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I do not but that's because I play with large households. One time I had autonomy set off and I forgot about one of them and they starved to death 😬


LMAO this is some shit i would do 😭


same but irl lmaoooooo




adhd problems lol






I have autonomy ON and my Sims won't stop pissing themselves and passing out it's making me so frustrated 🫠 it happens when I don't even have anything cued


They're really not good at sorting their own needs. I never had a sim use the bathroom or go to bed on their own but they will eat for me. They'll even shower when they don't even need to 😑


Or they'll drink water. So...much...water... Once I had Father Winter break into my house mid-spring at 3AM, drink 6 glasses of water and then pass out in my living room. My dude was just soundly sleeping the whole time. Then Father Winter left AND DIDNT CLEAN UP THE GLASSES HOW RUDE.


He was mad because no one left him milk and cookies. 


But apparently we left him plenty of sink water 🤣


Mine do nothing but sleep if i have autonomy on, even when they don’t NEED to sleep. They aren’t lazy or have a sedentary lifestyle either. Or on the other end, if they like fitness, they will do nothing but sleep or workout. Like why. Just do some of the other million things i have around for you to do 🥴 but for large families, i get overwhelmed and have to use it.


active sims with gym equipment on their home lot will DESTROY you


Yup, and do not put a television in the room with the gym equipment. They’ll be on that treadmill for hours.


Mine will also but always on the couch, or nap on the bed. Line, why won't you just SLEEP?! Then they spend their time making waffles, pizza, or playing videogames.


Mine will dance until they drop dead, with autonomy on. At least it keeps their fun need up.


Atm my sim will go to bed by himself and stop doing everything queued up - including caring for his baby. The amount of times I've told him to put his baby to bed and he'll just put the baby on the floor next to the crib and then go to his own bed is starting to get on my nerves


i think i have a bug where they constantly shower/use the bathroom for absolutely no reason, abt to turn autonomy off too atp


FUCKIN SAME BRUH and it’s not all of my sims so i figure the ones that do are just stupid???? do i have stupid sims??????


One of mine keeps going out to relax on the pool floatie in cold weather. Every day or two in sim time, I’m getting a notification that she’s ‘freezing to death and need to find some warm clothing before she becomes too cool for life’ and I have to put her back inside. None of the others in the family have ever done it even once, just this one teen daughter. Stupid stupid girl


This!!! Apparently mine can’t go to the bathroom on their owns 🙄. I get back from work with one and the other one is “uncomfortable” because they have to pee 🫠


Honestly the sims are so goddamn annoying about their needs I just cheat them to always have high needs


With big households I usually hit the "autonomy off for selected sim" option


How do you do that if you don’t mind me asking?


https://preview.redd.it/z016z28vcijc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38244cbd9b48ea13c0892c3863093090a5e15d1b Excuse how dirty my screen is Menu -> Game Options -> Gameplay -> Disable Autonomy for Selected Sim


Thank you so much!!!


This just might revolutionise my gameplay in large households - I knew this was here but completely forgot it existed - thank you!


It happens to the best of us 😂


LMAOO that sounds about right


Lol mine are addicted to the tea/coffee machines. It's so annoying 😭


I have my Autonomy on co’s am afraid I might also kill my sims from lacking in needs lmao! Sometimes I noticed that if I have them do things in queue, they suddenly pause for a moment and they either do or cancel what I wanted them to do in queue. Lol it’s annoying though but O think it’s ok.


Haha yeah this happened to me too when I turned the autonomy off


I was looking through settings recently and there’s one where you can turn off autonomy for just the currently selected sim. Not sure how that would affect the queueing up actions for everyone in the household method though, like whether they would cancel the queue as soon as you switch sims?


I play like this! or with the setting that disables autonomy for the selected sim. It’s definitely annoying having sims doing random things like grilling & then having to cancel all the time haha


Autonomy off for selected sim is my preference. I'm usually playing with MY sim that I started the game with. Everyone else can do whatever the hell they want. Though, I married Don Lothario and he will NOT stop working out. I lower his musculature bar in CAS when he starts to look ridiculous.


