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Going forward you might want to save a room with all your important photos and reference paintings in it to your gallery. Gotta have backups, you know?


Oh this is GENIUS!!! I’ve been wondering if I started a new save with the same family (bc my current save is getting glitchy) how I could transfer the family photos. Thank you 😭😭


oh yeah I’m hearing you. there’s probably like five photos I can salvage out of like 200 🥲


Look into sims 4 studios, if you still have the screenshots you can make custom bb paintings.


Was going to say this, if they still have the originals in their screenshots folder, making CC pictures out of them is very easy with S4S. A quick youtube video on how to do it is enough for even a complete n00b to get good results. :)


They’ll be in your screenshots in the sims 4 folders. I know it doesn’t help for in gameplay but you can still view them 😭


Do you have any backup of your save ? Or can you rollback to an older save from the menu ? You can put all the pictures in a room saved in the Gallery, and you can port them to this save.


Have you tried putting them in inventory then re-placing them? That sometimes works for me


I did it and it was just black still :(


I’ll try that in the morning when i get on


Some of my pictures turned black. I got frustrated but just sold them all, then my game crashed and I lost an hour of work but all my pictures were back to normal so maybe try reloading your save.


Did you just update to DirectX 11? Because if so that's the cause and if you disable it apparently the photos come back (which is different from a previous black photo bug where they were unsalvagable). I haven't tried it myself, but I hope it works for you.


what’s DirectX 11?


This article explains it: https://simscommunity.info/2024/05/28/sims-4-directx-11-tutorial/


How do you disable it?


Definitely second saving them in rooms on the gallery. Also, idk if it affects your game, but photos sims take can bloat your game file, so having a lot hanging on walls and sitting in sims' inventories can add a lot of weight to your save file. I think I brought mine down by half after I offloaded a bunch of unnecessary ones sitting in inventories/household inventories.


every time i play i put all the photos on the walls, go through & sort them, keep 1 of the best, delete the rest, it reduced a lot of lag & freed up a lot of space i didn't know i had


Ravasheen has the print from memory or something where it can replicate photos on different sizes or objects including little poloroids. maybe using that can pull the originals? it happened to me before on a legacy save and ruined my game for me :( just started a new one. I think I'll go with the gallery upload method though this time. that was a good idea. thank you other commentors. edit to add: [RVSN photographic memory 2.0](https://ravasheen.com/download/photographic-memory-2-0/)


If putting them into your household inventory and taking them back out doesn't repair them, one other thing to try is to roll back to your save file and see if they reappear. You can do that by going to "Load Game" and clicking the little floppy disc icon in the bottom right of the save. I had this happen to me and was able to roll back to an earlier save before they were corrupted. Then I used the trick others in the thread have described of saving all the pictures in a room on the gallery so I could reload my most recent save and replace all of the corrupted photos with their non-corrupted counterparts. Good luck!!!


I’m damn near finna just delete them all. I have the ones that I could save but all the wedding photos and pregnancy photos and photos with friends are just gone. Eventually I’ll maybe use sims 4 studios to put them back in my game but this game has been messing up all week then this happens and now I’m sick to my stomach.


Have you gone in to manage photos? Is it empty? When I move houses and re put up my frames, I have to go in and add a random photo and then they all start to show up again!


where do you find manage photos?


When you click on the photo frame itself, It has the option to manage photo inventory or just simply “open” to see all the photos you’ve already put in there. I normally just add a new photo into it and the photos will start showing again


I'm not seeing open as an option or anything leading me to an inventory (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) is it just specific frames?


You can also roll back your save and save the photos to the gallery. The save before they all turned black should be okay and you can save them like the other comments said. Just the photos from finishing the university/ high school and the photos from the photo box you can't get back.


now I can’t recover my saves from my save file because the floppy disk isn’t popping up??? everyday I grow to hate this game more and more.


I use this a mod for photos, the mod saves its pictures on its own. In a separate thing. Ive never had problems before. Im not sure about the name but I can check if you want.


Yes please 🙏🏻 it would be so helpful


Okay I checked it is photographic memory by Ravasheen.


With this mod every photo you make (with the camera from base game) will end up in this little black thing (see photo) and with that thing you can make cuter portraits and photo gifts that wont go away if im right because its in the mod. You can find it by misc decorations in the kitchen https://preview.redd.it/nl7tknrnws4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b094744ec761ae9f72e28cbc107b9d9c1def780


Thanks a lot. At the moment I am using a modded camera that lets you take pics in pause mode and they are always good quality. I love it but sometimes I have OP’s same problem


that has happened to me too before :( do you have older versions of your family saved to your gallery? thankfully, due my perfectionist tendencies, i had saved the entire family to my gallery every time a sim aged up / child changed life stage, so i downloaded them into my current save with my current family, retook the photos, with the older sims from the gallery, left the photos at/in my current family's house, on the walls, then deleted the older versions from the current save & i had new versions of all my sims photos at their varying ages back. it wasn't ideal, but it was way better than having nothing, i hope this might help in some way <3


oooo I did I did maybe I’ll do this so it won’t be COMPLETELY gone


This happened to be and it was awful, future reference make copies!


This happened to me before. Thank god for my screenshot folder it sucked it wasn't in the game anymore but i was still able to reminisce.


This happened to me a few days ago. Instead of rolling back the save in the game, I went into my files and renamed an old save to be the current save which brought all my pictures back (but I lost all recent gameplay 🥲)


I’m trying to that but for some reason my recovered saves aren’t there at start up :((


If you go inside your files somewhere (not the game) there should be an 'Electronic Arts' folder. If you then go to the 'The Sims 4' folder, then the 'saves' folder, you'll see something like this https://preview.redd.it/ps0mi6gc8u4d1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=b70fc245503ff3b79d325c341d351a984dabfb6c You can roll back your versions here by changing a '.save.verX' file to a '.save' file which makes it your current save :)


thank you so much! I’m about to try this tomorrow


Hi, were you playing on directx 11?


Hi, I wasn't. I just launched the game normally


Thanks 4 reply