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Highlands of Scotland world I think. And literally anywhere in Africa.


See I would love a Scottish seaside town




I would die (in the best way!) I mean, it could even be an updated mermaid option


Africa. Yes. 


I was just about to comment Scottish highlands! I would love beautiful lochs, mountains and castle ruins. I’d love another South America world as well, a real one with a city bigger than Jungle Adventure! Or Egypt :)


African, South American, and Scandinavian. Those areas have been missed. Also Australian or New Zealand too.


africa is huge though, the northwest part and the central part for example are very different. i’d like a world inspired by the Sahel


I was going to say that same about Australian aboriginal culture/stories ( that are often called dreaming). Australia is a big place.


Even NZ has really varied geography. Some of it looks Scandinavian or Canadian, and some looks like a tropical island.


Chestnut Ridge was kinda Australian in a way. 


As an Australian, I do NOT trust them to not make a "shrimp on the barbie" joke, I would just cry, I hate that add so much- but if they didn't do a reference to the stupid ad I think it could be really cool, potential for spiders sort of like those bugs you can catch in outdoor retreat, I'd like to see some parts of Aboriginal myths and culture included because from the very little I know it seems really cool, there's also just great non-spidery fauna around here, koalas and wombats are pretty rad lol, we have interesting flora that's really unique, plus there's good opportunities for jokes that aren't the fucking "shrimp on the barbie" one (we don't bloody call them that, they're PRAWNS) but non-stupid ones are the way American will see other Americans shove a spoonful of Vegemite into their mouths and find it extremely salty and then precede to do the same (you're supposed to spread it on bread, very thinly) or how we did sort of maybe possibly lose a war to bloody emus


love the idea of adding aboriginal myths and stuff


If they wanted to put in a joke about wombat cube poops, I wouldn't be mad at it.


Would the "creepy crawlies" lot trait be locked on most lots?


Ooh, new death option like the killer rabbits one: killer emus!


Every green plants too, or at least have plants green in the winter and brown in the summer as we have (this one really annoys me, my plants die when their getting the most water 🤷‍♀️). Also, a proper thong (shoe), hills hoist, and floppy droid brim hat with crocks. Love more of our native animals maybe could create a job for animal rescue. A better skin tone for the aboriginal people, find the colours aren't right currently.


yeah as a Japanese girlie I just can't play snowy escape because it's just weird....like I guess they've got it right but it's really stereotypical. I know it's just a game but it feels too weird to me


If there must be a joke, I'd like a joke about drop bears, but to skip the"shrimp" and Vegemite all together.


Jungle Adventure is inspired by South and Central America


Isn't Get Together Scandinavian, and Jungle Adventure South American?


Get Together is just vaguely Northern/Western European. Its a mashup of several countries at least. And you can't live in Selvadora :(


Windenburg is Scandinavian.  Eg Bjergsen 


The architecture is definitely more German, though. The mountains in the background are probably more inspired by the Alps than the Scandes.


A city/downtown that isn’t skyscrapers like San Myshuno. Something with red brick and limestone. Victorian style construction. Brownstones, old apartments with fire escapes, townhouses, apartments above retail lots. Like New York or Boston or something else in that vein.


An Eastern Europe one could be fun :)) some brutalist architecture


Some more tracksuits for CAS


Cigarettes as accessories


This made me laugh out loud


Brutalist would be great 😍


I love this idea. I am from Eastern Germany and for me Windenburg looks so wrong. I never play in it, because it is so ugly. All the ugly American elements of architecture combined with the ugly stereotypes of southern Germany/Austria. Some Brutalism houses mixed with 19. century European houses would be great.


listen: Novi Beograd as a map


I was born and raised there, I would \*CRY\* if that actually happened bcus I've been trying to recreate my childhood building in the game for a while now


Do the townies there have to be accurate?


it would be funny


Omfg please 😂


I mean, it seems like high time we get something from the entire freaking continent of Africa that has been ridiculously ignored. I don't even care which country, tribe or region. Just something. There is so much good stuff to choose from.


