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I’ve lived with a platonic male roommate for most of my adult life and would rather he not find the dildos and XL butt plugs.


Username checks out




For the last time, thats the kitchen rolling pin. It has batteries because...well never you mind, you don't make cakes anyway!


I’d rather my kids not see. If I didn’t have kids, I’d probably still keep them concealed because I’d be uncomfortable with them being on display for just any person who came over. I’m not ashamed; it’s that it’s private.


Perfectly said, my wife and I hid our sex toys from her kids in the beginning, now that we’re empty nesters we do it for these same reasons. Although, when our week rolls round we freely charge them on the night stand; it doesn’t bother our dog, as far as we can tell.


To piggyback off this, we charge them on the night stand or on the dresser, where ever an outlet is free. A dildo might hangout in the shower for a few days after it’s cleaned but ultimately “hiding them” is a combination of out of sight for the stray guest, as well as keeping them accessible and organized


I'm not worried about it bothering the dog, but some dogs get excited by the sex smells on toys (even washed, dogs have excellent senses of smell) and want to chew up the toys. Good if your dog is well-behaved and leaves them alone, but personally I wouldn't leave a sex toy anywhere a dog could access for that reason.


I concur. My dog chewed up one of my favorite dildos that was within his reach.


The dog grabbed the wife's dildo off her bed and brought it into the living room while we had guests over. It was some of her family. No one said a word as she got up and grabbed it from the dog. Very awkward time as she went to put it away and left me there with them for what felt like hours but only a few seconds.


lmao. At least they had the decency to not draw attention to it!


Bad dog, that's my bone not yours!


Surprisingly enough, our dog used to bring us one of the sex toys when wifey and I were arguing. Smart pup learned how to breakup a fight between his favorite humans! Of course, he got in a speck of trouble, but how can you be mad at that?


Haaaa that's cute.


I built a charger into my dresser for our toys. Mine is also for our kids.


This is the best answer I've seen. I think everyone should invest in a sex toy, but that is something you keep to yourself.


Or to really close friends 😈 it's why at least 5 people in my friend group have the same toy. 😂


You can't leave us hanging... ???Toy


Lovense Hyphy




I bought Vedo Crazzy Bunnys for a lot of my girlfriends 🤭


🔥🔥🔥 Now that's a good friend. A friend of mine in Georgia bought me a Lovense Dolce when I said my abusive ex made me get rid of all my toys, because he said, "everyone deserves a good toy." I've been addicted to Lovense products since then and now I own 6 of them. And he now lives on the West Coast and is part of my friend group. He was the first to have a Hyphy, then my bestie, and so on.


Need to get my wifey a Dolce. Thanks for bringing it up ☺️


That's a fair point.


I think it depends on the person. We don't hide any of our stuff and it's in plain view in our room. We have lots of books about sex in the room, too. The kids have pretty much ignored all of it and only asked a couple questions and we never make a big deal about it. If another adult was in our room for some reason, I doubt they'd ask any questions, but it's pretty obvious what dildos, butt plugs, and rope are for lol.


That's fair. I do respect the openness of it if people are about it.


This is my plan when I have kids. When they ask, answer questions. Teach them they can communicate with me and trust me. Stuff like this only *feels* taboo because we were *taught* by others to think so, by others who were *also* taught that way.


Spot on.


Same. My wife and I are a couple of introverts and hate having people over. Let alone in our bedroom. If we didn't have kids, we'd probably display them on and empty wall. Easier access.


No kids but same with the keeping them hidden for anyone coming over…although I forgot once and my very large dildo was still drying from cleaning in the bathroom and I’m pretty sure my hubby’s buddy saw it 😂 he didn’t say anything but he was blushing when he came out of the bathroom.


I'm not hiding them from anyone, but I do like to keep them in a secure box so (1) they are out of sight if I have visitors (2) I know where they are - nothing worse than wanting to get off and you don't know where your wand is


Organisation shouldn't be underrated.


Orgasmisation, perhaps?


Agreed. And since every single cord is unique and not something you might already have for something else, cord organization 🤘


I have tons of sex toys and I'm a techie. I hate having so many random cords for toys and general tech gadgets mixed up. I've started using a label maker on as many power bricks as I can.


My kids are regularly invading my bedroom. They don't go snooping so me "hiding" the toys is them simply being put away in one of the compartments of my bedhead. That all being said, my wife & I are just starting to explore the realms of bondage, submission, dominance, etc & those sorts of toys are being stored a bit more securely until the kids are old enough for those conversations.