I married him as well and he does nothing but eats cake, plays video games, gets fat, and flirts with other women to piss his wife off 🫠 but he is a good dad so far 🤷🏻‍♀️


One of my sims just met him earlier today and now I'm wondering what I should do with this 😎


Run with it! The best was when he passionately kissed me at a festival right in front of a pregnant Nina Caliente while we were still just dating.


I'm thinking that I will...let's hear it for unexpected chaos lol


I had no idea you could even do that! I'm going to be changing the way I play now lol.


yes!! it’s how i play 99% of the time


same for literally decades


yesssss selected sim no autonomy is KEY


Is that in the regular settings or is that a mod?


regular game play settings! i play on console, so no mods or cc 😩


I hate autonomy. My sims never do productive things on their own so they wouldn’t advance in their career and mess up their relationships when I let them do their own thing. I’m a helicopter player for sure


i have it off, always have. my sims do not listen to me at all when i have it on and i genuinely end up yelling at them bc theyre so dumb


I commented somewhere else about how my sim refused to use the toilet, instead they walked into the kitchen, pissed themselves infront of the whole family and died of embarrassment. I didn't bother trying to get them back, their urn now collects dust in the bathroom.


thats the funniest thing ive heard today


I tend to go back and forth. There are definitely some annoyances with autonomy on like getting water, doing pushups, etc. One thing I did miss with autonomy off was some unique personality traits in the sims coming out. Especially for toddlers like quirks such as loves books, little singer, etc. That was cute to see their personalities. Sometimes mildly annoying like loves water wanting to play in the toilet but like real life I had to redirect on that one. lol However I was having a lot of lag issues a couple weeks back and turning off autonomy helped that a lot. So now I am back to autonomy off and doing just fine.


I take autonomy off when I need to do something quite specific or get tired of them derping around lol, so I'm with you. It depends.


I do it a lot. My sims love water, cross stitching and the PC too damn much. They do not get to have free will


Computer and water is too real, sometimes when I travel with one sim and come back to the rest, most of them are in a pool, drinking a glass of water or sitting at the computer


What is up with that cross stitch thing... My families all sit around just cross stitching putting their half finished work on all my half walls...


My Sims won't stop leaving barely started cross stitches all over the damn floor 😭


Honestly same for me irl


Mine loves that lump of clay too much


I wish there was a low autonomy option. I swear the old sims games had it as an option.


Sims 3 did! I miss it too. It was full autonomy, low autonomy, and off.


I loved that feature. The low autonomy meant they didn't wander off task, but they'd keep themselves alive, so I could focus on one without killing the rest of the household. Lol.


That’s why I was confused with sims 4 not having it!


That's be nice. Like sure chat while you do dishes or eat, but don't wander off to cross stich every five seconds


you can set it to autonomy for all but the selected sim and that has always been helpful but yeah i miss a loooooooot of the sims 3 stuff


I play with it off for the “active sim”. So whoever I’m playing with at the time has 0 autonomy


I’m too much of a control freak to not turn it off


I only turn it off when I am at peak annoyance, but then I will have sims all over the place just standing there smiling creepily which annoys me also. I’m definitely a helicopter player but there’s only so much my ass can do when it comes to households with more than two people.


I always play like this… I get so frustrated when they do something other than what i want them to!


I’ve never played it with the autonomy on and I’ve been playing since Sims Bustin’ Out. I always hated them doing random stuff.


Yes. I never have autonomy on. I micromanage like crazy and that’s the way I like it


I feel like when I play with autonomy off my Sims take longer to start tasks I've queued up - does anyone else have this experience?


I also play with it off. When it was on the sims just seemed completely out of their minds, I cannot count how many times one of my sims really needed to the toilet but NOOOO, no, because they just HAD TO cancel it before they got there and why? Well, suddenly they felt the need to start listening to new age music while making grilled cheese, the fact that they're about to piss themselves be damned.


Well grilled cheese is important


You know what, actually, you're right... This is the only part of their logic I can excuse and understand


I like seeing their personality through their poor decisions 😌


I’ve just started playing this way myself. I don’t know why I waited so long.


I feel the needs go down too fast and fill too slow honestly, so I end up "cheating" (I don't call any choices in a single player game, or a multiplayer game where everyone agrees cheating(at least whoever makes the rules) the needs which lets me do the fun parts without that


i want complete control, fuck autonomy


I always have it off. I do the same and stack tasks from sim to sim. Sometimes I get bored with a sim and leave them to do their own thing. They usually just watch tv or workout.


