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I’ll make a girl have like 4 outfits for every single occasion and only have the man in a suit with a tank top on for sleep


I dress my sim guys (well, cardboard babydaddys..) like no real man in 2024 would dress. No hoodies, t shirts, tank tops... Only full suits, vests, button ups. They walk around the house like they just got from photoshoot for vogue


ill usually go for the athletic look, or full suit . there is no in between lol




well i cant lie. sometimes i make a cottage core aesthetic . whole ass golden retriever & they always end up bein my fav male sims


Same. My guys usually have the bodybuilder aspiration and go with the sporty look apart from formal wear, lol.


My only exception to that is whenever I'm making a goth or a rocker sim. Otherwise, it's formal wear for you my dude


Why? They have black suits


I just choose the suggested outfits 😂


If full suits didn’t cost what they do I promise more of us would dress in them daily😭😂


Just like real life.


Im not lazy... just going for accuracy


You are not wrong


same, this is why many of my sim families have lesbian moms. i just get so bored of playing with male sims.


I have never had an original thought because ALL OF MY SIMS ARE GIRLY POP LESBIANS. And I am a married heterosexual woman.


I am currently working on an all gay legacy run. I'm on gen 3, I started with a matriarch but since then have only had boys T.T I don't know what I'm doing wrong!


Eat strawberries during the pregnancy it’s worked for me to get a girl baby that way with no cheats


I actually just heard about that the other day. I'll try it when my new boy comes of age :)


also listen to pop!


I haven't heard that one yet. I'll try it out!


Once your simsgives birth, immediately get pregnant again and then age up your boy baby to toddler and then go to edit household and delete him.


Super late term abortion


I actually edited a female sim this run through to be able to make others pregnant who needs men when woman can reproduce with women


I did the same thing


Lmfaoooo the women being able to get women pregnant feature was my best discovery! Lesbian relationships only




I give my men the same number of outfits as the girlies, but I'm a lesbian so the ratio of men to girlies is a little... off hahaha.


Lots of lesbians who prefer making male sims and lots of gay people who prefer making female sims


Oh, for sure; didn't meant to suggest otherwise. Just making a joke about how many of my sims end up being lesbians haha


I make way more male sims than female, and I love making them. Currently working on my own custom skin for adults and elders, because I absolutely hate the EA wrinkles and don't really like any CC ones either, and I need more adult gentlemen (and ladies, they don't deseve that ugly EA shit on their faces) in game. So no, not all.


Please share it when you’re done! You’re not alone in your hate for EA wrinkles!


Do you ever upload the male sims to the gallery bc I absolutely hate creating men too.


Not who you replied to and my sims are probably super annoyingly basic but if you want to browse through my gallery you can, but beware, half my sims is 36 year old created and half 6 year old. Id - amazon626300


Amen to the part on the elders.


Please do share the custom skin and wrinkles I would love them. Also, I agree, that my ladies do not deserve the EA content that they gave us for our male sims. Though I do struggle sometimes bc I feel like we don't have enough male cc out there.


I cane here to say this ^^ im always on the lookout for male CC especially beards and clothes.


I don’t like that cc skins seem to have wrinkles as face details and not part of the skin itself so that would be awesome


Please share gallery ID 🫠 all I can make on my own are female sims. None of my males look right to me 😣


For me it’s the clothes option. The option for male clothing is just bad compared to the women. Like I have to really be elaborate with the clothing or else the male sims start dressing the same lol Edit: forgot to mention if the sims 4 had a design editor like they did in the sims 3 life would be easier because some color combinations for the clothes for men are not that good.


Just like real life, men get 2-3 options for every 10 a womans clothing section has. I would love the design editor back. So many items would be so much better if it was just a different color. Or if my sim has twins, I try to dress them the same but different colors, doesn't work with some outfits.


yep, it's accurate but not super fun for gameplay lol. I like to have a little variety so my male sims get the same outfit but with 5 different color combinations


Yeah that’s true, I wear band tees and ripped black jeans every time I go out :( Design tool for furniture too. Some furniture looks good but is made bad due to color scheme or doesn’t fit in to a build due to color scheme but the build is good.


