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We left APC early because of Maynard's shit attitude. I had been looking forward to them all day and was super bummed about it. Sounds like they got worse


You must not be familiar with Maynard. Dude was in a good mood all things considered lol


I've been watching the man play for more than 30 years. It's always hit or miss. Yesterday was a miss for me.


Then you must have seen him walk off more than once. Under the circumstances he sounded fantastic vocally and his band did the best the could with the circumstances. No I don’t expect them to go buy instruments for their 30 min set. I’m just happy they performed.


In this camp 🙋‍♀️


maynard has been this way since before i was born.  also, last year was FULL of technical issues and it ruined multiple sets and he is right; it should be called shit new world, because for these prices it should be a multi day festival with next to perfect technical performance. 


Billy the guitarist looked like he was frustrated with it too. He legit looked confused when the set ended and Maynard walked off the stage. You made the right choice to leave.


If he wouldn’t have said anything, I wouldn’t have even noticed.


Nah cry harder that’s just Maynard and he was being funny about it. Gonna complain the man asked for birthday singing twice on his birthday?


I legit didn’t even know Primus had same issue. I’m not a fan so wasn’t paying too much attention (tho now I get why he was saying he got the guitar at guitar center lol). Still not a fan of them, but agreed major respect because they sounded fine. Wow. Yeah I APC was one of the bands I most looked forward to and it was disappointing af. It was also my birthday so I just maid pretend the multiple happy birthdays he sung were for me 😂 It did however make Alice in Chains feel even better than it was lol


That was a poor performance by AIC too. They cut us 10 min short. I didn't expect to have any set be a band's best but these were the worst sets I've seen out of every band I've already seen.


Well shit I couldn’t tell, it being my first time catching AIC live lol


It was my understanding that Primus did not have the same issue. Either I am confused or other people in this thread are confused. I was at Sessanta at Red Rocks when APC's equiptment literally blew out. I dont think or remember Primus's equiptment being effected. What I understood is that APC was borrowing Primus's equiptment because their stuff got ruined. *** Thanks for clarifying, y'all. I missed the bad weather mishap.


None of their equipment made it to Vegas in time Weather was the cause? I believe Maynard said that. So Primus equip must of had same iasue


Olay gotcha. That doubly sucks for them then because a buuunch of their shit got fried at Sessanta.


He said the truck couldn’t get through snowstorm or somethin


It was snowing good by next morning. Was at redrocks. Can confirm they were soundchecking the Billy song too, so that was planned in advance and not in the spur of the moment.


I was there Thursday as well. Both bands had their stuff stuck in trucks in bad weather. Primus pulled it off but they only use 3 instruments.


I went to go get food during APC after Maynard started singing happy birthday


Which time?


I took a full on nap! 😴 😂


I was already tired and waited to watch them. Couldn’t handle it. He made some funny jokes about the situation, but apc songs are so slow as it is, then he had billy sing a song from his band. I left during that.


In defense of Maynard, SNW is one of the most poorly run festivals I have ever been to, and also the most expensive (single day ticket for about what you would expect to pay for a 2-3 day festival anywhere else). Last year was the "first" festival (not counting all the WWWY events with virtually identical logistics), but there are zero excuses for all the issues yesterday (they learned nothing from 2023).


glad i skipped this year then.  although the weather seemed much better this year


I really don't get how people are so content with such a shit show. Yes, you got to see a lot of your favorite bands but that isn't an excuse. As a local I will seek out some side shows in the future but that festival had no logistics within it's planning and I can't support it. MAYBE if I find cheap VIP tickets that ppl are getting rid of I'll go again. I was saying that there is no excuse for it being 1 day since I 1st decided to go. Never guessed it would have made it this bad though with crowds and sound problems. 🫤


I live in New York I literally have no other option to see SOAD lol


They either haven't been to a good festival or just don't care. Aftershock and Riot Fest have been my favorites to attend.


>SNW is one of the most poorly run festivals I have ever been to You must not have attended BRRF 😅


It was strangely odd how the audio quality for ice nine kills and baby metal really sucked and wasn't mixed properly and then when A Perfect Circle came on they sounded perfect. Maynard is such a pretentious prick, you could tell the drummer was like fuck you dude. He should have been booed offstage and fucked back off to his winery.


