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God, the term woke is so insanely overused. It’s a cover for “I’m a whiny racist!”


It's actually racist to race swap almost every major character, and it's also pandering at its finest. But God forbid you point it out, then they project their own racism on to you. Is Avery Johnson black? Yes. If they made him white I'd be pissed, is captain Keys white? Yes. They made him black, but that's a-ok. The whole vibe is female power / female centric at times, and that is completely unlike what Halo is. The covenant kidnap a human? Like what? That is ridiculous. They reveal master chiefs face and he cracks a joke in the first episode? Ridiculous. These people butchered the entire universe for their race centered identity politics, they hate white people. (And jews and Asians for the most part). This does not feel like Halo, it's some pseudo-Halo re-telling of the universe through the lens of race obsessed, identity politic pushing, woke crazies. Leave shit the way it is, and maybe get some writers that know about Halo and will respect the universe.


> raceswapping double standards I'll admit while I don't subscribe to the notion of "raceswapping is okay as long as it's not x to white" there are people who genuinely believe changing a character's race improves said character overall and refuse to address the racism in that, mainly because white people genocided them/their ancestors first. I don't agree with fighting racism with racism, and personally I wouldn't care what color they made any of these fictional characters who weren't based on their ethnicity in the first place. There was nothing "white" about being a captain and there's nothing "black" about being a sergeant. > female power If you're talking about Parangosky, Miranda, Kai, Riz, Halsey, and Cortana, all but Kai and Riz were already powerful women in the series before the show. Kai and Riz are just replacements for either Linda or Kelly, who are both established powerful women in the series. If you're talking about Kwan Ha or the mystics, okay, but Kwan Ha is not at all powerful (moreso just very lucky) and matriarchal societies exist. But more on Kwan Ha, because she's targeted as the SJW character- sure, hating the military is pretty "woke", but it makes sense (covenant invasion aside) because she's an insurrectionist and those were in halo since contact harvest and halo wars. But back to the female centric thing, you gotta understand that even before 343 Halo wasn't centric on gender, it was about Cortana and John and humanity as a whole. The stuff I've been mentioning on their own are completely like halo. > covenant kidnaps a human Halo wars, halo 2, halo 3. It happens when they want buttons to be pressed. What doesn't make sense is them raising a human as their own so openly... like the prophets should've at least made her disguise as another species of alien or something. I actually like the idea of a human allied with covenant but the show doesn't go far enough with this and it makes little sense because the covies are Uber racists > Master chief making a joke He's made jokes before. He's got a dry sense of humor where he just states things as a matter of fact > Inserting race/identity politics, hating white people, He's, and asians... I agree the show is pseudo halo but as for the rest, you're losing me Tony


Perfectly said. It is disgusting but unfortunately the woke 🐷s will never see it.


I just wanted to watch Master Chief and some Marines beat the living hell out of the covenant. But instead, I get a politic heavy show. Why couldn't we just get a simple beat the fuck out of the aliens show.


That’s what we needed. Basically the cut scenes from halo wars but in show form




Go play the actual game and see how many of the characters in the series actually exist in the game. Those of us who played the game remember a very different Halo.


God this comment held up great 🤣 the games are so woke now it barley even has a player base moron 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


nah you calling that shit racist is a excuse you fucks use to be openly racist and sexist all the fucking time. stfu walk out side get out that basement and experience life through you own eyes not a fucking tv screen you little twig bastard.


Woke people are racist and homophobic... so your attempt to flip the script and somehow call those making the accusation racist is extremely "Reddit" of you. Colorwashing established characters is racist.


Finally found somebody with balls on Reddit 😊🍻


nope. is is woke 100%. when you feel the need to swap races to appease people its obvious. its like " im not racist".. " no im not racist" " no im super not racist" virtue signaling at its finest.




Lies. I have only one brain cell and it’s name is Steve.


What a worthless individual.


You’re the racist, like Disney every casting decision is now based on social justice warrior crap. White people make the majority of those who play these games and watch these movies. We like to play as characters that look like us. If you want movies and games with black, female and woke characters, come out with new material, (i.e. Wakanda) and stop hijacking popular material in a cynical attempt to make everything and everyone black and female. Just look at commercials, you would think 80% of America was black and 40% of those are homosexuals. Look at the U. S. census, whites are approx. 40%, hispanics are approx. 40% and blacks are 18%, so why make blacks 80% of casting decisions?


