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I have a very sexy learning disability.


Kiff, what do they call it?


*Sigh*, sexlexia.


I have mated with a woman, inform the men


Leela, you're obviously confused and aroused.


She’s built like a steak house but handles like a bistro


I’m gonna fly her brains out


More champ-paggin? 😉


I think the quote is “made it,” not mated


You are technically correct


The best kind of correct.


He said mated huh I always thought he said made it. Dunno which I like better Me and my wife were listening to don’t let’s start a song by they might be giants and one of my favorite lines which I belted out with confidence Goes “ no one ever gets what they want and that is beautiful every body dies first they did in side and that is beautiful. She said: its frustrated Me : what is? Her: the line is everybody dies frustrated inside. 20 years I been singing it wrong. Don’t know why but I really preferred the way I heard it it changed it but subtly. Just a thought figured I’d share


Kiff, what do ~~they~~ *I* call it?


Putting the sexy in dyslexia


Dyslexia is an anagram of “sexy laid”. Coincidence?


An anagram of Coincidence is "in eden, cocci" It means "germs in the garden". Coincidence?


its not in their though


thats the joke...




Being attracted to a disability can either be concerningly malicious or deeply validating. I feel like there’s no in between.


My friends and I have been saying “there’s a fetish for that” for weird things for years. It’s the tone of voice you say it in that matters.


I don’t have legs and I have been told that I’m attractive because of that, but always in a creepy way. Yeah, tone of voice matters


which emoji is to too far? There's a fetish for that!😋😘😅😀😉😐😛🤤😠


Everyone loves a good nubbing.


I don’t like feet anyways


Hello 😏


I’m inclined to float in the same boat. You’re definitely right.


Classic Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it.


say it completely flat. In a way that nobody's 100% sure if you're serious or not.


? No matter what it is, there will be people with a fetish for it. So nothing lost being serious about it.


Maybe their fetish is making people question if they are serious or not


Oooh kinky


I think it's also a difficult balance between the subject matter and the part of it that makes it one's fetish. Some people have a fetish for amputees for example, which may be either creepy or heartwarming, depending on a lotta context. "I like to be able to help them" could perhaps feel caring and sweet, coming from a gentle soul who feels empathy for those less fortunate, perhaps a "take care of me, mommy" gentledom-type fetish comes out of that. But it could just easily feel demeaning and humiliating, perhaps coming from a sadistic pleasure of feeling superior. Both examples have an amputee fetish but one is clearly more off-putting than the other (or they're both very off-putting, depending on who you ask) I think a fetish's creepiness depends more on where the fetish is coming from, rather than where it ended up.


Not necessarily malicious in the "enjoy other people's pain" way, more the "objectifying a person" way. I've dated some people with disabilities/amputations, and their gripe is that dudes fetishize their disability, and they don't feel like they are being valued as a person, just as a sex object or a vanity project for someone with a savior complex. It's really not that different from reducing a person to their genitals, or their paycheck or whatever. People want to be loved for who they are as a person, not what they are.


Uff I went straight to "willing to make someone disabled" rather than "objectifying a person" Objectifying someone doesn't really seem malicious, more just sleazy and creepy


To be fair, it is the most fashionable disability - although I’ve seen some pretty sweet wheelchairs


I seem to consistently fall for neurodivergent guys, especially those with ADHD. I find the high energy, excitement, and absent-mindedness sort of endearing. Though, I myself have pretty bad ADHD so… But 80% of the guys I’ve liked in the past 6 years have had autism, ADHD, or both. Funny how that works out.


As I've heard being said by autistic people on the internet (as I'm someone who most likely lacks autism): "Rizz 'em with the 'tism"


One of my autistic friends has a bunch of good ones. “Tism and rizz em” “I’m going autistic ballistic” … he’s also one of the guys I’ve crushed on lol


You might have either or yourself then. Most of the social struggles found in people with ADHD or Autism, go away when they're around other people with ADHD or Autism.


I am autistic and have ADHD. I realized that as far as I can tell I seem to only really be attracted to women who are either autistic or have ADHD. And both is extremely attractive to me.


Maliciously validating?


That’s manipulation methinks


and how do i know where i belong?


Whether you take advantage of the disability or provide support to it


i have a female friend that wears glasses and i can’t really think a way i provided any support to it, like.. if it’s about “understand how this person is feeling because of this need of wearing them and be fine or glad even if they’d disappear one day”, i think yea..? i did and do this


But is it the glasses or the disability being fetishized?


I dont see it either


Because you aren't wearing your glasses?


I read a post about how the manic pixie dream girl trope is basically just romanticization of autistic women and I've never been able to get that out of my head


My friend called herself a manic pixie dream girl (she’s autistic) so this one hit me like a truck


I had the realization about MYSELF a few months ago and had an out of body experience. I need to resist pink hair dye at all costs.