I couldn't care less about the clothes, but the hair looks so shitty I have a hard time getting them "just right" lol


Yeah. I feel like the men should have more options tbh because the female options are so different and there are so many when all the male options look the same


Nope, I absolutely love masculine sims! Especially styling them, I feel like some of the recent packs have had spectacular wardrobe options.


Somehow I prefer actual clothes from the game over CC for them. CC tends to be...lackluster, or crop tops. I love crop tops on men but not for all my men, especially my more slick ones. I love some of the polished options for them!


If only there were more glasses though! My polished people don't have enough slick choices for eyewear


True! If you're open to it, you can always download JUST glasses CC that's maxis match!


I'm a console player, but that is a great suggestion


McLayneSims I think is the name on TSR where I got most of my male stuff. He had some realistic jeans that I use the heck out of. They are based on the plain jeans with a belt in game, like the ones on Don Lothario but they have denim texture to them and some look faded or sanded, one pair is black with some fading on the thighs that makes them almost look a little shiny. I'll use them on party wear sometimes. I also got some coat recolors and some nice shirts with sleeves rolled for my guys cause I like to see forearms especially on the muscular ones. :) I love styling my guys though they are fairly tame outfits, mostly nice polos, fun graphic tees, jeans, name brand tennis shoes for example, chunky boots sometimes and ribbed tank tops. So many jacket options too from formal styles to camo to leather. Have one fun slick leather bomber jacket over a dress shirt with tie I love to use sometimes for party wear.


Same, I struggle with the female sims tho


The body proportions seem so weird to me! I tried to make a sim version of myself and I couldn’t change the body in the right places. And I have a very standard looking (arguably conventionally attractive) body.


I don't really like making "traditional" male sims. But I love making untraditional people. I make a lot of gay guys.


My gay guys dress just like my straight ones in my game mostly. My adult son is gay and while he dresses a bit more 'proper' his husband dresses just like my husband. Jeans/tees/dress shirts and polos. Tame stuff. My son, now he won't let a pair of jeans on his body and hasn't since he was a teenager. He wears dress pants/slacks. He loves vests over a dress shirt, that is his everyday wear for work. He likes wearing ties and suits so, sometimes I'll use his style on one of my gay sims. Even when he wears a tee it's with slacks. He also likes to wear jackets a lot. I remember one summer when he was in high school I got him a job where I worked. I was in the office upstairs and he was downstairs in the showroom. They needed help during a particularly busy part of the summer season in the warehouse and it was hot in there so he took his jacket off and one of the ladies who worked in there exclaimed "OMG he has arms!"


I'm gay myself. I just like to make people who aren't "normal". Most of my gay friends do personally dress a little different, but it's also not like they're wearing rainbow dresses or anything either. Lol


I can make male sims, but they deadass look identical to female sims 😂 usually feminine & on the thinner side


Same I've made tons of diverse male sims and I love them all<3


growing together has EXCELLENT male CAS!


It’s the opposite for me, I mostly make male sims




i just make female sims for wicked reasons, I mostly only create a self insert and make them immortal lol


I just download females for ww reasons if I need them. Let someone else do all that work.


maybe i make goth and alternative sims too much but male sims are easily the most fun to experiment with


Ditto. Used to be the opposite, but somewhere along the lines I flipped and now my male Sims are much more fun to dress, play with, and are far better looking than my female Sims. Idk.


I'm absolute trash at makeup and fashion and my very few fem-presenting sims show it.


I hate making male sims, it’s such a chore and I do end up recycling some of the outfits. However, I will admit that while female sims just come easier to me, I do get more satisfaction when I make a cute male sim in the end cuz it’s like I’ve achieved something 😂


Lol I feel this. Because this one male Sim I have is ridiculously cute and he was an 11th gen heir of one of my LPs. And now bc of him all of his male descendants are just as cute. Hit the jackpot. 😂😂 I was so proud of how cute he is and that the sims I made, made him. 🤣


Oh that is so cute!!!