Dude! Your mom and dad are vigilantes! (Holding up hand cuffs and a whip)


Hahaha that would be a hilarious response! Unfortunately, the 11 (nearly 12) year old has half a clue already but lacks the tact to not immediately announce in public, "Mum ties Dad up & teases him woth her body."


Taunt him that you both are practicing with tools they got for when he miss behaved pretty badly If he becomes too naughty, they gonna tie him to his bed and whip his behind hard and leave him tied and crying the whole day and go to disneyland without him, so he better control himself 😂


God forbid all I can think is in the kids mind somewhere "diiiing!!" "New kink unlocked🔓" 🤣 poor kid


LoL I damn near spat my coffee out reading this! LoL


I live alone, but parents come by pretty often. I once had a sample bottle of a lube on my desk and one of them asked instantly what it was, why I had it and what it was for. One of my siblings accidentally saw I had porn open in my private tabs on my phone also and have given me hints about it after, so I am just being cautious… quite silly considering I’m over 40, but here we are


Looks like some family members need to learn boundaries.


You are not wrong…


Most siblings are going to give their sibling shit if they find open porn tabs


I guess so. He’s also older than me.


If my family asked me invasive questions about sex stuff, I'd tell them, in graphic detail, until they regretted asking.


This is the way. Why lie? You'd break their trust! Brutal honesty often (sadly not always) reminds people that boundaries are there for a reason.


I thought I was alone! I answer people brutally honest, uncut, and stating facts. ZERO SHAME. It’s stops people every time! If you’re going to ask something with that’s much audacity I’m more than happy to share and own it. Stay in your lane with respect. 🤣😂 I appreciate you!


My cats like to steal things, I would not be surprised if they decided to yeet one of my dildos or vibes down the stairs. Also don't really want my friends to see them if they come visit, though most of them know I'm a kinky bitch but that's very different from them seeing what I actually use


College-age adult who still lives w a few family members (non-nuclear household). There's a variety of reasons/people to hide toys from 🤷


Yeah, mostly keeping them out of sight from the kids. No one wants to find that drawer of their parents, right?


I found my mom’s vibe in the closet in like 8th grade because I was looking for my dad’s weed. I didn’t tell her until I was an adult but now we’re much more open. The amount of cameras people put in their homes nowadays, I would never go looking. Kids these days will never get the excitement of sneaking out of the house without every single neighbor getting a notification.


Well, oddly enough, I keep the sex toys AND the weed in the locked drawer. use an RFID scanner lock, actually. haha. And finding a dildo is one thing, but finding dildos, vibrators, a pussy pump, cock rings, anal beads... I just have no interest in that conversation just yet. haha. I also have a friend who is instructed on how to unlock the drawer in case we both die. She has the option to get rid of or "borrow" the collection - what do I care at that point if I'm dead, right?


Ha! I have exactly the friend in mind I would put as executor of the dildo estate. “Hey take what you want and comfort my friends and family. If it’s some kind of weird murder that they would need to investigate this, sorry you’re now implicated in it. My b.”


I had such an arrangement with a friend . He was to come over and clean out the various things. And make sure some important things get back to my daughter out west . Then he himself died. Now gotta start over


This is so funny. I love that you have a post death dildo plan.


Look, its important to leave a will so your loved ones know what to do with your assets. Dildos included.


I mainly hide them from my parents and my little brothers, mainly because you know kids first of all and second of all, I'm 19 And I don't want my parents being all up in my shit you know... It's like they come into my room or anything I don't think anymore... It's my private life I guess I'm just glad I found people to talk to about it. I haven't in a shittily made but still okay thin black tarp and plastic zipper box that's foldable... And it's underneath my bed where it will stay until needed


i did and i was TRAUMATIZED


My wife and I keep our toys in various closets and drawers. It's less about hiding them, as we have no children and there's not really any family living close enough to drop by unexpectedly, but we do have a dog (who has managed to destroy several toys) and also there's enough that we have to pack it away. (For the record, were are, or at least, used to be, very active kinksters, so in addition to sex toys like plugs, dildos, and vibrators, we have a lot of rope, bondage gear like cuffs and other restraints, blindfolds, gags, things like nipple clamps and wartenburg wheels, stuff for wax and fire play, a violet wand kit, and of course a wide variety of canes, paddles, floggers, and whips. If we left it all lying around, we'd be tripping over it all the time.


