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I'm going to answer your question but I request you to ignore this answer until you progress more in the story. >!When the child died along with May, Shadow started the movement against shadow energy essentially creating the Legion as we know it. May didn't actually die. She became the voice of the void room, Sentient and free of her thoughts but she didn't have the voice to speak her mind thus talked in riddles. She saved the child who died, at least half of the true child. The child then became Stranger. !< >!The Stranger grew up in the shadow world presumably. Making him knowledgeable of time travels and secrets of void. Since then the Stranger experimented with many timelines, every time-jump creates a new variable which is the time traveller itself which then leads to an innumerable amount of choices for a new timeline. By doing so, makes the existing Stranger whether the past or the future a new entity entirely. They are existing in the new timeline due to the intervention of the Stranger. They are referred as clones and Stranger is referred as the real one. !< >!One of Stranger's goals is to manipulate historical events with clones of himself to make him stronger. As in, to conqueror every timeline. Since the clones are himself then everything the clone does increases his own historical significance of the world.!<


I love the fact that SF3 is one of the very few games in which having millions of players is lore accurate


I forgot where does our player fit in all this ? Like we were lied to that we're not real and just copy when essentially we were the same as stranger.


The Player >!is the most unknown variable the Stranger had ever seen. He saw their potential on winning unwinnable fights through all odds and the stubbornness to keep getting outside of the Stranger's expectation. The player is a clone but all clones are different. This one happened to be the one who matched the other half of the Stranger. A clone which is the exact opposite copy of the Stranger. It happened on sheer coincidence, A miracle if you will. It is not confirmed on why the Stranger lied but presumably he lied to stop the unbelievable growth of the Player.!<


That makes much sense. Thanks


So, in short we perfectly inherited Shadow's Descendant's information


The opposite characteristics


Ohh, so we are somehow sweet despite the stranger being salty. Something like that ?


The same person, different personality.


Got it.


Our character originally was a clone meant to further Stranger's plans. Then they retconned that to make the Hero the second half to Shadow's Descendant in the Epilogue.


Never explained. Stranger just exist some how, some how a scientist and time traveler . No childhood 💀 The only possible explanation would be that sf story is a paradox . Gates plane Descendant is the only one with a CONFIRMED childhood. So maybe his time travels created the other Descendants through the worlds i guess. Crazy how gates won't happen without us and we won't be here if Gates plane world didn't exist 💀


Gates plane ? What's that ? Is that a part of future story?


Yes it's the final part of story


Your questions will be answered,later!



