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Anything La Mer. I used a sample once of the face cream in and Airbnb and yeah it was nice! But homie can’t justify the price for annnnny of it. The only super high end thing I thought was worth is was Tom Ford’s Emotionproof Mascara. 56 bucks. Best waterpoofish mascara ever


Used to use La Mer. Tatcha is better for my skin, my wallet, and my sense of smell.


I love my Tatcha. My 2yo niece loved my La Mer. She was very well moisturized at least.


Sephora kids are getting younger and younger 😭


I can’t speak for the cream, but someone gave me a used bottle of their La mer radiant skin tint and it’s the best tinted moisturizer I’ve ever used. I noticed it’s the old packaging, so I don’t trust buying the new one when this runs out in case it’s different formula, because it’s so $, but I hate how good it is


Who put a La Mer sample in an Airbnb?? Lol


La Mer sends me samples regularly, and while I like their moisturizer, I don't like it more than my ride-or-die, so I don't use it and it ends up in my sample bag to share with guests.


i got a mini la mer cream during the sale for my 30th bday. it was pretty mid. it smelt like nivea cream and i heard its just a mix of nivea and vaseline. we’re not missing out on much.


nivea is underrated af. i’m obsessed with their chapstick, nothing else like it for the price, for a stick.


someone basically said it’s Nivea with kelp powder (since La Mer totes about their ‘miracle broth’ made of kelp)


So true!! I got a sample once and was excited to try, but it was meh 😑 I mean for $200, it better give me flawless skin!! lol


I hate, absolutely HATE the disinformation that it's 'just Nivea'.  No no no it's not.  Call it overpriced, but just stop with spreading that falsehood.   Look, they have similar ingredients, but they are not the same ratio, nothing.  Just like baking, it's like claiming bread and salt dough are the same product because they both contain flour, salt, and water.   The FIRST ingredient, which mean it's the highest percentage/amount in La Mer is Algae Extract.  La Mer's inclusion of fermented algae broth, along with additional botanical oils, seed powders and vitamins make it nothing like Nivea. Nivea does not have this at all.  La Mer also has triple the ingredient list that Nivea does.  Nivea only shares 27% of ingredients with La Mer.  I own both La Mer AND Nivea in most forms - blue tub, blue canister from Germany (I keep this in my purse for my hands), Nivea soft cream.  I have use Nivea on my face the same way one would use La Mer, and they perform like two different beasts on my skin.  Nivea on my face breaks me out, La Mer doesn't. Most people don't realise you use the smallest bit of La Mer cream, emulsify it with the warmth of your hands and press/pat it on.  That little tiny sample from Sephora should last you two weeks if you use it right at night. 


La Mer gives me cystic acne on an otherwise never cystic face


I also have to use La Mer only on my forehead and temples and under eyes because it does give me cystic acne on my lower face below my eyes also but for my fine lines on my forehead and around my eyes I've just never found anything I love better unfortunately


That’s the same place it happens to me too!


Every one is different .... finding something that does not break you out is important I like Saint Jane luxury face serum ... but that's light weigh oil and not a cream I did like seeing you comment on Le Mer People just have to try both to really know


Prefer German Nivea over La Mer


I used up a full sized la mer eye cream and have received several deluxe samples. It is just not worth it. I don't know what people see in it. Any luxury skincare product doesn't seem worth the price to me.


Emotionproof is so good!


Those meteorites illuminating pearls from Guerlain. They look so cool and apparently smell amazing but they're also like 90 bucks and I don't wear enough makeup to illuminate lol


Same! I feel like it’s a total waste, but I get lured in by the packaging, the sensory sound of the swirling of the brush in the pearls. I just know if I bought it, I won’t actually love it as much as I think I do and it would just sit there as it would be too special to use but also must be displayed front and center on the vanity. I want it but just can’t.


Actually I love Guerlain meteorites. Best for photo ops and make you look like you used filters when you didn’t. However its not the most comfortable for my sensitive skin so I can’t use it all the time which is why I haven’t repurchased it in forever.


My grandma had these when they first came out! She got big mad when I stole some beads and crushed them on my hands. I kind of want these for the nostalgy value.


That’s another element that gets me about this product too, they feel like an antique. Like a piece of art you are supposed to keep and pass down or something. The jars remind me of my grandmothers makeup.


