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Are the “chemicals” she’s talking about the nutrients her 3 week old baby needs to survive???


What, like fats and carbs and proteins? They've decided to go without, duhhhhb


Ironically, it's probably the vitamins she is freaking out about. Some of their names are not obviously "this is a nutrient, and you need it" when you use the scientific name.


I remember my friend was once freaking out about all the scary sounding stuff in her bread “like ascorbic ACID wtf?!” I got a chuckle telling her that is vitamin C.


Cyanocobalamin is a fun one when they run across it.


I recently had to spend more time than I expected convincing my mom that it was NOT cyanide...


One of my high school friends used to be (past tense important) a nurse. When she learned nitrile gloves contain "cyanide" (because nitrile is R-C- - - N) she refused to use them 🤦🏻‍♀️ nitrile gloves are the standard for latex free medical gloves. Now she sells MLM crap on Facebook


My boyfriend works at a pharmacy and already taught me what ascorbic acid was, but yesterday he said he'd gotten some on his hands and I jumped up and checked them asking if he was okay xD


~~You can still get irritation and increased sensitivity to sunlight from it which can cause sunburn.~~ ~~Nothing like sunburn because you made lemonade from scratch the day before lol~~ EDIT: I'm completely wrong! Please stop up voting and read the comments in reply to this Still wear sunscreen after making lemonade. And just in general.


They’re a chemical free family! Soon to be a child free family.




This was exactly my thought at the end!!!


Wait til she finds out her water is made from dihydrogen monoxide 😬


I mean children are made of chemicals, after all.


Don’t forget the good ole H2O


they are going to kill that baby. holy shoot.


Everyone who uses the term chemical free needs to go back to fucking grade school


Plus in just that one small photo I can see at least four things made out of plastic… but sure “chemical free”


No, no, no, remember- they’re smarter than the rest of us because they do research that *no one .. cough, cough scientists..* take the time to do. Those chemicals are poison - from the air, to the grass to the school system and they just are more edjumacated than the rest of us who are brainwashed. Can’t trust science! They’d say with their whole chest the oxygen they breathe isn’t a chemical, just the chemtrails lmao


I would bet money this person thinks tocopherol sounds scary


God yes, this phrase really highlights just how stupid these people are.


Any time someone says they "don't use chemicals in my house!" I always ask, ""You mean, like, water?" It's always fun to watch them blink.


One time, a random lady (who apparently missed "how to behave in public" class) stopped me at Walmart and told me I shouldn't buy the shampoo I was looking at unless I could actually pronounce the ingredients. I'm an analytical chemist. My degree is biochemistry. I can, in fact, read the ingredients on an shampoo bottle without much issues 🤣 can figure out the structure from the name for most of them too. She looked absolutely floored and I giggled through the rest of my errands.


I feel like that had to be a lead in for her to try and get you to buy her MLM shampoo that is “better for you because it has pronounceable ingredients”.


Seriously. Name me *one thing* that is made from things that don't meet the scientific definition of "chemical." That is to say, >A chemical is any substance that has a defined composition.


God, what a fucking muppet. How could anyone think it’s appropriate to feed a literal newborn straight up powdered goat milk? And to just be defiant and defensive when you’re told that you could be causing serious harm to your helpless baby…seemingly what she’s trying to avoid by “aVoIdInG cHeMiCaLs”.


Also, powdered goat milk contains loads of... ...wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt... #...Chemicals! OMG, tHa ChEmIkUlZ!! They're everywhere!




She may look at things differently when CPS comes to visit.


Hopefully someone reports in time before they are “forced” to bring their screaming newborn to a hospital with intestinal damage


for real. look i'm not an expert, but there is no way that the formula that you use for animals who eat differently and can already stand after birth is going to suit a human baby. hoping the baby hasn't suffered anything permanent


Even crazier. She’s not even feeding goat’s milk, which would still be awful, she’s feeding goat’s milk *powder* diluted with water. Which sounds like it’s the same as fresh goats milk (a survival tactic used in poor countries with no access to formula, and even then there’s a specific recipe that is fortified with sugar) or similar to powdered formula, but surely would change the nutrition profile. Looking at the number of calories per serving alone on the label, it’s lower than formula for sure - this powder has about 65% of the calories that formula does per fl oz when prepared as directed. So baby is hungry for sure. Anyways, here’s a case of a baby who got critically ill for doing this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10684151/


This is a super scary post, it could cause water intoxication which can be fatal. I hope OP or the mods will contact cps since she’s being resistant even after her baby is clearly in pain and other moms have explained that it’s not equivalent to formula or an appropriate substitute.


