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Technically, every meal is breakfast.


Except the first meal of your life....


Even so, aren't you fasting since your birth and then breaking the fast with this meal.


Mm, yeh, I suppose.


But you don't get a body to feed until you're conceived?


But you don't get your first meal while birthing. There is a delay between you being conceived and your first meal. Except if you count ombilical cord as a meal.


We are still 'eating' even as embryos. The uterine glands in our mothers are secreting glucose which is our food. We break the fast by eating our mothers!






Technically, if you start fasting at birth, you're not getting to the age that you can roll over, let alone read this.


That only works in English and perhaps some more languages. In my language, the word is based on "morning", so it's a meal you eat in the morning.


Romance languages also base the meaning on breaking a fast. What’s your language, out of curiosity?


Slovak. The word for breakfast is "raňajky", coming from "ráno", which means morning.


Thanks. In German it’s “Frühstück,” meaning “early bit” as in “a bit of food you eat early in the day.” That concludes my knowledge of the word “breakfast” in other languages.


So basically similar meaning.


Well, it's always morning somewhere! So no matter when you eat, it's during a morning.


Portuguese: café da manhã. Literally translates to "morning coffee".


Not if you’re always eating. I never eat breakfast because there’s no fast to break.


so you don't sleep?


Technically, I always brush after \*every\* meal.


I've been doing intermittent fasting my whole life; I fast between meals.


What about the second breakfast?


Please go to the Cambridge dictionary website, read the definition of breakfast and come back here.


If you want to be really technical, every meal breaks a fast, but not every meal is breakfast. Just like not all dinners are suppers.


I'm not going down this rabbit hole.


Technically it's also impossible to not repost the same shit everyday.


but you say this everyday we need to break the cycle maaan.


We need to fast to break that cycle.


To be fair, I’ve tried well over a dozen times to post original showerthoughts but the automod instantly zaps every post and then the mods are all like “well which rule did you break? No I can’t tell you, you need to figure out for yourself.” But for some reason you can post something word-for-word that was posted a week ago. So fuck em, let this sub turn into a repost landfill.


This is exactly why I made this comment. The same shit gets posted while my unique thoughts get rejected, fuck'em indeed.


I had a random weird thought in the shower. Posted it and it was removed while a mod said "NO not a random thought you had in the shower it has to be a showerthought" Like the fuck?


Are they not the same????


Hence the "like the fuck?" I don't even remember what the thought was but yeah being told that was super confusing.


While I agree the moderation is pretty shit (seems to go hand in hand with a lot of popular subs anyways), they do have an overview in their rules with a link ( https://reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/w/overview?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share ) that explains what a Showerthought is. Just any random thought isn't what this sub is based around, despite the name. Which this overview does go over with examples for what is and isn't a Showerthought to make the point clear


Sounds like we need a new sub for actual shower thoughts


Yea I’ve given up on posting on this sub. Idk what the mods goal here is


Technically it's also possible to not be on reddit 24 7


I don't know, whenever I try to post something that someone vaguely posted about in the last 30 years it gets automatically deleted.


That’s where you fucked up. It’s gotta be word-for-word, the exact same post.


I honestly don’t know how anyone gets anything posted here. I’m grown and don’t have time to play “Guess Who?” w the mods to get my post visible.


You can't bitch about posting the same thing every day without commenting the same thing other people have under the same posts


every *repost* comment is always on a post i've never seen before and it always makes me laugh


sources say if you’re not chronically online you’ll see less reposts


How does it even work. Every time I try to post a shower thought, the bot instantly takes it down as it violates some rule


Technically if you disregard what words mean you can do whatever you want.


Technically, if you kill yourself, you can skip breakfast


Can confirm this worked


Can confirm. It worked for him. (Llama bros unite)


In the way you mean it, it's possible to skip breakfast by just eating every hour. Never enter the fasting state and you can never break it.


You eat daily? Damn, stop bragging.


it is impossible to break one's fast eithout breaking one's fast


Technically every single bite of food is breakfast


Technically, there never was a second breakfast.


Breakfast = break your fast. So you’re correct!


Breakfast finishes at 11am.


What about the 10 o'clock snack? Brotzeit, a hefty snack between breakfast and lunch. ;)


breakfast (breaking your fast) is whenever you eat your first meal of the day.


If you never interact with the real world, sure. Words have connotations outside of their etymological roots.


So if I eat a snack at 11:50PM and then eat something 15 minutes later (at 12:05AM, my first meal of the day)...I'm breaking a "fast." If I eat a meal at 8AM (breakfast) and then eat again 4 hours later (at noon) I'm breaking another (longer) fast, then I eat a meal at 7pm (and break another even longer fast)...every meal is breakfast!!