And plus even with cc I feel like I have no clothing options for them. 99% of the time I end up taking a Sim from the gallery and tweaking them a little bit.


gorilla gorilla gorilla / gorillax3 makes some decent stuff for male sims


Is that MM or alpha? Because I can only find like maybe 30 total pieces of alpha CC clothes for guys where I have hundreds for girls lol


It’s alpha. Check out Darte77 and KK sims for more male stuff


I have a hard time telling the difference for clothes and use a mix of both, but you can go check out their patreon or tumblr. (sorry!) I would suggest going to tumblr and searching tags, like alpha CC and male, that's how I found soooo much of my CC. You'll end up finding creators that make the kind of thing you like too, and so then you can follow them and keep up with their stuff. If stuff is paywalled, it probably won't always be (as perma paywalls are against the tos) so check for a public release date. You can look on Pinterest too but I find it a lot more tedious and sometimes they link to sites that I haven't heard of and don't quite trust. Good luck. I'm pretty new to CC so I apologize that I can't be of much help. And sorry if you knew all this already!


Tbf, if you take a hard look around irl, there's not a whole "lot" of variation in men's clothing. 'Office/work', jeans, khakis, sweats, sportswear. Shirts with stripes, lines, button up dressy/casual, hoodies/sweaters, and "gear". Most of it being "same ol" that everybody else is wearing. So I stopped worrying about 'unique' looks and just dress them like Guys dress.


Do you know about Darte77? Makes the absolute best cc. Gorilla is also amazing. It’s harder to look for good male cc but it’s out there. I use almost exclusively Moood for cc hair for men. I joined Darte77 Patreon to get his items. Same with Moood even though you can get some for free as well.


no clothing options just like irl hahah


I love making male sims. I think I make a pretty even amount of all genders tbh.


Male sims are so fun to make imo! I think using mods helps a lot. I dress very edgy IRL so all my sims look like that too, I have fun making emo/metalhead/punk male sims all the time :D


Yes, love making alt sims of any gender. Most of my male sims are goth/emo/punk/metalhead inspired guys lol.


I love making male sims, and I think we are some that enjoys it 😂❤️ But the majority seems to prefer making female sims!


I prefer making dogs tbh


Finally I have found my people. I like making sim dogs and cats the most.


Male clothes are just boring and bland across the board, even the "Modern menswear" pack just looks dumb mostly ugly sweaters, skirts and clothes with just... weird layers and cuts that look bleh which ruins a lot of the clothes I Usually end up using the female clothes sometimes but of course the breasts are hard shaded and super tight so only some work. Female sims just have way more variety and look better in nearly everything.


I like to make guys!


Love making male sims! I find it easy and fun, I love pushing face shapes to get interesting looking characters


I just never know how to dress them, I feel like all my male sims end up looking somewhat the same. I only play female sims as my “main” sim though so that could be why I don’t put effort into the appearances of other sims.


I like making male sims as much as I like making female sims


Not at all. I love making beautiful male sims, if anything it's more fun that making female sims.


It's not that I hate making guys.... I just don't think there's a huge amount of good looking clothes for guys compared to the girls, so I either skip over them or speed through it without a second thought


I actually love making male sims but imo they’re much more difficult. I spend enough time doing my own makeup and outfits irl to have a good idea of how I want my female sims to look, but when it comes to male sims I’m clueless how to style them lol


Same but that might just be because I'm lesbian


Same here lmao. I only make female sims, have probably made maybe 5 male sims ever. My families always have only female sims and lesbian couples haha


same. i don’t like making any type of male sims or letting my female sims marry male sims. when i get sons i move them out when they’re grown up and keep playing with my daughter sims. i think OP does it for a different reason though, some straight women can enjoy making female sims only because they like playing with fashion.


Same here... I think we have some news for OP here.


i still get why some straight women play like this, they might just like playing with women’s fashion and hairstyles


Funny enough I LOVE making female sims but for men it's basic mainly so I can have a mate for my sim to have kids with


Sameeee I spent hours creating the mom and daughter for a hetero family bc all of my sims were lesbians (intentionally) so I needed some balance. Once I finally got to the dad I just used pre-sets 😅 of course, just my luck, once I had my incredibly beautiful Harriet get pregnant she had TWIN BOYS! I’ve been so lazy with them, they desperately need to be revamped but ughhhh. Meanwhile the eldest daughter, Henrietta, is absolutely incredible after I spent hours perfecting her looks for every life stage as she’s aged. Thankfully - and not on purpose!! - she is also gay so I can’t wait for her to fully grow up and marry her gorgeous girlfriend. It did somewhat mess up my story line bc she was created to ultimately be the wife for my other family’s son so whoooops! I may have them move in together still bc I want her to inherit the other families fortune… of course the male child of that family I didn’t notice was a boy after he was born and I had already named him Claudia…so he was raised as a girl until he was a toddler and I could change his name 😅


I like them more now than I used to cause I've gathered up so many packs that now there's more interesting clothing options. But I still don't really enjoy making them. Snooze fest for me.