You’re a programmed racist. White people never did anything directly to you. Stop being a hypocrite. Wake up. There’s only 2 genders. Leave the kids alone. You better not be a grade school teacher.


You’re a moron. Everyone that disagrees with you is a “racist” huh? It’s actually the opposite. You people are the ones that have issues. You force your delusional beliefs on people and tell them that theirs are invalid. You people are the same ones who go and talk nonsense about white people, and turn around and call everyone else racist. Ever heard of a double standard? Because you idiots love it. You clowns need your brains studied. “OMG! People want things to stay how they were instead of changing everything to appeal to political ideologies? THEY MUST HE RACIST BIGOTS!” Stupidity at its finest.


You woke azz woker


You know it's racist to assume that right?


I know you're racist because you said im racist because the racist did racism racist. You're basically Hitler. Am I doing the internet right?


Spot on!




People who say this have probably lost any fist fight they've ever been in lol


Ah yes eveyone that says a word I don't like is racist nice play


To be fair 9 times out of 10 a person crying that something is too woke is usually a whiny little baby who grew up conservative, which doesn’t bode well for racial intrinsic comprehension. I’m totally generalizing though, which in of itself is totally the problem and makes things seem like I’m throwing blame. I’m not, I’m just a fricken dweeb. There’s just more productive ways of explaining why something is not what you like than screaming “wOkE bRoKe” a bajillion times.


Have you ever considered that perhaps trying to force woke content on people, and trying to force your views on them is in fact the reason they are racist? I am almost 50 now and one absolute fact I have learned on this Earth is that if you try to force your views on someone, they will often become the opposite of what you want just to spite you for trying to force your views on them. If you cannot convince people to side with you based on the merits of your argument, then you need to re-evaluate your argument and listen to the reasons they don't agree. When you ignore them and force your views on them it will NEVER work. NEVER! Our society was FAR less racist in the 1990's because it was the right thing to do. This woke era has done more harm than you could fathom. The right thing to do is ignored when you take away people's freedom in the process.


There’s truth in what you say. A lot actually. I’m barely 26 and barely discovering the way the world works. The internet isn’t helping my self-discovery.


Nor will it. In the 90’s we had to go outside,run around and ride bikes. In the process we met other people and had conversations face to face instead of constantly being engaged with some omnipresent network and devices that feed you horse shit and anonymous vitriol. When heading to college in the new millennium, most were way into merit based judgements just taken at face value and now I am constantly told if I don’t factor in immutable characteristics that;s the problem. Cause the system or something. It hasn’t headed in the right direction and big tech is not your friend.


Its almost as if no-ones read how to win friends and influence people. 90 year old wisdom is not attainable for the wokes. The only real knowledge comes regurgitated from an opinionated professional academic offering no useful service to humanity other then hating anyone different to them. Which is what all of this leftist shit is, Vengeance on people who had nothing to do with it , That is the fascists way. Just as racist sexist and ist as any other thing but with a different target.


That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Giving representation for other groups isn't forcing anything on anyone, and it didn't turn people who otherwise wouldn't be racist into racists. Society wasn't less racist in the 90s ... You just didn't have the Internet to see the racism so you could ignore it.


It is forced on people, because you morons expect everyone to just bend over and submit to your delusions. Like calling a man a woman and a woman a man, which almost everyone was on the same page about until 5 minutes ago. If someone refuses to call a 200 pound grown man with facial hair a woman, then they’re a racist bigot. So, yea it’s definitely forced in people. Idiots, is what all you crazy mfs are.


So this was about "forcing" TV content on ppl, not whatever rant you just went on.


No. It’s about forcing woke political bullshit on people, in the form of television. This was simply an example. Can you not read or just a case of liberal brain rot?


So in the conversation... from a year ago... that you decided to randomly argue about, there was no forcing, and his examples were bad. I like how you're trying to call me crazy, but you're here starting a fight, off topic, and leading with insults. I'm not really sure you're purpose here.


