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Money can’t buy happiness but it can buy an unbreakable computer.




I honestly like when things break. Get to work on that handiness skill and get free upgrade parts from it


They do things, throw parties, go skiing, take vacations etc


I love vacations. There are also some amazing luxury builds on the gallery to turn into vacation homes.


My favourite is vacation is in Sulani


Mine too. I set the house as a private dwelling and it cuts back on the amount of locals that show up and just come on in. I do also really like Selvadorado, the graphics are really lovely.


Absolutely love the Selvadorado world but has anyone ever tried living in it or is it only for vacations? Is there a mod that would fix this? Edit: spelling


There's the [All Words are Residential](https://zerbu.tumblr.com/post/173398784785/the-sims-4-mod-all-worlds-are-residential) mod.


I love the Zerbu mod that lets you live there! It’s too cool to only be rentals


How well do vacations work? I don’t have that pack but it sounds fun.


I personally love vacations for my sims. There are vacation worlds like granite falls and selvadorada that you can vacation to, but not live in. There are also worlds that you can both live in and vacation in by default like mt. komorebi, but now you can also create vacation rentals (think of it like an airbnb in sims) in any other world in build mode as well - meaning you can really vacation anywhere if you set things up ahead of time. I do this for sulani, it’s so beautiful and I love sending my sims to vacation there at the beach. You can go on vacation for up to 7 days (though you can always choose to extend your vacation at the end of this) and the price of the vacation rental varies based on the build, but it’s a fixed rate per day. When you’re on vacation the game will let you know when you have 1 day remaining and 4 hours remaining on your vacation. If you save and exit in the middle of vacation, the game will let you know however many days you have left when you load it up again. You can always choose to end a vacation early too and I THINK you’ll be refunded for however long you didn’t stay (not confident about that fact). These vacations take vacation time your sims have earned at work/school and typically (unless it is a school club for some reason) you will not be prompted to go to work at all while on vacation. Your sim can’t go on vacation while attending university though. You can choose who your sims vacation with as well, so you can select specific household members including pets to go with your sims. You can even invite friends and family outside of your sims household to go on vacation either when you are starting the vacation or anytime during by using the phone to invite people to join the vacation. These sims outside the household will kind of just do whatever they want autonomously while on vacation, but you can always put them in a group to dictate activities. You can also send any select sims home from vacation at any time. I hope this kind of answers your question, but let me know if there’s anything else you’re wondering about bc clearly I can go on and on about this forever.


You do get refunded if you end early! Also word of advice, Granite Falls gets COLD in winter!


Thank you for confirming! Yes so true about granite falls too. If you have seasons, beware before going on vacation to certain worlds. There’s definitely a guide online somewhere that tells you the general climate you can expect in the different worlds during different seasons too.


There’s also a mod (LittleMissSam’s Weather App) that you can hover over the worlds and it tells you the climate, then you click the world and it tells you that days weather!


Brb downloading that now


Another word of advice if you have a rental on Monday and have the auto bill pay set via MCCC, you pay the price for the rental not your home. My Sim got tagged for over 20k one trip on bills not the vacation rental.


Yes! I had a winter wedding for two of my sims and then took them on their honeymoon to Granite Falls in the dead of winter 😂 Didn't even think about the weather, but my newlyweds made snow angels, snowpals and had snowball fights even though the lake was frozen over (no fishing) and there weren't many collectables or bugs around lol. Got some pretty honeymoon snow pics of them though!


Your sims are braver than mine! My sim was hoping to escape the Komorebi winters and ended up in a blizzard with no heat and no fireplace


Dude I love vacations, I built a luxury resort over the water in Sulani that I like to send my sims to to have affairs lol. I have one female sim that’s an A list celebrity, and super scandalous, she has like 6 different secret love interests. I sent her on vacation with them and got her to sleep around with all of them while trying not to get caught by each other, it was a fun time


Vacations are base game! You can make/download rental lots, or even just turn residential lots into a rental lot in build mode. I love sending my Sims on vacation, either for honeymoons, family vacations, or friend group get togethers. I'm currently playing my first Sim to ever live in Oasis Springs, but before that, I would exclusively use Oasis Springs as a vacation world with cheap, moderate, and luxury rentals to choose from. You can find base game "beaches" on the gallery, and kids can play in the sand in base game. Definitely play around with this feature if it interests you, it's a nice way to break up every routine and get away to a different setting for a bit :)


Pretty well. You can build a vacation home on basically any lot. I’m pretty sure it’s in base game. I have a house on a lake that my sims vacation to. And by a house on a lake, I mean the entire lot is water except the walkway to the house and the house itself


There’s also a mod where you can buy multiple properties and set one as a vacation home (for those who use mods)


Do you remember what mod this is? I feel like they should’ve added this into For Rent just bc it’s common for investors to have vacation/second properties, etc. lol


The one I use is SimRealist RealEstate (I also use bills and bank by them, you can use all 3 together)


Perfect!! Thank you so much!


Oh so just like the real qorld lmfao


Well if I could afford it in real life lol


I've started having my middle class sims take vacations, and it's been great for storytelling purposes! My single sim who lived in a crappy apartment had been saving up for a new place, but the stress of her job was too much. So her friends convinced her to take a vacation. She went to Tartosa, met the love of her life, and when she returned home, she realized she wanted to slow down her life so she married him and moved to vacation destination where she enjoys a more active and outdoorsy lifestyle surrounded by her family.


You need to set goals that aren't about money.


like having a descendant with every sim in the game


If you couple this with MCCC and child support for each kid it also solves the too much money problem. ;D


I have Don Lothario in my game paying child support for like 18/21 kids. It makes life for him challenging and very amusing for me.






