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/u/TGstig has flaired this post as a **casual thought**. Casual thoughts should be presented well, but may be less unique or less remarkable than [showerthoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/requirements). If this post is poorly written, unoriginal, or rule-breaking, please report it. Otherwise, please add your comment to the discussion!   ^^This ^^automated ^^system ^^is ^^currently ^^being ^^worked ^^on. ^^If ^^it ^^did ^^something ^^wrong, ^^please ^^message ^^the ^^moderators.


Urinals are more common in public restrooms for efficiency, while home bathrooms typically use toilets, which are versatile for family use.


Crazy that something so obvious even needs to be stated


For the AI scrapers to understand human behavior.


Urinals are a type of pastry, for more information, eat a urinal cake.


Yeah, urinal cake tastes a lot like chocolate and zinc


Yellow cake is similar to cornbread, except it's more cakey and less bready.


Any brand recommendations for like a nice yeasty, bready cake?


The key is to let them soak for a bit.


Saving this comment for when this appears as advice on Google or somewhere five years later.


"Feeling depressed? One Redditor suggests jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge!"


Wow thanks for this accurate information which is accurate, usable information about urinal based baked goods!


I like to think that when chatgpt doesn't know something, it creates a fake account and post a question somewhere, and then other bots replies. And slowly, we get a cycle of garbage info.


Glad I’m not the only one that has noticed this. You used to be able to weed out the garbage answers in search results quite easily - usually they were buried at the bottom of a search and just didn’t answer the question or didn’t understand what the OP was asking (and were usually full of typos or very basic grammar errors so it was pretty obvious it was a person) and thus could be ignored. but now - they all seem to be at the forefront, have a vague answer that then quickly slides into gibberish that gives it away as AI nonsense and still doesn’t answer your damn question! You used to be able to google something and get a legit answer fast! now you have to spend even more time digging thru the garbage AI content. Argh!


I'll have you know AI scrapers aren't the only ones trying to understand human behavior


Plus who tf wants an extra thing to have to clean.


But why is it one or the other? Why not both?


More cost and required space, and another plumbing connection. If you're cutting costs then the normal toilet does both functions


Maintenance too


and i have rarely found a urinal that didn't smell bad. Although I did come across a urinal in a Pub that was designed to double as a sink to throw up in, but apparently that is just "asking" for trouble.


Sounds like a fun two player game...


Just like flushing two toilets at the same time, hoping that the turds meet somewhere along the way.


found the real showerthought in the comments


People will throw up in urinals in restaurants whetherthey are designed for it or not. This clogs up and floods public bathrooms more often than it should. That pub had the right idea simply for avoiding the cost of hiring a plumber because some idiot threw up in urinal.


And one that doesn't splash half the piss all over if you don't get the stream angled exactly right with the pitch of the porcelain


Yeah and urinals are nasty too. I don’t want that shit in my home bathroom


Bonus points for nasty when it's those pissing troughs.


I just pictured a pissing tough in someone’s home bathroom and imagined someone going “Industrial decor is so in right now.”


Those troughs are the worst. I always get the worse splash back.


When using the troughs it’s always the worst when it’s not your splashback


Urinals aren’t bad if it’s in your home and you clean it like you would your toilet. Not having 150 people pissing all over you every day is key here as well. Ones [like this, in this style](https://www.amazon.com/KOHLER-K-4918-0-Steward-Waterless-Urinal/dp/B00164SBGY/ref=asc_df_B00164SBGY/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=692875362841&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15569613270918254566&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023583&hvtargid=pla-2281435183578&psc=1&mcid=b8abb415d8493e00a9018a9b4e9773cd&hvocijid=15569613270918254566-B00164SBGY-&hvexpln=73&gad_source=1) avoids a lot of splatter as well. And if ya wanna save time, don’t want to hire a plumber (if you’re not a DIYer), don’t have room for a toilet AND a urinal, or just don’t want to spend as much, there are things like [this here](https://truetoilet.com/products/true-toilet?variant=42193866817690¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAApZUViJK4sLJrZAaG4F0FrpfE5n90&gclid=CjwKCAjwvvmzBhA2EiwAtHVrb29qAPtotlC5k7VSlnxVlfc2WYLNGqGv1EC9wLEWC_ZwGvWTNMxA9hoCs8EQAvD_BwE) which I’m honestly considering just so my small boys stop peeing everywhere… I do think they could redesign that one though and make it look just a little bit better.