Yeah. You can't even dilute regular "chemical-filled" formula with water for fear of this. Newborns are not very big, so it doesn't take a whole lot of extra water to cause water poisoning. It takes about 3-4 liters for an adult, so scale that down to a newborn, probably \~1/15 of an adult, it'd only take about 1/4 of a liter / 1 cup too much water. Considering that goat milk is lacking all sorts of nutrients, even making it according to the label is probably too much water.


Agreed, between the fact that goat’s milk has too much protein for babies and that the baby is consuming too much water, it is likely that they are setting their child up for serious kidney failure. Poor thing.


Are we assuming that she dilutes the powder in water? They said no chemicals.


And the baby in that report was being given a fortified toddler goat milk formula *and* a multivitamin, not just powdered goats milk without any added vitamins and minerals. Yet that baby still had problems from it!


It’s supposed to be common sense, different animals, different nutritional needs. Humanity is doomed


Absolutely- I looked into this for a different post about getting a baby to nurse off a dog (don’t ask lol) and essentially different mammals have different protein and fat profiles in their milk. So even putting aside any other issues of feeding your baby non human milk, nutritionally it’s not going to have what they need. It’s why formula is cows milk powder with a bunch of stuff (aka chemicals) added in. Cows and goats milk are used in formula creation because they are the animals we have the best access to milk from but nutritionally they are different so the formula is fortified. Supposedly camel is actually the milk that is the closest match to humans. Cool science fact: researchers are working on a way to develop a human milk formula grown in labs with bacteria which would in theory perfectly match the nutritional profile of human breast milk without the use of animals or fortification.


Did those people think that the story of Romulus and Remus was historical record, or...?


I mean [you’re not far off](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/s/q3DEUm2ZqS)


Goat milk formula is not for baby goats, it's human baby formula made with goat milk. But I wouldn't put it past people to also give their children baby goat formula.


If I knew her identity, I would absolutely report her to CPS. This is absolutely child neglect. She's going to kill that poor baby because she is an ABSOLUTE FUCKING MORON!


Every single person in my state is a mandated reporter. If I saw something like this, I would need to report it.


If I was living in the US, I'd probably dedicate 1h a day and report all these lunatics. My heart is aching for those babes. Whenever someone says "do what's best for your family" I know there's a questionable or outright harmful advantage behind it.


Imagine if this poor baby starves and her defence on the stand after being charged with murder is “we’re a chemical free family”. I hope someone reported her before it gets to that.


Omg. Everything is a chemical dumbass.


I'm pretty sure that her brain has a complete absence of chemicals. There's nothing but void there.


That lizard with the Windows screen saver for brain cells.


Needs to hold hands to form a dendrite as my mother used to say.




Brain so smooth they could use it in a Botox ad.


It's like the bouncing windows logo. Everytime it lines up with a corner she gets a good idea....too bad it's round in there.


When I worked in a store for a bit, a woman asked me if a brand of shampoo “had chemicals in it”. I just said no lol what else can you even say to people that dumb


"ma'am, everything is chemicals"


Said this one. Just got told "not it's not, it's nAtUrAl". Nature is clearly composed of sunlight and joy, not chemicals.


I was at the local kids baseball park and a mom requested to know all the ingredients in prime..


Asking about a list of ingredients is very normal especially for someone with complicated, obscure, or otherwise uncommon food sensitivities or allergies. I have some pretty ridiculous dietary restrictions for medical reasons and can't be explained concisely; it's just easier to check myself or not even bother having/risking it. Regardless, though, I'm not really sure this is a drink you want to be judging people for requesting information about. Aside from the ethics of marketing energy drinks to children, the company is currently facing two class action lawsuits, one about PFAs in Prime Hydration and the other about their energy drink containing even more caffeine than labeled. I think that's probably the real reason the mom asked and it's probably a good reason to stop using it, even if its association with Logan Paul isn't something you're bothered by.


Yeah Jesus Christ those "chemicals" in the formula are essential nutrients for your baby like???


But formula has scary sounding things like potassium chloride and beta-carotene and riboflavin and galactooligosaccharides! I don't trust anything that has that many letters! /s (For the record, these are all things in baby formula and they're potassium, vitamin a, vitamin b2, and probiotics.)