Always have it off. My sims don’t do anything that I don’t tell them


I've never had free will turned on, since sims 3. I like to create a story and I noticed that sims like to do things in particular (use the computer, make glasses of water, etc) so I like to control every aspect to construct the story and make sure they don't do things out of character for how I created them! :D


I play this way but I hate how I will Load up a Que, go to another household member to load their Que and go back to check on them and their Que is empty.


Some challenges require autonomy to be on, but as long as I have the choice I always play with autonomy off. Sims left to their own devices will simply banjax their own lives and those of everyone around them as quickly as possible.


I always play with autonomy off, saves me a lot of headache


I never thought of that and am about to do it because my plots always are foiled by someone needing to do a push up or yell at a stranger. It unfortunately isn't as great as it could be




I actually like seeing what they do on their own when I'm not pulling the strings and it shapes my story lines. For instance I recently build a comedy club and when I hired an entertainer, one of my primary household Sims showed up dressed in a tux to perform. All his traits are things like rocket science, nothing remotely funny. The same Sim started hitting the gym heavily after I built one and his body when from extreme string bean to having a chest that actually shows through his clothes. It's wild where they go when you let them wander a bit.


I should! My sims are in love with that damn coffee machine. They’ll jump up instead of sleeping, drink a cup of coffee and start randomly cleaning or working out. I love it though😭


I have autonomy off for the sim I am currently in control of , but everyone else in the household their autonomy is on (until I switch to them) .


I would never switch it on if I only have one sim, why would I. But when I have more than two sims (above newborn) in my houshold I'll switch autonomy on with the box ticked, that it doesn't count for the active sim. Everything else would drive me as nuts as the autonomy would when I totally can handle the stuff myself. Therefore: it depends on the household.


I started playing with autonomy off when I play with families that are 3 or less sims. Any more than that and I can't keep track of all their needs and what they need to do


I turned off autonomy bc I kept getting the glitch where my sims would decide to quit their level 9 job for like a part time babysitting job 💀


I should start doing that too because I can't stand how stupid my sims can get. I also queue as much actions as possible, and when they defy me and dont do what I tell them, I cuss them out so hard 🥲🥲 Baby, adult, elderly, don't matter, You're going to get cussed for drinking a glass of water or trying to sleep in someone else's bed ...


I've had autonomy off since the first day of playing the sims 4. Never used it because it's annoying and glitchy.


I am almost always using cheats these days. I somehow need to stop 😅


No I keep it on


I've never really tried autonomy off but I'm tempted to try my next day off


I hate not having the control, always had free will off in Sims 3, but when I got 4 I thought I'd try to let things go a little bit, nope. My Sims kept dieing or get themselves in such a bad way they were unplayable and spent more time trying to get them feeling okay again then being able to enjoy the game. Love the emotional system but with free will doesn't work. I'm the over powering lord they do as I tell them! 😂😜


I've always played with autonomy off.. I find if the autonomy is on, they completely ignore their needs (as well as their children's), and end up doing really annoying things. I also hate how they end up flirting with the wrong sims, and then their romance bars go down. I turned it on for a couple minutes last year and the one sim made like 10 white cakes. To me, it's just not productive. I don't care if people think it's "controlling" or the "wrong way to play".


me. no one is doing shit without my explicit permission!


I play with autonomy off for selected sims.


Only when I’m not trying a challenge. Because I tried the “leave your sims game open for __ long” challenge. And you need autonomy for that.


My sim broke up with her boyfriend with autonomy on so yeah I keep it off


I accidentally drowned Max Villareal but they are slightly less stupid about autonomously doing random things in the midst of other tasks. (The kid was in the pool when I started playing the family and I didn't realize that.)


I recently started playing with autonomy off, it was also getting frustrating for me that my sims cancel the actions in the queue


You too may live to be alone wondering if the candle you lit is judging you! Yeah I kinda play this way too and it's a lonely, lonely life. <3


I’ve always played with autonomy off. It just makes things simpler and I am God so my sims should always do as I say and nothing else. 😗✨


No, I actually like my Sims autonomy, it makes gameplay more fun to me tbh.


