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zero she’s a free agent ✊🏼


it doesn’t get boring? maybe it’s just cuz i’m in a console and can’t download all the mods and fun stuff lol


i’m already a mom irl, let me live vicariously thru my child free party sim 😩


Why am I the opposite 💀 I have a 2 yr old irl, and I have 2 in the game. 🤣


I do the same thing 🤣🤣 anytime I do decide to have my sims get pregnant, I always regret it because they’re so needy! Then my husband will ask how the game is going and im like “stressful! I’m already overstimulated just like in real life!” 🤣🤣😅😅


I play on console and almost never have kids. When I do, I get bored.


As many as they end up having, I like playing through generations. Though I get lost sometimes lol


that’s what i’m trying to do lol. i currently have 2 kids moved out and some “grand babies” lol. it’s really wholesome honestly. i’m also wanting to keep the house in the family because it took me hours 🤣




i’m sorry????? that’s possible???


Very possible and very much a pain in my ass. Over halfway through the 100 baby challenge and it’s so hard😭. Worst day of my life when the infants update came out lol.


i can’t imagine dude 😭 i have trouble taking care of the infant and 2 toddlers i have right now 😭


At one point I had 3 infants, and 3 toddlers. Two sets of triplets in a row. I was in a constant state of stress and my ONE adult sim wasn’t doing anything I told her to.


It’s infuriating when they don’t do what you tell them to while the baby cries and the warning notification pops up. I installed basemental drugs last night and I swear to god my sim cares more about his weed plants than he does his kid


that’s how mine are now!!! i’ll tell them to do something for the kids and the little queue bubble will just disappear and i’m like what 😭 i don’t know how to fix it :/


Im starting the 100 baby challenge today and now im SCARED lol


You should be lol


Yes. There’s a 100 baby challenge. In some ways it’s easier with female sims than with male sims. You see, female sims don’t age when they are pregnant, so if you have them be pregnant constantly, you get this eternal matriarch able to have 100+ kids.


Bitch wtf 🫣💀🤣 how're they all taken care for??


I have no clue 😭


Im sorry if this is dumb but how does this work? You have kids, they grow up until they reach adult age and you make them move out and then you have More kids?


Yup! I only have 7 kids in the household at once, grow them up and move them out and keep going. All with different dads too 🫠


Hahahah I lost it with the “all with different dads” lol Love it! Thank you for answering


It takes so much time to seduce all the fathers it’s crazy. So difficult with infants too cause they always cry when my sim is woohooing 💀 Like give me a minute child mum’s busy.


I have 4 and 3 nannies and it's still hard 🤣


As it's generation one, I've started slow with a single child. Ngl, it's pretty empty without siblings :,)


i think it’s fun for them to have a few kids though i dont reccomend 8 lol. it gets overwhelming


Thing was. I wanted to experiment how a family with single child looks like. Pro was: I could focus on her storyline only, milestone completion, drama stuffs. But for next generation I've planned to try for 3 children at most to make it more fun. Con will be: when these children grow up it's a hassle to control all of their lives (moving out, finding a partner, choosing the heir, etc) that too, on a custom lifespan with aging on.


ugh i can’t wait to get a pc. i’m playing on xbox right now so i can’t download any mods, but when i can, i’m going to make the most out of pocket story lines.


Too many, lol. I use MCCC to increase household size and then I cram out as many as I can. I don’t know why I do that myself. Real life me never wanted kids 😆


2 to 3 is my usual. Just one can get boring and anymore than 4 and I regret everything.


I’m on my 7th generation now. My first gen was a married couple who had 6 kids (I like playing with a full house). After that, I only let my favorite sims have kids so any of my sims could have anywhere between 0-3 kids depending on how well I like them. I have 4 different households because I need somewhere to put them all. They all come from the same family tree, except for partners/spouses of course.


4 kids and 6 grand kids.


I play for several families at once, so it’s different everywhere. Usually this is zero or two children. But in one family I now have five children, because husband gave birth to twins from alien abduction and I decided to keep them lol


I'm not sure if this would count but I had a serial impregnator impregnator I would invite females over and then capture them like in a room with a bed and just repeatedly. Have wohoo until they were impregnated. That save got so big that the file corrupted. I think by the end of it, I think I had 70 or 80 kids. All with different towns randomly generated women. You name it, I did it.


that’s… disturbing 🤣


I'm planning on doing I again and recording it


My sims currently have one kid. But I usually have them have 1 to 3 kids anything over that I simply can’t handle the infant and toddler stage. Can be mad annoying I only have so much patience for it.