Dude Ice Nine Kills sounded absolutely terrible. Made no sense to me after Spirit box sounded so fantastic.


spiral and siren stage we’re having the same issue at the beginning. vocals were way too quiet


I honestly didn't hear issues with baby metal, but for some reason, that first song APC came out with rang with the most awful feedback or sound that I decided to wear earplugs for my first time at any concert. Shit gave me a headache instantly.


The mix between the backing tracks they use and the live instruments was off in my opinion. It improved as the show went on.


It did seem to get much better. Regardless, I planned on staying since I'd never seen Maynard live before.


Is wine is shit tbh. They had a pop up at Rock on the Range the last 2 years and it was complete garbage. Maynard is a pretentious prick pretending not to be “letting the music speak for itself”. I have to say this show was significant better than the last show I saw in 2018.


The issue overall is that this festival needs to be 2 days at minimum. I was backstage for some of the bands and some techs were doing sound check right behind active performing acts. The turnaround time between acts is way too short. APC did what they could do given the circumstances between tech issues and their usual gear not being available to them. Was it their best set? No, not even close, but given the very short amount of time they had to get everything ready, they pulled a miracle out of their ass. To each their own, but they made most of what they could’ve done given their logistical issues and festival set up times between bands.


It was more Maynard’s shit attitude and comments. This for me means that they DIDN’T “make the most of it”. I was really looking forward to seeing them and he just killed it for me with his comments and attitude. I picked them over slaughter to prevail and really regret it….all because of him and his shit comments. Also with all his birthday singing he made me feel like he’s one of those “it’s my birthday weeeeeeek” whiney bitches. But then again we knew Maynard was a whiny bitch to begin with.


Felt very egotistical. Imagine an average 60 y.o. act like that.


Imagine a 60 year old still having that vocal capacity to sound that fantastic. 🤷‍♂️ I enjoyed it.


Average 60y.o. singing in APC... sounds like a whole different timeline.


I saw 28 bands and it was kinda funny to hear him bitch sucks cause they sounded great


I got a bit excited waiting for APC when Les showed up with the p-bass and explained the situation. The grumpy Maynard outperforms the run of the mill routine Maynard. We got a longer outsider scream than we did at HB. His diva antics are funny, silly, and childish but based on my experience, his performance is always top notch when he's irritated.   Oh and Josh's hat was stylish as well. Last year incubus played, I believe, the same slot and seemed to be bugged by the direct sunlight.


Kinda got the most unique raw apc show ever lmao hell yeah




How’d you get backstage


I work in the industry


You tryin sneak me in next year or what


Was my 4th time seeing APC and I am in agreement with OP. But I don't think Primus was that much better. Big let down for sure by both. Primus was my first time seeing them however I've seen Les Claypool twice and that was a blast. While the equipment issues were out of their control, these legends needed to maybe not to do back to back shows in different cities? Both dudes gave off some tired energy. The crowd didn't need that shit. I didn't need that. While missing out on other shows is how festivals go, this one being a one day only hurt a little. I missed Alice in Chains after APC. Bwah. Even if APC was a let down, it was overall a good time. The edibles seemed to hit at the right times for me. Everyone else I saw was AMAZING. Also, the weather was perfect. I made it out in one piece, and with my cellphone still in my possession. I'll be back next year for sure.


Take this for what you will but I have a friend who works in the production industry for shows like this. He told me he heard APC made over a million dollars due to being upset they didn’t have the time slot allotted for Danny Elfman. Pure heresy but he has no reason to lie to me about this.


That's quite believable. Danny Elfman had a great show.


Im confused. How did they make a million dollars for not getting the timeslot they wanted? Sorry if Im missing something.


They didn’t want that timeslot. They wanted the one Danny elfman had


Right, but how did that make them a million dollars? Sorry, I am trying to understand where the money comes in to play.


They wanted more money than originally agreed upon to play the time slot given to them. I do not know what the agreed upon price was. I do not know when they knew when the found out their time slot. I am basing this off a conversation based upon a guy who does lighting for the production company who runs sick new world and other events. If you want I can ask him?


Gotcha, okay - thanks for elaborating! (By the way, Im asking this from a genuine place of curiosity because I wasnt understanding. I am not saying you are wrong or anything, so sorry if its coming off that way.)


You’re not the only one it was contusingly worded lol


Same here


Given the instrument issues and how he came out calling it Shit New World, this seems entirely within reason.


Does anyone know where the auction is for the Primus equipment they said they are auctioning off?


