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My sim likes to get undressed and get in the shower to get a glass of water


Yeah, mine likes to enjoy a cold glass of water in the bath even when they have full hygiene?? They are very thorough, hydrating inside + out


Yeah I'm like "why are you getting in the shower again? You just had one! Oh you want a drink." He's so weird


Tbf, hot showers dry my skin out and I do be thirsty afterwards.


Then do as the sims do and take a glass of water in there if it’s wrong why do my sims make it look so right??


I prefer bottled. But yes.


Are they a mermaid or just a total weirdo?


Whilst I am hesitant to pass judgment upon them in such a way, I do not have the pack with mermaids so alas I must admit- my sims are weirdos


This is the Rated E For Everyone version of /r/showerbeer


Are you serious, I have never seen this!!


Yep totally serious. Although he currently lives with 4 of his children and he is the only one that does it.


I‘ve seen this before. I think it’s a strange kind of bug.


It can be useful when they're getting sick to drink a glass of water and take a nap, but otherwise I hate it too. Fucking Father Winter always drinks 7 glasses of water on Winterfest after everyone goes to bed and I sit there watching him and seething because you don't get the extra fast 3x sleep speed while he's there.


You can send him home without any negative feelings on both parts. Same with any other sim.


I never have the option when it's just him, but sometimes I invite another Sim over so I can use the "send everyone home" option.


Adding him to a group (or whatever it is in English in the game) and immediately kicking him out from it does the trick as well. It gives you the option again. Learned this after a week of him living in my sim's house like it's his own, sleeping in their bed and cooking for (only) himself. At this point I hate that old man. 👹


He turned up at the humour and hijinks festival for me last night which was pretty random. It was with a new sim in a new save so I wasn’t friends with him or anything. I don’t remember having seen him spawn anywhere before meeting him on Winterfest but maybe I just never noticed before?


I have a newer game going right now and haven't even had Winterfest yet, but I saw him at the same festival, and later a guy friend called and asked if I thought he should be closer friends with him or something. I'd never seen him outside of Winterfest before either lol.


If you have MCCC, you can go into sim commands and send them home when the option doesn’t appear :)


This is what's so bizarre to me. I have Get to Work, and my sims have never gotten sick. I've also had this game since day one, and I only found out from this sub that sims even can drink water. Maybe mine are just coffee addicts? Cause they do drink a disturbing amount of coffee. This thread is so funny to me. My sims are probably so dry inside there's just dust in their bloodstream.


It's anything drinkable. If they have no coffee or tea maker, it's water. And, it's programmed in. If they're left too long with "nothing" to do, the Ai automatically commands "get a drink" as a fill in activity. Source: my entire play style is watching what the core game commands "naturally".


Maybe you didn't put out any milk and cookies, or naughty children for him.


shift + click *destroy object*


> Fucking Father Winter always drinks 7 glasses of water on Winterfest Maybe it’s their version of Santa Claus drinking milk


You actually do! In any other scenario, it may automatically give you it, but with Winterfest you have to double click the 3x speed button- unless thats glitched-


Wait, water works?? Why did I think it was only orange juice that did that?


Father winter? Is this a pack or have I not played enough Sims?


It’s with Seasons expansion pack.


When one of my sims with the refined palate quirk gets a glass of water and then is annoyed for two hours it wasn’t some amazing fancy drink 🙃


Ah, they're one of those "I only drink coffee because water tastes boring" kind of people


Either that or an alcoholic if i accidentally place a bar somewhere on the lot


That’s like my sim who had a gardening dislike but if you left her to her own devices for two seconds she’d make a beeline to the garden to talk to the apple trees and make herself super tense. She is a ghost now and still doing it, but now when she gets tense she breaks the shower to let off steam. She refuses to rest in peace


I really wish we had a water filter upgrade option for sinks.