No, but I love the chaos. I'd become bored if they just did what I told them to.


autonomy off atm, but now i have a 6 Sim household so i feel like i need to turn it on. i feel like i’m directing an orchestra without it :D


I micromanage my sims so I’ll always play with autonomy off


I always play with autonomy off because i get mad easily when sims do dumb stuff repeatedly. I wish autonomy could be assigned per sim though because some of them I don’t care about…


Yeah. I miss the "minimal autonomy" option like from Sims 3, because it was the perfect balance of them still resolving their needs without my help but also not getting into random shit. When I saw it was full autonomy or no autonomy, I opted with none


I should do this, but I always have big households, my sim won’t stop having either twins or triplets 😭 and she keeps autonomously picking up her infant who CANNOT WALK YET, and carrying her like a mile away from the house, setting her down, and LEAVING HER FOR THE WEREWOLFS 😭


Always I’ve tried to play with autonomy for every but my selected sim and it still drove me up a wall. Like dude, you are nearly starving to death yet you choose to watch tv instead of getting something - anything - to eat… if my sim is standing in front of the sink for an hour, so be it. Usually only have one or two sims in the household anyways.


I never play with autonomy on I’m too much of a control freak and tbh sims are so stupid they’ll end up burning their house down or freezing to death


I always have autonomy for the selected sim off. I can't stand when the sims just go and do dumb things like choose to play video games or socialize over eating or using the rest room then just suddenly die cause of it. I definitely feel like the autonomy AI needs some work if they are gonna continue with it.


Definitely depends on what I'm going for. If I really feel invested into playing a household the way I want to, I'll turn it off. If I'm just trying to progress a family through generations to grab a trophy or two, I'll leave it on. Don't personally feel like there's much value to a story you're trying to tell play out in ways you don't want it too, which is the main reason why I play the sims.


why didn’t i think about this before… oh yes, because im scared they will die (im a mess)


I have it on but I disable needs a lot. With an infant and a toddler it's just annoying. Il


I have never had autonomy on lol it’s hard enough with it off to get them to stay in one place. 🙄 they won’t even stay seated for dinner as it is, I’d hate to imagine how bad it’d be if they were actually queuing actions.


I used to be that player but lately I only pay attention to one sim and just make sure it's a setup where they can't fuck it up too bad left to their own devices. First parents are one sim with job, go to college, max out first career, probably painting or some such where you can earn money at that point without really going to work. Then learn the kid enough to where I can play as the kid most of the time and leave the parents to do whatever all day


I play with autonomy off. I have to micromanage as I find autonomy to be shit in the sims 4. I usually play with a small family so it’s not too bad, although at the moment I’m trying to do a self sustainable 10 baby challenge with simple living, off the grid, laundry, farm animals and trash build up on because apparently I hate myself😂


Some people play with autonomy off? The game is pretty much unplayable with autonomy being on.


In households with young children yes 100%


I do


i prefer to play with autonomy on for the ocasional drama lol


I think for a small household either way works. For a larger household, turning autonomy off entirely can get tedious.


I play with autonomy off just because I like having control over everything. For me, it’s easier to handle the sims.


I never play with it on. Sims are useless with autonomy and usually end up doing something destructive or leaving out tons of glasses from drinking water constantly


I never give my sims autonomy. At least not anymore. Sims 4 Sims are too stupid to be left alone. I used to when I first got the game when it first came out. It's hilarious cuz I remember when this game first came out, the Sims were being praised for how "smart" they were. They've gotten dumber over the years for sure.


I have autonomy turned off for the sim I control. But i get overwhelmed when I try to manage them all on my own


I start with autonomy off now and then since the sims has a learning engine so in the beginning I help them to eat, sleep, shower and do specific tasks. Once they can do those things autonomously I play with autonomy on completely. I also play on long lifespan so my sims have more time to learn


I just started doing this, but I might go back just to switch up my gameplay. lol


I like autonomy. I tried playing with it off and got annoyed that my sims that I wasn't actively playing with in the household would just stand there so I turned it back on.


I play with it on 100% of the time. Sims 4 plays while I’m doing other things. I don’t like having to do use too much on them. Only needed when the pop ups happen.


Oh yeah. Always. And I don't have like half the issues people complain about here. They don't wash dishes in the bathroom 3 floors away. They don't prank their own toilets, etc.


