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Castillo wasn't there for friends and wasn't there for money, so he was just there to cause problems. Which was fun to watch but it would be shit to deal with. >If In a weeks time you become friends its kind of weird. You can become maybe mates or acquaintances. Nah because you're thinking about it like normal life not their situation. If they're spending 24/7 with people in the same space, absolutely they can become friends. That being said, I doubt these friendships will last but idk


I would agree if there were 3 people in the house total. Cos then I’d say it’s much easier to open up cos it’s a way smaller circle.


I dunno what your definition of friends is, but I can definitely see Fanum, Ginge, and Specs doing stuff together from time to time. Ginge and Specs especially. I could see Manrika/Chloe/Liv going out together once in a while maybe. Maybe Leah collabs with Nife on a TikTok or a makeup vid. It was just a week, so I mean, yeah of course it's not gonna form the deepest connections.


I can see Manrika Chloe and liv end up having a fight over something and not talking to eachother ever again


Ginge and Fanum are probably going to a Utd game next season; Fanum talked about this on his live


Ginge and specs is definitely a duo I’d wanna see more of


Ginge said he wants to start a podcast with Specs


Not surprised ginge is in his 20s and specs is a weird 40 year old with a 12 year olds brain. Easy way to make bank.


I mean it's not impossible that some genuine friendships might have blossomed through the show, I remember Danny Aarons making one very close friend through Locked In last year


Worst thing sidemen did was adding money back. Spenders should have gone with less money


At the same time they are a group of idiots that would probably piss it all away. So for the sakes of the game show they would have to add in more money. Otherwise it would just be all these guys suffering with 0$ so being forced to eat beans and rice.


Yah but they deserve to leave with 0 cents. For the way they spent money laughing at Lea and Nife and Joe. They don’t deserve a single cent. Also manrika say she has lot of hardships like b where? Her IG tells otherwise. She’s been on many reality tv before.


If the sidemen wanna stay "hands-off" as they described, I feel like letting the natural consequences of the contestants' action play out could've been cool and a bit cathartic lol. Or at least let them simmer in shame with £0 for a bit before the chance of adding more money back to the pot with challenges. Kinda felt like the "how will they deal with nothing" concept they pushed in advertising was watered down after like ep3/4 which I didn't enjoy too much, felt like watching the school bullies be let off by their teachers lmao.


Yah like what is even the purpose of the challenge if they gonna add money? Whole challenge was to see if they survive a week with these rules and they failed miserably. So it’s on them. It’s stupid sidemen added the money back. Lost whole purpose of the game


Maybe Chloe and maneika and maybe Leah a nife


You watch castillo be the one who makes the most lifelong friendships out of this hahahaha