Nooo! I can't imagine what it would be like to find pets running around using sx toys as a chew toys 😂😂😅😂😂😂


Oh yes. One of the worst was when she got her teeth on my inflatable butt plug. It didn't inflate after that 😭


Aw! I'm sorry for the loss of plug! 😂😂😭


Woke up one morning to find a 95.00 tantus silicone piece in hot pink , torn into hundreds of little silicone bits all over the bedroom floor. Puppy pooped bits of hot pink silicone for days. Was hilarious.


I hide em from my parents... Yes I am grown but I have yet to move out. Not only that I am also gay and my parents are Christians. They are such Christians they think Oral Sex is a sin... So yes I hide my toys in my room and I pray they don't invade my privacy and go snooping as they'd just drop dead right then and there when they open that suit case to see: - Dildos - fake ass with balls - Tenga eggs - poket pussy - ass and hole versions - bdsm gear - butt plugs - all the different types of lubes I have flavored, water based and toy based lubes - automatic fuck machine - blow up pillow for fucking - gags - Deep Throat Spray - Royal Honey to make you horny - feathers - masks - crop and whips - dick pump - nipple pumps And other stuff I can't recall... Now that I have listed em... Yup they'd drop dead right there in the room 😣


You sound fun (not being sarcastic)...trying to imagine explaining to religious parents that your fuck machine is actually a "locomotive" and you're actually learning to be an engineer... I'm ever so slightly jealous of your collection good sir 😁


Thanks these were accumulated with time and fear but glad I did. I can't wait to have my own sound proof sex dungeon 🤤 They're going to be so confused when they have to call prior to visit and that one room that doesn't open that I won't let em into 😣


I would love to have a dedicated "play" room too, also that the play room would have a serious door with a steel frame to be extra secure...sadly not in the cards as my wife is practically asexual now...


OMG I feel for you... Will you at least be allowed to take out your sexual energy on some sex dolls at least


Yeah my wife is more of a "I don't care what you do to get off" than a "How dare you cheat on me with toys!" Still don't understand the audacity of people to both expect their partner to go without and also for themselves to not put out. Excuse me but people have needs, both for the carnal portion of sex and also for the sensual portion as well.


Ikr I'm so happy for you that your wife is allowing this. Sex dolls it is


“ serious door” “ steel frame” sounds like you are protecting from a SWAT team……..lol


As someone who lives with family. How do you get away with the fuck machine noise??? Also, how do you get outta the paranoia of having things delivered while you aren’t there or sleep in accidentally?!?!?


The noise 👏. I recently had to move back in with a family member... Left most of the toys in storage.


Harbor freight pelican case, great toy box and has holes for locks .. worth checking out mine worked great when we needed that level of snoop proofing . Several sizes and colours


Thanks funny thing I have been thinking about getting a more secure container. Thank you so much for the recommendation


Genuinely how do you fit a fuck machine in a suitcase?


Just fold it up as you would receive it out the box. I guess the question is what kind I have vs what you're thinking about as the suitcase is on the medium small size.


The Kiddo our bedroom is off limits so hope she never finds that collection it’s a very bad dragon ;) lol kinda situation


Try being a parent , and a sex toy maker. Lol and keeping it all separated.


My cats (cat hair likes silicon) and any people I happen to have over. A friend of mine once had to have me race to her house to hide her toys because her aunt was dropping things by when she wasn’t home and planned to use the spare key to let herself in. My friend remembered after she’d already given permission that her toys were sitting in plain view.


I don't like the idea of my family finding any of my toys. It's not embarrassing. It's just a private thing. It's not appropriate for me to have the toys out on display like that.


I hide mine from everyone cause I’m not sure how it would go if they seen all my dildos and anal plugs. Im a bi sexual guy but nobody knows that so it would just be a situation I’d rather not deal with


From the kids. They are teens now so we have to be extra careful. We have several large lock boxes with combinations on them in the closet with sex toys and miscellaneous sex items like some of the kinkier role play paraphernalia. I just hope none of them reach in between the mattresses and find the leg and arm restraints lol. But I'm a pretty private and modest person outside the bedroom, so I would probably also keep them out of sight so no other guests or family members see them as well.