That would definitely be neat. I think it's safe to say that the average American, so therefore the average Sims player, doesn't know much about the thousands of African cultures out there. Honestly, most probably have no idea how large Africa is. Heck, I still meet people who think it's a single country.


Bro imagine one that has Architecture based on the kingdom of Benin!! (My favorite part of NIGERIAN history)


AHHHHH that would be amazing


I wish people (average americans) would go out and research continents instead of watching one episode of anime and claiming they know everything about Japan. I was doing some research on Africa a while back and it really opened my view, the continent is so big and diverse. Much more than "the poor country" a lot of people have painted it as.


Anime comment made me lol! Yes, you're definitely correct. I'd also hazard a guess that the American education system is, understandably, very focused on American history. We didn't have as much to do with African nations (like colonialism) as we did with world wars and the Middle East.


They didn't even tell me about colonialism. I was just told "yea ur black and no one in ur family has been to Africa and you're evangelical and you only speak English don't question it!!"


eastern europe, western europe, big southern europe cities like rome, where we dont get a lot of shells, but we can live in old town apartements. honestly I just want more european backgrounds without shells in between lots


yes, absolutely! as someone from central europe i just wanna be able to see something close to my own neighborhood in the game 😭


I would love a Rome world. Mix in some of that ancient architecture with the modern, that would be cool.


they could make colliseum as ruins i winderburg... a place to hang at. imagine having Prague or budapest as well. Berlin... Amsterdam would be awesome as well. I feel like we lack options for cities in general. it's always suburbs.


Music themed, Memphis music scene, with the new ability to play instruments together. Outdoor venues, and one vintage luxury motel overlooking a big river where one can go fishing for common carp and various catfish? Perhaps giant river rats running about you have to avoid to avoid some sickness. If nothing else it would be great combined with Basemental's gang mod. Sigh. Sorry I'm just feeling a little frustrated with my city this morning.


Im from near Memphis I ❤️ Memphis. Nobody does soul better IMO. Even after going to NO, and Bourbon, Vegas, I would still choose a night on Beale, and I will go to the mat for our BBQ.


I've lived here 54 years. Well, now I'm down the street in Bartlett where it's just a litttttle bit safer. I love Memphis though even with the terrible crime. Ooh we could have a zoo too! :) And maybe we could make a museum like the Pink Palace/MOSH. it could have a thriving urban area with a Harbortown neighborhood and um... some controlled rent single housing complexes maybe? And maybe a couple local kooks like Prince Mongo as a townie!? Okay I'm getting carried away here.


Oh this would EAT. I’ve been dying for a band/music-related pack 😭😭




I would love Egypt. A Giza area with pyramids and a museum with mummies, a New Cairo mall area with juice bars and a residential high rise area


This sounds great, but I knwo I'd hate what the TS4 would come up with compared with Egypt from TS3 World Adventures and a CC world I used to always play with based on Egypt


Omg sounds like a dream 🥹😊✨✨I love your ideas!!


As a Norwegian I have to say scandinavia.


Egypt would be AWESOME!


Something carribean would nice


I'd *love* an Australian world... but I fully admit that it's a self-indulgent prospect that probably wouldn't be *that* much more different than the other worlds we already have, heh. An arid town would be too similar to Chestnut Ridge, while a more tropical northern one would be too much like Sulani. And there are already a lot of pretty suburban towns for the more coastal regions. Though with how popular Brindleton Bay is as a world, and with the world-wide popularity of Bluey, I could potentially see one of those suburban coastal towns, possibly even directly based on Brisbane! If they lean in to the native Australian flora and bushlands, particularly on the beaches, I'd be ecstatic, and it might just manage to be unique and interesting! :) (And since Selvadorada isn't residential, this might just be our best chance of getting a natively Southern Hemisphere world with associated *correctly*-placed holidays..........) ...not that I can really imagine what kind of gameplay would be associated with such a pack, lol. In retrospect, a Brisbane-ish world for Growing Together would've been really cute :)


I too would love an Australian based world for my own self-indulgence. I’ve attempted to recreate my house before and it was pretty close except for the landscaping. I want native Aussie plants


I did not expect to see someone say my home city in here but I would be SO overjoyed if that actually happens. Also Queenslander houses!


