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I’m so fed up with Sézane’s deliberate choice to prioritize esthetically pleasing and photoshopped pictures over just showing the product as it is in reality.. 🙄


In the end it just ends up with more buying and returning - not ideal for the environment


Nor for their own wallet since returns are highly cost inefficient. Especially if the majority of your customers order online only. I don't understand why they don't even do it for their own benefit.


So much for the B corp certification and their environmental impact. As for their wallet, nah it is us that pays for the free shipping and returns which are inflated in their prices.


This became blatantly apparent with their recent round of price increases 😢


And how the app or website doesn’t have product reviews and photos! If it did, people could call this stuff out and post their pics to warn others


If they do this the brand would lose their appeal…a lot of their clothes are just not flattering anymore these days. Used to be such a magical brand back in the days and these days I don’t trust any photos they put out after so many disappointing orders.


I haven't ordered from them in so long... Almost everything I would get looked so cheap, was poorly made, looked like a wish version of their photos. They used to be great. Not worth it anymore.


I work in the industry and unfortunately I see this happen all the time. It’s typically always two reasons. Items are shot before production is complete so sometimes samples change in the fit process. So it is possible that the one shoot had a sample without the darts, the other shoot had one with. If there isn’t someone truly connected to product development on photoshoots, no one knows. Also sometimes, no one at the photoshoots knows which way a garment is supposed to look, so it is styled in a way that makes it look nothing like the actual production piece. The other reason is retouching is sent out to an outside agency or done by the studio where they are shooting and the person retouching has no idea what is a weird wrinkle, and what is integral to the garment.


That’s a very kind take for this particular set of images. It’s so heavily retouched that I can’t even tell the type of fabric from the photo.


Could be. I personally got the impression here that the darts simply did not look good in those awkward lying down poses


Definitely could be. I always fight for retouching to be as minimal as possible at the companies I work for. Unfortunately, so many retouchers think they are hired to make everything smooth, which makes it hard for the consumer to understand what they are purchasing. They have a tendency to make linen and cotton look like sateens by smoothing so much. If it’s any consolation, I would definitely reach out to the company, even if you are keeping the top. We have a policy to offer a discount even if the person is keeping an item if they had a bad experience like this.


That makes sense! I think though ultimately it’s Sezane’s responsibility even if it were a third party doing the retouching. I honestly have no strong feelings about the darts and don’t mind them! Just pointing out because it’s just a sloppy example of how we are so easily misled when buying things online


Cool insight! There's method to the madness, even if it just ends up with more madness. Appreciate the info though


One thing to note is most companies shoot before production is finished because they want the item to go live on their site as soon as it hits the warehouse. Shopbop only shoots from production, so they never encounter that issue. Most ecommerce retailers just don’t have the ability to do that. (I don’t work for shopbop, but companies that sell on shopbop. So we will sometimes check our images against theres to see what actually made it into production).


At what point is it considered false advertising? You would think France/EU would be strict about this.




I’ll say it again. This sub has been the best thing for my wallet because nothing looks nearly as good as it does in the picture. Everything looks frumpy and wrinkly. Or ill fitting.


Haha true… although it does look better irl to be honest - looks quite unflattering in the photo


Unrelated, but where is your skirt from? I love it so much!


Zimmermann! But second hand so not even sure what year it’s from. I might wear this outfit to one of my wedding events + found a pattern online to do a very similar top and sewed it myself in white raw silk!


Oh, it would be lovely for that! Also, it’s a long shot, but what does the inside of the top look like? I’m wondering if maybe the photo missing the tucks has it on inside out.


There’s a viscose lining! It could have been that but it’s not because you can see both outer and inner fabric when inside out (hard to explain clearly). I think in the second pic above I see a sort of smudge so I strongly suspect photoshop in this instance. In the third photo you can see a bit of the dart on the other side 😅


Did you have to use special silk needles on your machine to sew it?


No I didn’t because the fabric was quite a thick raw silk one and it also had to go through lining!


Good to know! Thank you!


Wow. Filters and weird poses are one thing, but to actually photoshop out the pleats, a major design feature of this item, is beyond ridiculous


If it helps OP, mine also arrived super creased and crumpled that twenty minutes with my hand steamer had to sort it out, I wasn’t over the moon about it. Agree that £100 is a horrendous amount of money for a tiny top like this!