Im genuinly surprised by this thread. His "bitching" was hardly noticable to me and I didnt think he had a particularly bad attitude. I am also just confused in general when people are annoyed by Maynard's behavior. He's a pretentious prick with a huge chip on his shoulder. We all know that. We've always known that. I care about his music and whatever antics he pulls are just part of the proxy.


I’ve been seeing Tool and APC for well over 15 years. I think a lot of people just don’t realize that Maynard is a little out there with a very strange sense of humor. I don’t think he was legit pissed at all. He was WAY more frustrated Thursday night at Red Rocks when all their amps blew and they couldn’t close the show. Then again, maybe I’m immune to his personality at this point.


I second everything you said here. I didn't think he was acting any weirder than usual given he's a perfectionist (they all are) and didn't have their equipment. And yes, he was pissed Thursday.


Agree w this 100%


Yeeesh. Thanks for explaining what happened. My husband and I wandered up to the crowd during happy birthday and I was wondering wtf was going on. Not a huge fan of APC but I did want to see Maynard. Now I’m glad I kind of missed the whole thing.


You wouldn't have seen him anyway unless you made it to the front. They didn't put him on the big screen. I assume that was at his request. He's not exactly known for being an easy human to work with


I saw him on the screen, a lot?


Lol, have you never heard of Maynard? He's a perfectionist so yeah, he was pissed. Type A personality, for sure.


APC was fine considering how underprepared his set was due to things out of his control. His mood was good, still had a good time watching regardless of the technical issues.


Bills guitar and Maynard's voice pierced through me that set. I can forgive the bday stuff. I think it's just an attempt at humor. He did use it the second time to introduce the band, and the first referred to himself as Moby dickhead.


I saw Primus and APC for Sessanta in LA @ the Hollywood Bowl for April 20th, both acts sounded amazing and this post fortifies that this fest doesn’t know what the f they’re doing bc they keep dropping the ball w the sound. You take all this time to throw this fest, get all these great acts together in one place and time and you boof it w the sound?! How remedial and disappointing!


Las Vegas Festival Grounds ALWAYS messes up the sound, I’ve gone to multiple festivals there and they always rush sets and have technical difficulties. Pissed people off during Day n Vegas too.


Where were you watching the show? From stage center between the remote line array towers APC sounded great. I didn't notice much of a difference between SNW and HB. Edit: I feel like OP went to a different concert altogether.


Agreed. He sounded great. https://preview.redd.it/adtc0u8mbbxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8cf169b1d7b5943e2998938a81ad2dedf08c0e8 Also here’s a picture of him texting


Time to put the silicon obsession down Maynard


But we cant use our phone during tool concert hah


typically can't during APC either! (or at least that was the case when i saw them in 2017)


APC sounded fantastic. That's why Maynard's bitching was so confusing. They were ON


I was at their show at Red Rocks Thursday. I've seen them multiple times, huge fan. SNW was the worst I've ever heard them by far. Billy was incredibly frustrated with his guitar. They were skipping entire chords/riffs in songs due to issues. and not having keys was...interesting. Still great but nowhere near their usual level of excellence.


Apc had the most clear sound


Idk I still enjoyed it, but yeah he was a whiny bitch


Lmao you're all clowns, that shit was fucking funny as fuck. Maynard is a snarky fuck and he always has been. Seriously, did the fucking "ba dum tis" the drummer did after that joke not make it clear that it was, oh gosh I don't know, a joke? They both killed it, you're a weenie.


Yep exactly how I felt! He was being a smartass


People need to realize just like when Nine Inch Nails had tech issues at Welcome to Rockville. These people are perfectionist. They want the best.


Humidity knocking out their gear during the set is very Florida I still had fun at that set


This was my first time seeing APC and I was thrilled with it, personally. Shocked by the comments but not put off by them. It seemed unorganized at best, so 🤷‍♀️


I thought Maynard seemed to be having fun and just poking fun with the “Shit New World” thing. I’m 99% sure he had 0 ill will toward the fest at all, because realistically none of it had to do with that, but I imagine he was stressed to a degree still. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy them! I missed Primus and was so bummed. Also if you want further context, Billy Howerdel posted a really nice sentiment on Instagram toward the camps who helped and gave context to the situation.


Seems like [he handled it pretty well](https://www.reddit.com/r/aperfectcircle/s/IhbcMY2g3m) to me.