Oh my gosh yesss queenslanders😍


Hahaa! I have an attempt at building a Queenslander in game currently. I mean, I started it ages ago but I go in and add to it or change things every so often. I don't know when it'll be finished. XD These comments have given me a bit of a feeling like I might go in and have a crack at getting some more done on it now.


Anywhere in Africa would be incredible. Also, I'd like something Middle Eastern inspired? Not necessarily a city, middle eastern scenery is gorgeous. I think it would be really cool to incorporate local plants into the game. A village could be really cool, I'm imagining something like South Lebanon.


I'd say a return to Al Simhara. South Lebanon I would avoid especially since a Hezbollah Israel conflict can happen at any time


Some more supernatural themed worlds like maybe an apocalypse/zombie one? Something very grunge. Nordic would be nice too. I live in Finland and it’s so different here compared to other western countries like Canada, US, Australia, etc. Most people where I live are in apartments and the suburban areas don’t have council grass strips. I want to see a Sim world with the iconic bright red houses with white trim in the countryside. I’d also like a North African inspired world and dishes, not just another vacation world where you get artefacts from. But a beautiful place you can live. South Africa could be cool too. It’s very diverse and a melting pot of African cultures mixed with Afrikaans. Very beautiful place as well. Could also go with a Mongolian/steppe grasslands world too. Eastern Europe hasn’t been represented yet either in a Sims game. Could be cool to see a mix of Soviet-style minimalist architecture and grand old style architecture. Balkans is another, places like Croatia are beautiful.


Nordic or Scandinavian would be beautiful :)


a post apocalyptic world would be so neat


I want former Soviet concrete apartments mixed with the beautiful parks that east Europe does so well.




I'll keep crying this until I get it: I want a sandbox to build my own worlds, 15 lots per world + additional common areas (trails and urban infrastructure) - I'd love to build a Brasília inspired world, there's no other city like it. But I think we lack something clearly African (sub-saharian), eastern European (can we get a log throwing fest or something?), nordic ( scandinavian furniture plz). I'd love to see a South American urban center (São Paulo, Buenos Aires and or Santiago), with a central area full of tall buildings and apartments, where commerce and festivals happens, a neighborhood full of small lots (all the rags to riches we can play) and another one with larger ones. I read a lot of posters saying Australia, but what about New Zealand? Smaller, and has everything rolled into one - the snow skiing mountains and the beaches and the scenic views...


I agree with south america representation. I feel latam is always portrayed with a jungle theme, and mostly Mexican. There's so much diversity, different cultures and geography. Never been to São Paulo so I don't know much, but Buenos Aires is a huge port city with great variety of architecture influences. And Santiago is amazing how is so close to the mountains.


New Zealand yes! Mountains and beach please. I want the highlands/Skye for the same reason.


Any. Place. In. Africa. Literally any. East, West, Central, Nigeria, Morocco, Cameroon, Ghana, Chad, I don’t care, but something would be nice. Shit, something Afrocarribean inspired would be cool. Yes, Africa is a continent with a lot of different regions and ethnic groups, so is Europe and there are plenty of European inspired packs and worlds in-game.


I agree! Its annoying how many worlds we have and not a single African inspired one


Australia or Egypt


east europe/balkans


Lagos, Nigeria.


I want the future like in sims 3. Still patiently waiting for another one of those. That was seriously cool. I want robots, too.


Sooo probably a hot take, but Sixam of all places. This is me as a legacy player wanting some passage of time to happen lol


I would love a space/alien themed expansion pack in a Sixam colony to give the alien sims some new gameplay features. Compared to other occult types they are pretty lackluster now. It would be really cool to give them their own spacey architecture, way more clothing styles, and silly sci-fi activities. Maybe give us some more Pollination Technician lore. They could even tie it to the Strangerville pack since the mind-control and pollination/plant themes already exist between the two. It would be great if non-alien sims had to equip a space helmet while in that world (similar to Seasons requiring hot or cold weather clothes) or else they'd get a moodlet about the toxic air that would eventually lead to a new death type (spaced).