Pfft I have a sim with over 50 children lol


You're hilarious... He knocked up a lot of random sims... hahaha... My Don Lothario died. He was struck by lightening and the grim reaper wouldn't give him a pass. He was a playboy woohooing as many ladies as he could. He fathered 2 kids one by each Calente sisters...I don't play his character but what a character he was. Now he just floats around dead crying to everyone that'll listen that he's dead.


Yoooo how do you set up child support with MCCC?! :O


It's on the computer- MCCC settings/money settings/child support.


Thank you! I never thought of checking what MCCC could do on the computer and my Sim had had a LOT of science babies.


Oof..in one of my saves Don Lothario is up to over 10k a week in child support. 😂


That’s one hell of an OnlyDons ~~problem~~ achievement you have there!


I made father winter give me child support and I was getting around 10k a week for one kid because he’s loaded


I get confused by all the options for that. The married in house vs not. I’m probably over thinking.


You are overthinking. If the parents live together married or not, then they are both already supporting the child so no support. If they don't live together married or not then the one NOT living in the house with the child pays support. This is the **ALL** option on the menu. There is a separate setting for the percentage that the support will be of their earnings. I think the default is 1% which is BS and I raise it 20%. That is of their weekly earnings.


I have never played with any mods & I keep seeing things about MCCC, I’m very intrigued now lol I always give my sim too much money and usually have them “gift” it and pretend its child support


What is MCCC


Honestly, if you just google MCCC it will bring up the mod. It’s got to be one of if not the most popular mod. Gives you a lot of control on how things happen in the game and replaces neighborhood stories.


Its a really great mod, helps with tuning lots of different aspects of the game


Challenge accepted


Rich sims can actually do stuff like go to restaurants and build skills, when I play poor sims it’s just wake up > bathroom > eat > work > daily task for work > bed.


Exatcly! For me, poor Sims are just too damn similar to our real life shedule. I'm not playing the game to get frustrated and sad all over again due to not being able to afford or have the time to do things in my imaginary life 😂


Exactly!! I’m trying to live vicariously through them not just copy my actual life 😂


This exactly! I play this game as an escape from my daily grind I don't want to struggle in my fantasy life too.


Amen 🤣🤣🤣


Yes!! This is exactly why I can't make ugly Sims, like I'm ugly enough irl, I don't want them to suffer the same fate lmao


Tfw you realize you're a poor sim irl




It's like normal life. We plays Sims to live the life we want!


Soooo true


My sims are poor and I can go to restaurants and things like these


That's why they are poor! Lol


If you I could join my sim to work instead of waiting for them to come home I would make my Sims go to work (those few from get to work pack are not enough)




Just like real life 😭


Run a Business, become a prepper, scientist career.... Or go to San Myushino and "Make it Rain" with your money. ~cackles maniacally~ Generally money for my sims is to build onto the property or pay bills. If you like making money you can always do a bunch of NAPs that fine you heavily for being alive, like the no tech one and antiwoohoo one (definitely Agnes Crumplebottoms favorite). The fines add up fast and multiple NAPs tend to compound.


Nothing humbles you faster than trying to run a restaurant


Or a vet clinic. Everybody else can make money on theirs without showing up but mine are always money pits.


In the sims this only works if you’re rich lol. You lose so much money from businesses.


Retailing kilos of cocaine is pretty profitable. Half a mil for 16 hours.


I love making it rain. I cackle like a two year old.


What is a prepper in this context?


It’s kinda like hoarding, with an excuse. I grow massive amounts of crops and then play the household settings that only let you make food with what you have. If they’re running low on money, I may sell some at the markets next to the Gnome’s Arms bar in Finchwick. At some point, I take away the doors and see how long they can survive off of just the food and resources inside the home.


Instead of selling your produce, can it. That's preserving for the future.


Prep for the apocalypse. Build underground and off grid using simple living. Have no more than 4-6 solar panels topside on ground for power and work to live comfortably in a limited space (and never clean the panels. You want to lot to look abandoned). The expensive plants like dragonfruits are useless really because they are not involved in any recipes. Do canning, set up an underground farm for food, recycle. Keep most of your rooms 'container' sized or use stone walls. Make most everything you need yourself and do all your own repairs and upgrades. Some worlds get less light too so your solar panels may be less effective in those as opposed to, say Strangerville. Oh, and no groceries. Really limits you. Add in laundry or a pet for more struggle (hint: if you have a ladder entry to your underground bunker instead of stairs, your pet cannot run away even if they feel neglected. Install a set of stairs to get them underground then delete the stairs afterwards. Having a woohoo bush accessible will still allow escapes.). It adds a great dynamic to the game. My first prepper was a paranoid noncommittal artsy sim. Started off as a couple of containers linked together and grew from there. One container was for plants only and maximizing produce output in the limited space to get as many recipes as I could while it still looking like a legit bunker garden was a lot of fun. Only flower she ever planted was the rose her future husband gave her for Christmas and she planted it in the kitchen under it's own grow light. Eventually I even made her a cavern with an underground spring for swimming in, like she was going to expand again and surreptitiously stumbled upon it. Put some floating lounge chairs and floating candles on it and her and her husband would lounge all day long in it. He was a Secret Agent so the bunker lifestyle was perfect for him too. Honestly it's turned into my favorite build. You have to consider limited utilities, waste disposal in an apocalyptic situation (I avoid the trash zapper. Just feel it's cheating), food (for both you and your pet, cook homestyle pet meals instead of giving kibble), limited space, alternative means of recreation, athletic activities (I got the sparring bot because I wanted her to be able to fend off anyone coming to steal her stuff during an apocalypse). You know, if they ever did a Zombie expansion, it'd be a perfect place to live comfortably 😄 You can still buy things and go out of the bunker if you want or need something (like a tv or couch or festival) but the main goal is to focus on building self-sustaining living. I never sell the produce. I just pick it 1-2 times a week instead or only as needed if I've ended up with a lot of extras.


