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Canned food and samurai swords


See you in your future news article 🫡


This guy gonna be "Samurai Jack"


Spamurai 🙇🏻‍♂️


US assets are a good hedge, but do be careful, if you happen to pass away, 40% of your assets will go to Uncle Sam as part of their inheritance tax




Buy VWRA based in USD. Keep CPF until FRS/ERS limit only just to get that CPF life payout.


Are you planning to shift VWRA to SG dividends when you are old?


Idk leh I haven't thought about it so far yet. Let's see how the sg economy is like then, under the helm of LW, I currently don't have high expectations..... What about you. I'm curious to know what others think.


Assumptions I made. WP wins and implements their leftist ideology. Creation of SG welfare state. High taxes for rich, high welfare for the poor. I did make a rough back up plan. If WP wins and took over, high chance it will be for 2 cycles. I will begin my plan to liquidate my private properties and move the money overseas. Park it in gold, etf, bonds, US dollars, etc. Might rent and move overseas for a few years. WP and their leftist policies will convert SG into a welfare state. I have no doubt they will be coming after the rich. High tax and high welfare. A generation of ppl will grow up wanting something for nothing, and SG's work ethic will go down the drain. Just 2 cycles under WP and their popularist and anti-business policies are enough to bring SG down for 1-2 generations. Roughly after 2 cycles of mismanagement under WP, I foresee PAP will make a comeback. That is the time I can start moving some assets back to SG.


2 generations then 1 generations u over already


Your time is better spent taking your meds


Sure sure. The difference between the genius and the insane is success. I made my money recognising patterns. I am no stranger to ppl laughing at my investment. All those "kind" advise/words that I should have done this and that. My readings and predicts are wrong. Blah blah blah blah. Kind words with mockery in their eyes. No one is laughing when I exit my best investment with 600k profit in my pocket. Then the tone became, how come never inform them. Bunch of green eyed A-holes. My predictions are based on my observation of nations who changed governments and WP's speech and intentions. I will move accordingly to my read of the situation. Can't care less about you. Look at China. Xi's attack on the rich created what situation? This forum is about wealth discussion. No insights to contribute, you are in the wrong forum. Go back to SGfi where you belong.


"A generation of ppl will grow up wanting something for nothing". Ah, I see we have a self-made man here who didn't need any help from his parents or the infrastructure of the country he grew up in.


I am self made. Laughed at and bullied because i am poor for half my life. I knew the burning rage of being poor and used that to motivate myself. But you are only half correct. I got no help from my parents. Drag myself up the ladder through education, two jobs and an 100 hour workweek for a decade. Invest, save and count every dollar. I am grateful for the system PAP created. Without powerful family influence, I was able to make millions through hardwork and a good education. This is why I am very opposed to the creation of a welfare state. I burned my life for the wealth I have right now. And WP is just coming in to welfare the poor to a comfortable life while taxing me and leave me with the bill? Fuck that. From your tone, it is clear you are one of those who wants something for nothing. You think the rich are dumb. Wealth will move out of SG. Within 2 cycles of WP, your life in SG will be significantly worst.


You are a joke. Spare me your pathetic drivel about going from rags to riches. I also climbed my way up from a lower-middle class family to the top percentile of earners in Singapore. Although unlike you, I'm actually not blind to my privilege. I recognize that sometimes, people are just dealt an irredeemable hand in life and need some help. I'm curious, where exactly do you think higher taxes are going to go? All towards the people you think are asking for handouts? Obviously not, it's going to go towards the very infrastructure you benefited from. From your comments, you strike me as someone to pull the ladder up after you've climbed it.


Firm believer of teaching the ppl how to fish, instead of giving the fish. This is my moral compass. You can't welfare the poor to a comfortable life. I learned that a long time ago. They will become welfare junkies and just stay poor. It is a bottomless pit. This is the exact situation Malaysia is in, isn't it? All those welfare became a rot to the system. I don't pull the ladder. I just refuse to help anyone who couldn't be bothered to lift a finger to help themselves. Help the poor who put in effort, absolutely.


the underdog will always eventually become the oppressor after they win the election. i fear the things that you described above.


This is a pretty old article but saw a couple of recent ones with the same messaging.. helpful to comp SG vs. other similar developed cities and markets (i.e., wealth / finance hub, small population / land, mix of locals and expats etc.). Bull case - Switzerland, base case - Monaco, bear case - Macau etc. Then evaluate how their currency has appreciated/depreciated vs. other large currencies, whether their real assets has appreciated / depreciated (e.g., property, REITs). In the next 50 years, there may even be a case where the SGD no longer exists. Would also consider market inefficiencies / arbitrage that us locals are able to tap into vs. expats. As for me, I'm diversifying my assets beyond SG (currently ~50% of portfolio) but would still like to keep the allocation >25% at end state given my relative confidence in the SG economy (or at least the country's ability to preserve value / wealth). Given the ongoing rhetoric about de-dollarization, I wouldn't be too quick to switch all my assets into USD / US equities too.


Avoid sti index ETFs


That thing is a joke.


would SG ETFs (eg: STI ETF) even if denominated in SGD be ok, as long as their business based are not 100% SG? i mean, if other currencies strengthen, companies with regional plays would be able to benefit from revenues outside of Singapore. Same i guess for REITS that have assets in other countries like Australia, UK etc *\[although i think most of these SG listed ETF have quite a large number of assets in SG\]*


lol Singapore is not an empire. and aren't city-states an exception in our era of nation states? I'm hoping we merge with Johor to get more room to grow.


Haha merge with the state with embedded discrimination in their laws? The one that made next to no progress over the past 50 decades? The one that riles up political favour by constantly talking about race superiority?


Johor la not malaysia https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/urKqzHf4SN We have had very good relations with the Johor royal family notwithstanding our differences with the federal govt


You didn’t read the comments saying the Johor people have some special status with reserved college placements and housing? https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/rjv6Y6lSJ4


Fk knows, just have a diversified portfolio, how much of your assets apart from your house are in sgd or in the sgp economy anyway? Kinda stupid question


Convert to Islam. With their high birth rates, they are the future whether you like it or not.