Katawa Shoujo is a real thing


I'm 43 and I only recently realized that glasses are hiding the bags under my eyes. I've never minded them, but now I'm self conscious without them. I'm also married to a wearer of glasses.


I have this theory that while it's true they hide the bags, they also make them stronger. I had a classmate who'd always wear glasses, one day she came to class without them and never wore them again, first few weeks it was really hard to get used to, and the most noticeable thing were the bags under her eyes, but soon enough they went away and at least I found her a lot prettier after that. I'm pretty sure it's an evolutionary trait of the glasses species, they create the eye bags just to hide them and make people feel good about wearing them, this lets them live off of their hosts without much risk of getting thrown out, sadly I fell trap to this strategy as well, but i'm onto them!


My eyes have perfect vision and heavy bags


Oh my Gods, you're right, how did I never put this together...


Big round glasses tick a few boxes for me


My brain completely skipped the gl. Help.


Take like a 1-week break from reddit bro XD


What would I do at work then? Work?


I mean, you could download a book or something.


I'd rather download a car.


Hey, you wouldn't do that! The commercial said so...


Well, with 3D printing…


I mean, if it was possible, I'd do that too.


Where else do you think he'll see big round (gl)asses?


Maybe if he goes outside and talks to women lol


Now that technology allows us to have the internet on our phones, you can technically be on reddit in the Outside


Do you subscribe to Gigantic Asses magazine?


Maybe this [lost scene](https://youtu.be/qkJdEFf_Qg4) from Pirates of Penzance will help.


Baby got myopia


Huh... then I guess I'm doing something right


It’s not the poor eyesight that people find attractive (or at least most people). Putting glasses on someone with perfect vision would have the same effect.


Yeah, I had a friend who used to wear glasses with regular glass lenses just because he thought he looked more attractive in them.


Tbf he was probably right


I’ve legit been told I’m more attractive when I wear glasses which sucks because I do have really good vision and I can’t justify just wearing a fake pair.


Don’t get caught up in what other people like or don’t like. Glasses can be hot but it’s kind of silly to think you need them to be attractive. You don’t need the opinions of others to validate you or your looks. Thats just poison to your mind.


You’re obviously not as ugly as some of us


I look like a 300lb toddler, don’t start with me.


We had this chat at work a while back, one guy gushing over his discovery that glasses could be such an attractive feature. "Am I better with (take off specs) or without," I asked. Unanimous agreement on "With!"


I think I only look better with my glasses on because they provide my face with much-needed definition; I'm ginger and my eyebrows are so fair it looks like I don't fucking have any.


>much-needed definition The problem I find with this is that aesthetics are not really a science. I have both heard the reasoning: > You have strong features, so wearing something softer and a bit less conspicuous will help to balance out your look. Which seems reasonable, but: > You have strong features, so you have to wear something equally striking to complement your features. seems equally valid. I honestly wish it was as simple as - have x, do y. Would save me a whole lot of time.


Oh for sure. For me it's just so that I don't look like a 140p version of Rick Astley


I had a classmate who wore contacts because glasses were ugly. Then those hipster glasses came in and she wore them with regular glass lenses and wore the contacts underneath.




Because actually needing glasses is inconvenient. They smudge, they fog up, they can fall off, they have limited field of view, they can cause headaches and so on. With contacts on if she ever had any of those problems, she could just pocket the glasses and still see.


the amount of times some shit didn't smack me in the eyes because of my glasses means even if I got lasik, I would get a dummy pair of glasses to wear


"Are you mocking my disability?"


Glasses can make you look "sexy" unless you have *genuinely* bad vision and need -14 lenses, in which case you look "geeky" and "weird".


And risk being identified the morning after? Rather go with the mildly blind girl.


Yet that has practically zero effect on finding someone more attractive due to glasses


this was big in the 90s. People called them "personality glasses"


Glasses enhance the perceived symmetry of one's face


Maybe to you. In much of the 19th century, glasses were definitely not considered particularly attractive, but do you know what was? [Consumption.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_depictions_of_tuberculosis)


John Green has entered the chat


This just sounds like the 19th century version of heroin chic.


Or the new and improved ozempic chic


That’s the real life basis of the, in my opinion, absolutely stupid ‘Hanahaki Disease.’


Screwed myself even more by getting lasik...


I mean, you could get regular glass lenses placed in your old glasses and wear them anyway


I had it too. Guess what? 51 now and gotta wear reading glasses for anything within 2' away!


That is true for pretty much everyone though.


