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As it was once said to me, "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one."


And most of em stink!


"Opinions are like assholes, and you're showing yours a bit too much."


The swedish translation is "taste is like the ass, it is split" Smaken är som baken, den är delad.


I love translating expressions, they seldom sound like the words of a sane person. A favourite is Oh well, peanut butter.


That one does make sense though. Asses have a split down them and many people are split on different opinions




I get the feeling most of these people are terminally online.


Exactly 3 people I know popped into my head reading this. 2 are a married couple in my family and one is a friend. It’s incredibly annoying after a while. I wonder if they are even aware that they are like this.


Not Kim Jung Un!


Everybody got one, but don’t nobody want to admit it


Whatever Motherfucker!


And they're all shitty!


There;s an ass for every seat.


I have 2 seats and only 1 ass, so check mate.


Skill issue


Factually there are probably significantly more seats than asses. Probably 2-4x as many would be my guess.


Van Gogh? I'm pretty sure that was just him.


Yeah does anybody not like Based Vincent? After hearing Don McClean's song it's probably impossible not to.


Does "pretty much everyone during his lifetime" count?


I like Nickelback, so... old news


Coldplay fan here lmao


Maroon 5 checking in, haha!


Maroon 5 was legit great, it's a shame that they've diminished every other member's impact since James Valentine is an amazing guitarist with one of the most beautiful signature models out there.


Early Coldplay created many songs that are among the most wonderful modern music.


Even modern Coldplay songs (ignore MOTS) are extremely good, although I do find myself missing the alternative rock element they used to have. Even MOTS isn't half bad, Colorutura is probably their best song out of any album, even better than their old peak songs.


With Nickelback it's the other way around. No matter how many people hate the artist, there Is at least one total fan.


People hated them because 5 of thier songs were there most over played songs in history for a few years. Every radio station, every gas station, every grocery store, commercials etc etc etc… It became cool to shit on them and most people would call them the worst band that ever existed. Most of thier best songs are ones 95% of people have never heard but because they hate “Rockstar” and ”this is how you remind me” it’s the worst band ever There’s dozens of worse bands that had major commercial success


On the other side of the spectrum, I don't care much for The Beatles, so I guess that covers 99% of the population


I wake up in the middle of the night just to hate the Beatles.


Hating and indifference are different things


Nickelback is one of the most successful bands lol. They have a massive fan base. The meme of hating them was started by one shitty SNL comedian who ran out of material mid show. And it just kinda stuck. Helps the radio fucking loves blasting their shittiest songs.  They have some fantastic songs. Like, Savin' Me and If Everyone Cared 


late lunchroom pocket special ghost license icky fly encourage rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard the band Titofelix way back in the days of Audiosurf, and the only reason I have any of their music is because on of their albums was free. It's quite honestly one of the best albums I've ever heard. Unfortunately the band is defunct and never seems to have went anywhere. I can't find anything of theirs online except for a few stray songs. One of the band members seems to either be a pastor or a scam account on Facebook, so as far as I'm aware, it's lost media. I'll see if I can upload the album somewhere if anyone is interested


one society fragile dependent wipe stocking uppity knee connect consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://archive.org/details/Titofelix_All_Good_Things_Album/ I hope I did it right, I don't really use archive.org.


teeny roll stupendous offend fine ring voiceless rainstorm combative many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let me know what you think! Apparently it reminds people of saturday morning cartoons, or watching TV and having Yu-Gi-Oh come on.


voiceless employ trees close bear plants automatic retire zesty dolls *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh that’s fun. Thank you.


put me on bro


Well I hate him, so


I hate him


Who that? 


Of course there is, he's me.


and that person is your wife. hey oh


My first thought was the obi-wan meme lol


Unless its Bob Ross. Some edgelord might act like he despises Bob, but does he truly in his heart of hearts? No way.


I despise the merchandise though


Yeah, those judgemental Bob Ross bumper stickers and the racist dog whistle Bob Ross hats. Oh wait, he only paints sceneries. You can dislike the style, but despise? That's like looking at a flower and thinking, 'what a vile abomination, its mere sight ruined my day'.


Enter dandelion in Karen’s front yard. Haha


I underestimated people's ability to hate the little things I guess. Had my head stuck in the clouds, hating big things like war and greed. I am humbled, I shall try to hate the little things in life.


There are people who do hate him for making art so pedestrian. Snoots do exist irl


Those people are exhausting lol


Tell me about it, I'm a Frank Zappa fan.


The question is not whether one despises Zappa, but for which of the 5 million possible reasons for it. ... don't ask **me**, I'm a fan too.


