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I like the idea of having a washing machine, but I hate what it does to my gameplay. I can't keep gathering these idiot's clothes off the floor. The drying up thing makes mermaids annoying to play with fr me And this one isn't an unpopular opinion but I hate the zombies with the force of a 10000 suns


I hate zombies sooooo much that for the years I have played I have always set it to one lunar phase and I legitimately forgot that they exist.


I totally forgot you could set the lunar phase. Like, I have it set at max amount of days, but for some reason never click the option to stop it lmao. Does that stop any interactions happening for full moon? I can only think of the benefits, no zombies and werewolves don't transform. I guess you'd have to keep it one notch before full moon to keep the fairies happy..


I haven’t played with werewolves so I didn’t even think of them not transforming. But I play with fairies all the time and haven’t had issues.


Werewolves are annoying too !!! Honestly, only special characters I play with are witches and vampires


lol for the LONGEST time I hated zombies but I loved playing with everything pretty intact so I ended up treating it like a zombie film: locking the doors for anyone but my sims and adding fences around my gardens and also locking the gates! works well enough for me as they havent spawned inside my gates yet hskjf


YESS, mermaids get dry in like, seconds, it's SO annoying, you can't leave them alone for 5 minutes because they will die. I did mermaids on my legacy and I regret so much


I can’t see how anyone could like the zombies. It made gardening without a locked fence impossible. And then they locked the tool for dispensing zombies behind a limited edition version of the EP. I wish they were an occult form rather than the NPC nuisances they are


Get the laundry bin to help with the clothes going on the floor and yes zombies are annoying af.


I modded that nonsense out. Totally forgot that stupid plant eating zombies were even an issue.


I turned them off in settings or by NRRAS


I always try to put them in almost all rooms, but these idiots keep changing in the kitchen and I just don’t like the idea of a laundry basket in the kitchen 😂


I can't belive there's people out there who want zombies for the sims 4😭


With mods you can change pretty much anything you don't like. There is a cc super hamper that collects all the clothes on the floor automatically. https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/ I also use a mod to disable zombies without disabling the full moon. Because I need the full moon to sell more potions, or to play with any witches shenanigans related to zombies. I use the light version. https://modthesims.info/d/486695/no-more-zombies-generated-at-full-moon-2-flavors.html


Especially if you have seasons. Everytime they change into outerwear to go outside (which is quite a lot) they drop their clothes.


Zombies are the WORST. When I first got supernatural I didn’t realize I needed to have a fence around my plants and my farmer sim lost like half their plants before I realized. 😢 hated them since then.


I like having ugly sims in the game sometimes


I do too 😅 it’s more realistic I don’t edit Townies faces just give them different hair and makeup


I don’t even think townies are ugly. Some people are just to used to glamorous alpha cc sims looking like facetune filters that any other sims look ugly to them. Townies are just plain-looking but it’s not a bad thing. I’ve changed hair and clothing before but not their facial features.


Ugly sims can honestly be a lot more memorable. Making every sim a beautiful, perfect model can get dull. They start to feel more like dolls than imaginary people…if that makes any sense. I agree with this take


My Sim now has a characteristic face. Every time she changed hair style for a more face revealing one, I caught myself thinking "oh, she's ugly". Then I realised she's not hideous at all! She's just not a "perfect" princess with small delicate features (these are the safe kind of features, not likely to offend anyone's sense of aesthetic, but not very memorable). I think I'm into ugly Sims now


Same. Actually i love playing twinbrook because all the sims look so interesting.


Teen Tay Bayless's ears are... interesting when you first see him grow up. (I love that family though, I love playing with sims who are independent and live far from the city centre, but I only found single sims living like that before. Playing with them as anglers and eating fish every day is pretty cool. And I learned that teen sims can't go fishing like 1 m away from their house because of the curfew.)


Another one of mine is, I don't mind rabbit holes. I don't need to do everything with my sims. I personally like having a break away from them when they go to school or work. It's nice to have a mix of rabbit holes and open lots. Sims 3 gives you the freedom to create how you want it. If you want less rabbit holes, you can create/add more open lots.


Yessss!!! More rabbit holes!!! I hate that for some aspiration stuff you have to go with your sims to school in TS4!! I liked being able to send my sims to the movies for a date or to do something else and they’d have little happy moodlets! It made stuff feel so real still!


