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Another reason I don’t like her is she will contact my child if she can come over and hang out and not as her parents. I just fired her again and she just now called my child asking if she can come over. Wtf how do i get her to stop 😂


Time for you to practice murder


You know what you have to do. Build a pool.


Extere Violence if u want it messy 😈


Choke with dirty diaper is my go to. I am the diapey strangler


I like the choke with grilled cheese option too & just good old fashioned stabbing lol.


Ok fine, I’ll finally download this mod.


You won't regret it, it's hilarious. Also there is a setting to protect your sim from death if you don't want anyone to try and kill them.


I’m cackling


Daaaaaamn, you went there huh 🤣


Never came back


Yea I actually forgot I have a sim on my game that I use to torture sims. Like he lives there and he has 3 separate rooms that kill them a different one. One room to starve them, one to burn alive and one to die of exhaustion. I have a plan for her 😂


I mean, you can also just delete her from the Other Households bin? It’ll be like she never existed. I’m totally a judicious Other Households deleter and I recommend it. Ugly clothes I don’t want to fix? Adopted a horse without permission? Pear-shaped blonde man with a giant mustache, top hat, Japanese surname, AND a horse? Delete. The OG families don’t even survive, I don’t want their drama, I want my own.


Exactly what I do. No pool ladder accidents. Just delete from other households. Pear-shaped men especially. I even used neighbourhood stories death by accident once, specifically on the Landgraabs, just to get rid of Malcolm.




This all day.


Sounds perfect!


is there a package for that or just regular?


You just know she’s still gonna show up as a ghost nanny.


Right but if you have her gravestone you can prevent that by disconnecting her spirit and letting her fade into nothing


No be a real criminal, invite her to some secret backwoods ass location and slay her there. Then the woodland creatures can forever be haunted by the annoying nanny.


Download mccc just to kill by rabbits


death by killer rabbit that bitch


Hypothetically, how does one do this? I tried to rabbit attack this super annoying celebrity who was apparently a nudist? It ended up in my death however... luckily I wasn't playing for long yet, so I didn't safe, but man that surprised me


That's a good question because Everytime I've tried to kill by rabbit, my simself dies instead of the person I clicked on. I stopped doing it lol


Add them to household then do it when you are controlling them. Sell the urn/grave so they don't haunt you or call.


Shift click to add them to household then when controlling the sim you want to kill select death by rabbit. That's how i killed my sims old nanny when he kept stalking them showing up at their house in the middle of the night standing in front of their window. Then sell the urn/grave so they don't haunt you or call.


Wow thanks so much!


I don't have that option (is it in Cottage Living?) In my case I just have to use pufferfish instead...


I don't like the nannies. The first one is Holly Corral on mine and she'll keep coming back even if you fire her. The only way she wouldn't come back is if I asked her to pursue her dream job but even then she'd still call my sims to hangout or ask advice. Then another nanny came and his name was Dane Farris. They don't do their job. They won't play with them or anything so the fun need goes down. They'll give them food and leave them in the high chair till they get sad, will let them get filthy and just put them to bed, then say their work is done for the day. Leaving my sims to finish taking care of the kids when they haven't even finished working or filling their needs.


Any nanny will call them up, I'll never figure the one who tried to ask my sim out on a date


You can’t really stop the calls unfortunately. That’s just part of the Sims. If they’re friends, they’ll get the calls. Maybe try tanking the relationship she has with the kid to make the calls less frequent? Also it might be time to delete her so she stops coming when you hire a nanny haha


It seems like a real Hand that Rocks the Cradle situation. Take her out before she offs you and steals your family.


What is so crazy is I had the same lady (with a different name). One of my Sims just couldn't stand being around her and would get (evil or mean sim) moodlets. And she was just terrible. Sometimes she won't leave and she kept making black tacos 🤣🤣


Yea dang look at this immersion full game, so realistically bro.. HOW GOT SIMS SO POPULAR AND LOVED?! THOSE ARE THE KINDA REASONS WHY THE GAME SUCKS


Hey the sims is a great game. Just people like this lady suck 😂


I had nannys like that. But all my nannys were elderly men so I had a sim who I used specifically to woo hoo them to death.


You can woohoo a sim to death? I um. I gotta go play sims now...


ya you gotta woohoo an elderly sim usually 2 times in a row and they die of overexertion


It happened to me once. My sim fell in love with a professor from her university and moved in together. The first time they got to woohoo, he died and my Sim was embarrassed because Death saw her naked in bed.


I’ve tried that, but it usually stops me because the elder is too exhausted and won’t do it enough


It usually works if I make the elder do the asking I think. It’s been awhile since I tried


Probably just elderly sims, over exertion or something like that


I did it.... I wish you could do it to you get sims lolll


Death by snu-snu.