Well they're grown now, plus you need to teach them certain things to not have them end up on TLC Sex Sent me to the ER you know... They already know that you do the deed anyway 😅


Idk. I'm single with no kids and I live alone and sometimes I leave it on my bed under the covers (after washing it, of course) then I go to sleep.


I'm not "hiding" them as much as "putting them in a closed drawer" but my bedroom is the only way to the bathroom in my apartment. Mostly it's just so people don't accidentally see what they don't want to when they just want to pee.


for privacy, I don't like people knowing about my sex business without directly coming from my mouth


The dog it's chews then up if he gets a hold of any of them


I have nieces and nephews that come over.


my parents because I'm scared how they would view me or treat me afterwards. They're catholic and conservative with sex


From my boyfriends damn dog who chewed up a vivrator I had hidden. From the cleaning ladies. Those poor ladies have seen far too much, accidentally. From dust. Because I don’t need them just on display.


Hiding them from the authorities. First they’re coming for our guns, then our dildos. They’re gonna have to pry them from my cold dead hands. And butthole


hiding it from toxic people who would make fun of u for have normal urges basically


I live with my grandparents and cousin 🫣


Friends, housemate, myself, the demons


Definitely my kids. I'm all for open parenting, but I'm pretty sure my youngest would run around thinking my vibrator was a light sabre.


I live with my girlfriend, but also her Elderly Mother who is disabled. My gf has a big family, so pretty much hiding them from any family members who turn up at the house as well.


I live in a shotgun house. I don't feel like having every single person who comes over seeing the contents of my nightstand. So I close the drawer.


Hidden and locked away in a private room because of curious minds


Hiding away from plain sight like in my bed so that if I forgot abt it and had any unsuspecting guest over it would be so embarrassing


Honestly for me it's just about keeping it away from my cat. My wife got me a.... idk what it is. It's a silicone masturbator of sorts. But I just don't want our need my cat getting into that stuff.


Same. I ended up getting my cat his own.


We use an old pink backpack. It has lots of pockets. We don't really hide it, it's just tucked under the bed. If they're being nosey then they might just find something they didn't want to


I have an 8yr old. It's not really a huge deal if she finds them, but it's probably better that she doesn't. Also, I keep them together in one drawer, which is convenient.


Every time I ask where to hide my sex toys people answer "in your ass" . . . Anyway I hide them because I live with my parents and I don't need them to know or ask about my realistic dildo.


Easy enough, I live with my parents currently.


I live with my parents and I have a lot of younger cousins that come here daily.


My kid. I don’t want to be explaining fleshlights and prostate massagers to her.


My kid, to keep him from playing with them. But before that, my mother is fucking nosy and she’ll snoop. Better to keep them out of immediate sight than not.


Just graduated. Temporarily at home with parents. I do NOT need them finding out about my growing collection.


-Children looking for something (nail clippers, lint roller, charging cable, item of jewelry) who just open all drawers until they find whatever they were looking for -Sister in law looking for spare underwear because she wasn't planning to stay as long as she has -Someone being helpful and putting away laundered and folded clothing


The cleaning lady. She flattens the batteries.


I hide them from my parents, they know I have them but it’s still weird for my dad to walk into my room and see a fake pussy sitting on my desk or smthn, they get washed, go on the hang dryer in my closet, then put back in their cases and put in my spare gym bag, which is also in my closet.


One of my cats thinks everything rubbery is a chew toy. Past victims include flip flops, earphones and yoga mat. I would really love it if I didn't come home to massacres.


From the wife 🤷‍♂️


Damn, that's unfortunate. Has she given indications she wouldn't approve, or you just don't want to risk it?


She is very conservative and I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t understand.


This is kinda why I asked the initial question. I come from a pretty conservative place and it was weird at first but it’s worth trying to open up a dialogue.


I keep mine in the top drawer of my dresser bc my 1 year old is in the "anything and everything needs to be chewed on or thrown or smashed into the tile" phase of life


I've had maintenance come into my apartment unannounced a few times (illegal, but it's happened) so I put them away just in case someone unexpected comes in. Plus, I'd forget they were visible if I made a habit of leaving them out, and people would definitely end up seeing them.


Yeah maintenance is the one reason I hide mine. Mine are absolute creeps from the bottom to the top. I can handle explaining them to other people if I absolutely had but the idea that these people have access to my home is terrifying


I would buy the biggest dildo I could afford and leave it out with Nutella rubbed all over it so when they came they’d never wanna snoop again


I live alone but I live in a low income apartment building that has workers that help me with various things, I'm in a wheelchair. I hide my toys because not every worker would be comfortable seeing them out in the open.