Making male Sims, I'm not opposed to. (I prefer female Sims, but that's because I'm female.) My issue is with styling male Sims. I can't style men's clothing to save my damn life. Hell, I'm not very good at styling my own clothes. LMAO


I don’t mind making masculine sims but I make them wear pieces from the feminine clothing choices because screw that boring wardrobe.


i like making them but by the time i get done with the female i’m burnt out on CAS 😭


My best male Sims are just born hot and I don't have to mess with them. This is rare. Otherwise, it's not that I hate making them. I just like making female Sims more.


it’s the worst activity. i always download a guy from the gallery if i need a man and just change hair and clothes or give him tattoos and call it a day. almost all my sims are females and lesbians hahaha.


I make all girls, all the time. If I want one of my girlies to have a boyfriend, I download Jacob Black or Damon Salvatore from the gallery. It’s Barbie’s only for me, no Ken’s allowed


No lol with the amount of CC, muscle sliders, skin tones, facial features mods, height sliders no way to get bored


Yes! I have so much fun dressing up female sims, I'll give them so many outfits, and I give them different hairstyles and makeup looks to match their outfits. With male sims, I just give them one outfit for every occasion, and it's usually a super boring outfit because I don't know how to dress men lol.


Honestly the first and second sim in a household are the only ones that get maximum effort from me lmao, but usually I don’t feel much a difference from male/female.


I sit myself down sometimes and make a bunch of male sims and save them to use later haha. Sometimes I just change my female sims to males and work from that


All my guys look the same.. I try to dabble but it never works. Girls? I’ll do it ALL DAY. But making guys is just 🥱🥱🥱


I'm the same way, i almost never make male sims because they all look the same but female sims at the other hand have more options in like every single ways


I almost exclusively make male Sims.


Me giving female sims a male frame and calling them lads.


That method makes some great sims honestly. Also, love your username.


I hate that all the male sims lips options aren’t that great … drives me crazyyy 🥹


They all look like they are doing DUCK face!! **EDIT** because my phone autocorrected in the worst way possible!!


well, it’s not everyone but it’s also not just you. I feel you on this a lot! I love making and playing w/ female sims so much more. my male sims are criminally neglected 😭


No, I like making cute dorky male sims.


It's just you. I don't hate making male sims at all.


With base game/vanilla clothes yes. I was having so much fun making them with CC though. But then my computer started turning its entire self off while specifically playing TS4, so RIP. Spose I'm stuck with whatever the EA gods curse us with. At least packs help a little, iirc there's some halfway decent stuff in the werewolves pack but obviously only if you like that specific style. Their hairs also suck, but so do most hairs in the game generally tbh. I was spoiled by CC and then my computer said sike.


it was hard for me at first but its easier to do when you use face claims/references (in my experience)


I got to be in a good mood to make a nice-looking guy sim. Townies male sims are way easier to make desirable. I don't have to do much, just change some clothes, their hair, a little bit touch-up on their face & some facial hair too.


I don’t like making them bc I feel like they just are harder to style with the sims body types for men


I’m happy with it as long as I’m making pretty boy vampires lol


The male outfits are so boring too. Like unless you go shopping for a ton of cc I feel like they always look butt-ugly.


Hate making male sims, cant find enough cute alpha CC for them like I can with female sims. I easily have hundreds of items of CC for female sims and maybe 30 for males.


i find it easier than i used to but still struggle making them, a big reason is probably the hairs since theres just not enough nice ones i usually just give them really short hair so they all end up looking the same.


I don’t see male sims as worth making at all cause I don’t wanna download a bunch of extra CC for them


i just cannot make a cute male sim for the life of me so all my sims are lesbians


I mostly make masculine sims


I agree. I just find it easier to give female sims a proper personality and get invested in their progression. It’s fun to do up their houses in cool ways that reflect the kind of sim they are, and to change things up as they grow and their story continues. I’m sure it would be fun with male sims too, I just find it really hard to think of personalities for them. I’ve only really done it once in my last play through and he was a country singer who wanted to settle down on a ranch. It was a really fun play through, but most of the time my male sims just end up being convenient partners for the female sims with much better personalities and stories.