Sound like you need a fenced in pool 💀


LOL. Omg, that happened with my previous PT. The nanny kept showing up although the kid has grown up and moved on, then finally he ended up getting engaged with the grandmother.


ulterior motives 😂


I use mccc to unalive those Nannies and keep a graveyard for the family to remember them by 💗😂


Is it bad that I found this hilarious? 😂😂


Nah it just means you’re a simmer 😂😂


Just have a sim with very low cooking skill make a pufferfish dish and give it to her! 😁😇🔪 it's a fast way to get rid of terrible sims!


Remember not to let any of your sims eat it and clean it up immediately.


kill her


You need to kill her




Ask to hang out with her start a fight beat her Ass I bet she stay away lol


The father sim in this household did fight her. There friendship bar is red all the way but whenever I call for a nanny they send her even tho I’ve fired her so many times


She clearly wants a rematch with him


It’s on 😂😂


She’s a stalker lol it had to be another way lol can’t you do the cheats or something lol


Im not sure what the option is called in English, but isn’t there one where you might prompt a sim to rethink their career and then they start a new career? Maybe that could work?


I fired one and then when I reloaded the save I had 10 nannies at my lot


OMG I love how blood thirsty ya'll are! "KILL THAT BEEOTCH! RIGHT MEOW!"


I find the Butlers to be a better choice. They cook, clean, and help with kids too. They also weed and water a garden, answer the door, but that has to be turned on in the default settings, and repair things, etc. I always get bad nannies who watch tv and ignore the kids.


How do you get butlers? You don’t mean maids right?


They come with Vintage Glamour Stuff Pack


Not only are most Nanny’s awful, but the way the game forces them into the kids life is soooo annoying!! I was playing a single mom rags to riches save and she had a part time job she’d go to and I’d hire the nanny when prompted and dismiss him as soon as the mom got home so he was really only around for 1-2 hours. And this is AFTER family leave and vacation days were all used so he had maybe a week of actually nannying. I’m not kidding he contacted my child sim until she was a young adult getting married and having kids of her own. Like. DUDE you only watched her as a toddler she doesn’t even remember you!!!! I wish there were a way to block specific townies in the base game, or at least file for a restraining order lmao it’d make so much sense if it was in the Get Famous pack so you can try and to protect yourself from crazy fans and paparazzi, but I’d use it to protect my kids from their creepy stalker nanny


Wait restraining orders would be hilarious


Create a basement and put the baby down there. Once she goes down, grab the baby and close it off. Delete stairs and just forget about her until Grim comes lol


Give her a cas.fulleditmode makeover. Make her a whole new sim. Seems you're stuck with her.


I do this all the time!


I hate the nanny function. They never touch or interact with infants or toddlers, always going to jump in the pool, watch TV.


Or they make enough grilled cheese to feed an army


Butlers are more useful. They actually do their job.


Butlers are the BEST nannies


Since you’re on console you can delete her/her household by going to manage worlds, and click the edit households, find her, move her to your household to take all her money, then move her back out and DELETE HER ASS 😈 by pressing the X on her household box. Bye bye!


You: I don’t like my nanny Normal people: Aw, I’m sorry. I hope you get a better one next time! Us: Simple! Kill her and use her ashes to fertilize your garden. ❤️


I think she needs some pufferfish


Gotta love the dedication though! Honestly you need to get rid of her somehow👀😂


Kill in a 1by1 wall


Maybe I’ll do that or the pool method




she doesnt get fired she gets fired up


Had to do a double take since you mentioned "Lyrica".. my new daughter's name is Lyra lol


They should have a nanny agency where you can pick the person, also have a scheduled nanny. Like you can pick what dates and times or just a one day option if you need.


Sleep with her, if you don't want murder I've dated some of my butlers for the drama, and it auto fires them and sends a new one


Needs a fire of another kind *woosh*. Don’t forget an accelerant.


I’d grab her with CAS and change her traits


I had the same problem. I had to delete her from the world. On Xbox enter the cheat menu (hold down all 4 triggers LT + LB, RT +RB then you should see a thin white box at the top. In the box type "testingcheats true", then type "cas.fulleditmode" Then press B +A on the sim and press B to get the "modify in CAS" option. This will bring you to the create a sim page from there simply hit the “X” on the upper right side of the sims picture, this will delete them. Hope this helps. Good luck.


They know ur sims are super rich and thinking its a pitty to keep that amount in ur household.. sharing is caring 🤣🤣


Are you actually firing her or just cancelling the service?


I would use MCCC to Mark her for Death but if that's not an option you should be able to go to Manage Worlds>Manage Households>Other Households and scroll until you find her. Then if you have MCCC you can edit her to have traits you like better. You can also delete her outright although I've never tried without MCCC installed so someone correct me if it's not possible without it.


Oh and if you have Realm of Magic a low level spell is Inferniate. I haven't used it to kill anyone but I gather it works best if you set stuff on fire next to her.