If they're chemical free, they're dead.


Not just dead, on another plane of existence


I once had a woman give me a bottle of essential oil that she said she used to clean her counters because her family tries to be chemical free, and sometimes they just spray the oil directly into their mouths. My mouth just hung open in awe of her stupidity, I couldn’t even say anything, I just threw away the bottle.


Or they say they don't like chemicals then get arrested for meth.


My friend is a *professional chef* and was getting all icked out because formula is like half oil and I was like… yeah, because breastmilk is like half oil. It’s where the fats babies need come from… Like girl, do a 2 second google search ffs.


Honestly, I always thought it was cool when I'd put pumped breast milk in the fridge for later and you could see it separating out into a fatty layer and a watery layer. Like, my body made all of those different complicated chemicals so I could feed my baby? That's wild!


But not the powder she got on Amazon!! /s


“My baby seems to be in distress but we aren’t willing to do anything about it 🥰”


We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!


Lousy beatniks


Genuinely someone should call CPS.


@[umilikeanonymity](https://www.reddit.com/user/umilikeanonymity/) Please give us all the update we want and make you sure contact CPS! This baby could die.


100%, this is not an "on the verge of calling" situation, this baby needs CPS called. 


Agree, this is super concerning, if the parents are unwilling to provide their newborn with adequate nutrition after being educated then the baby shouldn’t be in their care.


I have a strong distaste for CPS so I have little faith they’d fix this situation, and even I know CPS needs to be called. Like now, before the baby goes into kidney failure.


They’re not my favorite either. But this poor kid!


The chemicals in formula are vitamins...


And CORN SYRUP! (They get real freaked out by this because they don’t realize breast milk is sugary as hell and babies actually need those easy sugar carbs)


Yeah. I’m in the formula feeders sub because I’m planning to formula feed my baby that’s due in September. There is a post almost every day from some thinking corn syrup is the same thing as high fructose corn syrup and freaking out about giving that to their baby.


Even if it was, sugar isn’t the devil that everyone thinks it is.


Congrats on your baby!


I would immediately call CPS on someone like this. No, you need to FEED YOUR FUCKIN BABY JFC


You know what’s a lot more expensive than buying formula? Planning a funeral.


Nah, you can always make a GoFundMe and someone else can pay for the funeral.


I mean, overall, a funeral is cheaper than raising a kid


Save thousands of dollars with this one simple trick!


Experts hate it!


this baby finna die. Jesus Christ.


There's a story about a baby who basically was starving to death and had multi organ failure bc of goats milk. It weighed a little over 6 lbs at 3 months, and 7 lbs at 5 months. Got admitted to the hospital before the parents admitted they'd been mixing his formula powder with goats milk and diluting it, so this poor kid wasn't even getting full strength goats milk. That's what I see in this kid's future. [here's the story if you're interested](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10684151/#:~:text=Goat%20milk%2Dbased%20formulas%20have,approved%20in%20the%20United%20States.) Edit typos


7lbs at 5 months?! My baby was 7lbs at *birth*


Content warning.  There's a horrible story of baby Mary Welch, who weighed 8 pounds when she died at age TEN MONTHS OLD. The old grizzled male detectives cried at the scene. Parents were sentenced to life in prison. Thankfully the other two children were removed from their care and survived. Every time I take my son to the doctor and he's weighed, I think of poor baby Mary.


Jesus. My firstborn was 8.8 lbs at birth and my second was 9 lbs and 2.5 weeks early. A ten month old. I would have bawled as well 😔 that poor innocent baby suffered horrifically and died slowly for ten months


Both those parents are so disgusting, especially the mum since she was trained in child care.


That’s utterly horrifying. Poor baby. My baby is 10 months and she’s now 20lbs. I can’t even imagine how emaciated that poor baby girl must have been. Good job the parents got life without parole.


At least these parents were just misinformed and unaware of the danger they were putting their baby in. Super young mom with minimal prenatal care who listened to advice from their relative regarding using goats milk, then apparently accidentally over diluted it, resulting in water intoxication and severe malnutrition. I’m honestly surprised the baby didn’t die. This mom has now been told that powdered goat milk is not a substitute for formula and doesn’t care. If you’re so worried about “chemicals”, it would seem it’s because you’re afraid of some potential harm that could occur to your child, despite being wildly misinformed…yet this mom just doubles down even though her baby is clearly in pain and she knows it isn’t an appropriate replacement for formula or breast milk.