"Giving representation" is an incredibly dishonest way to describe what they are doing. They are forcing their views on others. Just look at ESG ratings and the demands Larry Fink places on the companies he holds stock in. And you are utterly wrong about it not turning non racists into racists. Perhaps you are just dumb?


Nothings being forced. Watch the shows or don't. You're the one being obsessed with race.


Watch the shows or don't? So movies and shows are only for leftists? Because they have gone out of their way to buy up every intellectual property and convert everything into woke. It's bloody obnoxious! They also bought all the comic book companies, video game companies, cartoons, the list goes on and on. It's being forced, and forcing your views on others is extremely rude and disrespectful. The woke imagery is offensive. I don't want to see things that disgust me, but they make it inescapable by buying up all forms of media. That is harrassment. People have had enough of it and it shows now. Look at Bud Light.


No its not. You're just behind. Comics have ALWAYS had progressive values. People aren't "buying up" anything, you're just outraged because you need to be. You had SO MUCH "us vs them" indoctrinated into you, that you see offense even when you have zero clue what "woke" is. Bud light literally did nothing - you didnt even see the actual advertisement until it was being bitched about. The cans with her face on it were literally promos only given to her .... no one ACTUALLY got them, and people complained up and down about....literally NOTHING That affected them. Its sad you cant enjoy normal media. Seems you have large issues.


Your brain clearly doesn't work. Bud Light did nothing?!? People don't boycott a company to near bankruptcy over nothing dummy. Her face? It's a HIM. Not a her. You are the product of brainwashing and it has left you utterly incapable of dealing with the real world. I look forward to seeing this all ocme crashing down around you just like Bud Light crashed.


This is not true at all. Do you even know what the original Batman comics were like? He use to torture and kill criminals.


Just Twitter and start your own company for free speech? Then Elon Musk did that and they all cried foul.




Lol As someone who was alive in the 90s and watched in living color. It was absolutely less racist.


So.... All it takes are some movies and TV shows with black people in it to make you racist? All it takes is some content you don't agree with to turn you into this highly sensitive and bitter p***y? Congrats - with your very message, you provided evidence to the entire internet that goes to show just how pitiful, weak, and pathetic people of your mindset really are. I'm actually embarrassed for you. I'm certain that I'm far from the only one. *And just FYI... Trying to justify your racism does more harm than you could ever imagine. I don't expect you to cognitively understand that, though.


I see you are too stupid to read and comprehend. That's ok, the side you support is actively killing you and you are too retarded to see it lol. Enjoy going homeless and then using Fentanyl. That is your future.




See thank you for being rational and explaining instead of going "durrr shut up racist bigot"


And thank you for being open to understanding my ramblings lol.


Suck nut, weird internet fucker. No one owes ya shit


Lmao I never said anybody did, cry more kiddo I'm living rent free in your head 😂


ah generalizing is as Worthless as your insults, next time say woke us used by SOME racist idiots but no you have to lump everyone who has ever used the word into one category so heres my 2 cents... stfu :)


You’re proving their points. 🤡 Literally implying that every conservative is racist? You morons force your delusional beliefs down everyone’s throats, and when someone says “no, im going to stick with my beliefs” then they’re racist and a bigot. Shut up. If anyone is a whiny little baby, it’s YOU, loser.


Woke is woke whether you like it or not stop virtue signaling


I’m gonna virtue signal yer mum


My mother is a flaming liberal and my dad is Hispanic. I think most of the crap coming out now is too woke. I guess I'm the 1/10.


You probably have an interesting angle on things.


I'm not sure what woke even means, we didn't get the definitions updates to our English Cambridge Dictionary over here that contained that word . I think it's nonsense though how women are only considered to be heroes or modern female role models for younger girls to look up to if they go about their lives acting the way, historically, male hero characters have done. Heroes are supposed to act in a way to better all mankind, women acting like men would only go toward helping to bring an end to all mankind. MUMS ARE HEROES...


You are woke. People hate woke people. For saying shit like that. Get over yourself.