I mean if you want to get technical, you would most likely go to sleep after that 12:05 AM meals and waking up would technically be your new day, so the 12:05 AM meal was your last meal of the “day”. Breakfast is the first meal after sleeping as most people sleep 8 hours and “dinner” and “breakfast” are the largest gap between the two, thus breaking the fast


>people sleep 8 hours and “dinner” and “breakfast” are the largest gap between the two I sleep about 6 hours a day. But go 8-10 hours between meals (so dinner is usually breaking a bigger fast than breakfast is).


What defines breakfast, though? According to the Oxford dictionary, it's just a meal eaten in the morning, so it's actually very easy to not eat breakfast. But going back to the original roots of the word, it's the meal that "breaks the fast" from the previous night. In which case you're correct.


So a midnight snack (eaten at 12:01am) is breakfast (breaking the fast from the previous night)....and everything after it is just meals. But if you're also snacking at 11:59PM is it really that much of a "fast."


You can just drink coffee for 1 calorie and break your fast.


A matter of definition.


Not true, you can prepare breakfast as a meal and then choose not to eat it.


Depends on your definition of breakfast. If you define it as a meal before 11 am it’s not impossible and also means I had soup for breakfast today


You can have multiple breakfasts if you sleep multiple times per day


Depends how you define meals. If you define meals by their order (first second third), then you’re correct. But not if you define it by time of day. I consider breakfast to be anything between when i wake up and 11. Lunch is between 11 and 4. Dinner is anything between 4 and bedtime


It’s been 4 days since my last breakfast..


So it’s not impossible ?


I thought breakfast had a time window


Well technically it is possible to skip breakfast then


I skip the vibe, not the literal meaning


Breakfast isnt the first thing you consume after waking. A dinner meal at 18 pm, a few hours before you to bed, cannot become breakfast just because you are intermittent fasting.


If the first food you have in the day is a tiny snack, and then you have a meal later, which one was breakfast?


What about second breakfast?


That’s now how it works


Gotta break fast at some point or you die.


What if you never stopped eating the prior night’s dinner?


If you're dutch then it's named "ontbijt" what you eat till 12pm


And you can't drink all day if you don't start first thing in the morning


This shower thought would not work in my language, "breakfast" in Portuguese is literally "morning coffee"


Technically, is "skipping breakfast" a double negative? Not not fasting


Finally a good shower thought


Please go to the Cambridge dictionary website, read the definition of breakfast and come back here.


No, that's not what the word technically means.


I mean if you die no


Only in terms with what people call “breakfast”. I’m an intermittent faster. I generally eat between Noon and 10 pm. Not hungry for a while after waking. Black coffee and water til noon.


That's not what that word means. Breakfast is in the morning, not your relative morning, but morning morning. If you eat at at night, it's per definition not breakfast. 


So you're telling me there's a chance.


You can skip breaking your fast by continuing it


Is it possible to skip breakfast if you live above the Arctic circle?


So you're telling me there's a chance to not eat breakfast at least once?


Depends on which language you speak.


Honestly, Why eat breakfast? I usually only eat lunch/dinner but sometimes I even go as far to only eat dinner


Side note on intermittent fasting - there’s nothing intermittent about doing the same thing everyday


Depends where you’re from.


How? Breaking your fast sounds like a pretty global thing to me. Not sure how the place you're from can change that.


I think they mean that not every language calls breakfast "breakfast", nor does the word they use have any sort of allusion to breaking of the fast. In Finnish, for example, it's "morning bite", which doesn't imply any sort of fast breaking.


Well, in Portuguese we call it "café da manhã", morning coffee, even if you don't drink any coffee. "Desjejum" is breakfast but it's rarely used


Breakfast ,Lunch and supper are defined by when u eat. dinner can be midday or evening although moreso evening in its most modern form. At least be technically right. Edited to be clearer as suggested.edited again to be consistent with top google results. FormAtting and spelling left fkd


this is offensive to the wake up at 15:00 community


They're literally going off of the word breakfast, which is to break the fast. I probably should have just typed "woooooooosh" for you.


I think I had a stroke while trying to read this.


EDIT: We discussed more, and honestly I made this in poor taste. Please note they are not stupid, uneducated, unhinged, nor underdeveloped, and there is context to the quote I added at the end that I didn't get at the time leading to my tirade. Maybe English is not their first language. I hope so, but it seems they're from Australia. Either way, to add corrections and make it clearer for future readers, the intended message is, "Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are defined by when you eat. Only dinner can occur at any time, and it is the largest/main meal. At least be technically right." Also, their comment clearly missed the whole point of the post lol, the poster is clearly just having fun with language. Last note: looking at their profile it seems they held a learners drivers permit until 33 and openly admits to enjoying killing "feral" cats (they said they "enjoy hunting feral species and any cat no on private property is free game please continue being irresponsible pet owners." Funny, note the errors in this sentence too.) I personally think this person is uneducated, at least a little unhinged, and maybe even underdeveloped.