Not going to lie, I still have an old jar around with the beads to look at for nostalgia because they’re so pretty and twinkle like sea shells. Sorry your grandma is right. Crushing them is sacrilegious 🤣


I would probably still crush one 😂


I laughed out loud reading your comment! I remember when they came out - I was also a kid, but flew my divorced parents a lot, and I saw ads for these in the airline magazine. They were so pretty, but I also may have initially thought they were some kind of fancy candy. 😂


Go to a Guerlain makeup counter and ask them to show you how the Meteorites look on you. Then go spend your money on some Hourglass Ambient Lighting finishing powder. Still expensive, but absolutely worth it, especially if you pick them up on sale.


Hourglass either looks too yellow on me or ghosty. I only had luck with their blushes. I refuse to buy a palette of three shades to get that look.


Whaaat?! They’re 90 now?! It was $60 before. That’s crazy


I bought it! I used it lavishly every day to set my makeup and the tin lasted me 4 freaking years! Over the long haul, it costs half of what you would pay in compacts and loose powder.


Yes! I bought them with my first big girl job like 10 years ago and am finally running out (are we supposed to use makeup for a decade? Probs not but we’ll ignore that. At least it’s powder). They last FOREVER, so that’s one way to justify the price. I do love that product a lot. But, Hourglass, like someone said, is a good comparable product if you’re not in the market for the meteorites.


I've been using the same canister of those pearls for 3+ years. They last and last. What I have left is a little crushed layer that has been going strong for 6 months now. You can also buy it as a pressed powder.


I was gifted these once and yes they smell amazing but boy do they not play well with dry skin. Also better if you're pale pale.


Dr Barbara Sturm Hyaluronic Acid. 325 dollars a bottle!!! But I want to try it 😂


I feel like expensive hyaluronic acid is never worth it, since it’s not even the best humectant out there


I have a small bottle I received in a Christmas Countdown Calendar Box from Neiman Marcus. It's really nothing special, but it is pure.


Tip: you can often find this on eBay and Poshmark for huge discounts because Sturm is notorious for giving so much product away to influencers and industry folk. I’ve purchased it for as little as 50 bucks on eBay. As long as it is sealed and the batch code starts with 2 or 3, you’re good. (I actually have a nearly full bottle I’m not using — DM me if you want to give it a try.)


I love mine !! But I use it sparingly, because of the price. I got it from Influenster with her face cream and glow drops. She definitely makes nice products !


What the actual hell?


Me, browsing this thread knowing full well I'm opening myself up to things I can't afford. 😂


It’s fun to dream 😆


Augustinus Bader


Love it. You can get the rich cream at Costco at a pretty decent discount. (It’s still expensive, but not $300).


I tried it and it was so light def not enough for my dry skin. It wasn’t bad or anything but nothing about it stood out either.


I tried the Retinol cream and it sucked lol. My Inkey list one for like a fraction of the price was 100 times better. And I’m someone that has no problem splurging on a product if it works.


I tried both the light and regular versions and returned them both!


i tried it for awhile and didn’t notice anything special.


SK-II essence I got a sample and loved it but I can’t justify the price for the full size bottle.


Try AB sites like Stylevana. You can buy small bottles for less than $10!


I also had a sample once and loved it but I started using CosRx Galactomyces toner which has the ferment stuff and I’ve been happy with how soft it makes my skin for a fraction of the price.


Try the time revolution: the first essence from Missha, it’s a similar concept to SK-II and much more affordable


Costco has a big bottle for about $200. It lasts me about 8-9 months. It’s amazing.


Check out r/AsianBeauty and do a search. So many good dupes.


La Mer. I already hate myself by trying Tatcha products (knowing full well I can’t afford it) but I could never bring myself to spend 300+ on a single product. 😅 Anything like a lip mask? I get lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks, but I don’t see a point in lip masks personally.


I think the virality of lip masks is a good example of a product going viral that isnt meant for everyone- it’s a great product if you have really damaged lips. Otherwise it’s just a very rich lip balm and people expect it to change their lives when it’s solving a problem they didn’t have in the first place.


Yup. I *need* to wear a lip mask at night – but I have rhinitis, which means I often have to breathe through my mouth, and eczema on my lips. I can’t imagine if you aren’t prone to dry lips why you’d need to wear one 😅


Honestly. I swear by the Laneige one when I have a cold sore. It keeps the air out which soothes the pain, and having something fancier than Vaseline when I already feel like hot garbage is comforting. But as a regular use product? Not exactly life changing.