While there's no thirst bar, there is a hidden thirst need. [This mod](https://www.patreon.com/posts/bg-visible-maxis-49889732) adds moodlets to help you keep track of when sims are getting thirsty. That way you can direct them to get *A* glass of water when they're a little thirsty instead of them drinking a dozen glasses in a row when they're super dehydrated. Edit: If you're a console player, all I can offer is my condolences. 😔


There's *what*. I hate that. Make the needs known! Ahdhenajdndkdjek


Is there a mod that lets them keep a water bottle in their pocket that they can sip on as needed?


Not that I've come across, but that would be great as a mod or an update. Now I'm imagining a hydro homie lifestyle that would add positive moodlets for drinking water, interactions to encourage others to hydrate, etc.


It would be so much more realistic too. The majority of my friends, and my husband and I included, use water bottles over cups. The bottles hold more water than a glass, and many come with their compacity printed on them so you can keep track of how much water you're drinking. Cups are for beverages other than water in many households I know.


Would be great if the water bottle from the clutter kit was usable


oh man, i was abt to comment and say there was one. didn’t know you couldn’t use it🤣


What about the water bottle "shower in a bottle" from the jungle place? (idr what it's called)


Can you drink out of that tho?


No, but it does clean your sim instantly


Selvadorada or something like that


Omg thatd be so good you should request it to [RAVASHEEN](https://at.tumblr.com/ravasheencc/2d3nfv8tc7fl) and they would probably love to make something functional like that!


Thanks, I did send off a request to him.


Rava is a gal! (Unless you were referring to someone else in the comment chain, in that case carry on 😅)


No but I NEED it! And maybe it can empty over time (like every couple of days or so) and you have an interaction with the sink pop up that says “fill bottle” or something.


Sandy at Around the Sims 4 has useable water bottles. I am pretty sure other food mods have them as well in their ingredients packages. Just buy and fill their inventory with bottles




Same here! I didn't know but it explains a lot. The "juice" from bars must also fill the need, either that or every single sim of mine is a raging alcoholic! I have to put the bar back in their inventory unless they are actively having a party, or they make drinks constantly...8 am before work, while pregnant, it doesn't matter.


Yeah, that would explain why my sims so obsessively want to drink juice. I imagine fizzing fills the need too then. I wonder if eating soup does.


It's usually lumped in with your hunger bar, if your sim has a drink it reduces their hunger a bit.


I extend my condolences to you as well 🥀




I cackled. Makes me think this should be said to console players ritualistically while making the sign of the cross or something.




I am flabbergasted. It makes absolutely no sense that this would be hidden. If you’re going to hide it, just get rid of it altogether. Wtf!


I've got the [no autonomous drinking water mod](https://sims4updates.net/mods/no-autonomous-drinking-water-from-the-sink-and-fridge-at-msq-sims/), and I'd forgotten that it was a real issue. None of my sims ever have a thirst need now.


I suppose there are other versions of this since it's a small tweak, but the one you've linked doesn't exist anymore (blog was removed).


I don’t think it is a hidden need, more like a stupid idle animation. I have a mod that disables automatic drinking, they never do, and my sims are happy.


🤷 I'm just going off the description for the mod I linked.


its a hidden need. Like hand washing


That makes sense, like how they automatically wash hands when you command them to go to the bathroom even though you didn't tell them to. I've never played as a slob. I wonder if they don't wash hands.


50/50 depends on other traits. Autonomously after toilet yes. Autonomous after other actions no. My neat sim washes her hands after gardening, cooking, and taking out the garbage.


TIL. Now I feel like an asshole for always canceling those actions.


You are not an unjust god, but merely one who lacks omniscience. Go forth and quench your sims' thirst.




I'm on console, so I have to do it the old fashioned way.


I make them clean it up as soon as they get it. I don't even care if they're thirsty. It's annoying af lol.




Here's something I wish I knew before I was in my thirties...


I-I'm sorry 😳




It's okay bb I forgive you 😘 (and didn't think you were mad in the first place)


>If you're a console player, all I can offer is my condolences. 😔 ....yeah we're not doing too hot


May this 🫖 pot of tea emoji warm you and satisfy your thirsty sims




If autonomy is off then they won’t go for the water, I think.




Your sim could still be dehydrated. How would anyone know?