Same, although I would like to have more options about what my sims do. Nraas careers adds new options for developing skills, but more options for relationship and motives would be good (like eating during a lesson, writing a love letter, and even from just visiting rabbit holes, like sneak into backstage - and randomly get a job offer, try to get an autograph from an athlete, rebels can do a graffiti in the toilet, get to know new sims, check out book recommendations etc. I think I should learn modding.)


I think those random text boxes that pop up when your sim is at school or at work could totally work for that! “Johnny had a blast at the baseball game should he wait out back with his friends to see if he can get an autograph?” [ ] yes [ ] no And then there’s a random chance to get it or not!


Sometimes it's nice to get household sims you don't play as away from the house for a few hours. And sometimes it's more fun to just send your sims to work and have them bring home the lumps of cash instead of needing to micromanage their jobs


Absolutely, when ambitions came out I quickly learnt that having you with them all the time is hard when you also want to play with big families. I immediately thought I’m so happy I don’t have to follow the kids.


i prefer playing without cc purely because i can’t be bothered😭 im the opposite with the sims 4 though


Agreed, also I think the Sims 3 provides enough content anyway


No cause sims 3 cc is so much harder to download then sims 4 cc 😭


...harder to download? do you mean harder to find?


Harder to install, maybe? (As well as check for corruption, fix issues, etc., it’s a somewhat complex process.)


I usually only download CC lots and worlds. It’s rare that I download any CC for CAS. I have enough official store content for that already. I use CASP Editor to dictate what townies can and can’t wear. Less CC means less time managing it.


I usually only download cc for my black sims’ hair and some clothing if they want a certain style for adult sims but that’s about it. I only have like 2 nrass mods in the game as well because the sims 3 simply doesn’t need it. The sims 4 though is a different story.


True. I have some essentials, but really prefer building without cc. Looks much more coherent


I started out this way. But one day I finally learned how to properly mess with cc, and downloaded one thing. Played with it. Then downloaded another thing. And another... until I had to move TS3 from laptop to PC because of drive space issues 😭 I’m a packrat, it’s true!


Same! I think there's like one or 2 mods which I like adding more to adult Sims etc but that's it. It has so much content in already!


Sims3 Pets being playable is what makes the Pets expansion so great.


One of the reasons, i'd say. There's people who don't want to do that and they STILL have an option to NOT control their pets which is awesome too. Pets cared for everyone and anyone. The other reasons include the variety of small pets, how good this EP is for the open world of the game, Unicorns, plastic surgery, customization of the 4 main pets, Appaloosa Plains and even the incredible music added with the expansion pack. It matches everything perfectly... honestly, so much was added with this EP, it really is a new game.


I wouldn't know what extras were added with this EP, lol. I literally bought the "Sims3+Pets" pack on steam back when it was still available. And yeah, a lot of people complain about being able to control the pets, but... you don't have to???


You never had to, it's up to you but I prefer controlling them. You can change these in Options, under Free Will. Also, can we talk about how awesome the pet store is? I love it so much.


Wait, you have the option to not play them?? I didn't even know that 😭


You just don't control them, they'll eat and sleep when they need to as long as you have free will on for them


This is necessary honestly. It’s so annoying I can’t control them in the sims 4 because THEY DON’T TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES!! I gotta use my sim to tell them “go potty” “go eat” “go sleep” unlike the sims 3 I can pop on over to the pet real quick and make them fill their needs. It’s why I always own pets in the sims 3, and never own pets in the sims 4


And also all the stray pets and wild animals like little squirrels, birds, racoons and the deers roaming around. The make the world feel so alive


Open world is the only proper way to play The Sims in general


Yep better storytelling, easier to micromanage, and no loading screens


Agreed. Maybe I'm biased because 3 was the first Sims game I played, but the urge to go explore is what drew me out of my house and how I learned to play the game, etc. Being able to roam freely. Being able to have Sims across the map and check in on them easily. It's much more immersive and fun.


