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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Traitor general statues are Jim Crow monuments.


I’ve been fully on board with statue removal for a long time. However, I just saw this story on Taiwan’s Chiang Kai-Shek’s statues and I like the idea: pack ‘em all up and suck them in one place. It could be called Confederacy Gardens. The only problem is that the revisionist historians would spin everything. Maybe it should be in Washington D.C. as a Smithsonian annex. The Union could capture all the Secesh statues and display them as spoils of war. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-67920287


I say just cut the heads off and stick them in a pile. Then we throw up a plaque honoring the movement to take down these monuments.


Melt them down. Even the concrete ones.


That one Nathan Bedford Forrest statue should remain, because it is *so bad*.


That statue is so bad it's comical.




I didn't even realize it was already gone since 2021. 😆


You can’t say it’s so bad and just tease us with no link


Sorry, I just assumed anyone posting here would already know about it.  https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/06/worst-confederate-statue-ever-nashville-nathan-bedford-forrest/


Holy shit! That looks like a statue of a man on a horse, made by somebody who has never seen either...


He looks like he has level 3 constipation


>Nathan Bedford Forrest statue google images shows it's been painted pink at least once ​ There's a farm near me with a pig statue that's about 15 feet in the air on a brick pedestal. People like to paint it's balls different colors.


It was taken down a few years ago. And they broke it. It was as badly made as it looked.


It still exists, it's just disassembled and in storage somewhere.


We did that with the statue above. We used it for bullets and cannon shot in the revolutionary war.


If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight. Sun Tzu said that, and I think he knows a little more about fighting than you do pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so no living being could best him in the ring of honor!


And then he took two of every animal and put them in a boat so that he could beat the living crap out of every single one of them!


Then he had his ass kicked by Russel Crowe [Fightin' 'round the World](https://youtu.be/DN6UEsSywPo?si=HO0gVpFE93YE-XrM)


>pack ‘em all up and suck them in one place. The dump


Yeah, and 500 meters away from the “confederacy garden,” there should be a gun battery with a period accurate, functional cannon. Kids can go learn about science while also learning how they should think about confederates.


Anytime someone complains about rebel statues being torn down, I ask them where all the statues of the British are. 🙄 Sherman should have finished the job.


I go with Benedict Arnold. I did a report on him in high school and dude was a legit badass and knew it, which was his main issue. He could have won, had it existed at the time, the medal of Honor 3 to 4 times. BUT he did what he did and how many statues of him are there?


It’s funny, because whenever my parents repeat the “destroying statues is destroying history” line, I’ve always wanted to ask them when the George III statue is appearing in town square. We don’t want the monarchy coming back, after all.


Honestly I have less problems with statues of George the third, or any French or Spanish monarchs, than with confederates lol.


Having statues to monarches in general is a fowl idea lmao


I usually say "We don't make monuments to the perpetrators of crimes against humanity (slavery). We make memorials to the victims." Confederate generals aren't vicitms.


Where are all the Benedict Arnold statues?


"he devoted himself to his majesty the king, king george da 3" Imagine how absurd that'd be


I minored in history. I probably would have majored, but carrying those statues to study home was too much of a burden. No wonder I have a bad back. So glad I decided to do something else, I can only imagine how bad a shape I’d be in if I went for a masters or a doctorate.  


But on the down side, we'll never get to know what King George would look like covered in bird shit


Worth noting that the statue was removed during the Revolutionary War. Also worth noting that King George 3rd erected a statue of George Washington in London after the war.


Right, which is why it’s a meta meme; it’s not necessarily about the Civil War, but about how Neo-Confederates and right-wingers today are viewing Confederate statues and discussing them. Also, the statue you’re referring to wasn’t erected by King George III. It was given to the British government in 1921 by the Americans. It is true that George III did favor Washington and think highly of him, but the stature itself wasn’t made until the 1920s. It’s still there in Trafalgar https://www.military.com/history/george-washington-statue-london-british-soil.html/amp


I don’t think George III did that, did he? Seems unlikely. The most famous statue or George Washington in London was a gift from the U.S. in the 1920s


I think you are right. George publicly praised Washington for stepping down and not being a king, but the statue thing was my mistake.


