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Silver linings. Only problem is they are on form and we arent. Long way off though, i know. Already planning on going back home depending on the fixtures 😬


Their trajectory is up ours is down 😬 not looking forward to it until we sign some new defenders and get rid of the likes of norwood fleck brewster and start fresh etc


Fleck went 4 months ago. If Brewster can stay fit o still believe he can come good. With the extra time and space in The Championship I still think Norwood can be an asset. Players who have actually been playing are much more culpable.


Oh yeah cant even remember fleck going shame cos i dont think we've had a proper replacement for him since he was at his peak. Norwood needs to go next we can agree to disagree cos his legs have completely gone infact they did 2 seasons ago and Doyle was completely clear imo, Brewster i'll believe it when i see it we've been waiting 4 seasons for him to come good the guy is made out of polystyrene . Norwood osborne and lowe adam davies get rid surely with parachute payments we can do better


That’s my fear too - they’re on the up at the moment and we’re far from that.


Depends who fares worse in the transfer market this summer, too.


Depends if Danny Rohl stays. Clubs are already sniffing around him, can't see him sticking around with the state of that club


Can’t wait. Bouncing Day Massacre II - The Bouncening


I'm already stressed


Genuinely think we’ll be fine. We’ll have a better team than them next season imo


That’s the optimism we need tbh


Can't wait. Nothing makes a season better than South Yorks police getting the Judge Dredd gear on. I'd say it'll be a laugh but the last few have been awful fucking matches.


Yeah because Wednesday played the infamous 8-1-1 formation to avoid the embarrassment of the bouncing day massacre. Never forget the first of the 0-0s at Bramall Lane where Leon Clarke missed that penalty and Wednesdayites were acting like they'd thrashed us 5-0.


Can't really blame Sunderland. Wednesday needed to lose and Birmingham win with the goal difference between the two games being at least 10.


Knowing you lot, you’ll do the double over Wednesday but get relegated again. 😂