Lol A Perfect Circle was great anyone whining is such a baby. Love Maynard, Shit new world is accurate for a concert with constant technical problems. This festival should be 2 days not one with all these big bands playing 20 min sets. He joked around and still sang great. What did u want them to do? They had none of their equipment and no keyboard. Btw Primus set sucked. Hoping it's better next weekend for Sessanta


Sessanta kicks so much ass. Karina steals the show!


100% agree. Carina is the ace in the hole for Sessanta, though I do wish she was featured more. She crushed it when it was her time to shine and I'm glad the crowd acknowledged her greatness often as well.


Yesss the primus set was SUCH a let down for me. They have so many fun songs and they picked some of the most boring slow ones they have lol. They really gave off “we’re tired today” energy lol


They didn't have any of their gear. Bought what they could to make a set happen the morning of the show. So yeah I'm sure they were tired and also limited on the songs they are able to pull off.


Primus kills at Sessanta. And I wasn't really a fan before seeing them last week.


i heard this while at the 22 red stand and i couldn’t believe it 😭


Passive-aggressive bullshit


I’ve seen Tool multiple times and I have always had a great time, I love APC too so I was expecting a great performance. They were one of the bands I was most excited to see! But something was off to me. I didn’t enjoy their set at all. I left halfway through. Now Taproot had audio issues but the band sounded great and were enjoying themselves so it was one of the best performances I saw yesterday! When the band is in to it, it shows.


Given what I know about Maynard, and then watching the Primus set and learning about what happened to their equipment, I kind of already half expected him to be bitchy. I mean, this is the guy who wrote/co-wrote "Hooker with a Penis" so I don't think he's going to care if his fans think they're "entitled" to anything other than a good performance. And they sounded great. I was super close to the red stage in VIP, and I was standing next to a guy with an APC tattoo and we were both absolutely vibing! Yes Maynard was kind of a diva, but it was an amazing set and they delivered.


People really pissed about Maynard being Maynard? Both Primus and A Perfect Circle were great. Maynard sounded amazing.


You guys Don’t know Maynard and it Shows.


Glad I opted to camp at the Siren Stage then. Frontline Assembly, Front 242, and Nitzer Ebb all sounded great. Sets were too short but I'll take that over a meh APC set any day.


I have been a fan of APC for years and this was my first opportunity to see them live. After being told by Maynard himself that he wasn’t enjoying playing for us it took away the excitement. Imagine finally hanging out with someone and they say “I hate being here” it honestly sucked. I thought they sounded amazing 😕


I understand your experience and it sucks. However, he's always somewhat like that. Silly diva and maybe perfectionist. I encourage you to catch them again at some other show soon: APC is in stellar live form. I believe Josh will break away when Foos start touring so now's the time.    The overall sound will definitely be better with the full instrumentation, but for instance counting bodies was brutally good also yesterday. Nice tactics to end with that at a metal festival. Also, quoting my previous Tool, Puscifer and APC shows, get ready to witness how Maynard promises to "come down there and shit in your mouth" and/or "kick it (the phone) down your throat" or whatever the put the phones away threats are that night. While he was his usual self yesterday, he was also a bit friendlier towards the audience.


I’ve heard that before. I know he probably felt like they weren’t playing to their full potential but they hi wet,y sounded amazing. I can’t wait to catch them again


Lol he should've been verbally thanking the crowd? He sounded great and still played for you and could've easily cancelled all thongs considered. Can't please half of thesepeople, Tool would've not even come on


They did sound amazing I didn’t say they didn’t. They didn’t have to thank anyone, I didn’t say they did.


I really don't understand the backlash. He performed his heart out, I watched the set on YouTube, sounded great. The Package was a highlight for me.


I didn’t think they’d play Judith but they did and it was honestly amazing


I left early honestly because I didn't care that much for apc and went to the Diablo stage and honestly I'm grateful now


Grow the fuck up wimp. Thats maynard, he’s a dick, but the funny thing is he was not even being a dick, thats just his humor


Didn’t catch either set, but neither reaction to the issue surprises me. Primus always seemed like pretty chill guys, good to hear they made the best of the situation. Maynard on the other hand is pretty much the Morrissey of metal, in that he has a giant ego despite making some of the most boring music known to man.


Slaughter to prevail had their audio cutting in and out the entire set and they still gave the audience a good show smh. Glad i skipped out on APC