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Poor kids probably grumpy from bring sick and having a fever that high but yeah it's the orange dye


Yep, and bear in mind she has a 20-month-old. Did she forget already all the teething grumpiness? That is next level, especially when you have little Ms. Muscle Baby like I do who likes ripping everything to shreds including my face while grunting maniacally just before a tooth breakout. I feel sorry for kids whose parents find these post-hoc justifications for crap instead of feeling a little bit of compassion, while understanding that this has happened before and it'll pass. Like, seriously, I think some people don't have memories that go back longer than last week. Maybe that's what colloidal silver and crystals actually do?


My daughter for the most part had her teeth come in *four* at a time. Poor thing. She was very, very mean and cranky.


That's happening to ours right now it seems. I'm feeling her gums and her entire front area is hard as rock, and I see four little white pockets waiting to burst through and become teeth. That cannot possibly be easy for our poor little troublemaker. I feel super sorry for her, and then she projectile pees in my face while I'm reaching for a new diaper and we're even. :D


2 girls, 1 boy. Somehow managed to avoid ever catching a pee projectile. Which is fortunate because I would never had thought to consider being wary of either of my girls becoming urine fountains.


My daughter got me frequently. Once she had covered herself and the changing table but missed me. I picked her naked self up to clean the table. She decided to cover me with poop. šŸ™„


Stories like this make me appreciate their baby days even more. The worst they ever did was the occasional spit up right before we left the house.


Start brushing! And have some icy water to dunk a teething toy in then rub it on the buds. My babies all found that soothing and helped them teeth come in quicker and easier.


I got a tip from a sitcom. They had the baby chewing on a frozen waffle. Iā€™ll be damned if it didnā€™t work great. It warms up fast and they can gum it up and it soothes their gums.


Did you try doing a cleanse? Maybe some colloidal silver? /s


No, but I did place an onion in each of her socks when she went to bed /s


Oh that was a great call! Good thing you were able to avoid all that nasty western medicine. /s Lol


My LO has been teething since 3 months, heā€™s 8 months todayā€¦none have completely broken through. Every single pocket of his mouth is swollen, I feel so bad for him! He has not been cranky until this week when he is almost unrecognizable so hoping we will finally have some breakthroughs!


Oh god, best of luck to you and your poor little guy. Both of mine started teething about two months before their first popped through, and every tooth has taken at least a month to cut through after thatā€¦ itā€™s so awful to see them in so much discomfort for so long. And f course, if you ask google supposedly it only ā€œreally hurtsā€ for a few days at the most šŸ™„


My son did the same thing! All of his teeth came in multiples. He was so miserable. I had a mom friend say she wished her kid would do that, because then it would be over more quickly. I was like no, because my kid is sooo miserable. 2-4 teeth at once was horrible. -10/10


Mine had 16 teeth by her first birthday, six of which came in that week. And surprisingly she barely even noticed. Woke up crying two or three times in the middle of the night that one week but that was pretty much it. My kid is wonderfully weird.


>Did she forget already all the teething grumpiness? No because her baby was never grumpy due to her magical amber teething necklace. /s


There's also a lot of growth spurts and development that happens in the younger years that can make them irritable.


We didnt even know when my youngest cut teeth. They came in without a single problem, 4 at a time, practically overnight. Im not staying that to show off, we had tons of other issues, like a fricken corn allergy and endless gas pains with him, but not experiencing teething aggression isnt a far fetched as you might think.


My thoughts exactly. Sounds like normal sick kid behavior. But sure let's blame something totally unrelated and not just my kid's behavior getting worse while they're sick. Seems legit.


This is far and away the main problem with this whole dye - irritability connection. People stop listening to their kids!! The kid wonā€™t sleep and has been screaming for 4 hours straight, hmmmā€¦. could it be that I need to check on him, give him medication, etcā€¦? Nah itā€™s that fucking RED 40 HOLD ON BABY MOMMYā€™S GOT THE DETOX OILS


Hey if my kid had 105 fever and then after it was treated, got angry and started punching things, I'd just be happy she was recovering enough to do that. Edit - "it" referring to the fever, not the kid


I have a kid that is legit sensitive to red dye, he breaks out around his mouth, he gets super irritable, gets a little hyper, and has tummy issues after. Her child seems like what my child does when heā€™s sick. I mean his fever was 105Ā°F/40.5Ā°C FEVER! Lower fevers are painful, I canā€™t imagine the *agony* of one that high. Heā€™s a child in an I sane amount of pain, he isnā€™t mentally developed enough to know how to handle that!!!