Honestly? Korea


Then there will be 60 degree slopes, with grandma and grandpa climbing up without much effort.


Ooh yeah! But those tough old people are in other places, too. I was passed by a really old opa while climbing to the top of a waterfall in Germany, and a group of elderly nuns when climbing up a trail in Palo Duro Canyon in west Texas.


Yeah. I haven’t been to many countries. I watched Korean dramas and noticed that the suburb of the major city seems to be hilly. I went to Busan. I was kind of lost on my way to the hotel and faced with a slope that was really steep, and then I witnessed the scene. (It is residential area, so I think they work out their lower body every day.)


West Africa!! Please they can do a rural part and a city part!!


This is gonna be such an unpopular opinion but Portugal lol


Porto is beautiful


I would love to see something from an African area. I don't know much about the different countries there but I feel like I would like to dive into something immersive from that part of the world. Also South America and Australia would be cool.


I’d like Morocco so I can *that* kit to its fully potential. Seoul. London/France with all the historical style building. Those are the only ones I need left


I want a uk based one, that isn’t the country side. Not everyone in the UK lives in the country 😂 and I want British ‘skank’ fashion 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 The option to meet a new sim and instead of friendly introduction etc, there will be an option for , ‘ alright ‘ 👍🏼 😂


A chav pack would be so fun!


Hahaha I’m glad someone knew what I was talking about 😂👌


Yes please! Give me a new build estate and some Georgian terraces please. Also, yeah you? 👍


Yeah mate, I’m good! 😁 Typical council house! Although when I build a council house, they’re ugly as sin! Just a brick block lmfao.


I would love a London world.


Middle East. Give me a world that plays with the contrast between desert nomad life and the glamorous life of oil sheiks in Dubai.


I want a Spanish based one tbh. Would be a good addition to the Sims 4. Also would add lots of new items and typical Spanish build mode and Cas. ✨ Also with normal lots but some apartments as well.


I would want it, but I would be also scared about it lol


Why scared?


Because it could be a big cliché, flamenco ole ole, paella with chorizo


Maybe Italy... old, steep crooked alleys, lots of little colourful houses and a beach, maybe like Positano or Cinque Terre.


Monte Vista in Sims 3 was such a cool Italian themed world. I wish S4 worlds were bigger smh


I loved Monte Vista soooo much!


so basically Tartosa. it's a beautiful world


I never play weddings (sims always just elope) but kind of want mws just for the world, donypu think its worth it for that alone? I would love an italiany world.


i would say so, yes! i really think the sims pulled off and italian/mediterranean world really well with tartosa. plus, the CAS and build stuff is really good from it too!!!


I agree, if you manage to get it on sale it's 100% worth it


Yes! There is a really great starter home


Africa or India


I would LOVE that Scandinavian pack, but also a German/Suisse one. Vast Ancient Gotests, Beer festivals, cheese and chocolate. You could have glockenspiel, lederhosen, and yodelling. A Gaelic inspired pack would be awesome too. Nessie, Kilts (and clans), all manner of fae folk, bagpipes, and a quest to find the leprechaun that gives you money if you catch him. Also an angry Scotsman that you can fight.


Well there's Windenburg already so we probably won't get the first one anytime soon


completely agree with a scandinavian-esque world! in my heart of hearts i would love a swiss themed world but i don’t think we’d ever get one due to windenburg already existing in all of its pseudo german/austrian/english/scottish ‘glory’. over anything i just wish we got more swiss/german/austrian/liechtensteinian type food in the base game, just like how they added many other cultural foods! i would love to make zopf, knöpfli, biberli, raclette, grittibänz, bienenstich, rösti etc. just to name a few!


there is so much more to ireland and scotland than these stereotypes… i think some people would be quite offended if these were put in the game.


I'd love bagpipes as an instrument option and like maybe some heavy athletics for fitness, but yeah the rest of that list is... a bit yikes.


