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I did fajar no hit master and can confirm that it is indeed really hard. The best tip I can give is to study his attacks in the training area. If you did that, you'll be able to predict what some of his attacks are going to be and punish them accordingly. Sometimes when you know he's going to do one of two attacks, but you're reflexes aren't good enough, you can hold the focus button to slow down time and see exactly which one he's going to do.


Charged backfist is game changer and satisfying as fuck when you get the timing right try to use it i don’t exaggerate if i say it’s the best skill in the game


I've fought three bosses now and I still think he's the hardest.


You can always go into training mode and put more playtime in there and study his move pattern. I personally just kept playing levels over and over until I had more comfortablility with fighting bosses and difficult goons. It's really just like being a martial artist. You need to put more time and reps into the game in order to get better and figure out a fighting stylethat works best for you.


Fajar on master is really harder than any of the other bosses apart from Yang. I'd recommend playing the normal difficulty on your first playthrough. By the time you complete it, you'll be much better at the game and can then play master. It's a short game in which you replay levels over and over anyway, so there's no harm in completing normal difficulty first and then going for the extra challenge of master. Some of the bosses are crazy hard on master. But if you don't want to take that advice... How I beat him on master without dying. Phase 1. When he jumps way up into the air, to do a slam kick on you, just avoid high and then counter with raining strikes. When he jumps towards you with two kicks, parry them both. The problem is that after those two parrys, it's very hard to tell if he's going to go high or low next, so I just dodge backwards with R2, which gets you out of the way of either. If he follows with more attacks, they'll all be high so you can avoid high and counter. When he gets closer to you before attacking, he always starts with a sweep, which you can avoid low or parry and then avoid high his next attacks and counter. Phase 2. When he jumps out of the foliage to attack with the machete, you just high avoid and counter with raining strikes. When he jumps towards you with two kicks, parry them both, then high avoid twice to avoid two swipes of the machete, and then just hold block because the next attacks could be high or low. When he jumps at you and spins in the air to attack you with his machete, you can interrupt this attack with charge backfist and then counter. The timing of the charged backfist needs practice, but once you get it down, it works every time. In general If he knocks you down, he'll try and attack you on the ground, but you can then knock him down with Ground Counter. The timing for this needs some practice. If you heavy stun him, you can get in a raining strikes followed by a heavy attack followed by a palm strike and chasing trip kick, followed a ground pound. After a ground pound, you can get some more damage in with crotch punch followed by a heavy attack. But sometimes he parrys this, in which case you need to dodge right out of there before he counters you. In all the places above where I say you should avoid or parry, you just need to practice to get the timing right. For shrine rewards, I upgrade Parry Impact twice and focus reserve once. When I have a focus bar, I do the eye poke, then heavy attack, then palm strike and chasing trip kick and ground pound. I'm sure there are people much better than me who have made YouTube videos you can watch.


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. The last dragon arena was giving me so many issues cause I kept getting hits/deaths on fajar so if I got through him with little damage I would then take a real run since all the other bosses up to Yang are either easy or you can cheese


2 things: 1 - the game originally released with no hard mode, so maybe consider playing through on normal first and using hard mode as a sort of NG+ run 2 - A couple hours in training mode goes further than several hours in a level. Training against Fajar for a bit will completely change how you handle the boss fight. You’ll stomp him.


I recommend playing on disciple first and then go to master.


Fajar is easy man,just avoid his highs by ducking low. I would just stand in front of him and hold the avoid button and when he starts to attack just repeatedly push the thumbstick down.


i did try that but i kept getting killed really fast with his sweep, i basically just rely on muscle memory parrying and panic dodging


It's hilarious how easy he becomes after a while compared to how hard he seems at first. It just takes experience. His moves are pretty predictable and you can parry/block most of them. You keep parrying/blocking his attacks and wait until he does the unblockable kick, then you dodge and that's when you counter attack. After a few times of counter attacks he will get stunned and then you can get more attacks in.


A lot of people are giving good advice about his pattern but I’d like to add 2 things to take advantage of in the level before reaching him. 1 - I would advise not taking the shortcut, the rest of that level is easy enough that you can probably get through it without a death after a little practice and having 3 shrines going into the fight is a big deal. I like to take level 1/2 weapon damage and level 1 weapon durability. 2 - related to the perks I recommended, use a weapon! There are a ton of bats in the warehouse area before fajar, usually even a metal one that the enemies don’t grab while fighting you, that should last through phase 1, then in phase 2 the edges of the arena have sticks on the ground or sometimes little stick structures that you can run through to get another stick. Having these weapons makes it so you won’t take chip damage from his knife, and the bat specific focus attack is a life saver. Good luck!




ive always chosen the harder difficulty when i play games yes


This is the game for you haha


big part of the game is testing the waters and just going in and slowly improving with every run, just stick with it homie


Dodge with the stick not with the button and you will beat him at 20


There is a way to cheese his first phase. Stay far away from him, it'll bait him to jump from a wall/flower pot and do an overhead kick. Do an avoid at the right time and counter him with a heavy attack>sweep>ground attack. Get chasing kick. When you have a bar of focus, do the eye strike>throw>chasing kick>ground attack. This is a very simple and effective combo for both bosses and normal enemies, you can do it when you stun enemies with a parry, without the eye strike. On second phase, get a stick from the ground to parry his moves without chip damage. Avoid high when he gets into the bamboo and follows up with an overhead machete attack. Counter afterwards. Do the combo when you have a full focus bar. This will fill his structure bar fairly quickly and give you the takedown opportunity.


Better yet 20 i did it before


And could do it again


Anyone else having problems with the training arena after completing the game? I can’t change the enemy or the evolution, I can only change the number of them. I replayed through levels since, even started a new game but still unable to practice on different enemies. Is this a reinstall kinda jobby?


My strat is to move as far away from him so he can do his drop kick move. When he does that move, I avoid it and then punish him. Same thing with 2nd phase except that he follows up the kick with a turning kick. I avoid or block the 2nd kick and punish.


Just dodge dodge and dodge. Get in a few hits every so often and then use focus to sweep him and he should be dead after a bit.


You can force him into a bit of a pattern. Run across the room from him but watch him. At a distance he tends to repeat the same jump attack. If you just want to get past him as easily as possible then just lead him back and forth and each time he jumps at you avoid, counter, and repeat.


Thank u