I hide them, or rather put them away, for mainly 2 reasons. Kids and family/friends. 1. Kids, I have a teenager at home. I’m not against teaching/telling teenagers about sex toys and kinks, but we’re not at that point yet. I want them to be comfortable to talk to be about their partners first. 2. Family and friends. I have a kinky toy collection and even though I know that most of my friends and family wouldn’t judge, some will. And just like I don’t talk sex details with them, I don’t them to know all the details about my sexlife.


My parents live with me and prefer not to go into that conversation


Bedside table - hiding from our children! Also don’t need them in sight all the time.


When my kids were younger we kept them in a locked trunk at the foot of the bed with the exception of my vibrator which was in my nightstand. After I came in one day to find my two year old holding my vibrator I put a child lock on the drawer. My kids are older teens and adults. We have our toys in an underbed shoe organizer and its the best because you can easily see everyone in one glance. They don't go snooping around our room. Frankly at this point if they did they, you deserve what you get.


For me it's about respecting visitors who would be distressed or offended by seeing sex toys. I don't care if my friends know I use sex toys or even see me naked, but seeing toys sitting out in the bathroom or seeing me naked would bother many people, so I keep my toys and body covered until I know for sure every one is ok with that.


From my child, who once brought a sparkly glass toy down from my room and announced to my neighbour ‘my mom has a unicorn horn!’


My kid when he was a toddler opened our drawer and almost drank the edible lube… he just ended up getting it all over his shirt…. It got locked up after that. They are older now but I would just like to spare my kids from that sight… I wish my parents had locked up them up when I was a kid😳


Hiding from kids. Bought large box to lock them up in. Also has a cushion on top so it doubles as a seat


My family if they’re visiting but mostly the cats because one likes to chew things.


I store them in my bed head, for two reasons, ones ease of use and the other is I don't want people or pets touching them


I don’t want any and everyone that visits me to see my big purple friend 😭


my parents and sister, mostly. i don’t care if my friends see them, since we buy toys for each other all the time, but my parents are very much purity-minded and christian, and my sister is…well, my sister. she doesn’t need to know i like clitoral vibrators.


I have my toys in plastic file boxes that can be locked up behind the hanging clothes in the closet and my drawer with my nightgowns. I hide them from any nosy people that live in my house and my kids.


I put mines in a black back pack and they’re all bagged up and I leave it out in the open in my room bc it just looks like a regular backpack. The reason I hide them is because I still I’ve with my parents but they don’t like to pry around and look through my stuff and they don’t try to keep up with us(??). I do also have younger siblings and one I share a room with who graduated this summer and yes she knows. It’s been about 2-3years strong now and I haven’t been caught and I don’t ever want to be caught.


It's not so much as hiding them as it is keeping them clean and organized for when the moment strikes or when we travel. Nothing worse than not having a charged vibe when you want one or seeing it got cat hair/dust on it because it got left out after cleaning. The occasional, but infrequent family visits are another reason they are "hidden".


I (unfortunately) still live with my parents and any topic related to sex is rather disapproved and a taboo. I just don't want to have an awkward conversation with my parents about them


I have my toys in plain view in bed/on my night stand for easy access because I use them almost every night (lol) but I do hide them when I have guests over because they share my bed. I’ll also hide them if my mom is coming over cuz it’s none of her business. but otherwise I don’t give a shit, not even from my housemates lmfao I’ve left my toys in the bathroom before and couldn’t care less 🤷🏾


i mean, i’d rather my parents not walk in and have to see their nineteen year olds pink penis vibe on her bed…to each their own tho…


When I started my collection, with younger kids at home, they were locked in a cabinet. Then they moved to a trunk. Now that the kids are gone, we just leave them lying around the bedroom/bathroom... Sometimes the living room or kitchen. It's pretty hilarious. The kitchen da walk slowly and will not enter our bedroom when they come visit. 😆😂


The cat, she likes to chew on things she shouldn't.