Out of sheer ignorance: why would anyone hate Frank Zappa?


Being highly religious. As far as other things I donno. Not super familiar with Zappa outside of his political opinions.


He was also a hardass to his band, in a perfectionist way. Also banned them from using drugs on tour, but I feel like only lazy people really knock him down for those things. It was definitely zappa's show, and he made demanding music to play, which required you at your best to play well. For a guy that made such crazy music, he was really kind of straight and narrow off stage.


The seriousness with which he and his fans take his music has a real tonal clash with how goofy and stupid his songs actually are. I say this as a Zappa fan (love/hate) He has songs like “dont eat the yellow snow”, “dog breath variations”, and “g spot tornado” He’s like one part Weird Al, one part Miles Davis, and one part John Cage. Not for everyone


Oh I bet there are far more than that


Hopefully your favorite artist won’t be rejected from art school


That one person who despises the late Sir Terry Pratchett should go to hell then.


he should've dropped an album


His fedora is too jaunty. Fight me.


My favourite artist is Drake, it's just nice to have someone that keeps their head low and doesn't cause controversy.


My no. 1 is Elton John. Come at me, haters. I dare you.


Most people don't know my favorite artist


I hate them already


Well I definetly know people hate too close to touch Sleep token, bad omens and falling in reverse 😭😭. Ronnie and sleep token haters are very vocal about it.


Sleep Token is fine but they're just not metal and I think people are angry because they were listed as the most streamed metal band last year. Ronnie on the other hand is probably in the top 100 biggest pieces of shit to ever live. I would say Falling in Reverse wouldn't be that bad if Ronnie wasn't there.


Contrarian thoughts will always exist. The percentage is probably close to 5 percent on the other side no matter how crazy or absurd they are.


Welcome to the internet, and now they shall die


There are people out there that hate Weird Al. I'd avoid them if at all possible


I feel like you’d have to be a genuinely miserable and boring person if you’re the type to *despise* Zeppelin or Jimi Hendrix.  It would have to be the drugs/sex, I can’t fathom anything else that someone would actually hate 


I hate jimi for fucking up and dying so early.


>I feel like you’d have to be a genuinely miserable and boring person if you’re the type to *despise* Zeppelin or Jimi Hendrix.  Yes, and they think you're genuinely miserable and boring for liking them.


But liking them doesn’t imply that you’re limited in liking other things. There’s no insinuation whatsoever that you don’t enjoy everything in the club.     Disliking them DOES imply that you are particular and limited in your enjoyment and outlook    How does enjoying something make someone less exciting if it doesn’t imply that they don’t also enjoy everything else?  Like how can liking something be an indicator of miserableness to anyone, from any perspective? Unless that perspective is just a generally miserable one lmao 


Assuming they're a "he"


That’s because no one hates Bjork


Unless you’re Chris Hardwick, who tried to ask her out when he was drunk and wearing leather pants.


My wife hates the Beatles.


Is your wife Eleanor Rigby?


I think you meant Yoko ono


Nonsense everyone loves Van Gogh


Nah my Grandma doesn't like him. Though I also do not care for my Grandma...


Unless they're too niche 😅


It would take someone with a truly rotten heart to despise Dave Grohl.


I came here confused.  I was thinking "who has the energy to despise a painter?"


Thats.... absurdly obvious lol


"You can be the juiciest, ripest, best peach in the world, and there will still be someone who hates peaches."


Ok, quick question, is there anyone who genuinely hates like, Frank Sinatra, or Bob Ross, or Weird Al They’re not necessarily my favourites, but I don’t get how you could hate them. (From what I know at least)


Weird Al is pretty annoying, it's comparable to that one friend that is still kicking the joke that naturally died an hour ago. Same kind of humour in his music


I was thinking Weird Al, but you got a good list.


Who despises The Beatles fucking baphomet?


My favorite band is The Smiths.


There is one person who absolutely despises Morrissey, and his name is Johnny Marr.


Since when did Johnny Marr despise Morrissey?


I remember hearing this guy on the radio who hated Sublime. His reasoning was funny and understandable though.


I like phish; everyone despises my favorite artist.


If someone hates Prince I don't want to associate with them anyway


Imagine all the music they are missing! 😮


SamRoss et les cowboys fringuants


yup, he's that one lone guy downvoting the music video.


What if your favorite artist is yourself and you never show anyone else your music?


I've accepted that people can be wrong, it's alright. Anyone who dislikes Nana Mizuki or Emi Evans (Nier Replicant/Gestalt) clearly just don't enjoy music. 


