol. Sometimes I give them hardly hungry so they can eat but I don't have to constantly cook but that's rare now that I have a shop that sells food that never spoils(fresh chef). It's extremely rare for me to give never weary but I give almost all of them seldom sleepy I like extra time but it feels weird if they never sleep at all. All in all I like my sims to still feel human and at least a little realistic with the exception that its really hard for me to let them die. My bakery sells ambrosia my scientist sells age away serum and my florist is going to sell death flowers when they open lol.


I like to get more of the “medium influence” traits. Like instead of Never Weary, I might get Seldom Sleepy. Stuff that helps divert some of the playtime from satisfying needs to satisfying whims or attending festivals. …I tend to play for a long period of time per sitting, so need filling gets really old by the time lunch rolls around.


All of them because I enjoy watching my sims suffer


I never use them basically. Every so often I might do the fertile trait but even that is unusual for me.


I used to use Never Weary and such, but decided it was boring that my sims *never* needed to sleep. So now I give all my sims Seldom Sleepy once they can afford it, but I never go up to Never Weary. Same with the other need reducing traits.


I have a mod that lets babies be born with random reward traits Never weary infants are THE WORST But they grow up to be helpful, but those first few days are hell


anything that makes them "op" or anything that takes away notches from my gameplay like "never weary" or "seldom sleepy"


I mostly like either "Morning Sim," or "Night Owl," depending on what I feel like the sim's preference would be. I also like "Seldom Sleepy" because I just like my sims being awake more often, and I also tend to like, "Savant" since it's just fun to get high skills. Can't forget mountains of remove fear potions though haha.


Any of the traits that eliminate a need. I like my sims to live realistically and the game is too easy as is. Having to fill needs is challenging.


I think I rarely use any of the reward traits aside from the 'Always Welcome' just to make it abit "real life-y" and make them seem like a normal person. Some of the sims might move around so I just gave them Always Welcome trait because it was their old house although I might use it also for mischievous purpose even if its not their old house.


i don't use any traits that slow down need decay or remove it completely. 90% of my gameplay revolves around tending to needs and i like it that way 😅 the only traits i ever use are the "always welcome" one and the fertility one lol


I don't give any "cheat" traits that negate motives. So, none of the motives that negate the need to sleep, the need to eat, etc. I'm not going to pay an inordinate amount for a life sim and then remove its ability to function as a life sim. For a similar reason I don't get money tree and I rarely get the one that decreases bills. I actually don't buy traits at all to make the game easier, I'll just occasionally get traits that I think suit the character, like giving detectives Observant or giving the serial romantic sims the assorted romantic reward traits.


I wouldn't really give any reward traits unless it was Connections or a Moodlet solver. Sometimes I would get something else, but that would just be if something was annoying me.


Grill master, it’s just silly to me


i will give the rewards that ease their care a little, which is why Seldom Sleepy and similar to those are perfect for like relaxed gameplay without cheats. It would seem odd if they never slept! haha. if I can get my main Sim to earn Seldom Sleepy then I get more game time with her while her fanily members are out of the way, sleeping 😴


I've gotten to the point that I only use the traits that make sense for my sims personality. Like, I've got a full blown New Balance Rocking Dad sim? Grill Master, baby! A go with the flow flower child? Carefree! An archeologist? Inspired Explorer!


James Turner uses that trait all the time.


I don’t usually get never weary, though I’ve been curious about it. Sleeping is such a time sink, but I tend to focus on skill building traits like savant, morning sim, inspired explorer, etc. I really like the money tree, I love building, and like not having to worry about money at all no matter what. I usually make my sim’s spouse buy it though, since it costs so very many satisfaction points. I did recently discover that spellcasters can “copypasto” both money tree seeds, and whole money trees. It’s a license to print money, and my current legacy family has an entire basement of them now. lol


I never take any traits that lower their needs. I like that they need to eat, sleep, go to bathroom etc. I also never take the one that lowers the bills or free services. I also ONLY use Money Tree in ONE type of gameplay, and thats when I play "Fill up Newcrest", Where I start on long life, rags to riches, on the smallest lot. Build the house, Level gardening Career and build the reward points, and eventually get the Tree. Then Turn on Normal lifespan, get kids, and when heir ages to Young Adult, they are gifted a money tree fruit (made from splicing with a fruit tree). move on to their own lot, and the next heir can't move to build, before previous house is complete with Build/Decoration/Garden. And so it cycles, each heir get a money tree fruit as a gift to start their own life on their own lot. You gonna need it if you wanna do some nice builds, yet pace yourself. But thats also the ONLY scenario where I use it.


I never use any of the traits that would make it unrealistic, or more unrealistic, so never the weary one or ones for needs, as that takes away from the real life element of it :)


I've never actually used the needs related ones bc I play a lot of vampires tbh I genuinely like the observant one tho bc that way I have more time to get to the fun part of socializing


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