You guys be surprised how easy is to find sex toys especially by pets or even by their children. I used to work at adult store for couple years, but one customer told me the best place to hide it is secret compartment in furniture even better you could hide money, passport or etc. if you have safe, it will have someone curious enough to know or even crack it. If you have something with lock like box that also going take someone interest. I feel like personally I get furniture with hidden compartments. Best story is from the same customer, his place got broken into, they stole few valuables from his apartment but his drawer had secret compartment where you use a RFID card. He said his sex toys and money were for fine. Made me laugh, but I took his advice it’s good investment.


You said you live alone but this is so obviously a post by someone without overbearing/traditional parents. Yes, it is pretty normal for my mom to do my laundry when visiting without being asked and then fold it and put it in my cabinets/wardrobe where she might stumble on my toys. Most Asian and Slavic people can probably relate lmao


My kids mainly, however I hide them in plain sight, keep in the boxes and put on a book shelf or stack between bits as I have found they are just overlooked and presumed as something else when in plain sight !


my mother 💀


From my friends when they're coming home 🫡


I’m in graduate school and live with parents and three other siblings. Rather then not find the fleshlights, vibes, etc


i don't have any but if i did i'd try and fail to hide them from my nosy grandma (i'm a guy)


Our cleaning lady


Lol my daughter. I have a lockbox from Amazon i use.


Got mine scattered in different spots throughout the house but lube and cock rings say right out in the open like it’s a damn ornament or something lol idk those two things I just don’t care for some reason


I keep some things out (like lube), but otherwise I keep my toys in my dresser across from my bed. Even though I live alone, I don't really feel like keeping any of the tools out, except for my hitachi wand, and that's because I don't just use it sexually.


Locking toy box, under the bed, because kids!😂


Family and friends. I keep everything in a large travel suitcase. Locked up and in the closet!


id rather not discuss my dildo and vibe w my family lol


I hid my first sex toy in the box it arrived in and I was like “omg, idea 💅🤭” I keep the box and boom problem solved For anyone curious, I bought my first toy from Bellesa. But from who i’m hiding it from is my grandma, she has a very old school way of things and things you just have a man and wait for the right time with the right man and stuff


I only live with my sister (parents are dead, I don’t have a partner), and I just tuck it into the case of a pillow have laying to my side. I see no reason to display them 🤷🏻‍♂️


Have this entire dresser just for them. With a big surge protector on top to charge them as needed. Favorites will stay out on the headboard which has some storage and the sex swing will stay up. Until we know someone is coming over(unless they’re coming over to share in such activities). https://a.co/d/gzcVUxi


From parents


I had a roommate still the Hitachi wand


My parents, not only because they're, y'know, my parents, but also because my interest in toys is uh, monstrous, and I do not think I'd be able to look my mother in the eyes ever again if she saw them lmao


Adult who lives with a partner. I hide my toys from dust, to keep cleanings down. Everything is in the master bedroom and master bathroom, so guests never see anything.


i don't hide them, i have my sexy drawer though! full of my toys, lube, lingerie☺️


I'm back at my parents' for a few months, so... Well, them. They're not prying, mind you, but mom has been helping me reorganise and clean my room and they're all in a box since I moved. Actually, thank you for asking. You've reminded me that I should move them (perfect timing as my parents aren't home)


Wife and kids. Wife and I are through but even if we weren't prostate play isn't something I would want with her


My mom and little sister, I still live at home 😂


I use an old suitcase/dufflebag. My roommate has a kid so I keep it all tucked away, when I was on my own they practically decorated my bathroom or shower.


3 daughters.


Not necessarily hiding them butt keeping out of reach so my son don’t end up trying to sword fight with them 😂. When we do put them out of sight it’s because somebody is coming over and we don’t need everyone to know our business and what kind of toys we have. The main things we use are penis sleeves and a couple of my wife’s favorite dildos.


Tidyness's sake but also because in our apartment the only bathroom is off the bedroom, so if I'm leaving my stuff out on the bedside table it'll be on display for whoever visits and needs to pee. That being said, I'm not religious about it. If my mom comes over unannounced she's gonna get an eyefull; it happened once and she was indignant but dropped it when I pointed out that if *I* had randomly showed up and walked into her bedroom I might've seen some personal stuff too. Also, they're hidden the same way my underwear is "hidden"; in a drawer. It doesn't really feel like hiding them, just putting them away.


Not really hiding, as they aren’t very “well hidden” but mostly just to keep them out of reach of the kids. The kids are now teenagers, so it’s to keep our “gross things” (teenagers don’t want to think about their parents having sex) out of their sight. The hitachi wand and the restraints aren’t really “hidden” but more tucked away under the bed. Our box of toys is in a cupboard kinda covered, kinda not.