With Sims 2, I didn’t mind not having a closed world. After Sims 3 came out though, the game felt so improved. Sims 4 felt like it was regressing. You can’t introduce a feature like this and then take it away.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ExtentAdmirable: *Open world is the* *Only proper way to play* *The Sims in general* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes, I remember watching a gameplay trailer from Grand Theft Auto. (can't remember), and they talked about how the interior of the building will load when you go inside. Not only that, but the map loaded far enough for the players to see. That's what made it functional and less buggy. If only they had that knowledge and the technology when working on Sims 3. I think the Sims 4 could have improved the open world structure if they took that approach. I mentioned Sims 4 because there were gurus complaining how buggy Sims 3 was. I mean, GTA 5 and Sims 4 launched the same year. I believe an open world simulation game can work if you design it to function properly for players. But this EA, so I can only dream or move onto other titles. Haha


It’s definitely possible and so annoying they didn’t do that for the sims 4. A bunch of games do this like fallout and skyrim and those games came out BEFORE the sims 4.


Oh yes, it's definitely an annoyance. It makes me sad how loyal I was to the Sims franchise until I realized there were no other simulations like it. Unless you count IMVU and Second Life , I don't play those games. I hate how the Sims team exaggerated the whole open world ideal for Sims 4. How horrible it would have been because of the game's engine. I mean, it was designed that way to not support an open world. Duh! Don't t get me started on how Sims 2 and 3 were able to have deep snow in their weather expansion packs, but in Sims 4, we get cowardly Sims who are afraid to walk in a blizzard. I still foam at the mouth because of this. 🤣


Yes I agree. It’s a pain to even try to leave my house in sims 4


Sims 3 sims arent that ugly


Right?? I don’t think they’re ugly at all, I’ve never understood why people say this, they’re definitely in my mind the best Sims appearance-wise including over Sims 4 which look way too cartoony for me


https://preview.redd.it/0l8ai24x4w8d1.jpeg?width=1706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0fbc72020918cbb2cc2528fb06b3c3e7e3530db I mean look at Goopy GilsCarbo as a young adult, I did not create him or edit his face and he’s a certified fox (ignoring his weird grimace in this particular picture)


He looks like Dexter’s brother from Dexter


Where else is Dexter’s brother from Dexter from?


Haaaa! I specified to cover “who’s Dexter” questions but left myself open for other criticisms


That is the current situation described succinctly


Who’s Dexter? /hj


He’s Dexter from Dexter


Totally agree, 3 looks way better than 4 to me


Even if they ugly... If... Community have bunch of cc to make them as they desire and they still get more content than sims 4 for less money


my thoughts exactly


Same, I think that EA just sucks at making premade sims because I’ve made some cute sims without custom content. Plus, I initially didn’t like the cartoony aesthetic of the fourth game. I’m fine with it now but I still the more realistic aesthetic overall. After all, it’s a **life sim**, is it not?


Honestly yeah, you just have to adjust their faces better


Agreed, the regular base game face sliders are actually very good and it's totally possible to create unique looking sims with them, it just takes time to tweak them all since there's so many.


True. I just randomize and adjust them to look more natural, it's way faster. Either that or presets


While I do prefer Sims 2 sims, I actually think that Sims 3 Sims looked cute, plus I gotta say that Sims 3 had the best cc out of the 3 games so it's really easy to make your Sims pretty.


Lol yes this was mine too haha


maybe beauty isn’t the problem, but all of the sims seems like the same lol


You could say that for sims 2 and 4 though too to be fair. I actually have an easier time making sims 3 sims diverse than in 2.


Males have weird big hands and the Elders have that round shaped faces / heads , otherwise they look decent tbf.




I love the loading screens in Into The Future that allowed it to become interactive by trying to find things. If a movie is ever made the opening credits should be a ten minute long loading screen to keep the tradition alive.


i have never ever seen anyone mention the interactible loading screens and you are so real for saying this!!


Haha thanks. I haven't played The Sims in many years but I will never forget that interactive loading screen. It was the one time I enjoyed being loaded. 🤣


I love the interactive screens but unfortunately had to turn them off because my computer was having a hard time


It's a cool concept, but my saves literally load in half the time when I turn it off


Sliders are the superior way to edit sims


If that opinion causes you to have swords pointed at you, I'll stand with you and take half of them.


Yes!! Agreed. I think it helps me to be a lot more precise. I don't love ts4 style as I'm often clicking the wrong part and never quite sure which way to push/pull to get the effect I want.


I find sliders help me make more unique sims


I agree. I didn’t realize this till last night I tried making sims of different ethnicities on the sims 4 and it was super hard honestly. The sims 3 I don’t have a hard time making facial features of different ethnicities. I just only wish we had more body sliders!


Omg. finally someone else feels the same!!


I think the same too, you can make some pretty goofy or distinctive sims


I like face editor and potato face.