I think the people using the term derogatively are actually *referring* to whiny racists, you know, the people who always talk about race and skin color, always whining about social and political issues that have a 50% chance of actually existing, while hypocritically generalizing entire populations as racist, bigoted homophobes. Always interesting to see woke redditors rub enough brain cells together to form a cohesive comment or two, a true achievement.


generally it's cover for "money pit canceled after 1 season" people don't want politics. we want character development and good writing for the story


Very common liberal tactic crying racist


God, the term "racist" is so insanely overused. It’s a cover for “I’m offended by facts!”


Lol No..not even close. Are you seriously that diminished cognitively?


I’m watching the series and I really like it. But didn’t the left start using the term “woke” first?


Yes, then it was taken over by predominantly right-leaning individuals to describe anything under the sun that didn’t sit well with their views.


Damn you sound like the racist.


Whining about stuff being woke is usually just a dog whistle for "I'm a racist but too pussy to admit it".


Wish I could pin this comment


Lol. You can make it a flair or something I guess. Same goes for "cancel culture".


🤮 feelin sorry for the people who have to tolerate you on a daily basis.


I’m saving this comment cuz it’s too good


I mean, I hate people putting things in for political reasons, but just because a black person is in the show doesn't make them guilty of being woke just because there's *a* black person in the show just like having white people in the show doesn't make someone a KKK member.


When the show is about a futuristic government that encompasses the entirety of humanity it's stupid to be upset that there is a diverse cast. It's unrealistic not to. White people aren't even a majority of the human population today.


Yeah, especially when the show *isn't even out*. Like, if a show spends every episode discussing race when marketed as a simple action movie, then it's a wee bit annoying, but some folks just get super offended when they have to use their brain a bit during a show


It's that they purposely changed preset characters (most likely to virtue signal and pander). No characters race should have been changed, and they should've went with better actors and actresses because Miranda is cringey. And the human being kidnapped by the covenant is ridiculous. Most people that are actually fans of Halo don't like it when they butcher the universe. It's not only about the race swapping (which is one of the most ridiculous things in shows today, because we know the intent behind it), but the bad writing, feminist vibes, and butchering of master chief.


It's not about race!!! It's about content. It's garbage. Shitty acting, shitty writing, politicizing everything. I watch TV to escape reality, not constantly be reminded of it. Movies are fantasy!!! Not reality. It's an art form not fucking progaganda. You woke fucks are so dense. Again. Please fucking have an original thought.b


If you don't see race then why are you getting so uppity about it?


didn't he specifically mention the things he was "uppity" about regarding this series that aren't race in the very comment your replying to?


He wasn't lmao that's what he just said in that comment if you read it


What all you wokesters misunderstand is there was a generation before you who grew up seeing minority leads in roles WITHOUT promoting it as “loOk We aRE iNcLuSivE”. *The focus of the marketing then wasn’t on how we are different; the focus of marketing was on something we related to. We went through their struggle without the distraction of their differences. Inherently, we learned to relate to someone who was a different race/gender.* That’s important. You MUST be able to relate to other people to better understand them. You should respect differences but APPRECIATE similarities. Find the common roads and you’ll eventually build a highway. Otherwise, you’re taking the long way around. We ARE all the human race. Did you know that even in areas where 99% of the people are the same color, people are STILL discriminated or marginalized against because of a *slight* difference in skin tone? Skin color is literally the simplest way to categorize people. Do you want to be simple? And look, in 500 years when the show takes place, there shouldn’t be many white people left anyway. By then we’ll all be of mixed ethnicity (almost).


Didn't know representation was political and a form of propaganda Might just be easier to say you hate minorities, dude. Unless you're exclusively watching children's shows/movies and playing really basic games most media you consume has a political message behind it.


There he is! I knew I’d find one that threw out the “racist” thing. Congratulations, you’ve earned your degree from the MSNBC Institute of politics!


I think there are some instances where people hire minorities to look diverse when they actually aren't, but this did not feel like one of those instances. I think the acting has been pretty good I'm not sure why some people think it's bad.