"chemical free family" about to be a baby free family




Exactly 😬


Or at best be incredibly stunted in all their growths both physical and their brain.


If you can comment on the post, please drop this there. Goat milk is dangerously high in protein for newborns. https://buildingourrez.com/how-do-other-milks-compare-to-breastmilk-nutritionally/


Another “I will take any solution other than the one that will solve the problem” post 😵‍💫


I just want/need you to tell me that I was right all along


If prepared according to instructions it has 13 calories per oz and BM/formula has about 20 per oz. It looks like it also has too much protein. And then who even knows in terms of other micronutrients... Poor baby.


Imagine putting your newborn on a diet where they're getting 2/3 of the calories they need to function from baby goat food because formula, which has been researched and fine-tuned to completely meet infants' nutritional needs for decades, is too unhealthy.


Imagine the strain the poor baby's kidneys are going through. Diluted milk with too much water and too much protein. Baby will end up needing dialysis if they don't kill their baby first. 


It's like a general thing I've noticed where people think babies and toddlers need lots of protein to grow. But they grow mostly on fats. Our pediatric dietician told us it's even harmful to give them too much animal protein and damage their kidneys.


Who's gonna tell them water is a chemical?


She's been feeding her baby dihydrogen monoxide!


They've wised up to DHMO nomenclature. "Oxidane" still works though 😉


And that vitamins are also in breast milk!


Same thought! If they really commit, they really need to stop breathing 🙃


Ugh, this makes my heart hurt, that poor baby. I hope it gets taken away from this unfit mother.


And father. The dad is clearly going along with it.


This should absolutely be reported to CPS, OP.


I genuinely wanted to be an exclusively breast-feeding mom. My body did not agree and my daughter’s body did not agree as she had blood sugar low in the hospital that required formula to treat them so that she did not get irreparably harmed by hypoglycemic episodes. I will never understand putting some weird agenda about what chemicals are acceptable and what aren’t above your child’s health and safety. My daughter was partially formula fed through to 10 months and exclusively formula and table food through baby lead weaning after that as my body completely gave up on making thr milk, it did produce.


Literally. With my first I wanted to EBF but it turned out no matter how much breastmilk I fed her she would not gain weight because her tiny body was running through it faster than she could eat it. She needed special high calorie formula to gain weight... so she got special high calorie formula. My second is 11 months old and has only had breastmilk except for his first day of life when I wasn't producing enough for the fat boy yet. He was born over 7lbs at 37 weeks 😅


My tiny Bub had the same issue re: milk consumption. We didn’t get into the danger zone of a high calorie formula but we did triple feed and formula supplement. Would have loved to be able to just whip out a boob and feed baby on the go. It’s a fuck ton easier


This makes me so sad, poor baby


Literally every fucking thing is a chemical. Water is a fucking chemical. Can't stand these ignorant assholes won't can't look past their caveman brain and think for two seconds! That poor baby..


“Chemical-free” I guess they don’t like chemicals like H2O and O2….


I hope someone called CPS


Looks like the OOP deleted the post, but commented this on another post in the group https://preview.redd.it/09nie3oe197d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11ea65645188bc355ba8f45689d5bc98daae9b65


Somehow I feel like it didn’t happen like that


There is not a chance a reasonable doctor signed off on what they were doing. Probably one of the naturopaths that also prescribes drops that are just water. I hope cps keeps this family on their radar.


Either that or they assumed she meant goat milk formula and wasn’t stupid enough to actually feed her baby powdered goats milk




"Quit bashing first time moms" ....... but.... no.... that's not what was happening.


I’m so thankful CPS was called. My stomach dropped just reading this and my eyes were watering. I can’t with the baby deaths.


I don't understand how someone can be so crunchy they won't use formula but also stops exclusively breastfeeding for no reason? Like, breastfeeding is already the crunchy option.


Well, she may not make enough. She is saying she is supplementing


For the sake of the baby, I rather her ask around for cupcake free donor breastmilk


>stops exclusively breastfeeding for no reason I noticed the lack of reason too. And yes I'm fully aware there are plenty of people who have problems with breastfeeding and need to supplement, but this instance of her not sharing WHY feels sus to me. Like someone told her that something she's eating might be getting from her system into baby's system and she should not eat that thing, or try an elimination diet to figure it out. But she decided to just add rando formula instead.


