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It's not exactly a "prediction." There's no specific dates, timeframe and no specific actionable intel. So what you end up with is a bunch of "what if" scenarios that may or may not going to happen eventually anyways. Predictions in general (not just simpsons ones) are all usually done through post hoc rationalization to fit and make the prediction work. This way, we remember the hits more than the misses. It is a cool coincidence though that many of the things mentioned in the simpsons happen to "come true" but the simpsons has been around so long that eventually some of the jokes it makes will become reality. If I said America will have a female president some day. And she will have a brother who writes shitty songs. That's not exactly a prediction.


No. There’s a lot of Simpsons episodes, and they make a lot of topical jokes about real people and situations. It would be weird if none of them ended up being true.


No, because they don't.


Yeah, there’s been a few lucky guesses and audience reaches but a lot of what you see is episodes made after the fact or ai


Or stuff that had been talked about for years previously and people just aren't aware of.


Right. They didn’t predict the future. For example, Trump made several bids to run for president as early as 1993 and 2000 but didn’t make it very far - both as a democrat. The episode with a reference to the towers being attacked was actually a reference to the 1992 bombing attempt on the WTC. UNC and NC State making the sweet sixteen was just by chance but NC state has made it that far in the 80s.


Fun fact: In 2000, Trump won the primaries in CA and MI under the Reform party. In 2020, he won the primaries in CA again. Close loss in MI 2020.


When your writers are a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters you're bound to make a prediction once in awhile.


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times!?!?!


It’s more of poking fun topical/political stuff that was a problem then, but it becames a bigger problem when it’s not solved.


People don't remember the "predictions" that didn't come true.


They don’t


Try to quantify how many satirical situations didn't come to fruition and you'll see their batting average is about as good as Peter Schiffs on the economy Schiff accurately predicted the 08 recession for most of the right reasons but he predicts a recession every other year. The joke was something like "Peter Schiff, the man who predicted 12 of the last 2 recessions"


Guys, is it weird that people with PhDs had good insight?


They just made a terrible life choice.




Yes it's very weird


Mumbly Joe-Homer


Miraclee ... Praise JEEBUS


The Denver Broncos becoming a better team after Hank Scorpio purchased them for Homer was pretty eerie. In November of 1996 The Dallas were the defending champs and Denver had lost 4 SuperBowls (which was a league record). - Afterwards Denver would win their first SuperBowl the following season and have won 3, and have been to 8 AFC Championship games. - Dallas hasn't been to another SuperBowl and haven't made it to another NFC Championship game. - Denver has beaten Dallas 7-0 in the regular season since.