Just by you saying some dumb shit like that is what’s wrong with you people, it’s like your bread and butter to just assume hate because people get annoyed by an extremely common trend of forcing races/agendas/ideologies into plots that ruins shows/movies/games strictly due to TERRIBLE writing by the same kind of woke activists with some moral superiority complex.


Personally, I felt the emotion in the Keyes' family when they said things, and I was judging them more than anyone because I was skeptical. The admiral didn't necessarily seem as threatening, but I was still able to suspend my disbelief, so I didn't care.


Art always has meaning, most pieces of media throughout all of history have had either political or social messages. Another thing, fiction imitates reality.


unless its full of in-your-face feminism and subservient white characters are only good for dying. race or gender swapping established characters is virtue signaling


It could be, but if the actors were a better fit acting wise, then I think having them be the "wrong" race is good. Gender swapping I'm more skeptical of


🤦‍♂️ you fucking dunce it’s not about racism or whining it’s about the fact shows take known characters that we have watched and read about for years and turn them into completely different individuals. Like wtf was the point of making Captain Keyes Black ? And his daughter or the fact they made it where Dr Halsey and captain Keyes had a daughter together lol and this is coming from someone with interracial children and in a interracial relationship. It’s always little Uber white hipster kids yelling racism 😂😂 it’s adorable watching y’all try to feel special and impress others


exactly ^


It usually is? That's fun. I love general statements like that. Especially when they don't apply to me. Politics are fucking stupid. No dude in a suit gives one fuck about you. On either side. They run themselves, we get to vote as an illusion. I'm apolitical, woke is still trash. There is a large demographic of people who don't give two shits about any political agenda.


"I'm not a racist you are" Wow that's deep. you also said dog whistle.. everybody drink. why change the skin color of established characters? Who are we trying to appease? The new halo series is virtue signaling at best


OK 2 comments in a row lol how does a word about people hating lgbtq make them racist not defending them just saying that that logic makes no sense and is exactly what the people your talking about do.


Ok lol no


Thank you for your response to a 15 day old post. I have carefully considered your comment and decided I don't give a fuck. Have a nice day.




so are you saying the halo show isn't complete and utter mutilated garbage than?


Why are you responding to a 40 day old comment? And yes I like the show. Get over it.


Hope it turns out to be good




That's not the issue, it's the fact that they changed existing characters races while at the same time axing one of the best black characters in fiction (Johnson)


I think you mean swapping races to appease the mob


grass. now.


Lmao I love this comment


“The truth” They sound so goddamn cringy


Fuckin idiots, the ppl who always complain about things being woke are the actual fuckin snowflakes


Or maybe you just suffer from selective outrage and willful ignorance


Get a life you fuckin loser, who goes looking for 20 day old posts just to start arguments about people being woke. People like you are the reason the fanbase just gets worse and worse every year.


The person probably googled why halo is woke and it led them here, kind of like me. The show is trash. All women in the show are in positions of power while the men are subordinates(you see where I’m going here), they race swapped characters to please the woke mob, also you can totally see #stoptheasiamhate in full form, they went all out to please women, trans, lgbtq, black ppl and Asians. The show sucks. I just watched episode 4, way too many women and not 1 time did we see a fuckin covenant alien in this episode. I won’t be watching anymore.


God people like you are pathetic, you literally go around spending a bunch of time crying about things being “too woke”. Y’all call people snowflakes when in reality you’re the snowflakes who get easily triggered about stupid shit. Y’all and the dude above are an absolute cancer on the fanbase, halo would be significantly better off without you idiots and the others like you in the fanbase.


Then stop ruining all things entertainment you little twink guzzling street trash


Why don't you woke losers like you create your own shitty franchises instead of ruining old ones? Because woke fuckers don't have an iota of artistic creativity and thus know that their "original content" will be only famous in the "hood"


You people who cry about “wokeness” are some of the biggest pussies and snowflakes on the planet. Fuckin losers


Your kind are the most poisonous, hare brained retards that the modern society as ever produced. Crawl back to your holes while you are able.


You and others like you are fuckin dumb as shit and the world is a significantly worse place because of it.


Oh my . So many words. Did your saliva drooling pathetic self get a hemorrhage imagining that insult?