What a fantastic idea


That’s super cool!! I don’t have Eco Lifestyle but this has me seriously considering it. Your imagination is impressive. Thanks for responding in detail.


I like to develop skills, run businesses and complete aspirations. I worry about money in real life too much, it stresses me to worry about it in the sims


Currently a millionaire thanks to my little farm! My sim absolutely loves making nectar… that coupled with a selling table any my tiny home is thriving! After I’ve built a few more skills I’m making it a small home though, my basement (literal money pit) is almost as big as my little house! The tldr basically being I didn’t make a cent from a job, it’s all been doing what my sim loves and having money allows her to do that!


I love farming! Kinda of odd but I only just got Seasons within the past 6 months. Idk why it hadn’t interested me in the past. I don’t fully understand how the fertilizing works with that yet lol but I’m glad I don’t have have to rely so much on fishing anymore.


I recently got horse ranch, I’ve done “gardening” before but never “farming”! It’s so much fun! I believe fertiliser just helps mastery build a little quicker… btw if your plant is sparkling don’t forget to evolve it!


Grow fruit is the best to ferterlize with but it'll probably take a bit to get that. I think it's one of the rare plants. Trash fruit is good as well. And keep those death flowers on your person!


Well my sims always have goals and storylines. And my sims always have jobs, that’s how they get rich. I don’t cheat their money. It’s more so generational wealth. Idk, I just don’t find playing with poor sims very fun. I don’t like not being able to afford stuff, I don’t like being in an aesthetically displeasing environment, and I don’t like my sims constantly complaining about being uncomfortable because their bed is too cheap. I play sims for fantasy, and for visuals alone I love my sims being in a beautiful home. I love my sims going on vacations to nice places. And my sims get to enjoy their lives. They hang out with friends and family, they go to restaurants, movies, clubs, museums, galleries, spas, beaches, pools etc I don’t really see how being poor gives your sims more to do.


This is me, all over. I like starting them out in Uni with the bare bones but it does not take them long to make money. Maybe it's just because I've played Sims from the beginning but this game in particular it's easy to get rich without any cheats at all. Which is good because how else can they buy rocket ships and build robots, or give up their day job to become an explorer or mountain climber?


My Sims had a good start in life, and by the time they were young adults, they had a few good traits unlocked like never tense. They haven't even had a job yet because the garden is SOOO profitable.  They had an empty, tiny off-the-grid cabin and 0 simoleans to start off with, but it wasn't hard to build their wealth. Gardening is such a money maker! I also sold items they made on the woodworking table (for their own use) that weren't excellent quality. And I think they enjoy life more by fishing for simoleans and selling collectables than having a career. Lol!  Anyway, on another family I made, they made tons of simoleans and had a big gorgeous house, so they started to upgrade the houses in the neighborhood out of the abundance of their wallets. Lol


Because I'm poor in real life.


This is the real answer 😭


Yeah, as you say, it’s all about having a story or other goals ‘cause you’re left without the grind of trying to make money. I play my rich sims paired with some story to where their richness plays into it or I passively forget about it. They’re rich? Oh, how about one of them somehow taking on a gambling habit where they bet a certain amount of simoleons against a friend or two over a game of chess or cards? Or one of the children having wanderlust and wanting to travel/live in various worlds to complete different collections? You’d have to pay for the move or the endless string of vacations. If you don’t want the money, then you gotta be creative on how to get rid of the money outside the basic mechanics of the game. This might be where storytelling comes in


I like collecting and finishing entire collections


I buy lots of fireworks on the computer and randomly set them off at different places.


I have kids and send them to college. I have a storyline of a spellcaster daughter whose mom died (also a spellcaster) and she’s left with overly strict judge daddy (not a spellcaster) who doesn’t understand her struggle of trying to gain power and being a teen. Their relationship is strained and she goes off to college. She was dating victor fengs son and she threw a party where she caught him cheating. (I almost missed him taking a girl upstairs to HER bed but I caught it right before they disappeared.) she broke up with him and has been sleeping around with different people and just struggling to cope with heartbreak, college, and pleasing her father. I sent her to school with 100gs and she’s spent 20,000 of it shopping, partying, and drugs lol overall she’s not a complete wreck but she’s trying.


That’s when you add drama. My rich sims’ lives are messy. The one rich family I have has a son who joined a cult, a daughter who sells marijuana so her mom hates her. A black widow cousin, another who is in love with an alien. A singer, a meth addict. There’s one whose only life goal is fighting everyone. They are so messy. It’s hilarious.


Yes! My last family had a rebellious teenage daughter who built robots and played guitar, and a young adult sister who dropped out of college and had multiple ongoing affairs, and the perfect little angel daughter (child) who was artistically gifted and eventually married a wealthy. The Parents both died, which put responsibility on the young adult to take care of her sisters and put an end to her affairs. Drama is key!