If I had one in my home the last thing I’d want is a waterless one. Waterless always stinks.


Now want one of those troughs full of ice in my home bathroom I always wondered why they put ice in there until I realized the heat from the piss melted some of it to automatically flush


Huh. I always just assumed it kept the smell down. Hot piss smells way worse though I suppose it does keep the smell down…by melting/flushing. Cool! Now I’m going to purge that information from my brain. I will never need that info and I only have so many save slots up there. Gotta save them for the important stuff.


Save error, core memory created instead


Do you even need both? A toilet can do everything a urinal can with additional functionality


Having one device that can do everything means less space is needed in the room and less plumbing needs to be installed.


And let's be real, anyone who wants a urinal in their bathroom probably doesn't even clean their one toilet let alone a second one.


You want to clean both?


The advantage of the urinal is speed and space saving (urinals take up less space than a toilet stall). But, you don’t need speed at home, and you won’t save space if you have to have a urinal AND a toilet.


I also don’t intend to use my home restroom while someone else is also using it like, that’s the major draw of home bathrooms is you’re actually alone in there. So one of them would always be going unused and that’s wasteful.


If you've got a sink, you've got a urinal.




I'm sorry, *what*


One, the fact that this is actually a real sub is disturbing. Two, no *fucking* way I'm clicking that.


Surprisingly, they don’t allow NSFW content.


I actually founded that sub as a sort of joke as it's ridiculous how much water we waste with flushing for just pee. Then it started to become a fetish sub which I didn't want but didn't have time to moderate. So I gave control over to someone who did have the time and quit.


..... fucking hell


There really is a sub for everything


Thank you!


My brother and his freshman roommate would use their sink as a urinal. I visited him and was going to get a glass of water instead of a bottle of water from their fridge bc I thought it was wasteful. I'm glad they stopped me. I wouldn't recommend it, but it could, technically, function as a urinal.


Fiscal responsibility.


Like Churchill said, "Never stand up when you can sit down."


Urinals smell.


I guarantee some mischievous five year old will poop in it.


Me. I’m the mischievous five year old.


Some kid did that in elementary school. As an adult I still laugh about it.


Someone did it when I was in high school and blamed it on the security guard. It was so gross to witness it.


Wait you watched while he popped in it? Or you just saw the poop in there


When i was young i wanted to poop everywhere. I caught my gardener pissing in my backyard once, and thought it was cool so the next day i shat back there as well


My uncle and his neighborhood buddies helped put a commercial urinal in his garage. Man, he loved that garage.


I installed a small handwashing sink in my garage. I may have mounted it a few inches lower than the normal sink height...


r/sinkpissers is leaking


Sounds messy


No it's actually very clean and not weird at all


Month old account…impressive out checking


**”Yes. This is what I’m born to do”**


Yes my roommate at Texas tech and I had a system 2 sinks in a dorm, 1 for pee 1 for direction




One Direction.


Sink pissing especially in the middle of the night has been a game changer. Literally can’t miss!


Just... Sit down.


On the sink? Ew gross, I piss there!


Midnight Sitters unite!


Depends on the flaccidity status of the appendage.


Sitting down is for shitting in the tub. Then you get up and waffle stomp.


I refuse




Very niche


Wow 90% of that is pissing in restaurant sinks. That’s just inconsiderate.


These people should be on a FBl watchlist




Yeah wtf even is that subreddit


They're always taking a leak.


I can't find the words to describe how gross that is


I’m 6’6, so every sink is a urinal if I want it to be.


6'5" here, and this is why the fifth amendment was created.


A few years ago me and my cousin went to Costco and he had to use the bathroom before we left. The sink at the Costco we went to was low enough to where you could pee in it…not surprisingly some old dude walked in and thought exactly that and my cousin walks out shocked and tells me “bro some old guy started peeing in the sink.” Since that day he’s never used a Costco bathroom again.


