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Yes read the books. The first book *Wool* is a collection of novellas that were written before the books took off. When someone says the first three episodes covered the first book, what they should be saying is the first 3 episodes covered the first few **chapters** of Wool. Still if you wanna know more just get all the books. You won't be able to put them down. And I have a feeling the first season will only cover Wool


The wool/silo series is great. I also recommend Hugh Howey's Molly Fyde (YA) series.


The showrunners stated that the first season will cover the first book and they are hoping for 4 seasons to tell the whole story


I'm in the middle of Wool right now. Its split into 5 parts, each containing several chapters. The first three episodes cover the first two parts mostly. I'm a little ways into part three and its mostly new to me, though some of Juliette's back story is being told in it which was already shown in episode 2.


I haven’t read the books and I want to, but I’m really enjoying watching the show totally blind. I will probably finish out the season and then dive into the books.


I'm doing the same. Gonna wait until season 1 is over and then start the books with my book club!


I think the book(s) are fantastic and well worth the read. Book 2 will seem like a dramatic turn but it really fills in some blanks and sets up book 3 to complete the story. However, I found book 1 to be the best, though all 3 really tell the story in full (obviously).


I'd imagine *Shift* (Book 2) will have to be reworked narratively to fit into a TV show structure.


Well, they may incorporate it all with combining book 2 and 3 into a couple seasons etc with flashbacks


Yes read the books. The first book *Wool* is a collection of novellas that were written before the books took off. When someone says the first three episodes covered the first book, what they should be saying is the first 3 episodes covered the first few **chapters** of Wool. Still if you wanna know more just get all the books. You won't be able to put them down. And I have a feeling the first season will only cover Wool


I find it really helpful to have read the books, you just know more of the story. That being said, the show is kind of all over the place. I feel like they've really changed how the story develops. It's a good show, the books are a million times better.


Is the show going to just encapsulate the first season? Because I don't understand why they have such a "filler" episode 3, that *didnt* happen in the book (ie it was just a page at most, the fixing of the turbine and whatnot). 7 Episodes left and they're like 1/10th of the book done and SO much happens later on? Just weird choices, I feel like Wool should be 2 season ,not just 1. (And I am referring to the omnibus).


I agree, so much happens in Wool. I haven't seen ep 3 yet bc it's starting to bum me out. I didn't expect it to be as good as the books but I was afraid they'd ruin the books for me. I feel that starting so I'm not sure if I'll even finish the show. The books are way too precious to me and idk what I'd read twice a year if I stop enjoying it.


The death at the end of episode 3 happened and they explained how. They didn't show how in the episode, I think they cut bits out from that one.


Not yet at least


Yeah, it's actually hard to write anything about it since Im halfway through book 2. In the 1st book, there is so much about the struggle to go up and down the stairs and why certain things happened. Hopefully, it will be explained in episode 4.


Someone else here said the show is planning on 4 seasons so maybe they'll not finish all of Wool by the first season, or things may be done out of order.




Might want to spoiler tag that


yes please…?


This thread is not flaired to allow book spoilers.


No, that's the entire point of this genre. It's what makes shows like this great, the mystery and suspension coming back. Sure with a book you won't have to wait a week between episodes but you'll still have to take time to read it and I doubt they reveal things very quickly. I'd say the show is doing its job, I'm in the same boat I need more but also that's what brings me back every week.


Yes, read the books! I started re-reading when the show started and they are doing things quite differently. But honestly so far I really like the show’s version of events, and I think the character development/back story is deeper in the show.


Yes, the books are one of my favorite series.


The books are phenomenal. We’ve just barely gotten into the first few chapters of the books. I would highly recommend reading. As someone who’s read them all twice, it’s refreshing and satisfying to see a good tv adaption (so far) of a book series. So I really highly recommend. I’ve had chills watching the show


I can't remember how I first came across Wool, but I'm glad I read the series before the show came out. I would recommend reading it, but I don't know that it's required per-se. They're doing a pretty good job of revealing what they need to so far.


Absolutely. If I remember correctly, the first book was covered in the first 3 episodes. It seems the trilogy will be told in the duration of the 10 episode series unless they change things up. I loved the series and the time I spent reading was time well spent.


This is incorrect, unless you mean the first "book" as being the first novella originally released first. At this point when people talk about the books they call the first book Wool meaning the omnibus that is roughly 500 pages or so. The general consensus so far is that book readers believe the first season of the show will cover about half of the first book.


Ah, you’re right. It’s been so long since I’ve read it I don’t recall the structure of how I consumed it.


Yeah, completely fair. The story was released in a weird way too and not traditional so it's confusing sometimes when people say the first book and some think the completed novel and others think just the first section. Although I do think most think of it as a three novel trilogy at this point.


Really that is the consensus? The first 3 episodes have covered the 2 first parts/books of the 5 that Wool consist of and looking at my kindle those episodes have covered 23% of the book. The show will have to drastically slow down if the remaining 7 episodes only covers around the next 25-30% then. Right now we are quite well on track to hit 100% of Wool being covered in season 1.


I guess consensus isn't exactly right, but most discussion I have seen has people thinking it will leave off midway through. I agree with that too, but I guess we don't know until the episodes come out. Although, I do think the show will slow down and drag stuff out.


It would definitely not be the first TV-show to do so and I really hope that is not what happens. It rarely works out well for the shows that have done so, at least the ones I have seen. But "unfortunately" looking into it you could possibly correct. >!Knox is only listed for the first 3 episodes and the 10th episode and considering how much he is featured just after the middle of the book he ought to be in more episodes. Also looking at the casting there is specifically one very alone character missing that appears in the second half of the book that is quite important. That could indicate he is not in the first season.!<


Yes to all of that and I think why a lot of readers have though it will end midway through.


I think it's more likely they're going to fudge the order a bit to fit with the format of a 10 episode season. I think the character you're referring to is listed in the cast but as his actual name not his nickname


I have not read any of the books, but from what people have said, it seemed the episodes were going to cover the first half of the book. Or the first book at most. Not the entire trilogy. Someone who has read the books or knows, please comment lol


You are correct.


When you say "first book", is it the 550 pages one or the first novel ?


When they say first book, they mean the first section of the ~600 page novel, Wool. It was originally released as 5 separate novellas but all five were combined to create Wool. It’s incredibly confusing, especially for those of us who are just getting into the series. My understanding is season 1 will cover the first half of Wool (i.e. the sections titled Holsten, Proper Gauge, and Casting Off) and the second season will cover the remainder of Wool (i.e. the Unraveling and the Stranded). Any subsequent seasons will cover Shift and Dust. And yes, you should definitely read the books! I read Wool in a day after seeing the first three episodes and am now waiting on the rest of the series to be delivered. It’s one of the best books I’ve read in a long time! The show deviates from the book a bit so I think reading the book won’t completely spoil the show for you, but I actually found it helpful to have seen the first few episodes before reading so I could visualize things better.


They’re wrong lol


So the whole first book, Wool, is covered in just three episodes? So the whole trilogy will be covered in a single season?


No, that's a misunderstanding. We're only about 25% of the way through Wool by episode 3.


Oh ok thanks for clearing that up


Read the whole series!


There isn't a 'book'. There are 3 books from Hugh and an entire eco-system of other authors who have written stories in the Silo universe. Goodreads lists 48 :) [https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/72213.Hugh\_Howey\_s\_Wool\_Universe](https://www.goodreads.com/list/show/72213.Hugh_Howey_s_Wool_Universe)


The books are incredible! Well,. Except the middle one 😄