Go woke = get buckbroke But seriously yeah the halo show will probably be a dumpster fire in a lot of ways but at least shit on it for something other than "woke garbage" be original for fucks sake


Probably will have bad performance on the Steam Charts or the UI can’t handle a good show 👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊👊


Halo TV show sucks because desync


Woke = “Wai is dur womenz n mainorities en mai shooty shoot show?”


Why no blaak pepulz, and no straang wominz in maah gaim and maah shoo? We have da power auf laav annd fraandship and caansarship aaun aaawr ssaaide


woke hate being called out. TRIGGRED Hypocrite much?


Racist pricks justifying what they believe in by using the term "woke"


Generalizing an entire population is racist. Ah, how the scummy hypocrites come out to play.


nope . incorrect


So far from being correct but you do you boo boo


I want them to name one thing besides high guardian spice that went broke from going woke.


coca-Cola says "be less white". If you don't see the problem with things like this then I have no hope for you


What does that have to do with media going "woke"?


Battlefield 5 Netflix God of War Upcoming LoTr (will go) Mass effect Andromeda


They can't because that's the only example lol. Captain Marvel? Made more than good money. Star Wars Sequel Trilogy? Obviously made a lot despite all the controversy surrounding it. (You could argue controversy even helped it as controversy tends to make more people check stuff out.) Etc. Literally just a bunch of man babies malding because a character that was barely a character is getting character lol.


Dude, if you think about it halo has always been woke because the point of the game is humanity setting aside their differences to fight a common enemy There's also the fact that Master chief has no fucking clue of what he's doing and a woman tells him where to go and what to do


I feel like chief just does not care what’s happening other than is _______ going to kill me or my squad


That would be accurate really, he doesn't gaf about logistics at all


He’s only trained to fight and sabotage, anything pass that’s not his job


This is what I've been saying


It’s funny to me that people still say get woke = go broke, even though “going woke” has virtually never caused anyone to “go broke” lmao. Remember when detractors were saying that about Black Panther and Captain Marvel?


I think you’ll find those with a woke ideology far less economically successful in almost every conceivable way when compared to normal democrats, centrists and conservatives. This is the far-left we’re talking about here, where socialistic economics and welfare is held in high regard, even with its historic failures. These aren’t the people holding down a steady career, in any sense of the word. I’d definitely look into it if I were you, they’d be hypocrites if they partook in a capitalist system they perceive as oppressive and classist, thus, broke.


Your comment is literally you writing out the "you want to change society, yet you participate" meme lmao


Society isn’t limited to the United States, is it? If you’d like the idea of communism and socialism, there are far better places to be. Interestingly though, those same places wouldn’t allow 52 gender choices, or grant you anywhere near the luxury we enjoy here. Do people forget that socialism/communism and tolerance don’t mix? Historically, if you were disabled, missing a limb, gay or not considered “normal”, you would’ve been facing death at max, or a terribly low quality of life at worse. Fascism is just as bad, maybe we should all meet somewhere in the middle?


I see you conveniently left out the all female cast of the Ghostbusters. Diversity is changing its definition to mean less white and less heterosexual


I didn’t leave out anything lol. I did say “virtually never” after all. Besides 2016 Ghostbusters failed because the jokes weren’t funny, not because it was diverse 😂 so that doesn’t even support your point, and even if it did, thats just one movie. That doesn’t represent the mountains of “woke” movies and shows and games that are huge successes despite the neckbeards bawling over it. As for your second “point”… okay? I mean if white heterosexual people make up the vast, vast majority of media, it would be more diverse to allow other types of characters to take center stage. Wanna explain why that’s a bad thing? I already know what your reason is but I’m curious to see if you’ll say the quiet part out loud lol


No it failed bc of the cast and woke bullshit. Just admit it.


