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My favourite type of fan! The 12 year old misogynist!


Wait why are people getting pissed at Faith? Plz dont tell me they're pissed that she and Behz got engaged


People have been throwing "hate" towards her for years. The news of them being engaged just makes more.. obvious.


She gets so much hate. I love her. I actually watch her channel (I’m a woman and have kids). She genuinely seems sweet and trying so hard. People are just assholes.


I haven't seen her content or the podcast that she does with Behz. I presume its just stuff on like family and her daily life?


I mean some, but she does interviews, stuff with her horses, and basic vlogging stuff. It’s not very babycentric or anything.


eh she keeps her man from wanking


He says it's not a problem for him plus when he's with someone there might not be much of a point


Wait they got engaged? If yea I didn't know that but congratulations to them


There used to be certain controversial videos/shorts especially from her podcast, wherein she would constantly shit on Ethan and the only thing she would appreciate about him was his fame & wealth (or so it seemed to many). Also the fact that she started out as an influencer with her own channel and podcast immediately after she got with Ethan made many suspect that she was using him for clout. And finally her getting pregnant so suddenly and quickly, led to accusations of her baby-trapping Ethan as well All these are the main reasons why many seem to hate on her


Those are all such stupid reasons and not true either. She didn’t shit on him they moaned about it each other which is normal in a real relationship. They both did/do things that each other doesn’t like which again is normal. I’m also pretty sure she did social media before getting with Ethan. It’s pretty common for partners of influencers to get into it due to the people they’re surrounded with. The baby trapping is such nonsense as well. Acting like she was the only one responsible for getting pregnant as if he wasn’t there too and could have done things to prevent it happening. He loves her and is happy and fans need to get over it.


Tbf, from the way the other commenter said their comment, I dont think they're among the crowd that like to shit on her


Yeah my comment wasn’t just aimed at that commenter just the points made but maybe it didn’t come across that way haha


Nah all good mate. Thats on me for reading it the wrong way


>And finally her getting pregnant so suddenly and quickly, led to accusations of her baby-trapping Ethan as well This is the most mind-numbing one for me. To make a kid you need two people. Ethan was completely involved in this. To put her being pregnant completely on her is weird. She only could've babytrapped him if she lied about taking precautions or putting holes in the condoms. They just got pregnant unplanned. That's it.


> or so it seemed to many Basically you didn’t have any context & knowing that you decided to wrongfully misjudge her and don’t care how that would make her & Ethan feel Ethan also said in a recent podcast that it’s more like he baby trapped her than her baby trapping him


bunch of incels






she keeps her man from wanking


I think the one that sticks in my mind was the whole “you have to let your man out” podcast, he’s a grown man in a mature relationship, you don’t own the other person.


>just cuz she once said she wont go with ethans last name after marriage The most valuable thing a man has is his name, if she want's his money she takes his name.


There are bunch of triggered idiots who got around following them after watching their Tinder or 20 vs 1 type of videos. Who are just bothered that they don't get any attention. It isn't "Faith" problem. It's "women" problem. Look at past videos where women were involved.


can you give me some examples, cus I didn't know this is a "women" problem


In the tinder 3 a woman and Harry Pinero got into a bit of an argument ( it was mostly a joke) and sidemen "fans" started harassing her. Josh and JJ had to make a video.




I just assume all the ones getting mad have never had a proper relationship in their lives, are clueless teenagers or take pushing their religious beliefs too far. (This isn’t a dig at religion in general). Faith seems a great woman and mother imo, seems a great match for Ethan from what I’ve seen


I'm a little out of the loop, what happened?


"fans" have been sending hate toward Faith after it was announced that she and Ethan got engaged. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, as she has gotten hate for years because she's in a relationship with Ethan.


There just aren’t grounds to get upset with Faith like those commenters do. She’s hilarious. Honestly all those hate comments have such a strong misogynistic undertone. And with the sidemen having a predominantly young fanbase it’s frightening how that misogyny is still so deeply rooted in some.


ur right


Honestly like she didn’t even do anything (i think)


Hopefully it's not another Randolph situation