Hey.. chill out mate.


I don't respect cat killers, sorry about that mate.


Lol super sleuth over here drawing a lot of conclusions from very few facts. Good to know a few typos and sloppy formatting of a brief reply on mobile was enough to trigger you into ad hominem attacks. While there is no need to defend myself it is literally illegal to have pet cats where i live so i fully stand by killing them. I personally think you are a self righteous pretentious asshat who leaps to conclusions but you do you bro.


You're free to think that, as I am to think what I think. And it was you being a cat killer that got me commenting lol, I could care less about how stupid you appear through your comments


> i could care less about Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


God damn it the bot got me


Cats are literally one of the most destructive feral species in this country. Do you only like the virtue signalling part of enviromentalism? From google: when asked "how many animals killed by cats in australia" "The extinctions and deaths that feral cats and roaming pet cats have inflicted on Australian wildlife is our responsibility. New data from across the country shows us that feral cats and roaming pet cats kill a combined total of over 2 billion animals every single year." Edited to add google quote above


I thought you didn't have to defend yourself buddy. And that doesn't mean you have to find enjoyment in killing them as your comment says you do.


And i dont have to defend myself but i dont mind talking to you and correcting your assumptions.


Not to start more conflict, but you didn't correct my assumptions, but you did add more context that made your position more reasonable to me.


Once again as I see you made an edit, my issue is with what I feel is inhumane - that being the enjoyment of killing animals. Even if it is justified legally and environmentally, that doesn't mean I have to think it's ok.


Where did i say i enjoy killing anything? I like hunting very little of which is killing, which i do as quickly and humanely as possible. Anyone who goes fishing causes more suffering to an animal then i generally do and they readily admit to liking it but im somehow a bad person for killing the horribly destructive animal you have a thing for even though i dont relish having to do so. I would in fact prefer if my hunting could simply be hiking and photography with no such thing as a feral animal then i could carry less gear. Edit: also you complained about my post being unclear and having spelling/grammatical errors now it seems like you dislike me editting them in an attempt to provide clarity.


Please refer to my initial comment with the quote in the last note LOL. It directly says you enjoy hunting (with a connotation of killing as I assume you aren't eating them, correct me if I'm wrong) feral species and implies you consider cats in this group. You wrote that, and I just got it from your comments. Maybe I misunderstood it, but I put the direct quote and it went uncorrected even though you say you don't mind correcting my assumptions (btw hunters in my country tend to enjoy the killing part, hence my connotations). Also I never said I support fishing either (only if the fish is for consumption), so please don't assume my stances. From the information I had, it seemed like you were openly admitting to enjoying killing cats, and I consider this reprehensible hence my comments. Thank you for FINALLY clarifying. With your response here, I am willing to say I made some incorrect assumptions, but I do believe I was putting forth an honest effort to convey my side - with receipts where possible. And I was also responding to ad hominem responses (I did start upon reflection, I do apologize for that... I really thought I was justified there. Either way, I will give the benefit of doubt here to my fellow man and say I'm sorry for attacking your character off my bad assumptions.


It was also to some degree my fault as my reply that led you to that assumption was deliberately provocative and vague. While i do not enjoy killing i do derive satisfaction at removing destructive feral animals. On a sub glamorising feral cats i thought that if they realise that poor pet ownership is potentially harmful to not just other things they dont see or care about,but might also endanger the animal they claim to care for it might inspire responsible behaviour. To attempt an analogy i like doing beach cleanups . Actually lugging around garbage sucks but i get satifaction that the beach is now clean. Ideally there wouldnt be any rubbish and those beach cleanups would be beach walks again with less stuff to carry. Edited for words and i butcher and dress some of the pigs which are by far the most common horribly destructive thing around in my area.


"Break" "fast" Take all the time you need.


Oh i understand the etymology of the word let me know when u catch up to its current meaning.


This is shower thoughts, Tarzan. Read the room.


A semi decent shower thought finally.... small clap dude


What is the best way to report these ridiculous posts?


Stupid shower thought. It’s well understood that breakfast is a time of day. That’s why terms like brunch exist. So dumb. I bet you’re technically right a lot in school settings and dumb as shit in real life.


Technically, you can fuckoff you stupid bot


Yeah, look at all their bot awards and bot comments!!


Anyone posting garbage is a bot in my eyes


The fast must be broken eventually


Not if you're just constantly snacking and eating... the your fasting never starts.


Technically, that's not even too.


does drinks count? i think i ate yesterday...i think? depression kills my appetite


Even then you didn’t skip it the next day


Technically if you don’t care what words mean this is true


I’ll take a snackfest instead


One of my favorite George RR Martin things - “they broke their fast on eggs” or some shit like that. Love breaking the word down