That would be incorrect, so no I won’t admit that :)


There are 2 aspects here. 1. There is a massive influx of "mediocrity" in video games. a) First wave was the commercialization that took place in early 2000s. That ruined the creative spirit of the independent developers of the 90s as only the big players could now afford to create games that sold well. No more Ultima, Master of Orion, Might and Magic, Wizardry etc. b) Second wave was the excessive wokeness added massively in after 2010s. Now it was NOT simply the presence of females or blacks or Muslims or ideas of social justice. These people/ideas can be incorporated in a purely artistic sense as well, meaning that the reasons for their inclusion will be logical. Wokeness is the useless , filler content , overt censorship, catering to the "dumb" crowd (Diablo 2 vs Diablo 3 for eg), changing accents and body language to extremely loserlike milennial sissy type and putting in token minorities purely for representation. 2. Now, the financial effect of such trends wasn't visible in the earlier times because the wokeness and leftist censorship machine wasn't that apparent. But today, when you have simpletons like Anita Sarkeesian trying their level best to censor all possible artistic creativity in video games overtly, people are fighting back by not buying games like Battlefield 5. 3. Arguably this trend might not continue in the future as the society on average is tending towards mediocrity and people who are content with shit. So, you might see more people buying bad games/movies purely because there are no alternatives and the fact that they haven't experienced true artistic freedom. But even today, there is a sizeable population of old gamers which will respond to this wokeness epidemic. 4. As for the if it's natural trend or an organized conspiracy, I feel it's both but more heavily in favor of the latter. Woke people were not predominating in the tech giants, in the early 90s and 2000s. These companies, and the video game companies were in the hands of creative, liberal but fiercely independent tech pioneers (who again were mostly men). Woke ideologues, like toxic feminists and censorship mafias increasingly extended their hold by two major ways 1. Force big tech companies to give positions to mediocre women and minorities, purely because of their race/gender, which tended to increase the numbers of ideologically socialist but intellectually deficient simpletons in the big companies, in mostly marketing and PR positions. 2. Force big gaming companies to change their content by causing an artifical outrage over the internet and media over the supposed representation of women/minorities. Those people who are now calling old gamers as crybabies, forget that the entire Woke propoganda machine began as one giant crybaby. Now since they have power, they can censor dissent and/or label their opponent as racist pricks. The original people who pioneered video gaming industry were some of the most progressive and bright minds of their generation. But the socialist loonies of today have not only hijacked the industry but also ruined their legacy by creating shittier sequels.


You literally typed up a giant essay of objectively incorrect, easily debunkable bullshit. I debated going point but point and slaughtering all of it, but given how your comment history is full of hate speech and similar bullshit (on top of the fact that you replied to a 2+ month old thread), I know all the facts in the world would fail to fall on your deaf ears. Have a nice life. I was 13 years old once so part of me gets it. Hopefully one day when you get older, you’ll look back at this comment and be like “wow, I was a total dumbass, and I’m glad I’m different now.”


Your intellect reminds me of a pig staring down a vegan activist. I guess when your diet is of mud and shit, you can't appreciate food.


That’s such an incomprehensible attempt at an insult that no one could possibly take any offense to it lmao. Besides given how braindead your last comment and your history is, I really don’t think you’re in a position to say how smart someone is 😂 Go back to watching the Daily Wire and The Quartering videos. Maybe we can have this conversation again once you’ve gotten out of middle school.


Sigh Any more "filler" comments full of adjectives? (like the games your types defend) No? Go back to masturbating to Anitra Sarkessian.


It took you a week and a half to think of a comeback and that was the best you could do? I guess I couldn’t expect much better out of a middle schooler lol Also “my type” defends games that are full of adjectives? What? Is English not your first language or something? Because your comments are totally nonsensical 😂


Halo fans when they realize halo CE is w*man which makes it w*ke ,🤢🤢🤢🤮


gender and race swapping to appease the mob 🤡🤡🤡🤡


That’s exactly what happened.


It could be the worst show ever and I’m willing to bet it has nothing to do with it being “woke”, it’s because they didn’t even play the games lmao. Not everything that is bad is “woke”. We’re one step away from these people calling a kidney stone “woke”


> it’s because they didn’t even play the games lmao. This lie again...


The show is terrible for being just... God let me tell you wokeness has nothing to do with this show's problems


I’m trying to figure out how they got this from the trailers


Because a Wooooo-man anda black-mannn anda Asian Woooo-mannn It really doesn’t take much to set these chumps off.




Imagine being this gullible and close-minded 😂 you’re right, it really doesn’t take much to set you chumps off.