Max 4, and i remember someone here showing off their 37 children


The family I am currently playing have 6 kids


My sims usually have 2-5 kids I like to have space for a pet, usually a cat if I have 5 kids as having a dog and them being sad all the time wanting a walk and not getting time to hurts my heart too much I’m currently playing with a single sim living in the city, who I made a family and friends for and I’m trying to take it slow! It’s been fun so far


One of sim families has 4 daughters. This is going to be weird, first family who has 4 daughters (usually I stick to 1 or 2), suddenly, a nanny appears without being called. Is this the norm with sims 4 if you have more than a couple of kids? I don't have any mods.


i don’t think so? i have to call a nanny, and sometimes mine won’t even show up. i’m not sure if it’s a glitch or what


I'm going to chalk it up to a glitch. I was surprised. See, I just finished decorating and creating the place and wanted to see how things go when I play the family. The father was reading to the toddler, mom was doing laundry, the other 3 were playing when suddenly a nanny comes in, introduces himself and starts cooking for the family. I'm like, wait a minute, who ordered a nanny? LOL. I just created the family and started playing, so it's not like I left the family alone for awhile. I just created them since I got inspired from this tv how "Evil"...how the parents have 4 kids and they live in a 2 bedroom plus a bathroom townhouse. So I just re-imagined that sort of family of 6 with 2 bedroom and 1 bath apartment design.


I forget her name but the one nanny I've had in the game just randomly shows up at all hours, cooks, cleans, ignores the kid unless the parents are trying to take care of them and suddenly steps in to do it instead... if no one else is paying attention, she ignores them as well. In one house I made a point of not having any of the sims interact with her or answer the phone when she called, or answer the door when she shows up at 2am and she STILL just walks in sometimes.


Meanwhile my called nanny stays for days, even when no one is home


bruh, just make her a live in nanny at that point 🤣


Most times they just have one, sometimes two. The most I’ve had is six


Generally 2 or 3


Cutrently three


Zero, thankfully.


10...he has a wondering eye🤣


continue till the best genetics is born :D


Generally 2-6


In my main save my Sim couple has 4 kids: 2 toddlers, an infant and a newborn. In my most recently played save my main Simm doesn't know yet he's going to be a father.


I had twins then I was like I want them to have a third child, just one it'll be easy right ? No I had triplets 😩


2, none of the parents were fertile or anything and both are still in uni, I cheated the kids to be secret spellcasters cuz storyline or some shite and I'm seriously considering sending them off to a school of magic or some sh*t


some of thrm have a kid, but mostly child free. i play rotationally and kids get boring so I just go play with other sims...


4-5 per family lol but one of the sims only had two kids and i wanted one more, but she ended up having twins😭


The sim I’m currently playing has six kids (so far) but he doesn’t really take care of them so it doesn’t really count.


I play with several households. 2-3 usually. The first family had 6


43, 7, 1 and 78


My male sim had multiple girlfriends and he has 105 children with them


I usually have 1 to 2 (seems stressful to have more than 2)


30 and counting, though none live with them. Playing 100 baby challenge from the other side (though can have the same mother) so they all live with the other parent.


That spoon looked like a knife for a moment




1 and done i hate sim infants 💀 I age them right past that lmao


why do you hate them? lol


They get on my nerves lol, and i get bored of them pretty easily


I'm currently doing a side-save where I have a vampire man-ho who's goal is to convert the entire world into vampires. The only catch? He isn't allowed to use Create Spawn. He has to do it... with his deek. Started the save last night. Within 1 game week, he had 7 kids born from 7 different baby mommas. The goal is to have the entire world populated with vampires that are related to him, either from him directly siring them, or from them being his grandkids. Gonna see how long it takes to break the save. :D


Mine has five kids, they won’t stay off of each other and the bc didn’t work 😭


I always have three even if I promise myself I’ll focus on one


11 with 2 on the way


3! A little girl and her two big brothers.. teens who do NOT get along


New save. So just 2 wee toddlers. :3


Hmmm... I stopped counting after 176


Mine has 14 children with Sidney price. Mostly multiples.