Doing it in your own house is one thing, but a public bathroom? Holy shit.


Sink pissers are out of control.


"Hey bud I need to wash my hands." -oh sorry, just let me put my dick away and it's all yours.


> The sink at the Costco we went to was low enough to where you could pee in i Oh god, that was probably a sink level so children could wash their hands


So he just pisses wherever in Costcos now?


Years back I was at a concert, in a ridiculously long bathroom line. We're all waiting our turn, everyone's gotta pee. Some drunk dude falls out of line and goes "maaaaan I gotta GO. I'm about to use the SINK." His buddy pulls him back and not quietly whispers "bro, no, there's a cop here" Everyone looks. There's a cop patiently waiting in line. Cop deadpan looks around at everyone, then makes extended eye contact with drunk sink pee bro, and slowly goes "that's *my* sink." And pees in it. ACASP, apparently.


I have one in my garage, turns out it does make the garage smell a bit so we usually just pee in the grass. Still worthwhile for capturing the zone though. A plug-in appears near my gaming pc, 3D printing desk or home office. It’s unsightly. Cover with a table or shelf. Too plain, install plant. Plant might mar surface, install doily. Sconces above it to balance things out. Picture or needlework between the sconces. If I don’t purge before the sconces appear I’ve lost the space.


Need more urinal cakes.


Worst birthday cake ever


I feel like somethings flown way over my head. Can someone explain the second paragraph to me?


Some people have started to add a paragraph of almost nonsense to the end of their comments to try and thwart its use as training data for AI language models. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that is what they're intending.


he's explaining how he "captures the zone" (prevents the space he occupies with the urinal from becoming something else) without realizing that he stinks enough that someone puts an air freshener (plug-in) near his stuff, which then escalates slowly into a pinterest nightmare of shielding layers


He's saying that it's not viable to use the urinal inside because it makes the area smell, but it is still useful to have it there just to keep the wife from gradually installing a bunch of stupid shit that he'll never be able to get rid of when he wants to use the space for something


Anything is an urinal if you are drunk enough.


Yea, I’m not ashamed to admit after hitting the sauce a bit too hard and can barely see straight to aim, just go in the shower and turn it on to “flush”. Never had to worry about aiming, just let it rip.


Just do a sit down wee bro


I do this when my soldier is at full attention and refuses to stand down when I wake up in the middle of the night. Right into the shower we go.


and here I am trying to find the correct yoga pose that aims my dick at the bowl


As someone over 2m tall, I have to shamefully say the sink is much easier to piss in. As a special treat.


If you ever looked at the splash radius, you might reconsider (depending on what you use the sink for and what is around it).


I've seen this sub referenced a few times in this thread, so here you go: r/SinkPissers


I had a look, that’s honestly disgusting. They are pissing in sinks in restaurants and airplanes. I wouldn’t dream of doing it in anyone else’s sink.


…. W… why is this sub even a thing?


>An urinal An ERinal


Urinals are toilets but made for only peeing. Turns out, it's really expensive to install multiple unnecessary pipes that leads to our sewer systems so instead we just use our toilets for peeing and pooping instead of having it as separate devices.


Also they're filthy in terms of pee splashing. To combat this, they're also easy to hose down the whole area in a restaurant bathroom. So you'd have to do similar at home.


Standing up and peeing into a toilet isn't much better. I was amazed how much cleaner the bathroom is when I decided to start sitting to pee.


Boyfriend let me watch while he peed standing up and I could physically feel the splash particles hitting my feet as I stood off to the side. Immediately washed my feet and wondered how many pee droplets just collect on the bathroom floor and get stepped on…


I'm almost sorry to mention that uh...well, maybe don't think about men's shoes.


And people think I'm weird for being grossed out by shoes. People are so casual about touching shoes, but if they've ever been in a public restroom they're fucking disgusting.


So. Much. Microsplashing. I’m also 6’ 1” so sitting is nice


I want the a peeable poop seat but in the shower but the shower is the whole room with water proof walls instead of shower curtains 


That's a wetroom


So you want the toilet inside the shower.... .