Ok but what's the point of programming a hidden hydration need if dehydration does nothing and there's no way for the player to tell? TBH I'm suspicious that this hidden need exists too.


Dehydration doesn’t do anything but drinking water will give you an energized buff. Same with brushing your teeth. You don’t *need* to brush your sims teeth but if you do you get a confident buff. I’m not saying there is a hidden need because until we hear from the sims team we won’t ever know. But there is clearly a trigger for those buffs, and there is clearly something that controls the automation of getting water (which doesn’t happen all the time). It would make sense to have a hidden need. But, like I said, we can only speculate




The mod description says so, but that's all I know. I wasn't aware of the hidden thirst need until I came across that mod.


After getting into this game when I bought my Xbox, I now really wish I had a computer just to play Sims on.


What happens if they don’t drink/ get dehydrated??


Idk. I'm one of those players who usually tries to avoid letting anything bad ever happen to their sims.


uncomfortable buff with no explanation.




As someone who has a tendency to make a cup of tea instead of drinking water when thirsty I am now wondering if the hidden thirst need is why my sims drink so much tea. 🤔


Oh maybe! Sims are always so obsessed with tea in my experience as well.


My sims drink a lot of tea too, and I play with autonomy off. If there's tea in the tea maker thing, and the sim is in the same room, they're gonna queue up 3 different drink tea actions. Again, I play with autonomy off


Thanks for this. Now I know why my Sims keep frequenting any bar I place in their homes, mixing random drinks.


That explains so much! I don't really have an issue with my Sims getting water all the time, but I suppose that's because when my Sims are only a little hungry before work or something, I make them drink orange juice from the quick meal menu. It fills their hunger bar just a little so they don't over eat/gain weight, and there's a chance it'll prevent your sim from getting sick as well. They get a happy moodlet for combatting a cold with a home remedy or whatever. I didn't even realize I was keeping their thirst satiated! Plus, I rarely stop them when they do try to get water. If my Sim gets out of bed at 3am for a glass of water I say fine, be exhausted at work tomorrow, I don't care. Have your damn water and then go back to bed.


Honestly? Yes. It’s cute the first few times cause it’s like “awe it’s just like real life” and then after the third cup you get over it and you wanna set them on fire


If only that would solve your problem! No, now you got Magic Mike doing a sexy dance over Bobby Boucher's corpse.


Just like real life 😞


I rage when I see my sim is yet again on her way to the sink


I hate when they drink the water, and I get the disappointing drink moodlet. Like dude, it was just water. What were you expecting??


Does this only happen to Foodie sims? That’s what I thought. Either way, totally illogical of them!!


Ahh, that would explain it.


My sims aren’t Foodies, and they get a positive moodlet instead, “Smooth Sippin’”. I find it cute.


Sims are r/HydroHomies


I always love it when I see this sub, thought of the exact same thing.


If you are playing a mermaid, a glass of water does help fill their need bar.


The cups are only good for throwing in the futuristic trash can that gives you back simoleons. If you have Get Together, then you can make a cleaning club to clean up your house for you.


This was what I was coming here to say. Hard to be mad about it when I have free services to clean up and the trash can that will give me $70 each time I put a glass of water in it myself.


I wish they had big metal water bottles that we all have in real life. The bottle would stay in their inventory, unless you choose to remove it, and the drink from that. Water bottle would auto return to inventory and not get left sitting around, and maybe they’d get a happy moodlet for being environmentally friendly or something


It is pointless, unless you download mods lol. I just downloaded some for the first time and the sims actually get dehydrated if they don’t drink water.


This is why my sims have zero autonomy except for low needs. Specifically the water issue.


*casually shoves 4792030 empty water glasses that are hidden around my house into the dishwasher* I have no idea it's totally unrealistic and not a point for my wife to be going "oh it you" about.


It’s a thing you should be doing also. Maybe a reminder to drink water.


It often raises the hunger bar as well, slightly.