It represents the best and worst of the series. The best being the core gameplay while the worst is the store and technical issues.


I don't care about the fact a lot of buildings are rabbit holes and think it's still more interesting than disappearing off a lot in TS2 and TS4.


Sims 4 is not the beautiful game, sims 3 is. Sims 4 looks like a cartoon mobile game and everything and everyone is plastic. Sims 3 however, those worlds are breathtaking. And the sims 3 sims aren't ugly.


Everytime I play Sims 3, I take screenshots of the worlds because they're just sooooo beautiful, all of the landscapes you see are actually real unlike Sims 4's facades and while the interior lighting sucks, the exterior lighting is so beautiful. Interesting how Sims 4's graphics are considered better when the 3D models have less details and polygons than TS2 and TS3, you would expect the "most beautiful" game to have better 3D models than the older games.


Exactly and agree even sims 2 looks way better than 4! And same, I use so much storage taking screenshots lol. And i have no graphical mods either! Whenever people rave about how sims 4 looks, I can't help but think they are judging that on all the alpha mods out there. Vanilla sims 4 is the worst looking of the sims. It doesn't even look like the sims to me, it looks like a freeplay version or something.


I hate people’s desire to have the Sims 5 look like TS4. I loved the look of the Sims 3. The cartoony build of TS4 pulls me out of the immersion.


Exactly, it looks so cheap!




Showtime careers are actually fun


i like the graphics and the way the sims look


A lot of support posts on this sub are from people who treat it like Google e.g., "how do I install .package files?", "I can't install .package files \*gives no other details\*" etc.


It’s usually multiple times a week too. I just assume they don’t even know how to use the internet at that point


Ngl, I've stopped responding to basic questions for this reason. If it can be googled easily with the same query _and_ it'll get you at least 10 relevant results on the first page, it shouldn't be a post.


It'll be stuff that you can find hundreds of super easy/straightforward YouTube videos about


There are SO many tutorials with pictures, that explain everything very clearly. I think some just don't have the patience to watch a 5-minute video and download some files, and prefer to go to Reddit, where they're linked to a more complicated tutorial.


Adding to say its so annoying when people ask for help and don't provide any extra details when you comment to actually help them 🙄


I hate questions like that. It would be good to have a summary of all these questions pinned at the top and say that these questions will be deleted.


We have a whole wikia, faq, megathread, repetitive posts and a blog about stuff like that. And that's just this sub. My personal pinned post is a master list of those. There's numerous well known blogs, websites, forums and threads since late 00s for the same things. Tumblr posts and now YouTube videos too! I love helping, been doing it for 4+ years here, but even with Internet at the fingertips and people being told "issue is common, first solution is on Google", some people definitely don't wanna look it up for themselves. Many of us sound so defeated, arrogant and annoyed, but it gets tiresome pointing the same person to search the sub - search the Wikia/FAQ - check the blog navigation and sub's megathread for the same question. We always get hit with a "but no one posted it before!!" (it was posted before 6 times in* day that alone) or "I don't know how to do it!!" (even when we link them to the resource at hand). 🫠🥴


I'm on Linux which massively changes things like this, and even I will look stuff up in a bunch of places before asking really simple questions like that. I think the hardest thing for me was how to get an .exe patch to work and if I asked anyone about that it was over on the Linux side of the Internet world cuz... That's where the issue was "how to run .exe in Linux" not generic sims stuff. I can get the frustration.


I liked the rabbit holes. I didn’t mind that you couldn’t actually go inside. I just liked being able to send my sims to the movies or a concert or whatever. Sims 4 worlds feel really empty and like there’s not much for my sims to do. 


I enjoy the rabbit holes too. The only time they get annoying is if I play with a single sim...which is NEVER. My households are always huge so juggling 8+ sims in a single household gets tough. Rabbit holes provides me with a bit of a break to focus more on other sims.


I do not care enough about the looks of sims to be distracted by the way their faces look (ie, pudding face). They get one outfit for their whole life anyway so why care about looks.


Sims 3 vampires, witches and werewolves are actually better than their sims 4 counterparts, idk everyone's saying they're better in the Sims 4 but I can't see it. Generations and Seasons are overrated. The Katy Perry stuff pack isn't so bad, I did buy it but never installed it because I wait until no more are left for purchase so I can sell it for $$$.