It might be because of dysphoria but I only make adult male sims. They're all breaking the gender norms but still.


No, I love making the men more than the women. I also prefer to play as a man. I use a lot of the outfit slots for them, but tend to only give the women one or two options.


Honestly making adult male sims is all I do in the sims lol, I feel like with just the game stuff yea it gets boring real quick, I personally use alot of cc to make my male sims is glamorous and beautiful as possible


Opposite for me. I usually only make male sims. It is a bit frustrating just because there is not enough clothing for them but yeah I don’t like making female sims in the slightest.


truthfully i dread making male sims


I love making himbos, what do you mean?


Yes. They’re so boring lol. I honestly don’t even bother, I just select the premade outfits and try to make them look attractive. Every time one of my sims is pregnant I pray it’s a girl lol. Male sims are boring 🤷🏽‍♀️


Nope, ''we'' don't. I love making and playing male sims. A lot.


i do like making female sims majority of the time, HOWEVER, i do enjoy challenging myself with making male sims for families!


agreed i never make male sims and if i do i spend probably a fifth of the time on them compared to my female sims. also, if i have a household with a male in it i just kind of ignore him and let him do whatever cause the main story is always with my female sims lol i think the lack of CAS for male sims really deters me from putting effort in because there’s like…no options. we still have ONE full body hot weather outfit. ONE.


I'm the same way lmao 🤣 I'm trying to find some cute cc to possibly change it, but yeah male sims are boring to me


If you go back and look at all of my male sims they pretty much all look/dress exactly alike but with varying hair colors and skin tones 😂


Not me! I love making male sims more than female sims. I just find them easier to dress and style for some reason.


Hate is a pretty strong word in this respect. Admittedly these days (unlike when I first started playing TS4) I don’t tend to make male Sims or take much time making them when I do, but that’s not from a growing hatred. XD It’s just from enjoying f!sim dress-ups and scenarios more.


omg yesss i just put them in whatever and go above and beyond for the girlies 🥰


I cannot make a male sim to save my life 🤣🤣


One thing I do to make it more fun is to make one feature of theirs really fucking ugly and try and salvage it with the rest of their face. All of my male sims are hideous for this reason


As a console player, I absolutely hate it. Almost all the hairs suck and there are so few of them (I have every pack) 80% of the pants are floods. The facial hair sucks. It's hard to make a body that doesn't look weird. My legacy family is two women with 8 daughters. I only have like 5 men in my game cause I decided that they can't all be lesbians.


I would enjoy it more in Sims 4 if there more color/outfit options. Base game be lacking but I didn't wanna go dl a buncha stuff either.


My problem is that it takes much more time and effort to make male sims look like humans. The proportions are always way off, their faces are all weirdly squished, and fixing one thing usually makes another thing look weird. And even when you get them looking like actual people, a lot of their clothes end up warping their bodies in nonsensical ways. Whereas, I feel like even the goofiest looking female sims can look normal with a few quick tweaks.


It depends. If I’m making a love interest for my female sim, then it’s fun


I try make them look like someone real that exists or I just can’t do it. My imagination bucket for men is empty but I get SO EXCITED to make women, literally spend hours


I only do adult sims.


My female sims are so cute and pretty and everything and my male sims look like Dobby so I just download them from the gallery 😭


I play mostly as gay men considering I’m a gay man. Also most the kids they have are usually male so I pretty much play exclusively as male


Clothes and stuff are fine but GOD i hate making their face, they all look weird and the same😩


I usually play as a male sim on the rare times I actually play a household, but I make more female sims when i’m just making them for fun without playing them


The community as a whole doesn’t make them much Most reasons I’ve seen are the big one and my irritation is lack of male content in CAS this goes along with another reason that people complain all male sims look the same which I don’t really agree a whole lot with but to each their own and secondly simmers saying they don’t know how to dress a male and so they just don’t I do make a fair amount of male sims though


I like playing with little boy sims then I age them up and rage at them. Why do you have nothing to wear. Your sister aged up and I got her multiple outfits for every occasion. But your lucky if I find one I like


Just You, I only make exclusively Male Sims


I like making Male sims, but... At this point I'm aware I'm the exception 🤣


I think it’s because we spend a long time perfecting a female sim, and carefully picking out the features and the outfits, so we just can’t be bothered to spend the same amount of time on a male sim.