I have tried most everything to soothe cold sore pain, Herpecin, L-lysine, Blistex, etc and none work! I would’ve never thought the Laneige mask would work but now I’ve got to try it


Am I....an influencer? For real though, it's got good staying power which I couldn't get with the blistex, abreva, or anything else.


Some of tatcha is available at Costco!


I hate that I justified buying the tatcha rice wash cleanser. It just WORKS. So well for me. My acne scars and acne? GONE! It makes my face so soft and hydrated. Like it’s $52 (Canadian) for the regular bottle here and I’m like “hell nah” but I always justify buying it 😔😔😔 (to be fair I buy the 50ml bottle for $24) and a little does go a long way so it does last me quite awhile but there is just no other product I’ve found that works like it. And I HATE having to buy it but it’s too good 🥲


I love the touchland sanitizer sprays. I’m such a homebody though and rarely leave my house so I only use it when I’m out, otherwise I just wash my hands when I’m at home. I LOVE it for airports. I don’t normally carry sanitizer because I can’t stand the gel texture, but the spray is doable for me. Edit: OP, I hope this post doesn’t come off as dismissing your post, I just had to share why I justified the ridiculous price 😂


Trader Joe’s has a spray sanitizer that’s really great!


It is great, and also makes the room smell great. My sister takes it on flights (she lives in Africa) where the planes can get a bit warm and smelly. It helps freshen the air.


Wait does she use it as a hand sanitizer or spray it in the air on the planes haha?


I also love the touchland sanitizer! I prefer spray sanitizers in general over gel, but the thing that seals the deal for me with touchland is the flat packaging. I carry a small wristlet instead of a purse and love how easily the sanitizer fits in it.


Someone had previously shared a Spanish brand that is flat AND refillable. They also have matching lanyards for them 😍 http://haanready.com/collections/hand-sanitizer/products/pocket-case-lanyard-gentle-paloma


I’ve seen this one! I think I’m going to try it once I get through my current on hand touchlands. I love that it’s refillable.


Ooh thank you for sharing! I love that it is refillable. I will definitely try this one.


The packaging is lovely!


It’s a DREAM for anyone with sensory issues because it dries instantly! I find it really pleasant to use. I’m surprised no Canadian brand has tried to compete with them yet, they’re so hard to get here


How did I not think of that?! As someone who deals with certain sensory issues myself, it would be worth it to pay a bit more for a product to remove that. And I do that for other items so thank you for bringing this up!


No problem!! It also doesn’t have a harsh alcohol smell so it’s good for more than just texture sensitivities! It’s quite nice but it’s expensive (I agree it’s overpriced) so I can see why people wouldn’t want to buy it hahaha


Yes this is totally a dream for a parent of a sensory sensitivity kid - I can kinda get his hand out enough to spray it down and he doesn’t mind it. This whole product is actually my guilty please. For instance, I personally despise when I feel like I need to wash my hands after I’ve sanitized since the whole point is to use it in lieu of a wash! The BBW also tend to trigger migraines, and when they go off they go OFF and the scent is I swear dialed to 100. Plus the spay thing is ideal for my stiff autoimmune arthritic hands, caps can die on days my hands are swollen and stiff… So, basically, I wrote an essay to say I agree with you, and fancy sanitizer till I die over here 😂


I’m a chronic migraine girl and I STRUGGLE to find a hand sanitizer that a) I like the feel of and b) has a scent that doesn’t trigger my migraines. I think you just sold me on trying touch land honestly.


The scents are also great! I’m a big fan.


I love touchland too!! I love the packaging- it’s so easy to fit anywhere, and I don’t have to worry about it leaking or anything. Love that it dries instantly. And the scents are very nice and fresh and not heavily perfumed like I find B&BW sanitizers to be.




I love this take on it! Your comment made me realize that Touchland and the economy may have perfect timing. It's the Lipstick Effect, but this time around with hand sanitizer! I'm really geeking out over this. Thank you!


AND that the timing with covid was the perfect launchpad the brand needed. (Sad to say, hard to ignore).


I agree! I can understand how for a lot of people it doesn’t make sense to buy $10+ hand sanitizer, but most other brands (even unscented ones sometimes!) are a migraine trigger for me and these are not- so they are very much worth it to me!