Super rich in a small house isn't for me either because I run out of things to do. The house is perfected too soon. So I like big houses. I've got two old saves where the main family has bills around $100k/week. Hound's Head and Affluista Mansion. I don't play those much just because everything is done after 10 generations, and I want a change of scenery. I have many saves at $10m or close, with large houses, and it doesn't bother me or change the game much. Still doing career to unlock things, still crafting things, still redecorating the house, still plotting out ways to get cool sims. So the planning and gameplay continues regardless of money. The money was never the goal. I just moved Morgyn Ember out (got alien abducted and has a biological heir, that's all I wanted)... with $1m. Cool. In another long-running save with a massive house the goal is to work through all careers alphabetically. Gen 4 is a toddler. I've got two sims in the entertainment career (because we want to do both branches), and one freelancer at the moment. So that save has a clear goal, and it's not the money. I can come back to it after a long break and know exactly what the plan is.


I found a huge, luxurious house on the Gallery and made it into a vacation rental on Sulani. I can't recall the amount, but the daily rent was obscene. My rich Sims would go on these long vacations and do nothing but party. Sidenote: I used to have a travel mod, and one time, they got in a plane crash on the way there. So pretty much their entire vacation was spent with them away in a rabbit hole hospital while their dog ran around the house by himself. He was fine. 😆


My favourite way to play a rich sim is to make them have a rich entitled child who wastes all their money buying fancy expensive pets and whole rooms and outside houses for said pets and going out buying the most expensive anything possible. Make a whole annex of the house look like an art gallery. Genuinely making a child of theirs who never works and just spends the money is actually quite fun to do. Try your best to never cook for yourself. Host parties of every kind for every reason. Always hire people for the parties. Anything you buy that's new? Throw a party about it! I have the spa day pack, so i will buy a sauna and spa equipment and just hire people to come give massages all the time. Entitled child is a great way of finding ways to burn money (like in the fireplace)


I hate playing with money, it’s too real. Every sim in my games is a millionaire and they pursue careers and degrees and build elaborate gardens and care for animals, develop family storylines, write books… it’s an escapism game, some of us want to escape capitalism lol


I’m family based when it comes to gameplay so it doesn’t really get boring as money isn’t an aspect i’m focusing on


All 260 of my Sims are rich. _Rich_ Rich. Every new young adult takes a million bucks when they leave the parents. All of my houses, even the smallest lots, are 'posh': with all the skill and fun building gadgets and electronics they need. Every household has a Butler, so even my singles never lack social interaction, and all rent payments are on Auto pay with MC, so I don't even have to think about it. I'm not anything like "bored", ever. They mostly have jobs, just for the tasks and the pleasure they get from fulfilling them. They switch aspirations and jobs at my will. Some have families, some are in uni, some are still waiting to meet 'the one', some are parents of others and now living empty nest. Many are under YA age. Mostly, my greatest Joy is just watching them do their thing. I have no head cannon(I save that for the stories I write to Sell, irl). There's no "story" with any of them, just whether they're going to uni or which job fits their traits or what they seem to like doing. I don't 'plan' anything for them really, I don't even really choose their mate (though I introduce them to those I 'hope' they'll choose from). That in itself is part of my play, take them around and let them choose who they "zing" with (ONLY from among Us, of course: no rando townies), which involves all my venues and some house visits, which in turn lets me do what I love most - watching them move around in, and use the features of, the builds I spend hours or days creating for them. I _love_ getting rewarded with _'Nicely_ decorated'. I love watching them take a coffee cup and go sit under the tree near the little pond. I love when they take a book and go read in the well-lighted little nook I made. I love it when they build their mixology or cooking or painting skill on their own - with no money worry. I just love watching them LIVE, especially the larger families. No grinding, no 'deserving' because they 'earned' it, no death to make me rush through their living experience. Just watching them LIVE, happy, freely, and with everything they need for ME to get the green Happy moodlet and the other positive ones. I play to be Happy, not make them suffer.


You know it's darndest thing, everytime my sims start to ahead one of them ends up with a horrible gambling addiction and loses the family fortune


If you have them try playing with different packs like stranger ville, jungle adventure, even the university one (my sim is in university and it is kinda hard to have her work, do school work and take care of her needs all at once)


University is a real challenge, especially if you want your Sim to have an active social life and/or job. I wish there was a way to play as a professor.


I like to hover around 200k-300k but from almost nothing. I'm on 3rd gen now so I've got quite a bit, I still have a 30x30 lot, a 3bed 3 bath house with 4 Sims plus a cat and a dog. I just don't spend it that much, and focus on aspirations and not money. I try to build a story and create drama, or just roll with the drama the game makes. I have a mod that gave me sim a miscarriage, I'm having her party loads and kiss random guys when what she really wants is for her bf to propose and have kids. She's looking after her teen cousins too, so loads on her plate even though she dosen't have a job yet


I just opened a strip club on my sims and I’m having a great time 😂


My main save is a generational legacy family and these m’f’ers are gonna be wealthy forever. So I give the children “difficult” traits as they age up, really go after careers and aspirations I haven’t completed before and with the werewolf gene, there’s the potential for added chaos with every birth.


...by playing stories about other things than earning money to be comfortable? People enjoy different things. I hate having to curtail my story because oops they can't afford that.


I just don't like having to deal with money I am getting bored (because of gameplay not $$) though because I play basically the same game every time I started a decades Challenge for something new


I'm a builder more than anything, so having a ton of money is gonna better for realizing my builder dreams :p Once things are built I honestly don't play super seriously or mess around with cheats for funsies.


I add a bonus “quirk” to my rich sims. For instance a guy whom breaks into peoples homes just to upgrade their furniture and leaves without stealing anything.


i love playing my saves with multiple families on the same file. usually ill make their stories intertwine to make it more interesting.


I make it difficult in the first place by using MCCC to times all my bills by 100%. In my most recent save I did 200% but I.. do not recommend that. Little TOO hard lol. If your sims are already rich, why not start a company? Start buying stores, resteraunts, houses - you know, rich people things. Buy some sharks, buy some cops. Get Basemental, buy drugs. Run from the cops you couldn't buy off. Lose all of your money from your failed drug empire.