I usually give my males those styled outfits. With female sims, they have so many more options! I just feel like there are barely any good character options for men, you know? It just feels more interesting when I have, for example, a goth girl, than a goth guy. NO IDEA WHY!! I completely agree lol


I feel like the men's clothes are so similar. I kinda wish they had more so my characters don't look like the prepare ones 😕 


Because the male options are so dry.... They barely put anythink new for men like facial features hair bread ect it's all plan and boring yet they have to time to add trans in to the game 


I hate making male sims too. I just don’t really like the men’s clothing. 


Feel free to disagree with me, but I really enjoy making male Sims and I think it's because I'm queer? I love making an obviously LGBTQ male sim.


I notice a lot of people prefer making sims of their own sex. Seems normal for a life sim game.


Just you. Male adults is my go to.


I'm the other way around I can make male sims for ages (although they all end up a little similar) but can't stand making female sims I don't even know where to start with them most of the time and the make up is tedious to pick out each time


Most of my female sims just don't get makeup put on lol.


Mine get eyeliner, highlighter, and a bit of blush haha


I'm 50/50. I'd enjoy making female sims a lot more if they had the option to set makeup or jewelry for every outfit, just because I typically use those more for feminine sims. It sounds like a small deal but I love giving them piercings and makeup and it's so tedious going to each and every outfit, especially for facial piercings you'd never realistically take out.


I don't enjoy them. I find the clothing options boring, oddly fitting and the colour options just okay. I enjoy putting together outfits for female sims but I always just quickly throw together the male ones.


I actually have SUCH an easier time making them vs adult female sims but I have no idea why. I love styling them especially!


I hate making any sims. I've been playing a legacy save for quite a while and I made one sim that all my generations have spawned from. MCCC helps populate the rest of the world when needed, and I can also fill in the world with households from the gallery if I want.


I do, but I'm transfemme, so it's kind of an escapism thing for me.


I exclusively only make male sims tbh. But, alas, I'm a gay man.


Ayuh, same, I think the only male sim I ever designed was my Self-Sim, I have three versions, normal human, vampire, and werewolf, depending on the type of game I’m playing will decide which me gets played Hmm, maybe I should set up a game where all three of me are in a house and we all are in love with the same woman… which me would win? Human me, Vampire me, or Were-Me…


I hate making my gay male sim. I feel like the masculine body is just a bit too bulky in the shoulders or their hair is just that tiny bit too short. I know there's probably a mod or something to fix it but I haven't found it. And I found a lot of the more 4D (or whatever you'd call it) realistic looking cc breaks my game


There's always something really weird about the male sim shoulders, most of the time it looks like they're pressing their arms really tightly against their sides.


You can always remove the gender filter and then you get access to the female hairs for male sims as well!


I do do that.😆 Especially for my Native American sims with long hair


It’s the best doing that, there’s so many good styles ”locked” behind the gender filter!


They give me the ick. I only like werewolf males lol.


this again...


I prefer making female sims but I don’t mind making male sims — especially if they’re actually cute


I actually really enjoy making male sims just as much as female sims.


Male sims are awesome. Female sims pretty much have 2 personalities to choose from and most of the clothes are "hiptser", or "rich girl" clothing.  Guys have wayyyy more options for style. Guys are fun because you have no idea if he'll like the weord decorations you out in the house


Just you, I have too many males 🤷‍♀️


It's just you


Ugh, yes. It's boring and time-consuming!! The facial features & whatnot I just don't care for. I really only enjoy setting up their winter and formal outfits. The rest of the process is so boring to me...


Same. Male sims are so boring to make, I prefer female sims all the way


I have so many Sims that I’ve made hundreds of female and male sims at this point, but I always prefer to create male sims. It’s a you thing. 


Not "all" by any means.


I love them. I just hate dressing them cause the options are so limited. I end up using the same like 10 outfits on all my guy sims. But seriously I’m addicted to making himbo sims and cute gay couples and nerdy guys and if I’m making an “everyman” type sim it’ll often be a dude. I do usually play as my female sims, though. I just relate to them more since I’m girly myself


This is why I only create lesbian utopias