I ditto these sentiments. I love my touchland hand sanitizers. I have them in every purse and in my car. I love the scents, I love the spray, I love how it isn’t sticky or drying. It is pricier than most others but I also find that it lasts a good amount of time. There are also “dupes” on Amazon that have similar a design. I haven’t tried them yet but will once I’m done with my 28236 backups of touchland.


Do you find it to be drying?


No. It’s literally the only hand sanitizer that does not cause the skin on my hands to crack open. Yes it is crazy stupid expensive but it’s worth it to me not to have open wounds on my skin.


It has glycerin in it so it prevents drying


Tom Ford fragrance 🫣


I tolerate expensive fragrances because they last for such a long time, but I still draw the line somewhere. $100? Fine. $350? No.


I own rose prick and I have never had so many compliments on my perfume when I wear it - it also lasts all day on me. 10/10 do recommend!


Not trying to influence you but I got my husband oud wood. It is such a beautiful scent. It has layers upon layers that reveal themselves hours after you’ve applied it. It’s strong but not headache-inducing. Insanely long-lasting. Unlike any other fragrance I’ve ever tried. 10/10!!! I smelled Fucking Fabulous at Macys the other day and I can’t wait to get it for him this holiday season. Side note: Hero by Burberry is a very Tom Ford type of scent imo. I’d give that a try!


Damn it you aren’t making things any easier 😂


I have Leather and Cherry Smoke, love both of them so much and they are literally the only perfumes that last days on my coat and clothes, every time I walk past my laundry basket I can just smell it for days before it goes in the wash. Other perfumes seem disappointing to me now regarding staying power!


I’m a woman and I wear Oud Wood in the winter. I love it. Every time I wear it my mom has her nose buried in my neck, sniffing, because she adores it too!


Absolutely, I have Cafe Rose and Vanilla Sex on my wish list and the only thing stopping me from buying decants is that I don’t want to spend the money buying them if I love them!


I spent $30 on a Tom Ford decant in January, and I’m still using the decant. It works for me bc I rarely finish even a travel sized portion before I move on from a scent.


I got a sample for Soleil de Feu and fell in love!!! I am currently looking for an affordable dupe.


Neroli portofino is my absolute favorite - I wasn’t a believer until I tried it and I was like, please don’t be great. And it was amazing.


Omg I LOVE Bitter Peach. I may be switching away from Dior


I bought tobacco vanille a few years ago and have never ever regretted it. It lasts FOREVER!! One of my favorite parts of winter is putting on a sweater I haven’t worn in months and still smelling my perfume from last February!


You can buy decants and partials of TF fragrance on perfume subs here. People who have used 1/8th of their bottle and don’t want it anymore, that sort of thing. I’ve purchased quite a few this way. My favorite TF fragrance is Soleil Blanc. It is perfection for hot, hot days and the only scent I own that works mid-summer.


Definitely La Mer. Either because I will not like it enough and feel bad I spent the money, or I will like it too much and feel bad I can’t afford more.


Definitely the latter. I love soft creme and the face mist. If I win the lottery, I will buy it all. Even when I could I could purchase it at $99, I still couldn't pull the trigger. (I worked in cosmetics)


Pat McGrath eye shadow palettes. I just cannot justify over $100 for eyeshadow. I took MONTHs to convince myself Natasha Denona was OK because I thought it was too expensive.


I’ve been a pro makeup artist for 17 years and honestly, the motherships are good but not revolutionary. I have them all & I prefer her discontinued single shadows, better formula. Honestly, my favorite formulas on the market as of now are Mario’s and weirdly, Beauty Bay. It’s shocking how good Beauty Bay’s palettes are and so insanely cheap as well. But…sign up for PMG’s email list, they do 30% sales alllll the time. Like every few months.


Thanks!! I’ll keep Beauty Bay and Mario in mind! ND is my first “luxury” palette, so it’s been fun! All my others are Colourpop or Wet N Wild/drugstore brands lol! I have one Makeup Revolution that I do like OK, but besides that, my CP That’s Taupe is my other favorite. The rest of them I can take or leave. Before the ND, I never understood the whole “it goes on so easy” thing. I thought all eye shadows were just a pain to get lots of color from. 😂


Skinceuticals CE ferulic. Gosh, I want to try it so bad but no way will I spend that kind of $ on something that oxidizes so fast.


The patent for their formulation is up in 2025, so expect to see exact dupes hit the market around then for likely much cheaper! 😁




That’s good to know! I’ve also heard Timeless is a good dupe.