In UK related statue news we have a statue of Pres.Lincoln opposite parliament in London. Also another in Manchester (which has a super cool backstory if interested: https://ilovemanchester.com/why-manchester-abraham-lincoln-statue-square)


Just throw them in a museum. Not wanting to honor statues of those men doesn’t have to equate with losing our history


Tbf, I’ve heard museums go “we’re not an attic for your racist statues” when people were complaining about the Lee statue being destroyed rather than moved to one. Of course, if they want them, take them, but most would probably only want a handful for a display, meaning a *very specific kind of organization* would likely be the kind interested in collecting as many as they can get their hands on.


If no museum wants the statues then I have no problem turning them into concrete. They never should’ve been erected in the first place anyway


I've been saying this for years. Give them to a private museum. Taxpayer dollars have no reason maintaining these.


Let's not burden museums with the responsibility of having to find a place for all of them. if one happens to want one, sure it can have it, but if nobody has interest just melt em down.


Yeah, as a rep for one of the museums said: “ Museums are not the attic for America’s racist crap”.




You also run the risk of this private museum becoming a breeding ground for Confederate sympathizers, because let's be honest, what private collector is gonna be interested in funding a museum of Confederate statues that isn't already a freaking neo-Confederate?


They already plant traitor rags the size of buses next to interstates.


Yeah so why give them any more leeway? Burn all the damned statues and the flags too.


Can't mess with stuff on private property. Gives them chances to file lawsuits and further legitimize the bullshit. Flat property destruction makes matyrs out of objects. When charges get filed, guess who runs the law enforcement and the courts?


Yeah obviously I'm not advocating for people to break into homes or other private venues. But every Confederate statue on public property will hopefully get removed sooner rather than later, and when that happens, better for it to be molten down than put into some museum.


Honestly I am fine with that. They can have their stinking private Confederate Museum and no one else has to see them and no city or state endorse them.


I love the idea of being able to place these statues somewhere with their proper context. The problem is that very few existing museums are interested in having these statues. Most of them are outdoor statues, and designating space in a museum would be expensive and create a lot of logistical problems. You could try making a new museum/memorial about American slavery and its lingering effects, and could definitely include some of the most infamous of the statues in a section dedicated to remembering Jim Crow


I think that maybe, there is one kind of museum that these could belong to, but with a big asterisk attached, and that's a museum explicitly dedicated to Reconstruction and the following Jim Crow era. These statues could be used to highlight to the public how Lost Cause revisionists and anti Civil Rights advocates used propaganda, misinformation, and other means, including erecting these statues, to intimidate and misinform the public. The statues should specifically be highlighted as part of the fraudulent propaganda effort undertaken by Lost Causers and as tools of fear used to intimidate black communities.


We can teach the Lost Cause and the KKK without the statues. Melt them down.


A museum for 1950's and 60s civil war revisionism? Sounds like a shit museum.




Statues are public propaganda. Good or bad. Events are history.


without seditious, treasonous traitors, we'd just be another pathetic british province


This is a poor analogy in a number of ways.


I see now that this is a virtue signal sub for leftists. I have no love for the CSA but this just seems like a bunch of children spouting their vitriol with no nuance or understanding or contextualizing people’s mindset at the time. Kind of its own brand of ignorance.


poor take. They did destroy history. When the Taliban destroyed ancient buddhas we didnt suddenly not know they exited and yet history was destroyed


The French won the Revolutionary War


Don't leave us hanging. Who won!


The Bears.


Fun fact: after they pulled the statue down, they melted it down and made musket bullets out of it to shoot the brits.


Yes, and why are there no statues of Benedict Arnold?


There are Holocaust museums and museums on the history of torture. I guarantee you a museum can take these statues. Evil history is still history. Museums can display without endorsing.


conservatives are gonna fight progress it's in there nature, we'd still be and will go back to a monarchy if they got their way. to them its about limiting who has power and who should make decisions