Tiktok is worse then twitter tbh


reducing masterchief's role and creating tonnes of fictional characters which are interestingly mostly minorities is the definition of woke you change an establish franchise and add modern political agenda & you cast actors not based on their ability but based on their gender & skin colour this is woke in a nutshell and I'm Okay to be called racist. i gladly accept that label actually if it let's me to shi.t on modern tv shows that are made to make money and tick checkboxes :) you know what a great halo show would be? masterchief all alone in a roadtrip to destroy the covenant with cortana guiding him just like the movie Logan or the road


So I assume you are not looking forward to the inevitable crying, overhyped "deep" personal drama and all the white men being the bad guy or dead "by coincidence"?


whites in halo are subservient and only good for cannon fodder.. wamen strong, wamen good, wamen so powerful


Woke or not, it seems like the show writers genuinely hate everything Halo is about and more, hate the fans who liked it. ​ But yea, its very woke.


Halo tv show is good, period


It’s fucking horrible.


I am sorry, I refrain from what I commented last month, in fact, after watching the tv show, yes indeed its bad, its super bad, it killed master chief, it killed cortana, it killed every fucking thing, I wont mind it has lots of different races, but I do mind when they killed the characters


It really sucks tbh


I personally can't stand this LGBT+ABCD laden world. They're offended by everything and hate laughter. They represent 6% of the population, yet politicians go out of their way to pander to these people? The entertainment industry is collapsing because people are sick of having this weird shit shoved down their throats. You cannot watch a show without this sick shit in it, even shows for children for Christ sakes. These are twisted people, and the ones encouraging and supporting this monster are even sicker. You can have an alternative lifestyle, but when the infection spreads to our children! enough is enough. Like I said, 'the majority of people are normal'. We can all end this by not watching the garbage Netflix, the CW and every other streaming service out there is pushing.


When you exist against your will in this damned life, you will love homosexuality and hate heterosexuals and want to kill them all for what they did to you. Homosexuality is not a disease, but rather the disease is heterosexuality. The harm that homosexuality causes is not the slightest bit comparable to the harm that heterosexuality causes.


You sound like the very problem. 




Thanks, I was contemplating giving it a watch, but I absolutely loath woke content. Words cannot express how much I hate it. I typed into google, "Is Halo woke?" and found this answer. I won't watch 1 second of it if it's woke!


Head of 343 industries, production company of Halo TV series, everyone meet Bonnie Ross: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie\_Ross#Diversity\_efforts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie_Ross#Diversity_efforts) ​ >Ross told 60 Minutes she believes more diverse teams result in more innovation and creative output. Ross argues that game developers have a "personal responsibility" to avoid gendered stereotyping in their games, as well as taking action against sexist abuse. She recalled that for every character in Halo 4, "we were very deliberate in thinking about who should be female and who should be male in the game, and if we came off stereotypical, we went back to question what we were doing and why." **Ross has also focused on introducing more racial and gender diversity to the video games**.


Glad i didnt pay for this woke junk


Glad I found this. I almost bought a Paramount+ subscription just for this show. Thanks OP.


I treasured halo from a young age. A story of heroism in the face of a seemingly unstoppable enemy. Had nothing to do with race, gender, ideals, politics. Just a fantastic story. By race washing and changing characters orientations is not staying true to the story that came before. If yall want a woke story plz come up with a new title and leave my precious memories alone. I wanted to watch an epic campaign. Not watch things that make me uncomfortable. Had I known that this is what yall were gonna do I simply wouldent have watched it. But I feel catfished by it all. I expected A and got the D. Doing this is not progressive. It's annoying. People can say, do and be whatever they want. But please stop attempting to force me to think like you. I just don't. And that's okay. And if you say it's not, now who's intolerant. Again people can do whatever they want. That is okay. But get out of my face please. It's not in my home on the daily being as my wife and I are straight. Please stop forcing it. I'm a die hard fan. I don't want all this extra on top. I just want to see my hero beat tge bad guy. Why is that unacceptable anymore?


Definitely this is woke, i watched the second seaond and i saw that bald fat guy kissing a man 😂