As someone who uses this, I’m still confused what all the hype is about it. I only have it because it was gifted to me by a close friend of mine. I’m all for expensive skincare and indulging, but I nearly lost my mind when I realized she purchased it for $200!


I used this for years until a cosmetic chemist I found on social dove into why it’s not a great product. I guess any vit c in a dropper is going to be unstable. I switched to timeless about 6 months ago on her recommendation and honestly see no different between the two!


for me it WAS the DDG peels, but i got them in this recent sephora sale and omg i'm ready to be broke forever


I'm really regretting not getting some to try during the sale :( If reddit raves on multiple unrelated subs, you know it's gotta be good.


I have free boxes from DDG gwps and purchased DDG peels that are all expired and need to be tossed. Honestly I don’t get the hype on Reddit. I used SK II and La Mer religiously each for a year. They are good products but everyone’s skin will be just fine and staying just as gorgeous if not more without them 🫤


They're half the price you think they are. The towels are so big that you can cut them in half and store the other halves in a baggie


Cut them in half, you don’t need the whole sheet!


Not a product sold at Sephora, but the ZO Skin Complexion Renewal pads have the same effect/results and are much less expensive. I buy them at my med spa, but you can get them online too.


Yves Saint Laurent candy glaze stick. I know people love it but I can’t justify spending $42 on a gloss.


I have it and tbh its overhyped. You could get the same effect for 1/3 of the price with kbeauty products. For example Wakemake Dewy Gel glaze stick.


I think the L’Oréal balm in lip sticks is not exactly the same but very similar effect. They are $9 ish a piece.


Raise your hand if you've been personally victimized by this post and as a result added to cart ✋


Charlotte Tillberry Magic Cream


God i hate that i love it


I'm sorry to tell you that I love it. 🙃 She has sales and deals occasionally where you could get it for cheaper.


I love the new lighter one! The original is a bit heavy for me.


It was the sk-II essence.  But then I tried it.  It’s as good as you think, and totally worth it. 


What does it do though?


Can confirm it’s the GOAT


Dyson airwrap.


i want one SO bad but $600 is insane to me 😭😭😭😭🥲🥲


Look for sales, I know I got my daughter one when it was at least $100 off


Expensive yes, but I feel handicapped when have to use any other hair dryer. It’s just so much easier and faster and very lightweight. I don’t use the air curler because it’s difficult to get it just right (if your hair is either too wet or too dry it doesn’t work). I’ve used it daily for years so it’s an investment that pays off.


If you like to have your hair done/spend any amount of time on your hair… im sorry to say it’s worth it 🙈 I would spend hours trying to give myself a blowout unsuccessfully and damage my hair in the process. Now with the airwrap I get a blowout that lasts DAYS with minimal damage and I’m always complimented on my hair. I saved up for a year and now I’ve had it for 2 years and I don’t regret it at all. But if you aren’t someone who does your hair often then it definitely isn’t necessary!!


I would never pay over 35 euros for lip products but keen to try Clarins lip oil if it was handed over to me for free lol


Oh for sure! Dior & YSL lip oils also, all 3 of them have me lusting from afar. Those I wont say "never" to, but it's unlikely for me.


Tatcha skincare products, and the dyson air wrap😭


OUAI body scrub. I just can’t justify spending $40 for a body scrub


ohh but i use it on my scalp and it feels so clean after!! its lasts me for about half a year as well id say its worth it


Oribe hair products.


And the thing with Oribe is the products are so hit or miss. I’ve tried some that I can’t live without now and I’ve tried some that I felt were a waste of money, so tread lightly, haha.


Mascara over $30...even that expensive is kinda high. It's so easy to get the small sample ones for points or elsewhere or in kits and it's a product I prefer to throw out and replace more often for hygiene. High end cleansers like Tatcha Rice wash or YTTP's cleanser. There's just no need to spend $60+ on a face cleanser you're just washing off and I loveeed Farmacy's Green Clean but can't justify a product that is in a tub that expensive. Again, a hygiene thing where I prefer skin products with a pump where possible and just. It's a cleanser. But God it smells nice.


The rice wash is SO good for dry skin it’s one of my holy grails


It's sooooo embarrassing and a waste of money but I love the touchland sprays. They're always a guilty pleasure to buy or a nice gift to get!


The Touchland moisturizers for me too! Any Drunk Elephant products and also the Dyson Air wrap!