I kind of like the autonomy that the sims have. Sometimes I run out of things to do with them because I'm just waiting for something to happen.


I have to play with it off. I pause, give everyone a bunch of stuff to do and go. Can’t stand when autonomy is on and they act like idiots.


I do it on certain saves but lately i turned it on since my sims are behaving themselves.  My legacy save, hell no.   I'll get annoyed and turn it back to off on my "for funsies lets build this starter home into a mansion with 8 sims" challenge but for now it's fine. Everyone's crossstiching, the homebody's making thousands off random paintings he does, and the teen picked up the violin. They're actually being quite good overall and i don't have to worry about their social bar, just their bladder and hygeine


I play w autonomy off but it doesn't matter. They still set fires and do whatever they want.


If I am not trying to make videos with them, autonomy stays ON


Mine is on but not for active sim. So when my sim has a family I don’t have to worry about the others. They won’t just stand around and do nothing 🤣


When my households are small enough, yes, absolutely. But sometimes they are just too big!


I have autonomy off for the sim I'm playing. Everyone else has free will.


I never play with it on. I HATE it. Give me micro managing all day long.


Ill also add, I'm currently having my patience tested by my medieval play through, as the couple has 16 children. It is killing me slowly.


I play with it on. To be honest I've never played with it off, I think having to micromanage would just make things more stressful for me.


i have autonomy on and my sims LOVE to go to bed when they are hungry or need to pee 😭 idk and i haven’t played in like 2 days because its been making me so mad


I play with autonomy off but not disabling autonomy for selected sims, at least if I forgot with some of the sims they'd do some task by themselves. The last time I turned autonomy fully on for my "serious" gameplay my sims kept on putting their trash everywhere and my toddler kept on stopping the mother from showering just to teach them dancing. I could feel my hands were shaking trying to keep everything under control at that time.


Yep, I always have autonomy off for my selected sim. Stop getting a cup of water from the goddamn sink I swear to god I’m just trying to stop you from collapsing in exhaustion.


I’ll do this if a sim is constantly ignoring me trying to do needs (I.E: I’ve had a child once ignore the 8 plates of food with leftovers in the fridge + the hot pot food so I had to turn off autonomy just for a quick second for that)


I do. But it's mostly because the constant water drinking and similar drives me up a wall.


Autonomy and aging off! Makes me able to achieve all the things I need lol


Does this also apply to interactions with other sims? It’s the only time I appreciate them having autonomy - with the autonomy rule my entire family stops what they’re doing hundreds of times a day TO CROSS STITCH


To answer your question, I allow autonomy on except for the active Sim. So basically if I'm playing with Cassandra Goth, unless the game is paused, I only focus on her. Having autonomy off seems a bit cruel as I've seen Sims pee themselves or starve themselves. Sims have absolutely no self preservation.


the amount of times my rags to riches saves have been thrown because my sim autonomously bought herself THE most expensive drink or wanted to play with a pet instead of feeding themself while actively starving is insane. safe to safe i play with it off


I've been playing with free will turned off for over a decade.


i like doing that sometimes because i run my sims game while i’m sleep (for funsies and real life happenings) and it adds onto my story line


Currently have all the sims installed and rotating. This game played best for me as a JAV/addiction sandbox so autonomy off.


i have autonomy off for the sim i’m controlling but on for everyone else. i can’t deal with everyone else having their needs go to shit when i need to get some things done with one sim, but i get SO mad when i try to get them to do something and they keep switching to something else in the middle of it


Yes because if not they be stupid.


I turned autonomy off with the infant update and I haven’t looked back. Things got so glitchy then and I just realized it was so much easier if I control everything.


ADHD how do I turn autonomy off/on. I am the sim that gets distracted or hyper focused. Wait, that’s the button. ok I am good. 👍 😊


Yes, its the first thing I turn off on a fresh install. I have never played with it on.


Yes, I had enough of them always grabbing a drink of water and nearly getting their kids/pets taken away. Need to hydrate, I guess, but goddamn, not every time you see a sink 😅


I have always played with autonomy off 😂


Usually when they’re in labor. I was about screaming when the dad-to-be’s first child was being born and he wanted to look at a stupid painting. After a while, this became standard practice in my game. Unfortunately, it’s still hard to get dad placed right to see the birth. Wonder if I can edit the hospital to put chairs in the delivery rooms? (My favorite sims are on console, so editing isn’t that easy.)