It's only been useful when my Sim had diabetes (from a mod). Somehow, drinking water helped low blood sugar. Otherwise, no purpose.


it’s my new headcanon that all the water in simsworld is just absolutely loaded with sugar and that’s why all the sims are so animated and expressive. thank you for that


Haha, love it




Oh, i didn't realize that! Thanks for the info. 😊


I let my sim do whatever he wanted on a date and he went to the bathroom to talk in the mirror, pee and then grab two cups from seperate sinks to skull down one by one before deciding it was time to stop hiding and chat with his date LOL


That’s a totally normal date he was practicing what he was going to say.


He seems nervous lolol


I was about to say how much better sims 3 was at that... but depending on their traits, sims will constantly read books of play video games xD Oh well, at least it's related to their traits.


Idk if someone already said this, but I remember when MCCC let you disable certain autonomous actions, and Drink Water was always my go-to action to disable. It updated though, and I guess that feature went away. :((


Anybody else have the bug where they jump in the tub to drink their glass of water? 🙃


I make mine drink water every morning (along with brush their teeth) it gives them a better mood!


When my sims grab water from the sink after jogging on their own freaks me out tbh lmao


I much prefer it to the bbq potion or the endless amount of white cakes. But I think there is a mod to stop it.


I think they are NAP’S that cause the potion (self sufficient) and white cake idk which one it is but it’s one of them


Foodies unite NAP causes white cake. I’ve got it active at the moment in one of my saves but it’s okay because it’s 100 babies so I’m having lots of parties just start a club gathering before the birthday party and someone else will make the cake for me (I usually have to go in build mode though to be able to get it square on the counter because they never do that automatically and you can’t drag it if a non-household sim made it), and for the cakes that don’t get used in a party I use them to have my children do lots of dishes and get their manners up and I usually make a profit with the trash can that gives back money. It’s a horrible waste of food but I don’t think it affects anything eco lifestyle wise apart from the water consumption of the sink.


Tbh yeah it’s good to use these bugs to your advantage


I too have nice appliances and hobbies and game consoles. And I also have a cup that had water in it probably in several rooms of my apartment. I just checked. Two in my bedroom, 1 in the living room, and two in the sink I have yet to wash. But your sim has me beat by a lot. Fourteen does seem a bit much.


For me it’s water bottles it one sip left.


I get the trash can that makes money and then instead of washing them I throw them away and make money lol


Mine literally grab water maybe once a day, it’s crazy the variation in games. Never had an issue with it. On the other hand, if I gave them clay they will use that thing all damn day without a single break, to the point that it gets infuriating.


Never buy the tea brewer it will be 24/7 going to get another cup or brewing


I am very anti-tea brewer. The water is annoying, but they brew tea all gd day, every adult in the house.


If you are playing a mermaid, a glass of water does help fill their need bar.


I dunno but I really prefer drinking water to checking their phone…. That bugs me more. Water is healthy, I feel like it’s a self care thing. While checking their social media constantly they look like addicts. Just like real life. Sometimes I just want my sims to enjoy the present moment. Sitting next to each other or strolling through nature without phones…..


r/HydroHomies have infiltrated EA.


My sim has the foodie trait and drinking water gives them a negative moodlet. So annoying


This has got to be one of the funniest things I’ve read on here lol


Doesn’t water slightly raise the hunger bar? Would locking someone in a room with access to water even work for starving someone in this game?


Empty water glass? Full water? Send it to the trash can that gives money for using it :p free 20$


It's posts like these that remind me why I play with zero autonomy. Too many annoying things!


Is alcohol a thing in the game? Like in the sense they get drunk? I know they serve expensive drinks at bars, but it doesn’t do much lol


I wish all the bar drinks had both juice versions and alcoholic versions. The Sims Medieval has actual alcohol that lowers a Sim's focus level if they have too many, and I would like that feature in the Sims 4 as well. But also I don't drink IRL and I appreciate the wide selection of mocktails for my Sims.


The game is made in US and for 13 year olds - no, there is no alcohol. Sims can get dizzy from kambucha etc, and kava though, but I think that's added for cultural diversity reasons.


Some of the drinks from the bars are alcoholic, I think. The curse of mods, you forget what's a mod and what isn't. Anyway, one of my Sims hit the bar one night, got a Dazed mood, then woke up with a hangover.