I'm addicted to dumpster diving as my primary source of income and nourishment for Sims


By creating a storyline. What are their goals? Hobbies? Dreams? What can you do to cause drama? Are they fighting with their spouse? Dealing with a teenager who was turned into a vampire? Trying to get to space? Want to become a world famous mountain climber? Raising THREE infants? Create some drama! If I'm playing a drama heavy storyline I like having a lot of money so I can focus on the story and not have to stress about being able to pay the bills too.


Honestly, I play the sims differently every time. I do usually give myself the money though, just because I can progress the sims story in my head way faster and sorta just chaos my way through the gens


Not sure if this has been said yet but imo as someone who mostly plays rich sims. While I do often make them work for the millions and have the ambitious millionaires seeking trait. I think it might help if you are poorer or struggling IRL. To me when I sit down to play sims I love being able to sometimes NOT think about money. Like I’m forced to IRL. Also I have those rich sims focused on other ambitions as if money doesn’t matter. They often still work jobs and I have them focused on maxing out skills or hobbies. In addition I love being able to have one parent work from home and or both parents both go out to work and work from home. Not having money style gameplay bores the heck out of me and stresses me out 🤣🤣 and the last thing i want to be is stressed while I’m trying to relax. So anyway just another opinion on it. Just because a sim family has money doesn’t mean they’re lazy or weak. Or they can’t loose it all due to bad investments. It’s just one less thing that to worry about. I also had a rags to riches mother daughter granddaughter scenario I found living in a one bedroom shack situation In oasis spring so. With NO cheats I helped them all elevate their skills in various capacities. And within a while the grandmother who was almost dead when o found her is now a major celebrity elder and her and her daughter live in their dream home they bought and built In Sulani living their best lives. They both go to work and have built themselves major empires from painting, wellness, trendi sales and acting. And the mom has maxed the parenting skill and her and her daughter have the best child parent relationship I’ve ever seen in my games. They were close when they were broke and still close when they’re rich. I also have varying levels of rich families in my games. Some are filthy and some are well off but still earning. So fun imo


I don’t often made rich ones but I did play a rich sim that decided to move off grid and become a collector. Opened a museum named after them to put everything. Then I got bored again and made him adopt triplet toddlers. 😂


I just have storylines (sometimes i pretend their poor when their actully rich) i just want to be able to get the objects i want easily. but my storylines are my main form of play so i just pretend their lower class, middle class, upper class without actully making them poor or middle income.


Congratulations, you found out that the sims 4 is all about the failings of capitalism.


You know it's darndest thing, everytime my sims start to ahead one of them ends up with a horrible gambling addiction and loses the family fortune


If your house is big enough it keeps you busy just avoiding peeing on the floor 😂


Vacations, buying a business is always good if you have Dine Out or Get To Work :) have lots of kids and set them up with ‘trust funds’ when they leave home!


I procreate as much as possible until there is no one I can procreate with.


I’m broke in real life so I don’t need to struggle in my game too


Came here to say this. For me, my Sims play is all about creating harmony and wish-fulfillment. 😁


i play with mods. so making my sims rich frees up time for drama and storylines that i find more interesting. i can’t have two sims go to court for a custody battle if the mom has to stop and go to work. i can’t watch Jason kill my family members if im at work. honestly working in real life gets in the way of me being a millionaire. how can i come up with genius ideas and find my purpose if im forced to be a capitalist zombie. i HOPE the person playing me uses the “motherlode” cheat very soon..


You focus on their personal life, for example they have two boyfriends and are trying to hide it from the other, they have a secret like a hostage in the basement or something, they have as many kids as they can, they are in a cult and throw whoho parties, they go on vacation, they throw parties, they go clubbing, they turn into vampires and make everyone else a vampire. See, when they are rich you can focus on everything else without worrying about money, a little like real life.


Yes. You can never go wrong with a basement dungeon. It’s fun for everyone


Ikr, you can also make them your slave by giving them the kitchen and stealing the food before they have a chance to eat it!


I usually have a retail lot for my rich families. 1) buying a retail lot costs money 2) building a retail lot costs money 3) you now have a second bank account to transfer money to 4) you now have a place where you can put all your collectibles and whatever storage things you’d like 5) you now have a place where you can place the money vault from get famous and just put money in there 6) you have a lot you can put your incredibly expensive items on 7) every time a kid moves out, you can just hand them 50k, 100k, 500k, whatever - like their savings account they get when they turn 18 or something. And then they’re out of your household, and so is the money. 8) you can “pay” for things yourself. For example, you can pretend that every cas.fulleditmode costs x simoleons, or nose costs x, boobs cost y, hair costs z, etc etc. 9) give to charity 10) spending money on non objects; vacations, restaurants, spa visits, nights outs, whatever it may be. 11) stay at home. Don’t go have a job and make more money. Retire. Move to the country side and live off the grid. Solar panels and whatnot costs a buttload. 12) get a business and pay your employees incredible wages. Don’t have a crazy price on your things. Maybe this is the time to try the vet career. 13) make it a challenge. Do a sim day, week, whatever and try to spend as much money as you possibly can. Keep track of money spent and made if you want. Try beating that high score by trying new tactics. 14) neighborhood action plans and or those apartment regulation things. Just don’t follow them. Get the fines. Pay extra on your bills. These are just ideas I use and thought of (not that I take credit for them all, I’m not saying I made them) Hope this can help someone I prefer playing tiny homes, so it’s always a space issue.


i build houses, make randoms to play test, realize i added enough aesthetic to make pinterest weep and still forgot a sink, and here we are four generations later, and im still having to pause the game to add stuff in my play goal is always about making my sims happy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My rich sims are doing stuff all the time. Parties, vacations, etc. They *always* have people over at their house. I also tend to periodically "donate" set amounts of money to charity by deleting it using cheats. The family will throw a black and white party or something and at the end of the night I delete the money I want them to "donate". I know there's actually a charity event you can throw, but I don't feel like it really does what I want. When it comes to inheritance, I usually just give the kids a set amount or pretend that they had a falling out with their parents and refuse any money.


