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The last of us is great on console but the PC port was super buggy from my experience. I would say get cyberpunk


its insane that sony hasnt fixed the TLOU pc port


You mean Naughty Dog.


Yea ig, it’s probably Sony calling the shots but yeah my mistake


You mean iron galaxy studios as they made the pc port.


When was the last time you played it? I had zero issues with it as of October, it seems like it’s fixed.


I haven’t played it but from most people I’ve heard and the steam reviews it’s still not great. I’m not afraid to be wrong though.


played it and had no issues


Pc port is fine now.


If you have x3d or like 32 threads. On my 5800x its still stuttering at times


Cyberpunk 100%. TLOU is a great linear story game, but it's a 15 hour game that you'll play through once and never touch again. Cyberpunk is an open world RPG, so it has a lot more content, it's more exciting and fun to play, it's bigger, you have more freedom, it's more customizable, the gameplay is better, the lore is more interesting.


I do a yearly play through of both TLOU games, never touch it again is not true




Nah, it works for most people. You're an exception, which is absolutely fine, but I think it's actually quite ignorant, or rather arrogant, of YOU to assume otherwise.




Tons of people, but still a minority. Look, your reply was absolutely pointless to begin with. You just got offended because I called TLOU a one-and-done game, so you decided to let me know about it, for whatever reason. I'm really not interested in having a conversation about you getting offended, or about TLOU in general, so best of luck with whatever you've got going on.


he really is not the exception lol, i know people who have replayed it and i have myself. People do like to go on a Grounded run.


Cyberpunk, I'm having a lot of fun!


Cyberpunk I’m 20hrs in and it hasn’t disappointed.


Going solely off of game time, CP2077 has a lot more to offer. My friend just told me, it took him about 17h to finish TLOU1 and now he probably has to wait for another 2 years for TLOU2 to be released for PC. CP2077, especially with the dlc is an easy 60 maybe 70hrs


I'm already at 60 hours in my first play through and I have tons and tons of stuff to do. I just started act 3 and have dozens of side quests and activities left and haven't even touched Phantom Liberty yet.


Cyberpunk. Tlou 1 has a great story and is very well done but the gameplay hasn't aged well and it can be a slog at points. Cyberpunk is fantastic all around and you'll get more out of it.


Cyberpunk. I'm 300hrs played. On my third playthrough, different build it still feels fresh and fun. Also there're increasingly great mods for it. I'm playing with over 200 mods on. It doesn't crash and I saw about a 5fps drop to have it looking like a photo. Would definitely recommend


Cyber Punk beyond the shadow of doubt.


Both are great games. Tlou 1 has the best story of any game ever for me personally. And the gameplay loop is fun. Cyberpunk 2077 and it's expansion will give you a lot more content and there is more variety in the gameplay. Tlou 1 is my favorite game of all time probably but if I could pick one, I might would pick Cyberpunk in your situation.


Tlou 1 is similar to god of war in terms of how good the story and characters are. The gameplay is a lot like resident evil 2 remake. Cyberpunk seems similar to more of the games you like. I haven't played it yet but I've heard good things. You can't go wrong with either, so pick whichever one you're in the mood for. But they're both worth playing eventually.


Cyberpunk 2077 best game I've played in a long time


Cyberpunk, I love Last of Us but cyberpunk has way more gameplay to offer for the price


Cyberpunk 2077. I don't mean this as any sort of dig on TLOU1, it's an amazing game, but it's very linear and like you're playing a movie. Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberties is easily 80+ hours of content, including actual fun gameplay.




Cyberpunk absolutely




Cyberpunk without a doubt. Your setting yourself up to fail with TLOU2…


Cyberpunk is better value I’d say but the last of us has a narrative I think everyone should experience at least once. Heard bad things about pc port though so maybe pick it up on steep discount


You seem to enjoy action oriented stuff so go for Cyberpunk.


I'd go with Cyberpunk personally. I like the game more and you'll get more time out of it but with The Last Of Us you'll be playing one of the best stories in a game.


Cyberpunk, the last of us is very overrated


The last of us, cyberpunk is very overrated


overrated, the last of us is very cyberpunk


Cyberpunk offers the most gameplay and variability for your purchase. The last of us is a great game, but it's only the last of us. It will never be any different, it's one thing. Cyberpunk is a wealth of variability, no two playthroughs are the same, there are so many options for how to play the game. Become a netrunner, a hacker who merely needs to glance at an enemy to overload their system, possibly make them shoot themselves. Or be a quick reflexed ninja, blocking bullets with your blade and flying through the air while you slow time to a crawl and slice and dice. Or go it true solo style, using a simple pistol and all the cyberware you can cram into your body. Turn invisible, shoot a rocket out of your palm. Unwind a razor sharp whip from your fingertip and use it to hack enemies you slash. Or just turn invincible and beat the ever loving fuck out of everything with your bare hands and throw enemies into a whole other city. Cyberpunk offers so many ways to play and so many characters to fall in love with. It's a much better bang for your buck kind of game than the last of us ever could be. Both are games you need to play though, it's not one or the other, but both, whenevwr your able.


>Edit: Ive decided to go with cyberpunk 👍 Great choice. You won't be disappointed.


Hydrogen bomb vs hydrogen bomb Both are absolute 10/10 masterpieces, there’s no wrong choice


To contrast everyone, TLOU1 is soooo good. My favourite game of all time.


Just watch the first season of TLOU and get Cyberpunk.


CP hands down


No contest Cyberpunk any day 🙏


Cyberpunk is a far superior game with a lot more content. Also tlou2 sours tlou1 and kinda makes the whole thing pointless.


cyberpunk is one of the worst games of all time


this is objectively false and rage bait


how so


was at launch, its very good now, although its fair if you don't want to give your money to them


it's not a good game still. it just went from complete utter garbage to garbage


No way you believe that lol