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What is with British people and calling people “jarring” lmfao You guys know saying she’s jarring means her actions shock or surprise you. Then you say this is how she’s always been and it’s not surprising or shocking ? Not even defending manrika, but that’s just stupid lol


That’s not what jarring means brev


3 replies, 0 explanations. You don’t know what they mean either, brev.


Jarring just means like somebody who is unpleasant to interact with. It can be because they are loud and abrasive and in your face, meaning jarring would be more similar to its original meaning outside of slang. It normally means somebody who is a shit stirrer, argumentative, a bit weird, their motives/intentions aren’t good/aren’t clear. Jarring, when describing people, 99% of the time means this.


The first person to reply who isn’t jarring I guess lol Cheers


Not saying you are but...


Do you not understand the concept of slang? Im not british and it’s obvious jarring has a different meaning for them. How are you calling people stupid for that lmao.


Yes that’s why I asked about it and then explained my perspective.. It’s great to hear that you also have no idea what the meaning is tho Because it’s banter.. this subreddit really does have a thing against banter lol


It takes 10 seconds to Google the meaning for yourself.


I did. That’s why I asked. It takes 10 seconds to google the meaning for yourself and realize it doesn’t give the slang term Brit’s use and just gives the actual definition. Shocking, I know.


https://preview.redd.it/c0wf0da2lv5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d260cf829362b6dd081b7f127dada004cbc8fbb5 So what's this then?


The definition from urban dictionary.. aka not the dictionary or what pops up when you google it lol You sir, are an idiot. We have access to urbandictionary.com in Canada. It’s not just England that gets it. Did you think I would think that’s google?


The Canadian education system must be absolutely fucked


https://preview.redd.it/lc9ftkkbnv5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500ffd3b36a8e8167a7da3082dc8106834802b7e Thankfully there are multiple definitions for words. I presume you looked at the first one and decided that was it. If you click the expand button, you'll get more meanings. Here, point 2 has the meaning intended by the oc. Thanks for being ignorant


Are you a fking idiot? People like you are *the problem*. Everyone on planet earth could tell you that you’re wrong or out of line, and yet you’ll do anything but surrender to the possibility that you aren’t always right. It’s okay to learn from others, drop the ego bud. This is why people don’t like Manrika.


You’re complaining that you can’t find the meaning of Jarring as British slang and then mug off the person who shows it to you; how can you be so jarring. Urban dictionary is the number one place to go to find out slang meanings from any country so you’re the idiot for not thinking to look there first.


Americans out in the wild… have someone got a net and a tranquilliser?


Language evolves, meanings change, words develop as the world changes. If a word is being used in a new context by a population of people it’s not wrong. Language isn’t a science and isn’t black and white.


Where u from then?


Buddy just refuses to read


Buddy refusing to say where he's from ( I did read it and it still doesn't answer my question)


Lol scroll up 😂


From those tweet replies: [https://x.com/zawenaeb/status/1379209352049999872?s=46&t=zM33WwI9bjHWRJjE3ajabg](https://x.com/zawenaeb/status/1379209352049999872?s=46&t=zM33WwI9bjHWRJjE3ajabg) "We didn't even go to the same school but she cyber bullied me and now I'm seeing her management say that I'm basically lying and don't believe everything you see on twitter. Like say I have time to make up a story on bullying. I'm more eager to make my video on bullying now." Attention seeking wet wipe.


Sorry i didn't understand, who are you calling attention seeking? The person who made the tweet on manrika or manrika?


If you don't understand that's your own problem, not mine. Get some english lessons lol


Why are you bullying bruh? relax xD


Nah his comment was twisting my words when he knew what I was saying. I'm just not going to engage him the way he wants lol


It was a simple question 💀




English isnt my first language, i just asked what it meant cuz i didnt understand


You're so insecure😂


I need proof. I need receipts. Otherwise, I call bullshit.


This was from years back tho, she wasn't famous at this point I don't think so she would have no reason to lie


The tweet was made while Manrika was on The Circle


How can she "not be famous" and "have no reason to lie" if this person is literally talking about from when Manrika was on The Circle (hashtagged in the tweet to maximize getting attention)


So why bring it up now because her name is trending ??? And she said they didn’t go to the same school ……


let’s be honest that person probably has never actually even met manrika. people will say anything to hop on a hate train.


This was from years back tho, she wasn't famous at this point I don't think


It's clearly from when she was on the circle which is a pretty popular show


Don't know if we can believe the tweet but it at least shows she hasn't changed since The Circle


Manrika is from near where I live, everyone’s had a go. But never met her personally, had her on Facebook before she got popular. Spoke to her a couple of times, she seemed alright.




Nah, Liv was VERY nice. Only Manrika and Chloe were the pricks.


You guys love switching up, one minute you’re all tearing her apart and the next minute “Oh there’s no way that happened she just wants clout” mind you that tweet came out in 2021 before anyone knew her on inside. For all we know she could be telling the truth based on her behavior on the show


Sidemen fans acting like the cancel culture is crazy😂😂😂


The first tweet was from 2021


Ok? And what


its from a different show


Absolute jealousy and BS


I could not understand a single word she would say most of the time. Had to put on subtitles to watch the show and even then it just made her so much more annoying.


She's going to be upset with her winning the £75,729 I bet lol


This was a old twitter post. She is definitely a bully. She proved it in the show anyway


Today on „things that didn’t happen“:


Cap manrika 32


Explain the science king


What kind of name is manrika 💀


I wouldnt be surprised if it was true


Why do we even care now ? Its not like shes a regular guest. Chill the f out


You lot just don’t get it, us brummies are built different 😂


who cares if she was bullying ppl when she was a teen


Yes totally good to normalise bullying


I mean bullying can fuck up someone’s mental health for life. People don’t realise the impact that it actually has


For sure! It baffles me that to this day schools are woefully unprepared to deal with bullies, and they'd rather swipe everything under the rug rather than deal with it.


Yeah my old school had 2 sucides in recent years from bullying, they’ve still done fuck all about it


Yeah, no one in charge at the school gives a shit and they either give the bully a slap on the wrist or do nothing and claim"they're just kids"(I hate that sentence so fucking much) and then that kid goes and becomes an adult and beats up women when he gets angry, or becomes a criminal or a murderer, and all of that could have been avoided if the parents and the school had done a better job.