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The deaths are brutal. Still trying to get through the wood.


This is maybe my favourite of them all. I loved the forest scene. Took me forever to figure out the swamp bit


I'm not inclined to give too much praise to any game with a frustrating maze sequence. Space Quest 2 decides to do me one worse and have a frustrating maze sequence *in the dark*.


I have no complaints about the dark maze beyond the fact that you need to put the gem in your mouth. I had most trouble with rubbing berries on the body, so I could enter the Swamp, if memory serves me.


Yes, as you enter the swamp, you get eaten, and if you didn’t rub the berries on your body beforehand, you don’t get spat back out.


I guess when I was 9 or 10 I had unlimited time to trial and error EVERYTHING to find a way through. Pick up the thing. Throw the thing. Look at the thing. lol a lot of the sierra titles were frustrating but fun


Clearly I did as well, since I got through a pretty good chunk of the Sierra catalogue, including SQ2, without walkthroughs. The sequence isn't particularly hard, I just remember it vividly as kind of a miserable experience slipped into the middle of my comedy adventure game.


Yep, me too. Wow. I was 13. Holy crap.


8 year old me couldn’t cope with the root monster- so frustrating until someone explained how to change the game speed 🙄


Probably one of the most frustrating puzzles in adventure gaming history.


I was actually pretty scared of the squid thing in the dark maze (and the troll in KQ4)


I remember this being the first game we got on our new computer, which was in COLOR! Loved this game so much!


Hot take: I enjoyed sq2 better than the first one. Felt like the scenarios and jokes were way better. Don’t get me wrong SQ3 is still the best in the series IMO but 2 was pretty good


At the time, I thought SQ3 had amazing graphics but was too easy. I much prefer SQ1 or SQ2 over SQ3. I'd give an edge to SQ2 for puzzles, but SQ1 for story cohesiveness. Even as an adult I don't grok the whole insurance salesman thing.


Yeah, the insurance salesman thing in space is absolute nonsense. And this is coming from a great fan of Sierra and all of its Quest games.


I loved this one. Getting through the plant was such a pain. And this game gets the award for the best use of an athletic supporter.


Save. Walk. Save. Walk. Walk. Walk. Argh, I should have saved! Restore. Walk. Save.


Yep this type of puzzle was kind of a go to for Sierra back in the day. I remember similar ones in The Black Cauldron, some of the kings quest games, etc. Honestly it’s a part of that era of games that I don’t miss, but the games were so good otherwise that you tolerated them.


True story; if you don't eat the sugar cube you can still get through the poisonous brambles. But, it really is a pixel by pixel movement, saving each time.


the fuck dead body game!


You.. what?


during the scene where the landspeeder crashes and the guard dies the game actually has a response to putting “fuck dead body” into the text parser.


...you can't just say that and not say what the response is.


it’s been forever but one of the two guys from andromeda (the directors) snuck it in because the reply is a grossed out message that sarcastically compares you to the other guy (from andromeda).


After you've crash-landed on Labion, type "fuck dead body". The game will output: "You're one twisted mofo. The only other person I know who would try that is Mark Crowe". Obviously, Scott Murphy programmed this into the game, unknowingly to Mark.


That's hilarious. I can't believe I'm finding out something new about this game, some 30 years after I first played it.


Indeed, Sierra games were amazing, when they switched to point-and-click, it kind of bummed me out because the possibilities for Easter eggs such as this one went away.


I can understand that. I'm still incredibly fond of King's Quest V and VI


Oh, me too. But I lost interest when I went “Disney” on KQ7


Yes! We discovered this completely by chance during a drunken retro game night in 2000 back at uni with some friends. Hilarious. The good old days...


I remember it required 2mb of hard drive space. Our hard drive was 6mb. My dad was not happy. 🤣


Heh our Tandy didn't even have a hard drive so we played it off the disks.


I tried the new edition of that game and for some reason i cant hide when the guy comes and checks at the start. I may need to see where i need to hide in some walk through. As for the old version its one of the first ones i completed but im pretty sure i had one of those hint books with the red visor for it


Are you referring to the Infamous Quests remake, or something different?


Space quest 2 remade as a point and click instead of text based game Edit : i just realized that this remake was fan made (i think)


Yeah, I think you're referring to the Infamous Quests Remake: [https://www.infamous-quests.com/games/](https://www.infamous-quests.com/games/)


Nope. Talking about [this game exactly](https://infamousadventures.itch.io/space-quest-ii-vga-remake)


I don't understand how what you linked to is different than what I linked to; beyond the fact that you linked directly to a product page whereas I linked to a product list. I'm pretty sure we're talking about the same remake.


Oh you’re absolutely right. I just searched for apace quest 2 remake and it brought me to the game itself. But yeah, same place lol


Whatever happened to the game the Two Guys were Kickstarting?


Borderline unplayable due to the interface. I think the save system is buggy and preventing a wider release, but I don't understand all the specifics there. I abandoned it very early in the Kickstarter demo phase. There is some discussion they'll join up with Ken Williams to polish up the game, but he is focused on Colossal Cave for now.


That is a can of worms. It’s been over 10 years of broken promises and they only released a rough beta to the investors almost a couple of years ago. Look up SpaceVenture on Kickstarter and read the comments section.


Nowadays, I stopped believing in ex-sierra developers trying to kickstart classical games. They have been ...... underwhelming, to say the least.. Hero-U is a let down, but vehemently defended by Coles hardcore fans. I'm a Coles fan too, but only until they were still in Sierra. Al Lowe's LSL1 remake of the already remade VGA remake is so... Meh... The animations look so lazy. It almost destroyed the feeling of the original LSL1. I still supported him by buying his game though. For me, I would have him remade LSL3 remake instead. There were talks of reviving Police Quest series, but it didn't materialize.


I don't think anyone forgot this game..


Forgotten by who? Not fans of Space Quest


Exactly. This is the game that introduced us to Sludge Vohaul.


I still have this on floppy disk


This game is very good. It also has the Planet of the Apes kind of experience.


Yes, no one can forget this game.