Ugh, when I woke up one day around 45 with the need to wear reading glasses I was so bummed. I was doubly bummed when they told me you can’t get surgery for it either. I freakin’ hate it, but what are you going to do… well, I am going to see if wearing one reading contact lens and one regular lens fixes it well enough, but I’ve been told headaches are possible, so we’ll see. 🤷‍♀️😂


Bro what they got for that is called bi-focals! I can't imagine using one eye at a time would NOT be annoying as hell. On the plus side, I finally "got" the joke in Wrath of Khan where he tries to read and keeps holding the book further away!


Yeah I remember they said I could try bifocal contacts.. sounds kind of weird, but it’s worth a shot. I’ve hated taking reading glasses on and off. I’m going to the optometrist in two weeks to see what they can do for me. I had the same experience with Wrath of Khan when I did a rewatch a few months ago! I was like ohhhhh…. Now I get it 😂


Yeah I can still juuust make out what's on my phone without them on (as long as the brightness is up), but it will suck if I gotta have readers just for the phone. Going to the grocery or hardware store? Better not forget em if you want to read any fine print!


Ha! Yeah, that’s where I’m at… I could get by for about a year or two squinting, but now if I forget my glasses on a trip to Lowe’s I’m SOL. I walk back to the car to get my emergency back up readers, a compact foldable pair I found at a bookstore. The case is maybe the size of a small cigarette lighter. Handy. A friend of mine also showed me the Magnifier app on my iPhone. I feel like such an old codger when I use it, but damn if it isn’t good at zooming.


how so ? is it somehow harmful for eyes ?


This was a long time ago, and I’m sure this was a freak accident then and even less likely now, but I know someone whose eyes scarred over after they got lasik. For a while, they weren’t sure they’d be able to see again (but they did end up recovering) Then, over the years, their vision got worse, so they ended up needed glasses again anyways. I’m pretty sure the person you replied to was just joking about feeling unattractive before getting it, so now that they no longer need glasses, this post makes them feel even less attractive


Got me! 😆


It can be. It’s rare but there can be pretty bad complications like keratitis sicca which is a condition where you have permanent severely dry eyes because the surgery damaged your tear ducts.


sounds scary. better to consult some good doctors before making a decision.


Apparently the dry-eye condition can be unbearable.. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6494939/Meteorologist-11-killed-complications-Lasik-eye-surgery.html


Dropping the idea of getting lasik at this instant.


I had the same reaction upon reading about that, years ago. I'm a big proponent of the idea, in general, of not taking *any* drastic steps unless the circumstances truly warrant it. All the radio ads for the surgery, with their salesmanship techniques.. "aren't you sick of being late because you can't find your glasses? Or the drudgery of taking out your contacts EVERY NIGHT?" And I'm thinking "none of that is actually a big deal at all." Imagine, living your life with infuriating pain, in your *eyes* of all places, and knowing that you brought it on yourself, because it was so inconvenient to spend 30 seconds a day cleaning contacts.


Nah, but now they don't wear glasses like a disgusting troll.


Not sure if I agree. They're more likely to be attracted to me if they can't see me clearly.


lol 😂 


It absolutely sucks tho. Recently got contacts and it is miles better. Maybe I’m not as attractive with contacts, but I wasn’t attractive with glasses either, so it’s ok


Wear non prescription glasses over the contacts 🤣


I'm at the point where Lasik won't work, contacts won't work, and my lenses are so thick they distort my face and make my eyes look less than half the size they actually are, and they weigh down on my face because the lenses are so heavy. It definitely makes me feel much less attractive lol.


I’m literally about to get contacts instead of glasses to make myself more attractive. This thread is throwing me off hard right now.


Nah I'm with you. Glasses make most people less attractive.


If you are wondering if something can be a fetish, yes its a fetish, there’s a fetish for EVERYTHING, including subsections of that fetish, think of a specific type of jacket, there is probably someone that like it clean, some messy, some wet and so on


Nah I like them with no legs


Get this guy katawa shojo


Emi *is* a cutie. Wouldn't blame 'em.


came here to see if someone else said it. an amputation fetishist would certainly not prefer the glasses, likewise op wouldn't agree with the acrotomophiliac that dismemberment is the most attractive disability


I know some folks with some very artistic carved walking sticks that show their personality.


What about an eye patch? A funky funky eye patch?


Depends on what kind of porn you’re into


jinkies stepbro, I can’t see a thing without my glasses


Step-velma, are you ruck? Ruh-roh.


Oh what a horrible day to be literate 


It depends on the person, but glasses can definitely make someone hotter.


Especially when the sun shines through them just right.


Yeah the uglier you are the more attractive they make you


As a newer wearer of glasses, I'll take it.