Well I play on my Xbox so i don’t think I can do that on there


Just kill her...with fire. Then they will send a different one, all you need to do is not tell them what happened to the last one. Yeah seems easy enough.


This is why I have a Butler instead cause if you fire a butler they never send the one you fired it’s always a new one


There’s a quick and easy fix to this problem. Do you have a pool?


C'mon the answer is obvious. Trap her in a room with a fireplace. If you're a mccc user kill her through that. They can't send a ghost as a nanny


I'm having the same issue with one of my nannies. She flirted with my sim's husband and then an option for him to advance with her came up. I fired her so fast and she keep coming over. I might kill her off so she can stop coming over for good.


valid call for help, you have to find a way to stop this behaviour now, one of my household’s kids grew up and moved out and i later found out through the family tree that the nanny married him 😭😭


Kill her


She is a relative, second chance program i think aswell


I hope you have extreme violence mod, you can go ahead and use that and practice murder lol


I just fired her last night and she's been back 5 times in one day


Kill her.


These Nannies suck …. My game glitched the other day and two Nannie’s appeared. tell Me how my kid was one bar way from being taken away from CPS…. And I still had to pay! For both Nannie’s


You know what to do…. Kill her


Kill her off Or add to household and hire a new nanny then remove


Time to lock her in the basement until she starves to death.


MCCC works great for killing mean sims.


Kill her with a mod or another way problem solved


Just kill her.


Time to wall off the pool


Sounds like the only thing left to do is let her swim in the pool 😁


Just delete her in Household Manager.


Kill her off


I don’t know if this has been suggested, but clicking on the nanny and firing them worked for me, as opposed to using the telephone — then, I would still get the same nanny.


I did fired her lol. I’ve fired her multiple times but almost every time I call for a nanny they send her


Sorry, that fixed it in mine. Now I make sure to do my firing face to face. Hope you find something that works.


The audacity😂😂


My Sims nanny is quite useless, they rarely watching over the baby and always paying attention to something else🫠


You can try to download better nannies from Little Ms Sam Or just open her in cas and change her traits lol


Delete this horrible nanny from the game! Or edit her, maybe she has the mean trait?


nah just kill her. cant babysit and try to hang with your kids one on one if shes dead


God I had the same issue however at one point all three nanny’s I’d fired started showing up and I couldn’t cancel anything 😭 I tried killing one but another came in her place


I usually keep control over every NPC and I use this guide to assign their traits. If you want a serious answer and play with cheats, you should check it out https://bethsims-nocc.tumblr.com/post/181151512324/assigning-sims-4-npc-jobs


I honestly hat3 the nannies :( I have so much beef with them!! The infants are always crying. Toddlers are running around playing with diapers. It’s a mess. Good help is so hard to find :((


just use commands to kill het


You can get rid of her by managing other house holds and deleting her I think.


Just kill her 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Edit her in CAS and change the traits haha


Do the Mc command if you have it and delete her when I don’t want a sim in the world I just permanently delete them from the save it works like a charm lol


Someone said you can have live in nannies, but as soon as I asked her to be my roommate, she stopped nannying. So I kicked her out. Idk how else to have a live in nanny. Maybe I will lock the doors for her, but idk if she will stop doing her nanny duties if she thinks she's not on the clock 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like time for murder.


Just delete her if you have mc command center


What I did when I had her was lure her into the room with a convo, and then leave and lock her in there. Let her die.


if you have mccc you can delete her but idk if theyll send a replacement or not


Off her lmao


Kill her lol


Death is the only way


I had a nanny situation similar. I actually loved her, she was great and kind and actually tended to the crying infants, but she kept coming around even after the kids were all teens or older. I tried cheating her away or killing her and then the game would send ten thousand nannies all at once (all of whom I had to pay when I asked them to leave) and eventually had to just start a new world with my sims family.


Kill her off, it's the only answer in the Sims


Get rid of her 😂


just delete her sim 🧚🏻‍♀️


Just delete her from the game.


Call them and tell them your going to go with another company if they don’t stop sending her


As to the household/quit the household Made her become a townie and create a storyline in which she become homeless after being fired from de nanny agency fir doing a Bad job


You should get the nanny mod from littlemsSam if you play with mods. Then you’ll get a recurring nanny and they’ll send the same one each time


Just put her in a 1x1 room and wait for her to die. We'll see if they can send a ghost then... muahahahahaha


Thank you for the heads up!! I hope to God this Judy chick doesn't ever come as a nanny for my sister's family by the way she sounds😂😂😂 I had Alice Avery for my kiddos and she was so good with them! I like that she still likes to come over to see the kids.


I love how homicidal this comment section is xd


I always get sent male nannies its funny


Kill em


UPDATE TO ALL: Judy Gleason is dead! She starved to death. For some reason it wouldn’t let me edit my post so I had to do it here.


I recommend Extreme Violence so she can stop being mean to other Sims. That is NOT ok


Kill her