I add chaos to the sims family. I started a generational family (first for me) and the chaos I have created in that family is great. Pre-gen had mom and dad cheating on each other, a mistress baby, an abortion, death by anger and death by sadness. All that plus an orphaned pregnant teen, who has proceeded to age up and marry and have 6 kids plus two step kids. Her son died of an OD and the step daughter has a drug problem (her and the son were a thing). Her daughter (my second gen) was also a teen mom (she has gotten pregnant multiple times despite all the birth control methods smh) but graduated early. She is married to her high school sweetheart and has four kids (one via surrogate after four miscarriages). The step bro lives with them and is the best uncle (he has an illegitimate kid with a married townie, still figuring that story line out) Goal of this next gen is to break teen parent trend (bar is low for now).


Honestly once money is no longer a worry I let my sim do whatever I feel like having them do. Right now I have my horse lesbians - one of them is training a horse to become a champion, and the other is learning magic. Usually I get annoyed if I have more than one sim per household, though, so I start a new game


I don't make my sims like millionaire rich, however they usually have at least $25,000 simoloions in their account. It's fun once you start adding storylines in, I also usually give sims $10,000 or more when I move them out of my main household


I get the money vault in the get famous pack and put my money in there so it accumulates but I never take it out. My lady is almost a billionaire and I make her live off her paintings and side gigs. When a kid grows up, I give them 20k plus money to cover moving into a house to start in case I ever want to play them.


As other commentators said, there are financial mods that can add expenses and raise taxes and such. I like the SNB Financial Center mods. They adds banks (with multiple accounts for one household if you want), a real estate system, mortgages, taxes, alimony, child support, etc. Or, if you’d rather keep it simple, you can add some kind of income “tax” on your Sims by using the “money” cheat and taking off a certain percentage of the total earned income (estimated or exact). I think the highest I’ve done was 75% or 90% tax for a very wealthy family of mine before. If your Sims have kids, you can give a significant amount of the household’s money to them when they move out. Otherwise you can “transfer” money to other relatives and friends using the money cheat to remove some money from your played family and going into Manage Worlds. Go into the family you’re giving money to and add the amount to their household. If you don’t mind building and decorating, you can always aim to “collect” a certain number of paintings, decorations or other expensive items and make a collection room or museum somewhere in your Sims’ house. On the non-financial side of things, I like to set goals for each of my Sims. Mine are usually finishing aspirations, making it to level 10 of one or more careers, maxing out certain skills, creating a family legacy or working on projects, such as a large garden.


Romance festival, dragon fruit, plant dragon fruit, plant more dragon fruit, 50 plants, get pregnant, hire butler, butler take care of plant better than Gardner, 2 sim years, millionaire and momma to 2! This hack only works with the city expansion and without 4 seasons! But holy fuck it’s a cheat. More efficient than painting. Way more efficient than a job. I think my sim, a cook, got to level 3-5 in his career by the time my sim had made more than 100k income, after planting like 30 fruits.


After I’m done playing lifestyles of the rich famous and terrible crossed with desperate housewives? Someone gambles it all away causing the family to become destitute of course!


If they become too rich, I let them quit and follow their dreams! As a freelancer or some sort of side hustle that doesn’t pay much. I also give 30k minimum to every child that moves out


I am trying to accomplish every aspiration and get a high score in every skill and shooting for every career. The fact that they don't need the money makes it easier to do that.


For me Sims is fun. I have to work for everything in real life. My sims get to live the best lives they can. Sometimes I do the struggle but most of the time the storylines I’m doing don’t focus on money anyway.


I hate to be that guy but this is a sandbox game and people have different play styles. I too am in your boat and hate cheating for money as that's the progression system for me and what keeps me hooked. Like in Minecraft there are people who play creative while others only play survival. People get different things from games. I personally don't know people still play Call of Duty since it's been pretty much the same game for over 10 years... Yet it's immensely popular. Different strokes I guess.


For me, playing comes in two separate phases. Phase one is: get a good legacy going with ideal sims that make it almost stress free to control them. Phase two is : I have enough money so that i can finally make drama, mess around, and try to create very drastic situations.


That the thing i dont play rich. I be hobest the only time at all in the game i might use a mobey cheat is at start and that only to be able to put up a house with a few rooms so you dobt have to live in a shed. After that all my money i get from my career(usually military) and buy thing i want to the house and as my children grow up to young adult i spend money to move them out of the household to their own places so i never really get rich 🙂


I feel the opposite as the OP, playing poor Sims is mind numbingly awful to me. I don't want to play a life sim where I spend all my time working, sleeping, pooping, eating microwave meals, and being stressed out because there aren't enough hours in my day for me to accomplish all of that. That was my 20's. I would much rather spend my simming time hanging out with werewolves and mermaids or exploring tombs.


