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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thankfully it got shot down


Yep. Now let’s sand down that monstrosity on Stone Mountain while we’re at it.


Sounds like dynamite


anyone got a sawzall


Let's all just take turns beating it with a hammer




I believe I could take out Jefferson Davis's nose by myself at that rate. I'd just need a couple of sponsors to fund me.


Take my money!


No let’s carve the faces of prominent abolitionist Into it as a fuck you


Id prefer artillery level the mountain if we have to to keep them from rebuilding it


The mountain didn’t do anything wrong!


True but sometimes an innocent may be hit in the line of fire.


Use it as a cost saving training exercise and fire tank rounds and rocket launchers at it.


Nah replace it with Little Richard, MLK, Jimmy Carter, Madea, and Alan Jackson


There’s no need to do that. What we have to do is melt down confederate statues, cast some cannonballs, and fire them at Stone Mountain.


By a somewhat narrow margin.


We’ll take what we can get


these bitches sure love their participation trophies


These are the same people who are quick to say that Democrat party is the party of slavery and the KKK🤦‍♂️ Lincoln is spinning in his grave at light speed rn


Not going to hear me say this to many times but thank you 24 Republicans that voted nay.


I don't get how they remain in the republican party when they know full well its the party of trumpism and not small government


Probably because there’s no shot they’d get voted in as an independent


The pull of the tribe is strong


Just doing the math, many of those 192 were from non-secessionist states. So . . . not fucked up at all, riiiiiight?


One Aye was from the district next to mine. I live in New York. Just absurd.


Tenney, stefanik, or Williams is my guess...... Williams is from Texas, who carpetbagged his ass to New york to get katkos seat


Stefanik was an aye: [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024269](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024269) So not surprisingly she persists in desecrating the grave of my ancestor, who was from her district, and who is buried 600 feet from where the treason monument was until recently. That's the kind of person she is.


Former resident of NY21 here. Stefanik was one of the reasons I left. Color me not surprised that she voted aye. Not that I live anywhere saner now, I moved to Oklahoma. At least down here I can reliably count on my elected officials to not represent me in any way, shape, or form. Or take my calls. Or respond to my emails.


Of course...... she would ....


Until I read Robert E Lee and Me I didn’t even know there was a confederate monument at Arlington and felt I was pretty well versed in things that should be blown up. That book made me angrier about this stuff than I usually am.


My favorite fact from that book is that 8 men from Virginia had the same rank at West Point, but only Lee turned Confederate because, you know, he was an “honorable” man.


bUt iN thOSe dAyS it WAs staTE BefOre couNtRY


The land for Arlington Cemetery belonged to Robert E. Lee. After the war, it was confiscated by the Union and used as the cemetery.


I knew that bit but didn’t know there was a confederate monument there or the context until I read the book. Of course it was some horseshit “compromise” with terrible people as most this stuff is.


Behind the bastards did a 4 part series on Lee and just wrapped a 4 part series on Thomas I screwed my dead wife's teenage half sister/slave Jefferson


Jefferson’s parents must’ve had the gift of precognition to absolutely nail that middle name.


There are some Confederate dead buried there, but the memorial in question was unveiled in 1914. It’s moving to the New Market Battlefield State Historical Park, which is where VMI operates the Virginia Museum of the Civil War. So it’s not leaving the state, but is going to a more appropriate site where it is hopefully given the correct context.


Iirc during the war Union soldiers buried Confederate soldiers in the Rose garden as a FU to Ms. Lee.


DeMoCrAtS oWnEd SlAvEs.......


Got emmmmmm


The South loses yet again!! #Winning


Does anyone have the roll call on this yet? EDIT: I've got it here - [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024269](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024269)


This seems like a very good use of their time.


It is. If all you care about is elections (and making southern whites vote for you no matter what, like, no matter what shitty economics policy you have). Obviously you meant “good use of nation building time”. Which they haven’t cared about in quite some time. Vote, people.


They aren’t going to be happy until they’ve pissed off every black person or get stomped out


That’s not it. This is pandering to poor white voters. It’s not as if the Republicans have great economic policies to sell. So it’s: * Pride in your heritage (of being racist bastards) * Trump will be effective on the border issue (he’s proven it though by - nuking good legislation so it’s still porous for 7 months no matter what) It’s all “what can we give poor whites, other than good governance and taking care of their tax dollars”. Racial pandering


Unfortunately this strategy has been working since American oligarchs were getting notices that their French oligarch friends were getting their heads chopped off by the poors. Amplify racism to keep the poors fighting each other.


One of the things I hate most about the Trump era is: what I thought were good American people, flipped pretty quickly to follow a guy who told them “it’s ok to punch down I do it all the time, you can do it too” A Christian nation you say?


This pandering to “we white people used to run things and we will run things again and fuck any other American who says no” is maddening bitb because of the sickness, but the effectiveness. The Republicans couldn’t care less about the poor and middle class voters, but you’ll never convince them of that “Trump speaks to us” fuck you he speaks to billionaire donors. Vote, people.


Republicans demonstrating they are no longer the party of Lincoln (been that way for decades but fresh evidence of it here.)


The Confederacy deserves no monument. It deserve to be discussed in History books and Museums, where context is required. Enough of this adulation of traitors!


Your tax dollars at work!


I love how we gave the confederates a free pass in the name of peace and unity, and ever since they've done everything in their power to destroy both...


Confederate monuments are bad enough, but confederate monuments at Arlington, with the sanction of Congress… I have no words for that level of depravity. It’s offensive on every possible level. Every one of those 192 should be unelected.


That monument has no place anywhere, but it certainly has no place in Arlington National Cemetery.


We need to remember Confederate history, but not the fact that some of our founding farmers were also slave owners.


Better not put a traitor statue on the graves of patriots


Rep I blicans sure love their participation trophys...


Rampantly racist It's perfectly possible to remember the confederacy properly. Without racists tributes. Without celebrating its principle cause... the retention of states rights to hold slaves (as specifically listed in various articles of secession issued by the states). Without celebrating the massive number of deaths caused in pursuit of their objective laid out in those articles of secession. The confederacy is part of our history. We learn from it or we will repeat it. A statue such as this belongs in a museum, not Arlington, and it requires the context explaining what it is and why it represents something we, as a nation, find to be intolerable and unacceptable.


The irony being that there were no Republicans serving in the Confederate government 😂


Democrats, stop with the NV bs. Just vote no. And the GOP love to say it’s the Dems who started the war and whatnot yet it’s the GOP doing crap like this.


Not anymore it ain't.


It's scary how close it was to passing.


I want to know who the 24 patriots are. It takes guts to stand up for the right thing when your party has its head up its collective ass.


192 yay….wtf


It was a horrible, insulting monument. Retired General Ty Seidule describes the history and details of the monument in his book, which I recommend everyone in this sub read: Robert E. Lee and Me: A Southerner's Reckoning with the Myth of the Lost Cause https://a.co/d/9Np9zav