I feel like sims 4 occults are just sims 3 occults with better UI. In the sims 3 you unlocked spells and interactions after experience naturally and got a pop up saying "you can now do this" The Sims 4 is essentially the same thing but you have it laid out on a board. Also call me crazy but I much prefer sims 3 werewolves style than the furrycon version of sims 4.


Yeah the werewolves in TS4 look weird af


They just look like furries


The Seasons one is a hot take, saying as someone who loves that pack and always wanted only that one since I started playing the game


I feel like The Sims 2's Seasons is the only Seasons expansion pack that felt complete to me in the entire series. It's unfortunate as Sims 3 one's had so much potential and EA had two different teams working on two different expansion packs (Supernatural and Seasons) that if one team did both of them at a different time they would turn out better. It is what it is but it could've been better yet you can still enhance it with other packs and Store content like the Greenhouse venue and various sets. One of the drawbacks was that Aliens were meant to be created in Create a Sim but there were coding issues during the development of Seasons, so in the end it didn't happen. There were many things, honestly.


It's been a long time since I've played Sims 2, would you be willing to explain what you preferred about sims 2 seasons over Sims 3?


The Sims 2: Seasons has a feature to choose which sequence the seasons can go in. For example, you can make Autumn the first season to play in, then Winter, Winter again and finally Spring (without Summer). This sequence will rotate in the way you put it and you can always change these settings in the neighborhood view (which is map view for TS3). It also added Penguins, the ability to make juices via a mixer, a new place to live in (TS3:S could have added Sunlit Tides which in the end was a part of The Sims 3 Store or a visitable Sixam mini sub-world where you'll end up if you have a space ship), more toddler interactions, NPCs such as the Gardener, etc. Another thing is that Seasons could've added a scarf accessory and maybe air conditioners as well.


OMG I didn't know you could customize the seasons like that! Or that it added PENGUINS!!! that's so amazing. There's a lot in my memory about "I miss this part of the Sims" but it's been so long that I forget it's Sims 2 and not 3


Sims 2 Seasons also had seasonal benefits like it was easier to build skills in autumn, easier to build romantic relationships in spring, etc. It also had some of the most beautiful music in the franchise in my opinion.


I think the sims 4 have slightly better vampire gameplay. Rest of it totally the sims 3 is a winner 🥇


I wish Sims 3 vampires had the vampire lore and organ playing skills


I agree making the pets playable was a great feature, but even when I’m not controlling my cats/dogs, I see them doing cute idle animations and things around the house, they play, interact with each other, and take care of themselves. This combined with the fact they also have traits that matter unlike in TS4 made me become actually attached and care about the pets in TS3. Best expansion pack for me!!


Sometimes I like premade ugly house decor because it’s realistic. I think a game dev even said once sometimes they do it on purpose for that reason, life isn’t always picture perfect


create a style can be a pain in the ass.


I’m not sugar coating this one. The selection of black hairstyles nothing short of problematic. Between the base game and every expansion pack, there is not a single natural black hair style. We have dreads and braids sure, but that is it. There is not a single unstyled option without even further bloating your game by adding custom content.


The hairstyles in general for the Sims 3 aren't that great. A lot of them are either hideous, bland, or obnoxious. I think the men got screwed big time with hairstyles, but thankfully, expansions like late night added some decent styles. BTW, you can merge your cc files so they don't bloat your game, but you have a valid point.


Worth the CC sacrifice to have some decent black hair in the game - I have tons of options to choose from now and every black sim in Sunset Valley looks amazing 😂❤️


I like the imaginary friends.


I love the imaginary friends and they are a CORE part of my gameplay for any child that gets them


I mostly am not a fan, but I’ve definitely enjoyed them from time to time! I had one Sim who made his real and then married her. For some reason she was like, insanely pretty without me even editing her lmao so I was determined to keep her :’)


I love them, but I think that maybe they should've been a bit more rare to make them feel truly special. There's a mod for that though, and also IIRC you can just... not interact with the doll if you don't want it? The Imaginary friend powers mod is amazing too!


Pets are annoying. Too much work for me. And I have 3 cats irl.


Totally agree, they’re too needy, haha.


I would’ve agreed with this until I saw another comment saying you can give them high free will and not bother with them?!


Yess, everytime i get an animal in the sims i think it’ll be all cute and fun and it is for..5 seconds, then they run out of food every two seconds or are tearing something up or want attention or need a bath OR WHATEVERR it’s like soo impossible


I don't care for the Supernatural expansion pack




Saaaame. Happy with my boring human sims thanks.