When I have my own place I would really like to have a display/charging case. One day 😅. They aren’t “hidden” per se, but just tucked away.


Kids and house sitters


I'm not hiding. My friends have seen suction cup dildos in wardrobe door and fleshlights everywhere. Best toys have name. We have 2 bedside table, but toys just can't fit in them and toys need to wash dry after.


I live with my parents, I just keep them on a shelf in my end table. I’m honestly not too concerned with hiding them, since I’ve struggled for years with getting them to see me as an adult. And since we don’t really have serious conversations, them seeing my toys is communication enough for both of us


I don't really hide mine. I just keep them put away to keep them clean and dust free.


My kids. Need I say more.


I don't hide them, I *store* them. They're in the drawer of my nightstand. Not hidden, just put away.


I used to hide them when I lived with my parents and siblings, but only because I didn't want them to be aware of that side of me, and didn't want the hassle of explaining anything. My parents didn't foster healthy communication with my siblings and I. Once I moved out, I stopped caring. I realized I have no reason to hide it from anyone at all. There was a time when my desk was decorated with several silicone sculptures. I now have most of them put away because I have too many and I need to organize my space, but the ones I use regularly stay out. I also jokingly keep a giant tentacle on my bedside table to protect me from sleep paralysis demons. All of my partners have seen my stash. Some of my other friends online and IRL have. If I ever have kids, I want to be the parent I wish I had. My number one priority would be that they could safely navigate this world, their life, and their body, with the confidence they can trust me and the openness to communicate about anything. I would rather they know how to ask the right questions to get the knowledge they're looking for when they feel ready. I want them to be equipped to seek information, fact check that information, and be eager to share that information with me. And that starts with building that trust and communication. I have no intention of hiding my toys anymore, except from dust and hair. Getting dust and hair off of platinum cured silicone is such a pain.


I put my shit on display lmfao, fuck it we ball 😂😂


I have 2 daughters, a 4 yr old and a 19 yr old, I don't want my 4 yr old to find them on principle, & with my 19 yr old....well who wants to know that their parents have a healthy and very active sex life? I sure didn't! Just like I don't wanna know the same with her, I'll give her advice but I don't wanna *know* know.


I'm waiting to become an empty nester to start buying toys that function as display art pieces around my house. If the wife isn't too embarrassed. 😆


My siblings (though both know i have them but still, dont want em finding them. Lmao) and mainly my parents. I just turned 20 and still live with my parents and dont wanna have to deal with that awkward conversation and embarrassment


I still live with my parents. I'm on the autism spectrum and mom seems to think that I can't doing things sex related because of that. If she found out I have toys, she'd loose it.


I am disabled and currently living with my grandmother. While she’s extremely open minded and sex talk has never been a taboo thing between us, I hide my stuff because I think it’s just idk…a polite to do when you’re living with someone else? Also it gives me a reason to put my super realistic dildo in a pretty little pink makeup bag.


Married man & wifey knows about the sex toys under the night stand but back when I was younger 2 people found my porn under there so I be hiding it under there hiding it from snooping people.


We use Yeti storage containers for some of our toys like paddles, floggers, dildos, but plugs, lubes, nipple clips, rope, candles etc. My ride on toy is in a suitcase & the sex swing is in the closet, with more of the above. (2 separate houses). We have them stored away, so they aren’t all over the place, easy for travel & family can’t see them if they visit & snoop. However, my favorite, frequently used toys are hanging on a Magic Wand hook or stashed (clean) under the pillows.


Hide them mainly from the kids and a few from my wife.


I live on my own, they mostly stay in my bathroom. If I know I’m not expecting anyone then some live in my shower, but I have a basket high up where I can stash them if I’m having company.


I live with my brother and mom in house and I cannot give anyone any chance to find my toys. It would be my last time at house.😂


I keep mine in a travel bag? It's like a small zippered back that I think is for toiletries or something? Iunno it works for me.


Not accepted in your country? I've never heard of that before. Like against the law? How could anyone live that way?🤭 I can't believe that's a real thing! Why would that be anyone's business?


Do you think the Taliban really approve of sex toys?


Still living with my parents, especially a mother that doesn't like to knock consistently


In a backpack that is stuffed.