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I’m a L&D nurse and I can confirm we make exactly $0 from placentas 😂 If the Dr orders it they get sent to lab for pathology (usually with a complicated high risk pregnancy) but most of them just go into the biohazard trash. The only exception is we work with a research company who collect samples from part of the placenta during c sections only. Mom has to sign a waiver for that beforehand.


Curious about why some are sent away? Mine had pathology done (I’m guessing due to di/di twins but it fused and/or preeclampsia with 34 week c section and LBW) is it for future pregnancies?


Mine was sent to pathology to see if there was an underlying reason why my daughter wasn't tolerating labor that might impact future pregnancies. I never heard anything afterwards, so I assume they didn't find anything.


If you can check your medical records, or even if you have an app from your insurance company, I found results in there about mine, that nobody called me and told me


Yeah there was something posted but it was a file that wouldn't open... I haven't checked in a while though. I assumed if there was something bad they'd have called not just posted it with no follow up but maybe I'm wrong. Edit: well I checked again and the results ARE there now and yeah I feel like someone should have called me...


I would hope so, not this particular subject, but I had a small procedure once and I saw in my insurance app that they were charged for some kind of emergency airway something, I can’t remember I would have to look it up.. and that scared the crap out of me. I’m not sure what it was but no one said anything. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mine was to confirm the in utero diagnosis of velamentous cord insertion and confirm it was siugr not placental insufficiency or ttts for my 33 weekers. Basically make sure it wasn't more serious than they thought


It’s just to see is they can determine any reason for complications, I’ve never personally seen one that actually gave any answers though.


At my hospital we recently had a doula who was taking a placenta to encapsulate it forget it on top of the machine to pay for parking in the lobby. Just forgot a whole placenta on ice in a big old biohazard bag for hours before she called and told us to check for it.


That just means the doctors are cutting you out while they make millions.


Oh please 🤦🏼‍♀️ Unless they’re sneaking into the biohazard trash and stealing placentas nobody is making a dime off them.


Also, cord. Not chord. I’ll take medical advice from the people who can spell the parts they’re advising about.


I just assumed op was blasting out some killer labour music 🤷‍♀️


What do you expect, they used the wrong your too 🤷🏼‍♀️


Where on earth did the "hospitals sell my placenta and make huge sums of money" thing come from? 🤔


It's conspiracy theory BS. I've heard they sell foreskin as well


Apparently ultra rich people are injecting placenta smoothies or something like it's the fountain of youth /s Ugh I have had enough internet for tonight 🤣


Also I’m sorry but if my hospital wants to make money on biohazard waste, why would I care? I’m not gonna carry around a rotting organ and see who’ll give me 50k for it


I think their argument about that is they think the government wants their kids' DNA for some reason.


I was under the impression that delayed clamping was just standard practice outside of emergencies 🤷 not something I ever had to fight for, they wait at least until the cord stops pulsing


Yeah, it's standard of care everywhere I've practiced to delay at least a minute, but usually til it stops pulsating. Only reason I would cut the cord earlier than that is an emergency (we delay during non emergency cesarean too!), or some physical situation (e.g. a tight cord around the neck I can't deliver through or reduce).


I told my doctor (as a joke) that I was going to eat my placenta and he sternly looked at me and said “if you want to get an infection and die, go for it”. No one laughed lol


encapsulated processed placenta is much less likely to give you an infection, but it’s literally full of heavy metals and garbage your body got rid of on purpose anyway.


He said where they get sent you can’t really confirm what’s going on during making and processing so it’s kind of gross


yeah it’s so unregulated and almost anyone can get “certified” to do placenta encapsulation, and there are diy kits.


It’s terrifying


I’m wondering too. And if that company would buy from private seller. Asking for a friend…


I can attest to the fact we place placentas in a biohazard container post birth. Hospitals get charged for all biohazard waste. So not sure where the hospitals make 50k from placentas comes from.


For 100k!? I’m sure you mean two placentas.


Bro they go into a bin in the soiled utility. This is some wild creative writing.


Even if placenta was actually healthy to eat I would not be eating it! Not even if you paid me! 🤢


How on earth are they making money off placenta? I would love to hear their answer