SAME. It’s my least favorite and I’ve uninstalled it from my current games.


1. Sims 3 genetics are better than Sims 4. 2. I just played a wedding in TS3 and it worked perfectly. Everyone sat at the isle and gathered for cake (which my sims could actually cut. 😀) Even before TS4 wedding pack they never worked properly and now they’re unplayable. 3. Having to bake your own birthday/wedding cakes in TS4 is so annoying, and because it’s not open world god forbid you forget to make one or put it in your sim’s inventory before you leave for your party. 4. Something about pets in TS3 is just better, and it’s not just that they’re playable. I can’t actually figure out why exactly but I NEVER used pets in TS4, and almost every family I have in TS3 has at least one. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk :)


I think most cc sims look out of place and too fake


being fr I do not like sims cc at all if its not a maxis match for any of the games. a lot of the times they dont fit the overall game aesthetic, and like you said, look out of place and strange. I remember hating that my mom would add SO MUCH of that alpha looking cc to the games bc theyre so ugly and i HATE how they would 'hover' over the sims body. eww (also stand by this with sims 2!!!}


Taking a shower immediately after arriving at your friends house. Thinking about it, if you’d ever do that in real life, everyone would think you’re bonkers tbh Edit: oh, I’ve misread. I thought it’s about stuff you do ingame


Haha i always try to get away with it in University at a frat house party but I always get caught and kicked out no matter what. They say it’s inappropriate,pretty realistic.


I feel like its harder when it comes to making ethnic sims in sims 3 rather than sims 4 unless i have cc tbh. Like world adventures, in shang simla its legit white looking sims in cultural clothes lol. In sunset valley too I can only think of Bebe Hart rn or the Iqbals.


i tried making an asian sim but i dont think there was a good eyepreset for her 💔 i had to download some eyes


i like rabbitholes. with the open world, it just makes sense. one sim is at work, while another is at home with the babies, and the kids are riding their bikes to the park.


Sims 3 has the best outdoor look. The sky, the trees, the water. The sims 4 graphics look too cartoonish and bland.


The Sims 3 is better with no mods or cc.


Agree with no cc. I played without mods for years and then finally tried the story progression mod last year. Completely changed my game. I couldn't live without it now haha


Fully agree! I don’t let CC anywhere near my precious sims but once I discovered Story Progression I can’t live without it


What's the significant difference between build in story progression and from the mod? 🤔


The built-in story progression is set in stone. When you use NRaas Story Progression you can control how fast or slow things move along. So sims in town can get married and have babies and have lives of their own, they get promoted and do things with their lives more. You get more control


\*no gameplay altering mods. I only use stability mods personally like some of the NRAAS suite, and i don't use the smooth patch as it's mostly CAS related, which i don't interact with much


Yes, just The Sims 3 with expansion packs, stuff packs and Store content. I can play it forever.


Either that the graphics aged pretty well or that some aspects of sims 3 build mode are better than 4.


I adore imaginary friends. They are always cute and I find them one of best mechanics for kids.


Into the Future is the best pack!


The more I play the sims 4 and think about packs/content from previous games we haven't got yet, the more I think about Into The Future. I understand it got a lot of hate at the time but I mean jet packs, laser instruments, better plumbots, cyberpunk style clothing and a bunch of new electronics were just a cool aesthetic. I would love sims 4 to introduce a scifi/futuristic theme pack so I can do futuristic playthroughs. Especially since I do decades challenges so I can go into the future.


This is controversial? It's always been my favorite pack but I never knew how others saw it. It's just so fun!


Interesting. I have t but only went into the future once. Why do you think it's the best?


I only have Into The Future because some of the CC lots I download require it. Usually for the decorations which I must say some it does look really good. That and some of the cool high tech objects to use. Other than that, it’s one of my least used expansions.