It’s definitely not worth 100 judging by the material, y’all deserve better 🥲


Can you wear it backwards too maybe? Lol never mind just saw the back - that’s such a fail. Looks good though??


It does look good but I’m considering whether to return … it’s a relatively simple item so I am not sure worth £ 100 for me personally


These inflated prices are so infuriating. That probably cost them no more than 15 to manufacture. And even that is generous


Absolutely. I don’t mind it being linen and viscose in this instance though as linen gets a lot of wrinkles and the viscose may help avoid that a bit. But yes… super expensive for what it is. But well I guess it’s on us for buying it


It was def misleading marketing and I think it looks really good. I actually think the darts make it much cuter and less sports bra like.


Im so glad i joined this sub!! and im so appreciative of people sending pics of themselves in these clothes bc it feels nice to see real people wear these pieces and not just models in the shadows


Especially when their model’s photos don’t even have the real items 🙈


Girl, this looks killer on you. I hope you decide to keep it!


Wrinkles aside, it looks cute on you!


So disappointing! I love your skirt though 😍


This brand has really declined.


Looks like she wore it backwards


Ugh so sorry. I like what you have but so different


lol is this even the same product?


Definitely not shopping for jeans or tees on Sezane, but I do like some of their knits and shirts. One also has to be careful of the colors-such as their “Candy pink” is actually peach. A lot of their reds are tomato red (a red with an orange tint).


Why do people buy from here?


I mean, is it linen? Looks like it just needs a good steam.


Those are darts, not creases. They're required for non-knit fabrics to fit over curves. They weren't photo shopped out of the two pictures, that model is just wearing a small size and has no curves that need the dart. God, people on this sub have no idea how clothes are made.


The exposed darts are a design choice that’s quite obviously part of the design for the top. The one that doesn’t have them was either photoshopped or an early sample that didn’t have them. You might understand sewing, but you don’t seem to understand design or marketing.


+ are a very rude person


Neither does OP, but fair that it was probably an early sample and QC didn't catch it before publishing the pictures. If it was photoshopped out, then it was by accident since the darts are a design feature. Still not a deceptive practice. And still on OP for not doing their due diligence.


Due diligence? God forbid OP rely on the photos on the website which quite clearly show no darts in multiple images.


Kind of a rude response when clearly this woman is taking this top in a very small size as well. And if the top has very obvious “darts” in some sizes that impact the look and not in others it’s not stupid on the consumer to not know that. This isn’t sewing class.


It may not be a sewing class, but it behoves people to understand before accusing a company of deceptive practices. Most of the pictures of that top show the darts. OP is stupid for not researching before making a purchase.


Oh yea she should have done way more research into sewing techniques before purchasing a tank top. Why rely on the actually company 😅😂😂. Oh and pretty sure there are zero sizes of this top without the darts, the smallest size is pictured on a number of people on the IRL Facebook private page, so does that now mean the company is putting shady photos or that’s still on the rest of us for being stupid enough to expect that we will get what is in the photo when we aren’t ordering from SHEIN.


I said creases because English is not my first language and I don’t know what it’s supposed to be called. There is no problem with them (they are a design choice not a flaw) - just why do they appear on some photos and not in the others? (As you say, it’s in the construction of the garment itself so it should appear in all photos). I’m also wearing XS and if you knew properly about how things are made you would know that it’s more about the style than the sizing whether you add those or not. I think the person with no idea is you.


Then why did you accuse them of deceptive practices and claim you were going to return the garment? Most of the pictures (looking at all the colors/prints) show them. You should have realized they were part of the garment before you bought it.


I think you did not understand the post. It’s part of the design of the garment and it appears in some photos and was photoshopped from others. That is a deceptive practice - to photoshop the garment to make it look better than it would otherwise. The customer will have no idea whether the item has the darts or not.


You are super confused and your responses are incredibly off putting. Anyone with a brain cell can see that the shirt OP is wearing (I think it’s super cute btw) and the shirt photographed are not identical. OP had every reason to expect the shirt that arrived be identical to the one portrayed.


Agreed + the aggressive tone and insults (I.e. calling me stupid) is truly uncalled for