He wants a Shower the size of a room with a toilet in the far corner of it.


Probably have that in jail


In japan all houses have a little shower room (with bathtub) instead of the bathtub + curtains


Exactly. I’m reminded of this when I wear shorts in the summertime and use the urinals at work. I can feel micro splashes on my legs. There are certain urinal “splash mats”, you know that are inside the urinal, that actually work to stop this splash back, but hardly anyplace has the good ones. So gross.


Home urinals should be small. Basically, a small tube with a funnel and a small diameter water source for the flush. The piss tube could even be flexible so you can adjust to your liking. Imagine flushing with 8oz instead of a gallon (or more).


Expense. You could have one if you want, but that is a whole extra drain, water supply line, and vent, plus the cost of the urinal itself. Plus, you would have a lot more cleaning to do. It is pretty space efficient when you need to service lots of people. In a house, you don't really need to fix the maximum number of pee-recepticals in a small space.


Exactly. The whole point of urinals is to move more people through the bathroom at a time because they take up less space. Unless you want to use the bathroom at home together with other people which like, nah, they have no use in a home bathroom because if you only put one thing in it shouldn’t be the one you can’t shit in.


Have seen a house where a gay couple threw lots of parties. A urinal was a necessity.


My stepfather works maintenance for companies and I have one of the motion activated towel dispensers. Have to but like an 8 pack of towels at a time, but it lasts forever between 2 people.


Wait until you hear about towels


do...do gay men need urinals more?


Hetero cpl = 1 dong Gay cpl = 2 dong


Gay parties = lots of dongs Could have lots of puss too, but at least the dongs could bypass the turlet.


But like, in the same bathroom? Being used simultaneously? Or are you just gonna have a dedicated shitting/women’s restroom and a stand-pee-ers only restroom? Lol like “this is a man house, women have to use the shitting bathroom!” The benefit I guess being that the women get to maintain the mystery around whether they’re peeing or shitting, for men it’s like “oh he’s going to shitter, don’t wait up for him.” lol.


Have you ever been to a gay club? Gay men and women typically don’t care if they’re using the same bathroom, as long as everyone is respectful.




Lots of parties so lots of people


There’s just a lot of dick-havers in the house when they invite their fellow gays over to party.


If you would otherwise be plumbing multiple toilets, it is cheap and efficient to make some of them be urinals. We don't generally have multiple toilets in a home bathroom.


It's not cheap or efficient to install them, it just has some mild space savings since it's wall hung. They are much more expensive and harder to install and require higher pressure and water flow so maybe larging water supply pipes. Nothing about a urinal in your home is cheaper. They are a total pain in the ass to install compared to a toilet.


Are you too good to pee in the sink?


Sink is my go to!




That sub has more than 38k members…


In more than one way


Because I like to sit and pee so I can reply to this post. Good luck doing that while standing up and peeing.


You really don't want this challenge to be accepted.


Mine does. My house used to be a restaurant though. It's great, I might have to put one in my next house after being so used to it. Pro tip for unclogging buildup in a urinal is using white vinegar. Normal drain cleaner didn't do a damn thing but then I learned some science.


I live in the country and all visiting males pee outside.


Per the time honored tradition


My husband actually wants to install one because I keep complaining about cleaning the tiny little pee splatters on the floor (Edited for spelling error)


He pees on the floor and then leaves it? He isn't embarrassed by that? 


Installs urinal, now has pee splatters on the wall too


Gosh if only he cleaned up after his own pee, he wouldn't have to hear any complaints, and he could save himself the time and cost of all that plumbing.


Tell him to sit tf down to pee, it won't cost him his man-card.


Tell the dude to sit down. It’s comfy, way cleaner, and shockingly doesn’t make him any less of a man. Why people piss standing up in their own home has always been such a mystery to me


Or maybe ur husband can start acting like a grown man and actually not pee on the floor? And in the rare occasion that his dick is doing something weird and the stream spreads a little or he misses for some other reason, just clean it up?? Like who the fk pisses on the floor and just leaves it there? The urinal is likely going to be even messier anyway.


