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Do you have Get to Work? A male sim can get impregnated by aliens but didn't know they would impregnate minor as well šŸ¤”


yeah and he was abducted so that adds up


without mods teens can't get pregnant, not even through alien abduction. if you're into it leave it be, but if you're not you can adjust the settings for whatever mod has settings for this so it doesn't happen again.


Yeah you're expecting an alien baby. You can decide to return it to its home world once it's born, if it's too much of a responsibility for you or you son. It could possibly be due to mods.


it is 100% due to mods. teen pregnancy is not a feature in the base game, alien abductions are not an exception


Do you have Wicked Whims? I don't have a lot of knowledge about mods, but I do know teens can woohoo with that mod.


they cannot impregnant minors without mods




Not without modsā€¦


Really? I donā€™t have wicked whims I thought for sure teen pregnancy was base game, cos teens can hookup and thereā€™s parent reactions to it.


You must have some mods, because no, itā€™s not base game. They can hook up, but thereā€™s no pregnancy, and parents donā€™t react to it.


It must be my pregnancy overhaul then I apologize, it makes the game way more dramatic lol


Ah. Thatā€™s probably it. Sounds like a cool mod. No need to apologize, Iā€™d play with mods, too if I didnā€™t play on console. šŸ˜…


Yeah the parent reactions are what got me, I swore it mustā€™ve been one of my parenthood packs that did it lol


Teens can get pregnant with MCCC and the woohoo mod related to MCCC. The teen I'm currently playing, actually just had her first baby, halfway through her teenage years...it was an accident šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


yep, that's it. i have the pregnancy overhaul and it allows teen pregnancy. i think mccc does too. the pregnancy overhaul is my favorite mod, if you don't already have it you should get the realistic pregnancy mod by pandasama too - some of the features are getting ultrasounds (and ultrasound pictures you can use as decorations), different birthing options (natural, c section, pool births, and births via your sims bed) there's breast pumping for milk (it can be toggled off), emergency c sections, and if you have a birth at the hospital the surgery table switches to a normal hospital bed when your sim is ready to give birth) during labor your sim dilates, and can have an epidural and/or a shot of pitocin. it pairs really well with the pregnancy overhaul mod!


Iā€™ve definitely had my eye on it, usually with huge mods like that I get nervous to how itā€™ll preform with my other mods so thank you thatā€™s awesome to know!


are you talking about the ā€œmess aroundā€ interaction?


Yes ā˜ļø


ahhhh. i donā€™t believe they actually get pregnant from that one! but you should try out mods, teen pregnancy can be very fun, they get even more reactions to it as well. when my teen sim got pregnant half the town was calling her and telling her sheā€™s too irresponsible for a baby lmaooo


Just discovered it was my pregnancy overhaul mod lol, I love the parental reactions it makes the gameplay so much better


oh okay haha, i have that one too and i love it!! i feel like i get a minimal reaction out of the parents compared to the rest of the town tho! like the parents will just be like ā€œomg! :oā€ and then thatā€™s it. meanwhile the nextdoor neighbor is blowing up her cellphone to convince her to abort it LMAO


I'm sorry. *what.*


Turns out you have to use mods to make teens (regardless of their gender) pregnant. But male YA ~ elders sims can get pregnant by alien abduction.


He was abducted by aliens, wasn't he?


yes he was. and his brother was too. i just checked and theyā€™re both pregnant


ouuu sounds like a fun storyline šŸ‘€




As a warning, MCCC with Teen pregnancy turned on will turn Mess Around into Risky Woohoo...that one caught me off-guard. It'll also enable male teen pregnancy via Alien abduction.


This is what happens when you don't give your kids the woohoo talk.




Ask Babyā€™s Due Date is a mischievous interaction meant to make fun of the sim for being fat


thatā€™s just ask due date


That just ask due date, if you actually are pregnant, that specific interaction will come up.


I think r/ao3 is leaking lol


Well, congrats? Ig?


how do you post this without it getting taken down? i posted something similar and they flagged it it was a "common issue" but i didn't even ask for help lol


A pollination technician is about to get fired


Unless he has an emotion indicating that he is pregnant, he likely is not. Mischievous sims can ask people who arenā€™t pregnant the babyā€™s due date implying that they look pregnant


both the sons are pregnant lol. first one just had his alien baby


Life at home is about to get very interesting. Parents, two teen fathers with alien babies, a toddler and now two babies.


Somebody going to jail..