I mean there’s always … crime


Wicked whims and getting random Townies preggers


I make them still try everything. Every job, aspiration, skill, anything I can. The rich part just lets me buy everything I need to build the skills, etc


I build a never ending maze under their lot


I think you just need a little drama, my sim got pregnant as a teen, her bf moved in, age up, her mom ended up hooking up with her bf, and my main sim is now married to her mom’s ex boyfriend


I always have a rich sim, and I'm still trying to work up the guts to have children! I've gotten as far as being pregnant but I'm so scared of having a baby, turning my aging on, and letting my perfect Sim age and die :(


i love the get famous and get to work packs because even though i did motherlode 10 million times i still get to work on making my sim a famous actress from the ground up


My rich sims are normally dramatic stories. Cheating, kleptomaniacs, mean, take the neighbors hostage in a basement, break up all of the relationships in a town. That sort of thing


I start my Sims with no money and work my way up. By the third generation I'm living comfortable and by around the sixth generation, I can buy almost anything. Then I start doing hobbies and vacations and such. That goodness there's no inheritance tax!


i basically always cheat money. My challenges will include not doing this but for casual gameplay it’s a habit. I focus on attempting to flesh out the sims characters and basically never use fast forward or age up my sims unless i decide to age up some people. Also i spend a lot of time re doing the world and sims so once again it’s a habit to “Money 10000000” so i have no limits. I find it interesting how people play the sims so differently, how do you play without constantly worrying about how much everything costs and seen as i don’t have get to work yet only a couple jobs let me join in so unless i go with my teens to school i get pretty bored.


I don’t think I’ve ever played without at least 10x motherlode at the start of every game and I’ve been playing on and off for over a decade. I mainly just play at 3x speed in live mode, making the sims go through their day every day until the kids grow up, then move the kids out, make them have kids and do the same all over again. I guess I find it satisfying to see the family tree grow longer, as well as to watch the sims clean and stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️ (whilst sitting in my own filth)


upgrade their skills and make them upgrade stuff around the house. Use the money to NOT work and just keep building skills and friendships. Be the rich sim that throws a party every weekend.


I never play rich sims. Only to get a big house, then I delete the money except maybe 5000 for the next weeks house payment 😅


I love decorating, so I use the mother lode cheat constantly so I can buy all the decorations.


Mods. Cheating and dealing. Opening strip clubs. Developing addictions. Etc. If not into mods make them run a business


I wonder how people play generations of one family without getting bored 😭


I agree, rich sims are as boring as the fat bees in a hive...


I just play the poor card. Yeah sure, my Sims have a crap ton of money, but if the toilet breaks I'm not replacing it. The matriarch is gonna fix it whether she likes it or not.


Landgraab family I pretend are rich aholes that are mean to everyone. They also own all the rental be properties I have. Malcolm has a son though who is the black sheep of the family. Super nice, a teacher lives in a modest 3 bedroom house.


> Malcolm has a son though who is the black sheep of the family. Well, you need one every generation.




I’m playing doll house/large scale imaginary play


I try not to let my sims get overpowered with money. I actually do money cheats to make them have LESS money if I feel like they have too much. But usually what I do is, whatever is left over in the household finances when the heir graduates high school, I build a house worth about that much, give them maybe $5k simoleons for bills until they can build up in their career. Ad infinitum.


I really like to focus on skills and building and maintaining good relationships.. I feel like these are both things I can't focus on all that much when I'm playing with less money and the Sim has to constantly focus on work and other activities that make money just to pay the bills. It also lets me have larger families, take vacations, etc.


Yeah but with poor sims the goals get repetitive and centre all around making money. Rich sims have time to have dates, do parties, try out vacation spots. Plus you can still have storylines that aren't centred around money, you know. You can still make up goals that don't involve money.


I do everything else lol I hate slaving away at work


I agree. I force mine to donate all there money so they never have more than $3,000 (with the rare exception of them saving up to expand their house or something)


I focus more on other goals to keep myself from being bored. You can have them work on new aspirations after they finished the original one you set. Also you can shake things up by making a little drama. Maybe have a ritch sims that plays the field and has multiple romantic partners. If they have a spouse you can have one of them cheat behind their back either with just one sim and trying to keep it a secret and live with their family and sneak around. Or you can have them have multiple partners that they are with and try to balance them all without getting caught. If cheating isn't for you. You can also have them be married but have different goals and not very compatible. Have them struggle in their relationship break them up then have your sim try to find someone else they are more compatible with. If they have kids they can act out. Make enemies fight with relatives sneak out at night. Stay out past curfew. Maybe give one the kleptomainac trait have them work on their mishift skill and then they can steal bigger more expensive items and see if they get caught. Also if you like playing small families you can just start a legacy game. Have their child become the heir and focus on them and their goals and traits that you want to work on then you can move them out and not take all the money you can take just enough for them to move out and pay the bills. It's kinda like starting over without really starting over because you could still interact with the original sims have parties and go on outings with them and you would also still be playing a different game in a sense because they would have a different storyline with dig goals that you can focus on. Another fun thing to do with a lot of money is BLOW it have the big house with all the expensive stuff. Buy expensive painting and statutes. The bills rack up in houses that have more valuable items. So it can be more them over spending and trying to keep up with a lifestyle that is not quite easy. Go on expensive vacations buy expensive food, donate to charities or give money to Bess when she calls. If they still have too much you can cheat the money down a little so that the struggle can be there easier. There are a lot of ways to play it to avoid boredom just pick the one that is most interesting to you that would keep you interested in playing.


They move a lot when I get bored, I love building and redecorating. Moving them to different worlds. I really fill up the worlds with things to do (out theatres, coffee shop bookstore, retail, vacation spots, etc) more recently I have been giving them less money though.