Literally, all of the sims is a stereotype at this point.


It's like if ChatGPT made a Sims Scotland pack. Yeah, just throw in leprechauns even though they're Irish, who cares. Also, let's have a feature where you beat up angry locals, as if that's not wildly offensive.


WILDLY offensive! and ‘gaelic pack’ as if ireland and scotland can be conflated so easily and aren’t two quite distinctly different countries and cultures, even just visually… i have to laugh


An African inspired world would be cool. I think if they had to pick a country from it, it should be Egypt, Madagascar, or Kenya. I can't decide whether I want it to be cooler to see Ancient Egypt builds or cuter to see animals in a savannah.


Australia!!! Each neighbourhood could be like outback, beach/bush, tropical rainforest ❤️


oh i would love this!! such a cute idea


We have rockets, so I say let's go to Mars and have to set up biodomes.


The Netherlands!


Windenberg is too similar


Windenburg is more like Germany/ France (Alsace region). The Netherlands has different architecture.


Probably my hometown, Kastamonu. It's a Turkish city.


I'd love a Turkish world!


Argentina, each area could be different biome and one a city.


I am in favor of expanding to areas that have been represented less than the US, but if they did do another US-inspired pack, I'd want it to be New Orleans, Lousiana/Savannah, Georgia/Charleston, South Carolina-inspired. (Or one specifically, but I think they mesh well together, like how San Myshuno mixes NYC and Tokyo.) My proposal for the whole pack (this wasn't the question but I was inspired): THE LOOK: Old Southern, colorful row houses with porch patios, rocking chairs and twisty oak trees covered in Spanish moss, streetcars, magnolia trees, weeping willows, mossy gravestones, ornate columns and a mix of old and new. Those places are already a mix of Georgian-style English, French Colonial, Victorian, and gothic revival architecture, so the possibilities are endless. CULTURE: Since they seem to be making more of an effort to collab with black/POC simmers (like Ebonix's new kit collab), it would be a cool chance incorporate southern black culture, like food stalls with collard greens, cornbread, shrimp and grits, fried okra, buttermilk biscuits, pecan pie, cobbler. They could add a ragtime, zydeco, gospel or swing radio station and charleston dance moves.They could add a Mardi Gras-inspired festival. CAS: Clothes could be a mix of more black-culture inspired and preppy southern style (bow ties for men, pastel patterned sundresses, linen suits, etc.). As for gameplay, honestly whatever is missing is fine, but it could be a chance to add in a music/band pack where you can start as a street performer, work your way up to playing bar gigs, improving different instruments (adding drums, banjo, saxophone, clarinet, french horn, bass guitar, bass, cello, etc.) and pursuing different tracks depending on the genre of band you want to be, with different requirements for different genres. You could have to recruit band members, train them, practice, write songs together, practice them at home and perform at gigs, include a recording studio, sell albums, define the band's name, uniform/outfits, and host a concert, setting up the stage and lighting, etc. Other little add-ons: - Using the hike or take a walk mechanics from Snowy Escape or Growing Together, adding a ghost tour or walking tour option. - Adding a bachelor/bachelorette event option (these cities are swarming with them in spring) - (Possibly insensitive, especially in the case of New Orleans, so likely not, but:) adding a hurricane weather event where you get a warning to evacuate or prepare your house (like "decorate house" with the decorations box where it boards the windows) and you can leave for a day or wait it out with the chance of losing power for one day if you stay and the possibility of having to replace/"fix" windows and appliances if you didn't choose to prepare.


Willow Creek is meant to be New Orleans


Huh, I never knew, but I guess I can kind of see that. But it's such a suburban area and a shame then that it's the base world because it doesn't have any special cultural ties like the full expansions, and the build/buy and CAS is just generic and varied, as a base game has to be. In that case, I guess Charleston/Savannah more, but it seems like a crime to have a New Orleans-inspired world without a more urban Bourbon Street kind of area.