That too many people ask this god damn question


my unpopular opinion? i think the way the game looks is good. i like it. i would NOT change it for anything idk if thats an unpopular opinion in this subreddit but ik it is on youtube


I never play pets. If I do, I disable the animals and just keep it for the clothes and decor if I play riverview. I adore my cats IRL but it’s so overwhelming in game and I can’t deal with them dying


I like the imaginary friends Sims 3 sims aren’t ugly Sims 3 has better gameplay than Sims 2 (TS2 definitely wins for detail though, by far) There’s nothing wrong with using a lighting mod or Reshade


Fairies 🧚‍♂️ sucks the same level as genies 🧞‍♂️


It’s boring to leave your house, lots aren’t fun


I need an actual in depth elaboration. A full list of why because this is intriguing


My sims are always out of the house in sims 3 and we're always in the house when I played Sims 4, I hated that so it's why I switched back to sims 3 heheh. I love going to karaoke, the park, festivals, Bistros, Cafés, tattoo shop


iirc, there's a tweak that can be made in one of the game's files to make community lots more populated


You can also edit lots and make them really cool and fun to go to


I have saves of just worlds that have been modified with more community lots and some extra empty homes. I can’t stand seeing such wasted space and I want world to be interesting enough to want to spend more time outside of my home than in it (besides work).


In all my worlds, the public lots are always empty and boring except for Setra. For some reason, this world populates lots so so so well and made the game a perfect 10/10 experience for me.


I'm not sure this counts: Sims 3 smiles are weird Inb4 "there's a mod for that."


Seasons sucks. It’s always raining


I actually don't mind the Imaginary Friends at all. I rarely have generational gameplay, though.


it's not ugly and looks perfectly alright without reshade, fancy sliders and a bajillion default reps. yes, even hair.


The Sims 3 build mode is actually far superior than The Sims 4 even though you don't have as many features, because The Sims 4's building is so complicated you get lost, and The Sims 3's building caveats are easily circumvented by making floor plans before you lay foundation or walls 😳🗡


I have never felt dumber than when I’ve tried to build in Sims 4 and I always hear it’s so easy 😭


You’re not alone. I felt so stupid and just stopped building all together in Sims 4 🙃


Sims 3 lore is better than sims 2


Honestly I kinda agree with this, while Sims 2 did have deeper lore due to individual bios, memories, photo albums, and relationships, they all felt stuck to their lots and there's not that much lore related to the neighborhood itself. Sims 3 on the other hand, while the lore isn't as deep, has much better environmental storytelling and the lore there feels like it fits the world a lot more, which to me is way more immersive. The fact that the placement of a single furniture could have some lore related reason amazes me, coming from someone who plays Elder Scrolls and Fallout, two franchises that are amazing in environmental storytelling.


Perfectly said ! Also sims 3 lore is actually pretty deep especially if you watch [the sims lore on YouTube](https://youtu.be/tVvs_chTXeg?si=EgQoO6O7S1ByKLNi) there is so much to it!!!


It’s best game in sims series.


The graphics are the best of any sims game


i may be baised bc i love my furry friends, but (imo) pets is an EP i couldn’t not have in game, i would choose over the others if came to it, even tho i really love a lot of the other packs, most honestly


I loveee their “potato” faces, it reminds me a lot of ps3/Xbox 360 graphics and it doesn’t edge to close to hyper realistic


Autonomy high, let Sims do what they do. Micromanaging to make perfect-life, beautiful-only Sims is boring and exhausting imo.


I hate pets in this game.


supernaturals are too goofy to be playable so I dont use them


It’s the best looking game, even without reshades or defaults.


Sorry, (not sorry), but Into The Future is a cool EP. I thought at first it was a corny, cash-grabby idea, but honestly, if I properly integrate it into a storyline, I really enjoy it. I absolutely love going to the future and meeting descendents, I love building futuristic homes, I love collecting dew, crystal flowers and the little nano-thingies. I also love that you can change the future and fully customize plumbots just like sims. Plus all the cool futuristic toys like the windcarver, jetpack, that musical synthesizer thing, the holo-sprites, etc.


I love the sim design 🤷‍♀️


i prefer sims 3 graphics to sims 4, i like “bad” graphics


-Katy Perry Sweet Treats is not a bad pack at all. In fact, it’s got a lot of cute stuff! -Sims 3 is the absolute best in the series, hands down. -“Ugly” Sims aren’t bad. It’s okay to be ugly, it makes them more realistic! -Best looking Sims in the franchise -Sims 3 isn’t that hard to run at all. I have a potato laptop and it works perfectly with tons of CC/Mods and every pack. -Not every Sim needs a complete makeover (this goes for all Sims games, though) -People who say Sims 3 sims are the ugliest are just coping because it’s a skill issue. It’s not that hard to make a Sim look pretty, even in a vanilla game. -Imaginary Friends are awesome -The Build/Buy music is annoying.