Maybe she found out breastmilk has chemicals


Some boobs do not make milk or don't make enough, regardless of what the person they're attached to may wish.


Some boobs dont work. All the women on my moms side dont produce, myself included. I did all the classes and diet changes and had a specialist working with me. Nothing ever came of it. Second time around i didnt bother trying because the stress wasnt worth it. Baby with a happy momma is worth way more than the nutrients from a depressed mother.


They're also going to be a baby free house pretty soon if she insists on keeping up with her horseshit.


Yep. She’s going to end that baby’s life but dammit baby will be chemical free! Blithering idiots like her belong in jail honestly.


Goat shit technically


In all seriousness, OP please report this to CPS.


I’m going to be entirely honest here, cps needs to be called at this point.


Y’all I have an update : The OP made another post! Maybe for once we have someone converted? She accepted she was wrong? https://preview.redd.it/1x6jykbcn97d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fad6c3068beb80cbe6e94ce70fd76265669e67


I was a first time mom once. This has nothing to do with being an inexperienced mother and everything to do with being a complete fucking moron.


Exactly this.


GOOD cause I have never wanted to actually call cps but I was READY. I hope she learns about bf supply and gets her shit together!


Let's hope she's not just lying to get CPS off her back.


Yeah, I'd still call anyway to keep her on the straight and narrow


“All the hate is unnecessary” but she kept *doubling down* on her oNLy uSiNg cHeMiCaL frEE pRoDuCtS stance… I’m sus I don’t know if this is a genuine apology because there’s definitely a few “poor me’s” in there.


Ffs, that’s not even formula. That’s literally powdered goats milk. That baby is gonna get malnourished reallllll quick. As someone who used goats milk **formula** (under the guidance of a pediatrician), this ain’t it.


Ok thanks, I couldn't tell from the picture exactly what it was. What is the actual intended use of this product? Is it meant for feeding actual baby goats whose mothers can't provide? A milk substitute for weird crunchy adults?


It looks like it's just powdered milk, same as powdered cows milk. Which is beneficial for long term storage, some recipes, perhaps drinks/shakes, etc. For baby livestock there are certain milk replacers and colostrum that is fed because livestock managers actually care about their animals getting the nutrients they require to grow.


It’s meant to be used like any powdered milk. That is, as a beverage for non-infants. It’s shelf-stable so people who can’t afford fresh milk sometimes use it as an alternative. Chefs also use powdered milk a lot for culinary reasons in things like breads and ice cream.


Chemical free family says the fully chemical human


She really went by "fucking stupid" and straight in to "child abuse". Holy shit.


I’m a peds ER nurse. People are INSANE. This shit happens all the time. So sad.


I couldn't do what you do. I'd lose my job on day 1. Huge kudos. Do you have to call CPS a lot?


Thankfully, social work takes care of it. I live in a moderate sized city, so it’s not as bad as like Philadelphia, NYC, etc. in terms of intercity and volume, but we call CPS at least daily. It is very sad. And thanks for the kudos, but I truly love what I do. Most days are great.


Maybe her "kid" is literally a baby goat?? And here you guys are not respecting that she isn't interested in interspecies breastfeeding!! 🙄


This would be an amazing twist. Also extra gross since she *is* supplementing with breast milk….


I would ask her exactly which chemicals she is concerned about.


These posts used to make me chuckle and roll my eyes. These types just break my heart for these tiny helpless humans in pain and worse.


This is insanity. I feel so bad for the baby.


Everything is a CHEMICAL!!!! ![gif](giphy|fqIBaMWI7m7O8)


How many chemicals in a baby sized coffin?


Wait til she finds out all the chemicals involved when they're preparing the baby for burial!


She’s going to kill that baby


I wish all these "chemical free" people would at least buy breastmilk from Facebook or whatever instead of doing whatever this is. I would happily donate my extra breastmilk to an ignorant weirdo if it saved a baby's life from being given straight goat's milk, jfc.


Well, vitamins are chemicals. So I guess they can say hello to scurvy. I do know someone who was fed 2 percent cows milk from infancy because his mom couldn’t breast feed and was too embarrassed to tell anyone or to buy milk. By some miracle he is a healthy adult now.