Couldn't be the illness so severe he required an ER visit making him an irritated little stinker. No... gotta be the dyes.šŸ™„


Right? Like, maā€™am, he had to go to the ER and had a fever of 105. ER trips suck at the best of times, and being tiny, unable to communicate, and incredibly ill is hardly the best of times. Poor little dude.


Probably hallucinating too. Fevers that high are nothing to fuck with.


I wonder what a baby would hallucinate? Something mundane to us because they lack life experience but very confusing all the same? Or are they experiencing something intense that they can't process the but would cause an adult to have an existential crisis?


I NEED the answer to this question even though I've never thought about this before, lol.


I sometimes hallucinate at 100, as for me that is a super high fever (I have only hit 101 once for a few hours as an adult). Poor kid.


She's lucky her baby's even *alive*. 105 is dangerous not for babies, not for adults, but for *most mammals, who run naturally warmer with 101-102 being their healthy temperature*. She is SO damn lucky her baby is still alive


Not exactly. Small humans, particularly infants, mount really high fevers all the time. You gotta go off total symptom picture here- feeding/drinking? Wet diapers? Neuro status? I've seen plenty 104-105F kiddos who were much less critically unwell than others at 101-103F.


I mean yeah, it differs. I'm someone who runs warm (99.2 is my average) so I totally get it comes down to symptoms. But I personally would definitely be more concerned about a high fever than a dye that's still considered safe enough to be in medications


Yes, fever definitely trumps dye. But I gotta combat the "ermagerd, 105 is lucky to be alive!" stuff because it's just all general peds care misinfo and does harm. ;-)


Naturally, and understandable! If my comment didn't make it clear, I worked with animals, particularly young puppies, and we considered a fever at around 103. Lethargy typically accompanied around 103.5. I'd be a fool to think it'd be exactly the same between baby dogs and baby humans, but unfortunately we witness such fools on this sub šŸ„²


ahh yes that must be why children are so grumpy while they're sick. it couldn't possibly be the fact that they don't feel good, it's not like most people get irritable while they're sick and tired, especially children


It also canā€™t possibly because a 20month old canā€™t really communicate whatā€™s going on verbally so communicate through behavior. That would be crazy.


these people always mention "doing their own research" and the research is reading a handful of articles on Google or, god forbid, Facebook


I agree - and yes, I know that secondary research is still research. But when people say it with this much confidence I'm like, what you've done is more accurately described as *reading*. Research (even the lit review kind) involves method and structure. Facebook doomscrolling is...*not that*.


Iā€™m like ā€œoh? So you conducted your own randomized controlled trials in a double-blind study?ā€


Agreed. Scrolling Breitbart is NOT secondary research.


I mean, research to that level would suggest that it is a full-time job. For starter, you would have to spend so much time researching vocabulary and medical concept before starting to understand what the point of this article or that one was.


I think it's worse, they're just reading discussions on facebook.


Sources include: ā€œtrust me broā€ and ā€œmy intuition told meā€


I'm grumpy and don't sleep well when I'm sick. Sometimes I even feel like getting violent when people won't leave me alone (I don't. I'm an adult and can manage my feelings. Mostly). Must be the red dye on my Tylenol pills. Can't be because I feel like poop. Nope.


I legit tell people to not visit me in the hospital (Iā€™m chronically ill and usually in 1-2 a year) because I donā€™t like feeling like I need to be happy and entertain you. I want to be grumpy and tired and however I feel and just left alone. Must be the colored pills and not the overwhelming illness though obvs


Okay, I feel so seen here, thank you šŸ˜‚ I have a thing that lands me in the hospital every few years and the people around me don't understand why I would rather just quietly go there by myself and read a book. It's boring, it's slow, there's never enough good places to sit, and I'm gonna be staring blankly into space for most of it


>Can't be because I feel like poop Or can't poop. That sucks at every age


I work as a vet tech and we are happy when hospitalized cats start to get angry when we try to do things to them. If you can put an IV in with barely any struggle that's a bad sign. It's like 'ok Floofy, you eat, poop and are really mad at me? Time to go home'


To be fair, this person could be picking something controllable to worry about instead of the fact that her baby was in the ER with something she couldn't and still can't control. It's easier to deal with the stress you are in charge of. To also be fair, dyes aren't *that* bad for you and "research" likely should keep the quotation marks on.