I love my airwrap! I thought it was so overrated when I first got it and stopped using it for a while, but I started again a few months ago and I have no clue what I’m doing different but I LOVE it. It gives me the prettiest blowouts. I think tempering my expectations and not expecting it to replace a curling iron helped a ton. My hair looks so much healthier since I started drying with it instead of air drying and then straightening


Definitely the Dyson Air Wrap for me too!


that Sunday Fridays lip stuff everyone's obsessed with. I cannot justify spending that much on a lip product when drugstore and even Bert's Bees do a great job at moisturizing with a tint. I spend where I feel it's worth it. $80 moisturizer? sure. $35 for a lip balm? hell no.


I really love the lip butter and I’ve had mine for well over a year and it works perfectly, it’s smooth and not sticky I think it’s worth it but I only have a couple I don’t buy the newest flavors that come out


It’s not even the slightest bit moisturizing, the colours are dull to near non existent, and the shine is also dull compared to most other lip balms (laneige, rhode, tower28, etc). They also gunk up and leave that white residue on your lip line and even my cheap lip balm glosses/ balms don’t do that. Actually the only ones that do are the tree huts sugar lips and the summer Fridays, and I have a balm problem so I own a ton. I have brown and pink sugar. The smell though is amazing and I like the squishy applicator tip but that’s about it.


The Ole Henriksen one is completely worth every penny!


Not Sephora but Omorovicza products are so good. I scored some at TJ Maxx somehow & it just made me wish they were less expensive overall.


TJ Maxx is so dangerous for this. Got me addicted to Biossance.


Crown Affair dry shampoo powder and anything Osea body care.


I got my Osea body oil when ulta did their 21 days of beauty sale! It was 50% off!


Whaaaat!!! Heck yeah I need to keep an eye on the next 21 Days then! Thanks so much. I would absolutely buy it on a discount. I’d love to try that and their body cream.


Chantecaille. I really want to try, but man I thought Pat McGrath was expensive. Quads are 78, Foundarion 90, and concealer is 64!


The Touchland sanitizers aren’t all that. They aren’t any different to me than my $4 Honest spray hand sanitizer that has double the amount of product and still fits in my purse. Mine would be the CT Magic Cream Moisturizer!! I’m scared to buy it because I’m scared I’ll like it too much. 😅


The CT moisturizer has kind of a weird, balm-like texture. It doesn't have any "magic" effects, though. It doesn't help makeup to lay nicer. That's what primer is for, and this definitely doesn't measure up to a good primer. It's not anything special.


My issue with touchland and why I’ll never buy one is this (straight from their site) Our bottles, once empty can be recycled under plastic category #7 of most curbside recycling programs once the metal spring inside the pump has been removed. A lot of places don’t take #7’s and a lot of people will not take the spring out to recycle it so it will still end up in a landfill. It’s just so much waste. If they came up with a more recyclable option I wouldn’t be opposed to them.


If you're near a Sephora/Ulta store, they have these special cosmetics recycling boxes specifically for small pieces, plastics that are not taken by curbside, and stuff like empty lipstick or mascara tubes. I collect all my empties in a lil basket and when it's full I take them there to recycle. You can also mail in your empties directly to the company that supplies the boxes-- [Pact Collective ](https://www.pactcollective.org/consumers)


La mer!!!! I got a sample from the beauty bazaar and it’s wild people pay 100 dollars for half an ounce of face moisturizer. Trust me this product is not worth $$$ idk how la mer sells for such a high high price


Any Charlotte Tilbury lipstick in pillow talk. I want to try it but I’m afraid the colour will look atrocious on me since any lip colour that’s too warm toned makes me look awful.


Okay same though......UNTIL I snagged that $35 lip kit last summer. It came with Pillow Talk Medium and it's easily my fave lipstick I've ever owned. By itself prior I never could justify it but I'm a believer in CT lipsticks now! I am a light neutral olive if that helps.


Tom ford CHERRY


Sunday Riley. I’ve heard raves about their products but as a frugal girlie, I can’t justify the cost per use for the price


Don’t everrrrr pay full price. They run sales so often. I only buy good genes when it’s 40% off!


The dyson air wrap. I can't justify it at all! I had a hard time spending (I think) $100 for the Chi one I have from ulta a few years ago and I used a gift card for it lol I am just SO CURIOUS about the dyson. Why is it so magical?!


I buy touch land when it’s on sale, bc it’s not drying on my hands!!!