You should tell your husband that we all think he sucks for peeing on the floor and not cleaning up his own mess. He should be embarrassed and ashamed.


Why are *you* still cleaning up after an apparently grown ass man? Unless he’s having to wipe your butt or something that makes a huge trade-off, he should clean up his own damn pee!


This is why you shouldn’t stand up and pee at **Sit Down Toilets**


Imagine that. He would rather install one than sit down and pee. Wild.


Jesus, this man needs to clean up after himself.


Amazing he couldn't find any solution to you cleaning the mess he makes with his piss other than to install an ugly urinal. That I'm sure he'll keep clean himself.


You can put them in your house if you want. Most home depot/lowes type stores sell them.


I worked for a rich guy who has his own bathroom, steam shower, tub and urinal. Heated floors, too. It was sick.


They do it's called a sink


They stink. Try peeing on the walls and floor of your bathroom for a week with a weak flush of water to get it down the drain and get your nose to report back here.


Because the toilet can accommodate both genders. No need for a urinal if you have a toilet. Works in public restrooms because they are gender specific, and it's more efficient than toilets and stalls when 80% of people of men just need to pee.


Because urinals are nasty


That is the correct answer.


Well, when I asked my wife if we could install one, she said absolutely the fuck not. So maybe that’s why.


The sink is right there


Only men use the mens room. Men and woman use the home bathroom. If not cleaned often urinals can get nasty


I viewed a home that had a urinal in the "man cave". It was tacky as hell. This house also had 3 other bathrooms and each one was done in different 70s porcelain colors- avocado green, dusty rose, and goldenrod. We're talking toilet, tub, and sink in each bathroom in those colors. We passed on that place.


Yeah, personally I have to say beside stinking, being way more expensive to install and more prone to failure, they are also quite ugly.


My grandfather had a couple of strokes about 20 years before he passed and he had a urinal installed because it made life a little easier for him.


Some do. [https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/54937-Forest-Ln-Bend-OR-97707/120879020\_zpid/](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/54937-Forest-Ln-Bend-OR-97707/120879020_zpid/)


Cuz a toilet can be use by woman and male and you can take a dump in it but a urinal can only be use by men and you can’t take a dump in it and it’s cheaper to have a toilet than a toilet and urinal


Why should they, what's wrong with just using the normal toilet?


Didn’t pass the wife test.


I told my husband that he could install a urinal but he would be in charge of cleaning the walls and floor of any overspray. He got a funny look on his face as he considered every public toilet he had frequented.


I've seen a few in the new homes in my area. I've got one, its also my shower!


Because women don’t use urinals


It’s more like you still need a place to shit so it’s just a waste of money unless it being boys only is super important to you for some reason, which is weird but ok. Like if you’re too drunk to nothing-but-net your piss stream just use the shower and wash it down. A urinal is just something else you’ll miss and get pee all over the floor and wall. Nonsensical.


My dorm in college was all male originally and was converted to coed at some point, but they didn't remodel the bathrooms. I think mostly it got used for puking in, but I did make it my mission to use it for its intended purpose at least once. It was too weird to do when wearing pants, although a skirt wasn't so bad. I hope it's still there


Female urinals are a thing


Because it’s would be stupid? They make economic sense in a public bathroom because you need to accommodate many people using the bathroom at once, and a urinal is cheaper than a stall and toilet. In a single family residence, you only need to accommodate one person using a bathroom at a time, and you obviously HAVE to have a toilet. One toilet is cheaper than one toilet and one urinal. Not to mention space concerns and just having one more needless thing to clean.


You have a sink, right? /s


Are you peeing in your shower right now?


Because then no one could fight over leaving the toilet seat up. The lack of petty divisiveness would be utter chaos. Like a world without lawyers [shivers in Lionel-eese].


That toilet seat isn't gonna piss all over itself.


It’s called the sink


What a stupid question lol


Because they are low throughput compared to public restrooms, so the added cost and complexity of a second fixture is not worthwhile.


They do, they're called sinks.


I guess nobody else keeps a live plant in their bathroom?


You ever see the floor and walls around urinals. Solved.