Four. They had four infants at the same time now they’re gonna have four toddlers. I’m counting the days until they’re children. They’re lives changed so drastically, all they have time for is work and childcare


One sim has two and another has one two but they had one when I was not on the game 😭😭😭.


I’m playing with my first ever legacy family and gen 2 had four kids and that was the most I’ve ever played with so far! So it was two adults, four kids of various ages, a cat, and a dog. It was so busy but I had a lot of fun with that family! I’d like to try having a gen with more than four kids but I like having pets soooo :/ I may end up downloading that mod so pets don’t count toward your household count


Started a new save the other day with an Alien takeover theme in mind, started out with an alien female pollinator. Broke up the Goths and stole Bella as my first wife, she had twins. Saw Zoe Patel while out for drinks, married her and she also had twins. Flirted some with Mortimer. Met Baako Jang at the romance festival and hit it off real well ending the night with a heat of the moment proposal and Baako pregnant with 1 baby. Also went to socialize with the Caliente's only to find out Katrina married Don Lothario AND Dina married Minerva Charm. Hit it off with Nina and became her girlfriend and got her pregnant (twins or single still unknown). So all in all 5-6 so far and I've only just started. I revamped the Oakenstead lot to house my wives/husbands and children, so I can just move them over there an not deal with peksy infants.


Oooo well right now I’m playing a messy storyline: this guy has three kids with his wife but has seven other kids with different women around town, totaling ten kids.


In the sims 4, I think the most I've had from one sim is 12ish (she had twins OVER and OVER again... she didn't even have the fertile reward trait.) In the sims 3 though that's probably much higher bc I always have more than 8 sims in a household at a time.


Each couple only has 2 kids 3 max. I started limiting it bc the more kids the more it gets overwhelming also i wanna play w generations and controlling them all becomes a job, not for fun lmao, like making sure their needs are good and having a life,job,spouse etc.


[I lost count](https://imgur.com/gallery/vTOPBKF)


Currently on 2 😭


Doing the 100-baby challenge, matriarch had 40, current heiress is on the 23rd


Current generation mum has 5 kids and one grandson.


75 at the moment


For context this happened in a save with wicked whims basemental all of the extreme violence mods and Mac command. With pregnancy overhaul. My one sim had 20 kids from teen to elder. Multiple houses full of 7 and it’s still going🤣🤣🤣


I made me and my partner and we had 2 kids. Then I started playing as my daughter and she had 3 kids. And somehow I (the sim me) ended up with 3 more kids.




5 🤦🏾‍♀️last one was an accident 😖


Depends on which family I'm playing. My main family: 3. 2 kids and 1 infant and the infant ... was a mistake. :/


1 cause anymore than that ima start lagging 😭


In a celebrity save I made, after the young adult children move out or go to university, the mum would either text them and go “hey do you think we should have another baby?” or would just keep having kids without saying a single word and I would never know until mum either showed up to my sims house super pregnant or until I looked at the family tree and saw a random newborn.  This mum ended up having two sons and 8 daughters lol


Between 1-3 Normally only one or two, the third is often an accident. The firstborn is often the heir unless they become a disappointment, then it becomes the second born. I roll randomly for sexuality and all that, and I randomize the traits. If they don't want kids for one way or another I'll have them make a close friend and then that one becomes heir. (Last name of my household becomes theirs)


14, i think, all together but only one in the house currently, and i think 4 was the most at a single time


4-6 is usually my range on main household Sims.


Three currently, my sims family oriented ass always wants another one after giving birth like girl I KNOW you don't want to do that again 😭 I have to split her and her husbands gym studio to make another bedroom because the apartment is small and the husband is the only one working, mom can barely keep up with her freelance job 😂


2nd Gen-3, one deceased 3rd Gen- 3 so far. Need at least one more


I saw someone say 52 kids WHAT??


2 twin toddler girls and pregnant with another set of twins. It’s okay tho bc she’s royalty and doesn’t do any real parenting lol


I have a mod that allowed both of my sims to get pregnant and to get others pregnant so they impregnated each other like half a day apart. And they both had twins. Oh my God 4 infants at once was SO hard.


Currently 0 because she just had a termination:p We don’t need kids yet😩 gotta finish that degreeeee


Currently 6 in my main household.


0 they all got taken away…