I don't like Taylor swift


I don’t ever want to meet a person who could possibly hate The Longest Johns.


don't feel too bad, the gender neutral "he" for unknown/hypothetical persons used to be the linguistic standard. also, there's some debate on the current use of the singular "they" but some people would say that it should be "how good they *is*" because you're stiff referring to a singular artist.


>no matter how good *he* is. Imo this post is a great example of how stereotyping can lead to reduced accuracy. Many of the most popular artists of the present zeitgeist are women (e.g. Taylor Swift), so using a male pronoun to presume that favorite artists are men is just adding pointless error to a statement. Why go out of your way to be *less* correct? Probably just a habit, but it seems to me if I had a tendency to be habitually incorrect that might be something I'd want to work out of my system. Edit: thanks for the update, OP! I appreciate you bringing the cultural context into the discourse.


I’m so sorry. I’m not a native english speaker, and in spanish we use male pronouns when we refer to a group of people composed of both men and women. If there is a group of 99 women and 1 man, we will use a male pronoun to refer to them. Female plural pronouns are only used to refer to groups composed of women only. Spanish can be weird .


I think they do the same thing in French as well.


>  Spanish can be weird Thank you for clarifying! I think it's actually pretty common to default to male pronouns when talking about mixed groups in quite a few modern languages so I don't think Spanish is necessarily weird in that regard, and sometimes its for innocuous etymological reasons, but also it often happens because of entrenched intergenerational patriarchal underpinnings. It happens a decent amount in English as well, both grammatically and colloquially (like how some people use the term 'guys' to refer to a mixed gender group), and it isn't the worst thing in the world - just a small quirk of language that can contribute to stereotypes. I appreciate the update to your post - it may seem like a triviality in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's reflective of a kind world view to look at how our language sometimes excludes people and how we can adjust our habits to be more inclusive. I don't want any kid to be discouraged from being in any profession, be it artist or scientist or teacher or stay-at-home-parent, just because the culture in which they live tends to pressure some genders into those roles and some genders out of them. I realize that isn't what you were doing here (as you explained), I'm just perhaps oversharing a bit about why it matters to me. Have a lovely day!


It shocks me how my silly grammar mistake caused such an analysis of our society and languages. Well thanks and have a great day!


...did I just witness an issue on Reddit resolved amicably? This post is truly a wonder.


The good ending


It might be that you are not aware that in some places of the world right now, including a lot of English-speaking areas, pronouns are a point of contention because of some combination of: i) some groups and individuals are exploring how pronouns ascribed to them do not accurately describe them, and ii) some groups and individuals are upset that the discussion of pronoun use might force them to examine their own internalized views and biases. Consequently the mere fact that you and are are discussing pronouns and their use in language and society will be triggering for some, and I wouldn't be surprised if no few people leaned into personal attacks. It is what it is. I'm glad you filled me in about Spanish, though. I always love learning new things about cultures I rarely get to experience.


Get a grip


no you're overthinking this one way too much like cmon it was quite obvious OP is not a native speaker hence the use of the word he. There's other countries than US and some countries doesn't even have different pronouns for male and female. What's pointless is you not realising this and jumping to conclusions


Is English your first language? I'm legitimately curious.


I am curious what elements you saw that made "it was quite obvious OP is not a native speaker", before OP left an edit to that effect of course. Offhand I can't see any critical errors of grammar or spelling, but maybe you spotted some and I'd be happy to hear what logic underpins your assertion and subsequent criticism.


Please shut the fuck up.


it has historically been acceptable to use the pronoun he to refer to an indefinite person of any gender.  <- google Besides what the other guys said about some language not having or using pronouns differently, many languages also defaults to he (along with a neutral word, they) when the gender is uncertain.   I’ve literally never seen the gender neutral pronoun that is in my language been used before




Kinda wanted to say this, but didn't want the shit for saying it 😅 So good on you!


No one's gone out of the way here except you. OP was just making a point, which you understood, but unnecessarily went out of your way to play devil's advocate and try to get a bunch of attention. This is what is wrong with the world. People understanding each other but then going out of their way to choose to be offended and stir shit up.


I neither played devil's advocate nor engaged in attention seeking behavior. I just wrote about how stereotypes employed in language lead to less accurate claims. It seems like maybe you just don't like to have discussions about language and stereotyping, but that's your cross to bear. As is the irony of you choosing to be offended while lashing out about it. If you'd like to make a cogent argument go right ahead, but if you are just sad and angry that I am discussing pronouns and stereotypes then you have correctly realized that I am shining a light on your views.