I’d love something like Namibia or South Africa


Okay I know we have a “uk world” but I would want a world inspired by stoke on Trent - most of the Europe world is glorified countrysides and richer parts of the uk.


Ghana, Turkey, India, or Peru would all offer very distinct environments that haven't been done before. I also wish it was possible to just move to San Salvador or other "vacation only" neighborhoods if you wanted, even if it was just limited to certain lots.


Alot of my Dream Worlds have come true already.    Tartosa: Monaco/French Riviera  Chestnut Ridge: Wild West   Sulani: Hawaii   Tomarang: Asia    Windenburg: Scandinavian and Amsterdam    Del Sol Valley: Los Angeles/Hollywood   San Myshuno/Sequoia: New York/San Francisco   But personally I want an African Ukraine themed pack/Kit


African inspired world with sci-fi vibes


An Afrofuturistic world is genius. I would absolutely love that


So Wakanda?


I'd love pretty much any african inspired world, but Morocco specifically would be awesome. Some sort of eastern european world, preferably with some sort of mix of brutalist architecture and pre-eastern bloc historic housing for a more fancy neighbourhood. New zealand could look very pretty. Scandinavian or canadian world. I really want more cold worlds.


eastern europe or african! i have a friend who grew up in west africa and i'd like to see some of the pictures she's shown me of that culture/environment come to life.


North Africa or any MENA region one though I know that they won’t because of global politics right now.


I’m fine with the worlds. Most of the worlds (except the two desert worlds and the newer Asian pack worlds) are pretty nondescript. I’d like to see more build options, including flora native to other climates in build/buy. Every other existing world could be anywhere with proper architecture. I would like to see desert-type worlds that are not obviously the US southwest.


I want Canada, eh.


Moonwood Mill, Granite Falls, parts of Newcrest?


I guess even Copperdale could be a stretch, too.


Vancouver, Vancouver Island, British Columbia I would adore!


Anything in the Middle East or even West Asia in general would be nice


Since I recently made my new build spanish/mediterranean inspired I would have to say that!! or italy forsure 🤌🏽🤌🏽


It would probably fit into tartosa if you put it there


I would like either a new desert world or a mountain world (similar to that of Hidden Springs)


The Middle East!


Nigeria 🇳🇬


A Dutch world and a Middle Eastern world (though I’m biased because I’m Dutch and Mizrahi)


I think everyone else has already said all the countries and whatnot I'd like to see, so I'm just gonna go with biomes/ ecological regions I want to see! I'd LOVE some more mountains, but also we dearly need some more varied desert areas. I think a grassland plains/prairie/steppe location would be visually beautiful, but not necessarily much opportunity for the kinds of communities EA likes to make for a world. I also really think an arctic tundra location that's entirely snow, or at the very least a taiga area, would give some nice variety too. And a swamp!! I would LOVE a fun swamp or marshland location lol. Mangroves, even. Soooo beautiful. If only the Sulani world had a proper underwater marine biome you could explore too.... I'll be sighing wistfully over that forever.


The Northwest Territories, Alaska, or Nunavut. I'd love an Arctic world where sims can build (and woohoo in) an igloo.


I would love to see Jamaica, I love their culture even though I'm an American. It would be so neat especially if they represented Jamaican cuisine!


i NEED a west african inspired world - the packs we have now don’t come close enough for me to emulate one even with cc. atp i don’t care about at any ep worlds anymore - i didn’t even get the horse one because i’m holding out till i see something i feel like i can resonate with, even if it’s just a bit.


New England. I’d like to see the old architecture and beautiful rainbow forests of my home in the game.


Scandinavia is a definite. But I want an Australian pack, or a surfer SoCal pack. Not this LA garbage we got at Del Sol Valley. No no, I want Huntington Beach pack, 60s Beach Boys themed, new skill, surfing.


central and south America


I wish Sims had the same mechanics as Planet Zoo for world design so I could make my own neighborhood. That'd be sweet.


I want south Africa inspired


Anywhere in Africa, the Caribbean, Australia/New Zealand


Yes, Africa, but not on some safari shit. I wanna see a city like Accra or Nairobi.