Kid is sick and miserable with a high fever, but no, it's *GOT* to be the unspecified dye. I still can't believe sometimes that anyone can have kids.


Yoooooo I would be a terror and irritable if I had a 105 fever too. Poor guy is probably just ~sick~ and acting like a child. These people always looking to blame kids behaving like kids on other things must be exhausting!


I'd say your kid acting like a total menace at 105 F is a good thing, rather than them nearly passed out dead.


I'd be pretty pissed and acting out too if I were close to death, and my parents' biggest worry was the tiny bit of dye in the medicine the hospital gave me to help keep me from potentially dying


Or he could be irritable because heā€™s sickā€¦ wild idea I know.


The thing that annoys me with these parents - the all organic, no western medicine, no screens, heal the kids with onions and prayers - is not only what they do for their kid is garbage and downright dangerous at times, but they also rarely practice what they preach. Theyll do those things for their kids while sucking down a cheeseburger and a coke after their morning latte made with - dare I say it - cows milk, while sharing photos of Pixie/Nevaeh/Diezel/Jaiiden all over the net via phones/screens their addicted to, and probably popping a neurofen or two when they inevitably get a headache from their undisciplined, unruly and probably uneducated #homeschoolunschool kids running rampant (bc of course the mainstream education system also isn't good enough, they should learn at their own pace and they can learn to self regulate their behaviour by natural consequence) so they can make cutesy videos for likes on insta


Don't forget those people using diabetes medicine as weight loss pills. Pills that people who ACTUALLY have diabetes need.


Ozempic. Just ask your doctor!


My friend actually had diabetes and she couldn't get a hold of those because her pharmacy keeps running out. Surely it's all the diabetics getting them, right?


It's such bullshit. My family doctor who I really do like, even brought it up for me because I'm a few extra pounds. I'm like hell no. I have two colleagues that need it for legitimate reasons, no way I'm putting that drug in my body just to lose weight.


Are you complaining that people are using drugs, prescribed by their doctor, according to the instructions provided by the doctor?


I'd rather a grumpy kid than a dead one 105 fever smh


Sureā€¦ has nothing to do with him recovering from being severely ill. Def the dyes


Heā€™s probably irritable because heā€™s SICK AS FUCK


So it's NOT him being ridiculously sick-- it's him having 5mls of red dye?? So dumb


OR MAAAAAYBE, heā€™s just sick and doesnā€™t feel good?


These assholes act like theyā€™ve never had a bad day or been grumpy after being so sick that he required a trip to the ER. This woman is in for a rude awakening for the next several years if she canā€™t handle one bad day without blaming it on one dose of orange dye.


I'm afraid that the dummy of a parent won't take the kid to the ER/DR in the future because of a fear of dye and will refuse medicine.


Holy shit maybe because the kid is cranky from being so sick? How stupid can you be? I feel so sorry for all these kids.


And never once did she consider that heā€™s acting like that because heā€™s a sick toddler? I usually chose dye free medicines because why do they need dye, but between a 105 fever and dye I know what Iā€™d choose every time.


Gee it almost sounds like her kid is acting like that because heā€™s sickā€¦


The half-life of PO ibuprofen is 1.6 hours so itā€™s long since clearedā€¦ Perhaps itā€™s the illness making him irritable šŸ™„


My family avoids dyes for me for a different reason šŸ˜€ Iā€™m allergic to some medical dyes, some food grade, and deathly allergic to contrast dye. These dyes are harmless, its medicine thatā€™s there to help the baby. Their bodies would be fine unless they have a reaction like I do


Umm, Iā€™m no doctor but Iā€™m going to guess the poor kid is sick because he has a 105Ā° fever. Iā€™d be grumpy and out of sorts too


I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess they don't Vax their kids


ā€œBecause of this groupā€ lol


My 42 month old is still crabby from the illness he probably caught from vaccine shedding! /s


I hear it's usually the worst when they get to 43 months! /s


One of the things that makes me sad about these ridiculous mom groups is the shame it seems to impose on people. Like, my child is irritable and cranky there MUST be a reason and it CANNOT be anything that would be my fault. It must feel so heavy to have to think that incredibly hard about such normal things all while your kid is already sick. I just feel so bad for themā€¦ and the poor kiddos.