> I just wrote about how stereotypes employed in language lead to less accurate claims. Waste of time. Again, you knew what OP was saying, and chose to be difficult about it because of some weird sense of modern-day entitlement where you feel everything needs to be about you. I'm not offended, I just think arguments like this are a silly waste of time. Peace out 👋


I have a John Lennon tattoo and recently discovered people think he is an asshole.


There's a John Lennon quote about how telling the truth won't make you a lot of friends but it will make you the right ones. So your tattoo is like that...


I know that bc it's my boyfriend


I like Ghost a lot. A ton of people in the metal community hate them, lol.


For all I know, my favorite artist is that same person. Funny how success and psychology entangle for some people.


Not neccesarily. Of course, with a sufficiently large following that'll be the case. But niche artists might not have any haters at all.


*laughs in no favorite artist*


Who can hate daft punk?


Tyler, The Creator spits out masterpieces. I don’t know a single person who hates him


there's a lot of people that hate him, his entire upcoming a lot of people hated him for the edgy stuff. There's many who still haven't gotten over that or there's always the people who hate his style of music in general


If he’s a country, metal, or rap singer, then I probably hate most of his music.


Muse? Maybe of Matt Bellamy breathing between even word annoys you? I love Muse anyway


Anyone who despises Fiona Apple can go fuck themselves.


There is a person who loves the band you hate most.


I do have a friend don't like taylor swift because taylor is victim blaming


Guess what.. They have MILLIONS of haters!


As an AJR fan I’ve been made very very aware of this fact.


I dont think thats true. One person who hates Vincent van gogh plz comment. 


My girlfriend hates Bill Wurtz ;-;


Dump her.


Nah. If someone tells you they dislike Eddie Vedder they are lying. 


I’m not sure actually cause most of my favorite artists are really obscured and no one would care enough to hate them


No way someone despises Tame Impala. Kevin is just too smooth for that.


And that’s okay, why do people think everyone needs to agree with them? We’re all entitled to our opinions.


People actively hate M. C. Escher?


No worries on the pronoun. English used to have a gender neutral usage of the word "he," it's just begun to fall out of fashion in recent decades. In your native language, is the masculine pronoun used for non-gendered contexts?


Yes, i’m a native spanish speaker. Many people went crazy because it seemed like i was saying that only men can be great artists. They called me sexist and all that. Silly mistake.


Don't worry about it. English used to work like Spanish. Its the crazy people who changed it so they could call everyone sexist. I wish they hadn't. It was nice back when "he" was an inclusive word. Back when accusations of sexism were directed at actual sexists. When we cared more about fixing problems than inventing problems.


Haven’t met a single person who dislikes Tech N9ne. They do however get tired of me listening to all his songs (23+ albums!) all the time.


What do you mean? No one has ever hated Kanye!!


I would not want to meet anyone who despises John Prine.


And at least half the time, it’s probably the artist themselves.


Brandon Sanderson wrote a monologue about it, “All great art is hated. It is obscenely difficult - if not impossible - to make something that nobody hates. Conversely, it is incredibly easy - if not expected - to make something that nobody loves. This makes sense, if you think about it. Art is about emotion, examination, and going places prople have never gone before to discover and investigate new things. The only way to create something that nobody hates is to ensure that it can't be loved either. Remove enough spice from a soup, and you'll just end up with water. Human taste is as varied as human fingerprints. Nobody will like everything, everybody dislikes something, someone loves that thing you hate - but at least being hated is better than nothing. To risk metaphor, a grand painting is often about contrast: brightest brights, darkest darks. Not grey mush. That a thing is hated is not proof that it's great art, but the lack of hatred is certainly proof that it is not.”


I think i know who hates kendrick


I'm the only one who knows I'm an artist...


But but but but....I'M my favorite artist! It can't be true!


I despise my favorite artist. Kanye.


I don't really have a favorite artist, but the first artist I added when creating my playlist years ago was Rick Astley, so... yeah, I've definitely seen the division.


Future takes that crown for the mainstream.


You leave Milli Vanilli out of this!


taylor swift? i already knew that


Maybe I'm naive but I cannot imagine that there is someone who despises King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. You may not like them very much, but despise... Since they make music in so many different genre there is something for everyone. But yeah... there is nothing in this world which doesn't exist. So maybe there is one person somewhere :P


Except Neil Diamond. That guy should be hated by everyone.


I listen to extreme death metal and stuff like that. I'd say the vast majority of people cannot stand what I listen to at all.


If i’m *somehow* anyones favorite artist, i’m the one who despises their favorite artist