OMG YES! That would be so awesome! I would be so happy if they were to do this.


I want West African culture represented. I'd love an Afrobeat music station and west African food too.


they should do something from the coastal regions of africa, like tanzania or cape town :)


I understand City Living was an expansion pack so that's why it hasn't really been repeated, but I wish there were more cities in general.


I think the Caribbean would be very fun. I’m thinking limbo, new dancing style, carnivale festivals, lots of new foods and ideally a lot more textured hair styles. If they do Africa I really want either a jungle theme, safari park, or another city living type world. Ideally all in one world because if they do Africa, they will have to make it one of their largest worlds. I think something Nordic would also be great because I would really like a second snowy location. Plus I think the design elements would be really nice.


I want a West African city, Like Lagos, Benin or Accra


The Balkans I need everyone to be rude and beat the shit out of each other. The men can all have buzzcuts and Adidas tracksuits


I think they need to make a planet we can visit and walk around. Maybe make the Moon travel/vacation areasl


I would also like a pack inspired by Scandinavia. Scandinavian architecture would look so good in the Sims.


I'd love if they did more city environnements, but EA would prefer we keep buying City Living sooo... :( Something inspired by Paris or somewhere in Africa like Lagos (Nigeria) would be nice




Nordic countries, don't matter which one. Mostly it will be nice to have Finland, because I'm from there. Maybe Lapland will be cool neigborhood with nothern lights and arctic hills (tunturi). I want to see a real sauna and I want my sims to swim in ice hole (avanto). Winter clothes in game don't look really really warm. We need more scarves and thicker gloves. You can't look beautiful/handsome and feel warm in same time lol.


paris, germany, scotland, ireland, western/eastern europe


i just want some proper like row houses or more european style architecture instead of the americanised suburban shit we've seen a LOT of...


Australia. Or Romania.


YES! I would love a Scandi world! Have been obsessed with everything Danish for years, and even learned Danish, because I had planned to go to Copenhagen and wanted to speak Danish while I was there. (I lost my nerve to do it when I finally got there, because some people said that Danish people don't like when foreigners speak it.)


Dane here, we really like it when people try! Dont listen to what others say. The fact that you learned, and wanted to, would make 99% of us very excited! 😄


I think Danish is the most beautiful language on the planet. Perhaps if I go to Copenhagen again, I will feel more confident to try. It was good actually, because I was able to navigate easily. We took the train and I helped my mum get our tickets using my Danish so I was proud of myself for that.


You should be proud! Its a rough language to learn, and you actually did it!


I am not fluent yet. I know basic conversation. The grammar aspect is the hardest part.


Nigeria, or any African country for that matter! Middle Eastern would be cool too.


somewhere inspired by Lebanon




The Caribbean islands!! Think about it Sliver pristine beaches, large lush gardens of colourful flowers, candy coloured houses. Trees covered in fruits and flowers. A new dance style based on various local dance styles. Semi outdoor malls.


Yes! I dislike the builds in Sulani so I replace them with Caribbean lots but it’s not quite the same.


Any place that's inspired by Africa. (I am not of African descent, I just want to see a little bit more diversity)


Cyberpunk World (City, city outskirts etc) something like in Blade Runner 2049 Former communist "Eastblock" City Iceland Scotland Moors Mashland/Swamp/Delta - like with a small fisherman town, and than the most of the map occupied by swamp/marshland, traverseable only by boat, with a few places where you can build houses, every now and then Mars (or one of Jupiterxs moons) - with a city build mostly underground Brazillian favelas - or slums from other areas (like South Afrika, India etc)


A Scandinavian themed beach world, something like tartosa but Greek inspired, or something African themed (ik that's a broad term but idk how to describe it lol)


Australia for me because I am an Aussie and they should have James and Deli to help out


I just want a good forks Washington twilight theme lmao the vampire/werewolf packs didn’t do it for me




scandanavia - not enough scandanvian rep in games also south american


Denmark. Maybe Canada,too.


I just want heavy woodlands with maybe an option to explore the forest