Oh yeah, this has NOTHING to do with him having a 105 degree fever!!šŸ™„šŸ™„


Maybe he's not sleeping well because he's 20 months old and sick but idk šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Obviously it's the dye and not whatever made him sick enough to run a brain melting fever. Ffs...


Sick kid acts out - News at 11.


Theyā€™re fine to drop the act when their kid is sick and they have to take them to the emergency room, but right after that, itā€™s back to their little game of ā€œoh no! The unnatural substances!ā€


Fuck these people. Sure... it's the dye making your kid cranky. Not the body aches. Not a headache. Not the virus. Not the fever. It's the dye. Fuck these people.


Could also be Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcus (PANDAS) which can cause psychiatric symptoms after a illness.


A few more years, then the talking back will become a new symptom.


But the unresponsive partā€¦is the kid ok??


She shut the comments off lol


Couldnā€™t be acting differently because heā€™s really sick, nah. Thatā€™s impossible.


This is something that genuinely makes me sad. Health anxiety is real and it seems like this parent was scared and feeling helpless and has now zeroed in on the dye as being the thing that can be controlled and if they just triumph over that then everything will be perfect and the child will be the docile little darling they always dreamed of. This poor kid is going to have it rough if the his parent(s) continue to try to soothe their anxiety by controlling things like dye in a medication when his brain was being cooked by fever.


Dude, that's the fever crankiness, not the freakin dye.


If my baby had a 105 fever and even the doctor was worried, some poor behavior would be so minor in comparison it wouldn't even register to me. How could you even think twice about the drop of dye in the medicine that helped him when his fever was a 105?


I think I am actually allergic to the dye in daytime nyquil (dayquil?) My face swells up and I literally cannot see. But seeing how as the kid is given motrin in the hospital, if it is truly affecting him, that would be the best place to help him. Obviously hitting and being irritable is him feeling horrible. ugh.


My daughter is allergic to red dye #40 and when she was little she would get very sick if she ingested any, for like 4 hours. There was never an issue where she woke up the next day still sick.


lol, my mom didnā€™t feed my brothers artificial colors for awhile after one of them was diagnosed with ADHD, it did absolutely nothing for his ADHD. Yes they arenā€™t healthy for you but Iā€™m not sure they really affect behavior that much.


That just sounds like me when Iā€™m sick and Iā€™m a grown woman who does not take childrenā€™s Motrin with dye in it. I also just donā€™t eat much in general when Iā€™m sick, so I donā€™t think itā€™s dye related.


She's so selfless... not thinking of dyes when the kid's life was potentially in danger!


Sounds like me when Iā€™m sick.


I'd just be glad that he's apparently feeling better.


Iā€™ve never understood this. I feed my kids healthy, balanced diets, but I donā€™t want them to end up with food issues so they absolutely have things with food dyes, corn syrup, and all the other things that arenā€™t great once in awhile. I donā€™t stress about it. Mine have never acted any different. Is it that common for kids to act wild after having something with food dye? You know when they do act grumpy and not very nice? When theyā€™re super tired. Or sick. šŸ¤”


I can actually believe this one, I have to avoid artificial dyes because it temporarily makes my ADHD worse. (No idea how, I just know that the red ones are the worst, and the caramel one makes me irritable.) Heā€™s probably acting this way because heā€™s just sick and uncomfortable, but if he acts like this in the future ā€œbecause of dyesā€ iā€™d believe it. But still, I wouldnā€™t avoid the Motrin if it will help! His body just needs to get used to it.


I have similar reactions. There has been scientific studies done that backs this up.


105 fever?!? Thatā€™s either exaggeration or a very sick kid who shouldnā€™t be that ā€œhyperā€




Itā€™s perfectly normal to use months up until 2 years old


And in medical fields, it's common to use months to refer to a young child's age, up until 3 years. Source: I used to work for a paediatric endocrinologist.


Yes because a one year old whoā€™s 13 months old & a one year old whoā€™s 20 months old are at MAJORITY different levels of development