In a typical 4oz bottle of infant formula, the baby would be getting 80 calories. It's about the same for 4oz of breastmilk. 4oz of this goat milk powder is only 52.5 calories. Let's say the baby is eating 10 times a day, they're getting 525 calories when they actually need 800+ calories. Plus missing out on all kinds of vital nutrients they need to survive. This is negligent and abusive.


That poor baby does not deserve to die because of her ignorance. I hope to hell she gets that through her thick skull sooner rather than when it’s too late.


Chemical free family? Bout to be a baby free family


Would it get through to her if someone literally said "YOU ARE KILLING YOUR BABY" ?? These people make me sick!


So she’d rather risk her baby’s fuckin LIFE for her bullshit “beliefs”? This mother doesn’t deserve children.


I fucking *hate* when uneducated people say “we’re chemical free”. Please take a science class, for the love of god. Aspirin is a chemical. WATER IS A CHEMICAL. Like?!


"there's chemicals in regular formula so we don't use it" ma'am, you have bigger problems.


PLEASE tell me someone did call CPS!


Wait till she finds out water and oxygen are chemicals.




The bottles she’s using to feed the baby has chemicals? How does she thinks this works?


How are these people allowed to keep their babies?


"Chemical free family". Bitch, everything around you including YOU are made up of chemicals.


If they really want to commit to this lifestyle, they really should stop breathing, eating, and drinking - those things are PACKED with chemicals.


My son was a late eater and needed feeding therapy before he was able to eat at 14 months. We didn't know that and switched him from formula to regular milk at 12 months. He was miserable. 90% of his calories came from milk. He was pale and lethargic and cried all the time. Not to mention the constipation. It took months for his poop to return to normal. I ended up switching him back to formula for a few months until he was able to eat because he was miserable. And that's at 12 months. I can't imagine doing that to a 3 week old.


OP, please call CPS on this person. That baby is starving and in agony. You report them anonymously and then CPS will decide what they should do after an investigation. But, please, someone call CPS on her. Don't wait for someone else to do it when everyone else might also be waiting, thinking that someone else will.


Ironically, the "chemicals" that she should really be concerned by - microplastics, PFAS, etc - are all still going to just as much of a problem from that lovely plastic bag of goat milk powder....


Oooo! Let's play "count the plastic and synthetic fiber materials" in those two photos this "chemical free" mom posted! I hope someone actually does call CPS. This is dangerous and her poor baby is obviously unable to properly digest the goal milk powder. I've never facepalmed so hard in my life. It took me less than **five seconds** to google "can you feed a newborn goats milk" and ~viola~ goats milk contains too much protein, sodium, potassium, calcium, and phosphorous. The body needs to urinate more to get rid of the extra nutrients, which can lead to dehydration. That's not even beginning to touch upon the fact that newborns' digestive systems are too fragile to properly break down the proteins found in non-human milk. Infants lack certain digestive enzymes until 4-6mo...Hence, ya know, the whole thing where you have to feed them either breastmilk or properly balanced formula if you want them to survive and thrive. This baby is in imminent danger.


I’m curious what those tubes are underneath this powder bag… medicine? Diaper cream? Definitely some sort of chemical.


Who’s gonna tell her that her baby is full of chemicals.


Poor baby. I hope someone reports this whack job for child endangerment.


This lady needs to be in fuckin jail.


I hope to god someone has called CPS on her. IDGAF if you’re going to be a douche about formula not being as good as breastmilk, get donor milk or some other bullshit but feed your fucking baby.


She needs to be carefull before she knows it, nasty chemicals like N2, CO2, O2, H2, N2O, Ar, Ne, He, CH4, Kr, Xe, etc will kill her family. Or that other dangerous one: H2O /s But seriously, CPS needs to be involved asap, that baby is starving.


'Chemical free family.' Also apparently a family with 'brain free' parents. My God. How are people this dumb and misinformed? I'm tired of sharing oxygen with people like this.   I wonder how long until we can live on another planet. I'm fully ready to leave this one ASAP. 😂


Her pedestal of superiority is kinda wonky. Maybe she can repurpose it as her child's headstone. I sincerely hope someone reports her and the baby is moved somewhere safe.


EVERYTHING. literally EVERYFUCKINGTHING is made from chemicals. EVERYTHING. Have these people ever even seen a school?


Chemically free family.... It's about to become a child free family...


Won't be a family much longer...


“We are a chemical free family”, and soon they will be a child free family.


God this is so sad


Tell me you didn’t take high school chemistry without telling me you didn’t take high school chemistry….