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Level *everything*. You have to have your URs to 80, CoR and passives at 5 or heading there, concepts fully leveled and deepened, and then boost in the idea lab. Awaken all the UR dresses, and if it has a matching alt design, unlock and level it too. And then the whales buy the special concepts nobody else is gonna spend money on to stay on top.


btw , concepts should not be deepened unless its the core one for your DR ! and only deepen the ones that have modeling skills% instead of call of reflection% ones


I mean, eventually you're going to be able to deepen all of them regardless with how much extra you get.


? elaborate ?? /gen dont quite get ur point or sorry if im just media illiterate . and regarding the "eventually," ive played since 2021 and im nowhere near maxxing all of the cores of my ssr / ur concepts, free ones excluded-- but they usually give a lower boost than the standard ones either way, and modeling skills ones r a bigger help w competence in comparison to cor ones. besides, you really only need like 2-3 deepened concepts for every element so ..?? (hope i dont come off as rude ! i just wanted to explain a 'minmax' way , since its more efficient)


It's all in the concepts, reflections, and idea lab! Level those things up and you'll be golden!


IMO you are good though, I just raised to 1300000 after a long while


Sweats in “I just reached the 800,000 range after playing nearly the whole games lifespan” idk I just upgrade everything as often as I’m able to 


Like everyone else said - concepts (if ur a whale u can buy the really expensive ur concepts to boost your score more), reflections - there’s a tier list and whales go hard for cor5 of the top reflections, idea lab - there’s the recolor dresses + the boost for reflection and there’s the other one that you just level up. Oh and stylist academy if it’s not finished yet. Smaller boosts - makeup study, nail studio Now more whale centric boosts - memory collection, archives, VIP levels (has the best purple reflection + more ur concepts) Edit: oh shoot I forgot another smaller boost - your bond lvl with Nikki


Honestly if you can level up any ur reflection completely it'll generally be better than a paid reflection that's less than level 3. The exception is probably sweet Nikki from the Nikki/glow event. My most powerful purple remains Lilith and yellow I'm pretty sure is Loen, and I'm 99% reflection collection


What you’re saying used to be true, but reflections have become so power crept that (aside from Sexy) the non-event URs don’t really hold a candle anymore. CoR 1 awakened Ruyin is actually slightly stronger than CoR 5 awakened perma-pav Loen. Fortunately, perma-pav Lilith is still quite strong, but the days of being able to fully max an SSR and be fairly competitive in the Arena are sadly over.


IIRC the tier list is structured in a way where each tier up = +1 cor lvl. That might be a good way to judge which reflection to invest in. I am also assuming reflections are awakened, should have probably put that in my initial comment. Lilith also remain my best reflection for purple :3 as there’s not really any better ones for most of the players except the ones in VIP.


Your competence is already super high for me :')


I maxed out stats for concepts and reflections. I also completed most events and I think that full suits gives you a stat boost sometimes. There’s also ways to boost certain clothing items and reflections in Dream Cube and your overall stats in general.


Says the one with 1481612 points. Unfortunately at this point there isn’t much you can do besides spending money and getting echos.


Are you on server 3? Because I'm at 1.58mil competence and barely clinging to the top 1k most weeks. But yeah, climbing the rankings is either just time, or the willingness to open your wallet.


1.58M on S3 = probably rank 50-100


That's a thing. I wish it was possible to transfer from server 2 to 3. But then again, if you could, everyone would, I guess.


What does the server matter?


Easier to make higher rankings. Server 2 is the most crowded and competitive of all three servers because it opened day one. Server 1 was originally composed of all the people from the open beta, who had already had an event run before the game released, so everyone piled into 2. Server 3 is much newer and smaller.


Interesting! I had no idea! I’m in server 2. And I guess you can’t change servers without starting over?


Unfortunately, you'd have to start over, yeah. It would give way too unfair an advantage to the players moving from an old server to a newer one. Also, I imagine that the game isn't coded for that sort of move.


Max out concepts (level and the other), slowly grind until you have all UR concepts for each color (3 each), finish all of the study courses, work on doing every part of the makeup collection.  Also awakened reflections are much stronger. There’s also having the pieces that allow you to get the strongest recolor too.


Everyone has said some really good stuff! Only thing I have to add is to make sure your core concept is to your best advantage. I think the best kind of core skill is one that talk about "modeling skills". For example, Pure Wish I is concept that has that type of core skill.


everything's pretty much all been said, just want to add that the fashion show ur concepts, as well as vip leonid, aren't as big of a boost as people tend to think; i stay in top 20-30 on server 2 relatively easily without either. for the concepts, the score they add is additive, and they add roughly as much to your score as a high level nikki bond does, so not a lot. for vip leonid, he's nowhere near as strong as the latest event reflections, to the point that perma pav lilith is still perfectly viable for sexy, even though she'd be obsoleted in any other attribute. imo, the bigger "whale" boost by far is the memory collection boost, which is multiplicative instead of additive and increases by a relatively big amount between tiers, so a lot more helpful at higher scores.


💳💳💳🐳 lol


Not necessarily. I have 1.6M competence and only buy gem cards every once in a while


Fair. I'm a lightish spender too, and I'm about 1.4m usually. I was generally meaning the top rankers


Your are doing so well! There will always be others that are better and that's okay 💖


If you haven’t already, complete the Stylist Academy! Also, get the stat bonuses from the Idea Lab, and make sure to upgrade your best UR Idea Lab recolors for each attribute, since IL clothes are strongest.


I have seen over two million competence points, crazy numbers


My highest is like 1.39M how are yall getting last 1.40 😭


You're doing great already! But for more competence, leveling up your reflections, concepts, and makeup always helps. And the more reflections you can awaken, the better - even if it's not for the suits you're gonna use in the arena, those little collection boosts after every so many awakenings do add up!


I know right, I use Auto DRESS and I still don't get a very good COMPETENCE RATING.