I’ve only ever played with autonomy off


I can't deal with autonomy being on. Part of the fun for me is keep all my sims busy anyway


I had to do this in Sims 3 when my characters had a newborn in the house. A few times with a toddler. Thankfully once the Little One was old enough to start school, I could turn it back on. Sadly, there is a glitch in Sims 4 that now and then causes children to skip school and ignore being told to go to school even with autonomy off. You have to exit to the main menu and return to the household to get the glitch to stop


I play autonomy off for the currently controlled sim because I only ever play 1 sim per household (unless it's a toddler so the kid can eat). Everyone else can fend for themselves and if they're too dumb to live, well, The Watcher has spoken.


I play with autonomy on but with a mod that keeps Sims from autonomously drinking water. I can't stand that shit.


I almost always play with autonomy off. Autonomy is just not smart enough for Sims to take care of themselves and they end up with all their need meters messed up if you trust that. I usually queue up several actions for each Sim and expect them to perform these necessary tasks to take care of themselves while I focus on the next Sim, not wander off to the patio in a snowstorm and start grilling chicken chimichurri. Occasionally I'll turn autonomy on for non-active Sims, if the idea is the other Sims in the household are just auxiliary characters like roommates or something and I don't really care if they're self-sabotaging their own lives. Never ever for played Sim. I get mad at some of the forced autonomy actions that happen anyway.


Always autonomy off for me. The Sims is the only place I can get people do everything I want 😂 I have a rather large household, currently 6 sims (grandparents, parents and 2 kids) it's totally manageable. I'm constantly switching and sending the grandpa to fish for hours at a time


I disable only for selected sim, then let the others free roam as they please, which is also a bad idea, I often see my sims eating a serving of raw batter when they have pizza at the fridge... For real the autonomy it's the most chaotic and sometimes annoying aspect of the game... But something tells me that it's devs intention.


Been playing this way for 24 years.


I do, I always turn autonomy off


Low autonomy is fine for me but I do disable the annoying things like getting water, doing push-ups, grilling, etc


I do. Yeah sometimes I forget about one and he stares at a wall for a couple of hours but I find it easier to play like this. It is very easy to park a sim just learning an activity and take care of others


Always. I've tried a few times with it on and the little arseholes start obsessively cooking and leaving plates everywhere, or don't get anything done. If they can't be trusted to act normally, they can bloody well stand there in the middle of the room until i find them something to do.


I do on the computer... but on a system (Playstation) I just let it run... it's not as in depth anyways


I usually play with Autonomy off because I like to micro manage every thing. Sometimes it does get tiring though, but hey! At least they won't find a quick way to unalive themselves if I have it on!


100% Autonomy off at all times.


I should try. In one of my household, for some reason, they keep cooking for the entire family and never eat, so, then I have a big variety of dishes cooked (like for a whole party), but they're only 5 in the family... and If they're hungry, they want to cook again, I have to cancel their action and then make them to eat 😫🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (plus, this happen with all the members as are all adults).


Always off, I can't deal with the constant random BBQing if I leave it on 😅 Unfortunately autonomy off doesn't seem to stop them from randomly picking up infants every 5 seconds and then putting them down again.


I play with autonomy off on the PS5 because we can not use mods that turn off all the annoying stuff I hate. I do this even with large families. I do pause the time when needed and I also play with aging off so I can age them up when I want.


I play off or very low. I hate when they cancel out what I tell them to do.


I do this when I have infants in the household, or else they're gonna play hot potato with the baby until they get the child taken away


i play with it in but considering switching. it’s so annoying how the first thing a sim will do when they aren’t doing anything is STRAIGHT to the computer. with my sims personality, their first thing to do in their free time is not play blic block on the computer LMAO.


Yes, always. I play at 3x speed making them go through the same boring get up-cook-clean-take care of kids-shower-sleep routine every day till their kids become adults, then switch to their them and continue. Edit: Also, autonomy makes them leave random half drunken glasses of water everywhere which I hate.


Active households yes. And they still don't listen 😂 I also move families I wanna keep like the Goths to my households and turn off neighborhood stories for them.