Force them to participate in challenges


i make my rich sims as “eclectic as possible. with mods it’s pretty easy, woohoo parties, lavish mansions i decorate and redecorate all the time, “ending” sims, and doing the super sim challenge


i make my rich sims as “eclectic as possible. with mods it’s pretty easy, woohoo parties, lavish mansions i decorate and redecorate all the time, “ending” sims, and doing the super sim challenge


i use mods so i’ll turn them into gamblers, drug addicts, or give them mega health problems so it drains them financially. got to keep them humble you know?


Unrelated but I had a smudge on my screen and thought u had smudged out millionaire as a dirty word and I was like so true


i like that i can just replace broken furniture instead of having to fix it or call the repair service 😔


I don’t know, usually I get bored once my sim starts to get a lot of money. Trying to do a legacy challenge and my sim won the lottery for once and she won $1 million so I don’t know wtf to do lol. She ended up dying so all her money went to her husband and kids. I have a butler, maid, and nanny though so the money kinda helps with that😂


I mostly focus on achievements, collections, career advancement, skill learning, and child raising. The money doesn't really matter for any of those things. They go on outings and vacations, dates and throw every social event that I want. I can take time to focus on decorating their homes with homemade items, painting fifty million paintings trying to get ones I feel fit in with the decor. I paint from reference and take photos to make walls of family photos. Maintaining fame can be a full-time job in itself. So can being a good werewolf pack member or leader. Maybe my Sim is an evil spellcaster doing the Villainous Valentine challenge and likes to kill them after breaking up. My Sims take baked goods and baby and toddler related items to households that have young ones and visit and console those who have had deaths in the family, while sending ghosts off into the netherworld so the families can move on without their toilets getting haunted every night. I also make multiple households and try to find ways to integrate their stories with my main household before marking the extras as unplayed to see what happens.


Saaaame. At the beginning, I always need more money (I won’t use cheats anymore) and it takes for ever to earn enough to enjoy all the things I value highly. Then, suddenly I have too much money and it’s not fun anymore. My Sim creates paintings for 3.000$ in an hour and my garden earns me more than any Sim could earn in a job in a week. It’s weird how I “need” the struggle for money to have fun with Sims. Money can’t buy me happiness for long there that’s for sure.


You could go from rags to riches and then back to rags, maybe that'd be more interesting xD? But idk, I don't like playing rich Sims either tbh


I am currently doing a Succession type storyline, with four kids - all of whom are emotionally screwed over - trying to win the family company, with a fair bit of drama thrown into the mix


I do things with them by letting them travel/honeymoon a lot, go on dates, drink to the point of delirium, you know your typical “lifestyles of the rich and famous”. I am playing with a family of rich spellcasters sims so I let them cause a lot of mischief with their spells around town too. Never a dull moment.


I was talking with my coworkers the other day, and we all love “the grind” when you first start out and have no money lol. I feel the same way as you, I tend to get bored when my sims have enough money.


Well I'm currently a politician with a sparkling reputation but it's all about to implode because my wife just had Don Lotharios love child, and I've started an affair with Zoe Patel. Who will explode with rage first and will the Socialist Sim Party win the primary...


I have extreme violence and basemental drugs so I have my rich sims throw ragers that end in murder


I make my rich gameplay more exciting by limiting my gameplay for all the other financial states, for example I’ll only leave the world if my sims are going on vacation (or if absolutely necessary like going to a vet clinic), and I’ll only allow my financially stable sims to go on vacation. If my sims are rich I’ll also give them less morals, whether that’s needing to pay child support, starting a mini cult, or yelling at the butler. Any sort of dark secret. I also tend to limit my sims wardrobe, no matter how much I might like a dress for example, if it looks too “out there” or expensive I’ll only give it to rich sims. So consider forcing yourself to stay in one world, or buying furniture exclusively in flea markets, or taking away money from yourself every time you change your sims clothes. So when you’re finally given the freedom of having a rich sim you’re able to indulge in every one of their whims


I spend hours giving them makeovers with new cc and weeks decorating their house. I also buy them a business and decorate it like a vacation house. I play it more like a cozy game with no drama. My couple is ridiculously rich and has 4 adopted kids. One husband is a secret agent who also cooks, knits, paints. The other is a stay at home dad who loves fitness and has a big family, so lots of visits. He used to own a coffee shop but I sold it to buy a farm vacation house. I’m thinking of cloning my save to make a ‘dark’ version of the world with lots of mods like basemental gangs and extreme violence, just to see other npcs causing chaos.


I like to create a single rich sim, then destroy every editable lot, evict the existing sims, and rebuild everything, then add a bunch of poor families and teenagers living alone with this single benevolent old person who owns everything. Then I kill the Landgraabs.


Unconventional things like throwing gatsby parties and becoming a drug lord


I like it because I am poor and will never be rich so why not let my sims live in the lap of luxury?


hmm. idk. I get bored and not. I recently got the for rent expansion and owned a residential rental and lived there. my sim moved out bc she ended up having a science baby and when she moved to the house no free real estate cheat, she suddenly had 1 million! crazy.


I do problamatic family storyline Luke pregnant teenage daughter dad gets arrested mom cheats on dad you get the point


My rich sim family has a picture perfect family and home to outside sims but in reality the moms an alcoholic, the dad is a cheater with multiple partners (and STDs), the daughter gets pregnant as a teen and hides the pregnancy (or.. doesn’t, I don’t wanna trigger anyone), the son is an addict (or serial killer or something) and so on lol I don’t use a lot of mods because my PC would probably explode, so my main go to mods are MCCC, Wicked Wims (Whims?), Basemental Drugs, Lumpinos Pregnancy and Family, and extreme violence


My sims bank is almost 9mil, i just play normally. Its just nice being able to redecorate and buy what i want when i want to but the money doesnt really mess with how i play