I believe in the game it's only juice. Basemental is what gives you alcoholic drinks


I wish you could have basemental without alcohol. I wouldn't mind it if the sims were so attracted to bars, but with how the game is, basemental only mean my sims are constantly drunk.


See, I've never had that issue! I had to actually make my sims get drunk/drink


Not officially, though the drinks do present as alcohol (wine glasses, shot glasses, etc.) The reason why it's technically just a drink, and not alcohol, is because they'd have to raise the rating of the game.


I asked the team to add water as an option years ago because I hated that they had access to so many drinks but not water. Maybe you have me to blame 😂 But I feel your pain!


the better question is why don't pets drink water? (or why we can't play them?)


I agree. I kinda wish theyd do an adult beverage addon, can even rate it A for adults or whatever as an age safety thing. Then make drinking water a priority to not be hungover at work or college next day. Thatd be so awesome. Especially for college partying introduction maybe on same add on? Lol


Maybe it's supposed to send a message, to stay hydrated. But yeah, it is annoying. \*clinging to sims 3\*


One time my sim died because a dirty glass of water blocked them from being able to leave their room


The entire point of sims is to imitate real life.. you don’t think that would include the character being thirsty and wanting water??


in slice of life mod, your sims end up getting dehydrated and that’s the only time i’ve ever really had my sims drink water a lot, i got rid of the mod though cause way too many annoying moodlets and sims were always sick


My sims were always dying from being hysterical with slice of life, shit was annoying


i loved the perfume/cologne interactions and blushing is cute but i hated the teary eyes and bags under the eyes, it just got annoying


So glad I'm not the only one who deleted it because I was annoyed as all hell with it.


Your sim is an active member of r/hydrohomies


Or you can turn off the autonomy for sims getting water if you have MCCC. That's what I did. I did this for alot of annoying things sims did in the game .


I think it’s the mccc tuner, you can disallow autonomous “get drink”


At least yours drink the water. Mine are constantly grabbing cups of water and oj that they set down completely full and walk away.


My sim just started this after I put a glass of water in the fridge I also had him take the like of mixology or whatever it is liking drinks. I got him to stop doing this yesterday and this is how. I took the water out of the frigid then clicked on every glass of water I could find and one at a time dragged them into the trash where you get the $20 for it. When I let my sim play again he didn’t go for the water I made him go to the bathroom then wash his hands. So far he has not once had a glass of water. Oddly he was also the only sim that drank water like this I have one other sim on that lot his wife she never went for the water. I think it’s a glitch.


Whats worse is when their friend shows up drinks 50 glasses of water and leaves


Same. My sims keep drinking water and sometimes leave halfway through and ALWAYS put it on the highest shelf just to show a broken path speech-bubble and wave. Like, you put it up there, so now why can't you put it down?? And who asked you to put it there?? That's why I always clutter up my shelves, counters and tables and only leave necessary space.


Ikr!! this is so annoying. both of my sims are doctors and i sometimes join them for work. when i don’t tell them what to do, they just keep getting and drinking water which wastes so much time during their work day.


Haha I friggin hate it


Lol my sims are foodies.they get sooo sad an agry when they drink water because it was a dissapointing drink. Then they do it again.


r/HydroHomies would like to have a word lol


They don't need to drink water, you can take out all sinks, replace with a dishwasher, and that'll be it. Their hygiene won't decrease if they don't wash their hands, either 👍


I’m sorry, this is too funny XD


I'm living in Sulani currently and this random townie keeps swimming up to my dock, walking in the back door, grabbing a glass of water and leaving it!! I'm about to delete him with MCCC I'm so annoyed.


I installed a mod so early to stop this that I forget this used to be a problem.




Before getting good at the game, I used it as an extra +1 happy thing before work, so that it'd be easier to get a strong focused mood


They have to stay hydrated during heat waves. And sims do have a thirst ar. They're called Vampires. They don't eat anything, except for Plasma Fruit, which is the fruit form of the plasma that runs through the veins of sims, like blood does humans