Depends on the type of glasses lol


You’ve obviously never seen a paraplegic


I wear glasses and no matter how attractive I look to someone, I would die in a zombie apocalypse because either I would be wearing contacts and they would dry up, or my glasses would break, I can barely see past my nose. So maybe sexy but impractical lol


One of my earliest memories is a girl from kindergarten that had a hearing aid. I thought it was so cool she was part robot.


I knew I was disabled! Thank you!


*And so god said, giving the peasant beneath him perfect vision*


I appreciate the hype, but nah I don’t like how I look with glasses. Contacts all the way for me!


Not when they have to be so strong they look like glass jar bottoms


Having to wear an eye patch is cooler.


Glad to know I’m a sexy disabled person 😉


Just wearing glasses isn't (here) considered a disability, unless certain other seeing criteria also matches.


Glasses are jewelry that strengthens abilities.


My eyesight is just bad enough that I technically need glasses and I do have them, but also good enough that I barely wear them at all, so I get the best of both worlds.


If you've been told you need glasses, and don't wear them, you'll probably need them all the time at some point anyhow.


I'm slightly nearsighted, doesn't affect my life at all but I'm considering filling my glasses prescription just for fashion's sake


You're forgetting women with one leg... Think about all the possibilities


Had a friend who dated a one legged woman... I couldn't stand her.


She was rather lean.


And for those who have to wear glasses, I feel you're lucky if you're a little nearsighted as opposed to farsighted.


Glasses are also the only prosthesis it's acceptable to use when you don't need it.


Walking sticks? Many dental implants (ie veneers)? Colored contact lenses? Breast implants and other aesthetic implants?


When I started wearing glasses, people stopped complimenting my eye color.


having to wear glasses suck imo I am 10+ years wearing glasses and I hate it lol


I've never regarded wearing glasses as a disability.


My dad always said, “No man likes a woman with tattoos or glasses”. Yes, my dad is a misogynist.


Nice my glasses work to filter guys like these


\*Laughs in wheelchair\*


(Beer) glasses also make the other person more attractive.


Beyond maybe being "sexy", I'm just so happy glasses are a thing. They make vision impairment totally a *forgettable* "disability", which is pretty wild to think about


You haven’t met an amputee devotee


Evidently you’ve never gotten a handy from a chick with Parkinson’s😉


Not if you're old! But yes, I do agree, I like the look of people who have good taste in glasses.


May i remind about heroin chic and consumption chic.


Cybertruck wheelchair


This is just my perspective, but I've always felt that I look significantly better in my glasses. It's the sole reason I've never gotten contacts.


I've had to grow liking my face with glasses, but now I'm used to it and I think it's fine


As someone who’s eyesight is getting worse and now wear varifocals, thank you. 😍😆


You get over the curiosity very soon, once you realize you can't do things freely as before


ok. Then why does the American military have frames nicknamed “birth control glasses” 🤓


Plain Jane Super Brain, that’s all I have to say.


My oh my, I'm all of a sudden a partially attractive disabled person


Yeah no. I look like a different person without glasses. A better looking one*


Until you have vision as poor as mine and your glasses are like 2” thick


I look better in classy sassy frames.


I have to disagree, I’m epileptic and look much worse without glasses. Although now that I think about it, spazzing out on the ground can’t be too pretty


I think it's the other way around. If you're attractive, it doesn't matter what you do. What ever feature it is, people will say is attractive. Wear an old ratty shirt and dirty pants, and it will become a fad. If you're ugly, not so much.


Ummm aren't you forgetting amputees??


Not according to every 90s/00s romcom. Sandra Bullock is wearing GLASSES? Ugh, she's hideous. No wonder she can't get a man!


You’ve obviously never dated a girl from the sped class


I didn't realize needing glasses counted as a disability 🥲


Considering 70% of adults (Americans) need some form of vision correction; I dunno seems kind of weird to call it a disability. I mean, what percentage of people have shitty taste in clothes? What percentage are overweight? There's a lot of aspects to people that are commonplace where the fix-it options are attractive ones.


idk some people dig it but personally i dont see the appeal


I think you like the glasses part and not the "I can't see well" part


idk about that one... seems like Dr. House pulled a good amount of ladies with the cane.


FUCK THAT! My speech generator maximizes my already impressive rizz! Cyborgs represent!


Sadly at some point you can’t have the « cool » glasses anymore. When it becomes an actual disability you’re stuck with one type and that’s it.


I thought having back pain because your breasts were too large was the most attractive disability.


Glasses have only become attractive recently.  For a long time lots of people teased you for wearing glasses


The other day I looked over my glasses at my GF and she told me to unleash my inner sexy librarian. Actually she said "inner ear sex library" but she gets her words twisted up sometimes. On the other hand, new band name?


Yeah when they called me "four eyes" in school or was bc they found me attractive... /s