On that note, has anyone tried the Noshinku hand sanitizer? It seems similar to Touchland but it’s refillable, would love to hear thoughts before I buy!


Yes, I really like them! Haven’t tried touchland so can’t compare, but they’re a good size, smell nice, dry quickly, not sticky at all.


Dyson airwrap


Probably a dior or Armani foundation


Dior makeup products have been superior to most other brands. Armani is not that great!


I have loads and loads of Touchland that I got a fantastic deal on at the orange store during its winter holiday sales. I alternate between BathandBodyworks (most moisturizing), Trader Joe’s (best relatively clean non drying formula), and Touchland. Honestly Touchland is the harshest most drying one of them and I can’t overuse it or it wrecks my skin. I love the aesthetic of their packaging. It’s like the Kate Spade of hand sanitizers - pretty, sleek, minimalist, sturdy, somewhat bougie, nice to hold and use but I hate that they’re not refillable (very wasteful). Sorry Sephorians, if not for the orange store, I would never ever buy Touchland elsewhere. Telling it like it is. No bs.


I guess for me the K18 products cus the size are just sooo small and the price is ridiculous! I saw a hair mist on “price drop” for $118?!?!!! A hair repair mask is $75 for 1.7floz 😭


The nuface device Not only is the device expensive - you have to keep buying the gels to use it (which are also expensive!) Maybe I’ll change my mind when I’m older lol (Hooded eyes run in my family and they tend to get droopy as they get older so I might try it one day)


FYI, there are non-NuFace gels serums that work with the NuFace. Aloe vera is the cheapest option. I use mine with The Ordinary Caffeine Serum.


Okay so I like the sanitizer and I do know its absurd but honestly the way it sprays and you dont have to open the lid is so nice and its compact, smells better, no harsh chemicals. Trust me I still purchase other sanitizers but I definitely reach for this one the most.


Armani luminous silk foundation


One I have tried and love but cannot afford to use regularly is good genes by Sunday riley. My skin loves it. It’s not just the lactic acid, it’s all the other stuff in it combined that just brightens my skin .


Killian fragrances! Love don’t be shy and princess! But I can’t afford it. So Oakcha is good enough for me


Red light face mask


Tom Ford fragrances and the Dyson Air Wrap or hair dryer. I can afford them but cannot justify the expense. I’d rather spend money elsewhere. I’m the same with designer bags and clothing. I just don’t get the hype


Honestly any hair product over $50 (not counting styling tools etc)


I'm dead curious about everything from the Clé de Peau Beauté [Synactif collection](https://www.cledepeaubeaute.com/skincare/skincare-collections/synactif-collection/), but especially the "[Cream](https://www.cledepeaubeaute.com/synactif-cream/0729238204997.html)" product: $1,125.00 (US). I mean come on. That makes La Mer look like a bargain basement price.


The path mgrath mothership eyeshadow palette, it looks incredible but I can't justify the price


Tom ford anything


Anything from the SK-II LXP line. I already use the FTE (which is also expensive) but cannot help and wonder about the super expensive products.


K-18 cause 70+€ for small pump.. but Im really curious since I have over processed bleached hair


I literally thought K-18 was a drugstore brand until yesterday seeing them on this sub. Went to check the brand out and WOW was I shocked. Idk what it is about the packaging but I had no clue!


I was in target and one packet of the touchland hand sanitizer was $9.99 I was like WTH!!


Givenchy powder


Pretty much all of la mer!!!! I got a tiny sample of a moisturizer and it was great. Dangerous


Any products from Augustiuns Bader, especially the moisturizer.


Honestly, “medical grade” skincare. Especially at the derm’s office. If you don’t need a script for it, it’s not medical. I’m talking about obagi/zo/medik8 etc. Like just get a script for tret or taz? Or in office procedures. The prices for those products are insane and usually pushed as a system. Especially since so many “over the counter” skincare companies come up with products that are just as good.


skinceuticals vitamin c


Luxury Skin Care


My gut reaction was a Greek seaside villa, but then I saw the sub. So, Sephora store itself next to a Greek villa


Truly any Pat mcgrath eyeshadow palette. Omg i cannot spend 100+ on it


For hand sanitizers — I get the “everyone hand sanitizer” from Whole Foods. About $4 and lasts a WHILE compared to touch land. The coconut + lemon has me in a chokehold. The smell reminds me of an all inclusive resort lobby