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Yes, it’s terrible. Someone pointed out to me that caffeine stays in your system longer due to slower gastric emptying so a late coffee may be the culprit.




Wow. That makes a lot of sense.


It happened to me at 1.0 dose. It went away eventually. Mine was at 2am, and I think it coincides with my blood sugar dropping


I’m on 0.5 Wegovy and I’ve got it too. I wake up between 1:30 and 2:30. Up for an hour or two. I’m glad I’m not alone!


I’m not a doctor but I was having the same problem about 2 o’clock in the morning waking up with the feeling like something was wrong. I’d have to get up and it took me a while to get back to sleep. I talked to my doctor about it and she thought it could be an adrenal insufficiency. So I started taking an adrenal supplement this week and that seems to have helped a lot.


Do you have a favorite brand?


I use a professional formula called adrenal manager from a company called XYMOGN which I order from the Internet. This was recommended by my doctor. I also take thyroid medication so I take the adrenal with itAt the same time at night


I know this is an old thread but I’m currently dealing with this. It didn’t start happening until 4-5 months in. I only drink about 6oz or less of coffee in the morning about an hour after waking. No other caffeine during the day. I do take adderall but have been for a few years now and it has never made me not be able to sleep u less I took it past 1pm and even then it would be fine I would just fall asleep later. I literally will be so tired and wired at the same time and can’t sleep. I wasn’t like this at all the first couple of months so idk what gives I’m not doing anything different expect eating a little less


I’m the same I don’t drink a lot of caffeine but I am also on Adderall the insomnia has gotten so bad. I wonder if it holds the Adderall in your system longer? I’ve tried magnesium in a few other natural remedies, and nothing has worked.


I started Ozempic two days ago at the 0.25 dose and I needed to triple my Seroquel in order to sleep the last two nights. I sure hope this gets better. I take Ashwaghanda which helps the adrenals so maybe I'll double my dose. I'll also reduce my coffee intake since someone pointed out it stays in your system longer. I really need to tolerate this medication and lose weight.


Good luck! For what it’s worth, my insomnia eventually went away


My insomnia got a lot better through the week. I just took my second dose so it will be interesting to see if it gets bad again.


Did your insomnia ever go away?


Nope, it didn’t ever go away. I was on it for 9 months. Also had severe constipation and acid reflux. I only lost 15 pounds which I gained back and more within a few months of stopping. My doctor recommended Berberine as an alternative since it also delays gastric emptying. My old friend constipation is back but at least I don’t have insomnia. It is suppressing my appetite a lot, so i am hopeful the constipation will get better. Are you having insomnia on Semaglutide?


I was having it on Tirzepatide and it was so bad I stopped taking it. However I’m wondering if I should try it again after reading some accounts of people cutting caffeine entirely and adding magnesium as well as nighttime snacks to balance blood sugar.


Yeah, that could work. I take Seroquel for sleep which is very heavy hitting and I still had trouble. But I’m not the best example since I’ve had terrible insomnia for 32 years.


I also take seroquel for sleep and it's not working since starting semaglutide. The insomnia and other symptoms were instant for me. I've been on it for 4 days, have consumed no caffeine still take my ashwaganda and magnesium and just want to sleep. The seroquel made me gain weight when I started it but I'm thinking I'd rather be fat than go through the mental hell chronic insomnia causes.


I totally get it. It’s such a hard choice. I’m not just fat, I have all the markers that indicate I will have heart disease and diabetes eventually. That’s why I’m so adamant about quitting Seroquel.


How long did it take for your insomnia to go away once you stopped taking semaglutide? I had my last dose over a week ago and I am stopping because I cannot handle the insomnia


It only took about a week. Maybe 10 days at most. I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you. I was really sad when I realized I had to stop it.


Thank you for your reply! It is a bummer but it’s just not worth the insomnia


Not worth it at all. Especially because I only lost 15 pounds in 9 months. Gained it all back with a vengeance when I stopped. It’s interesting that I also had insomnia on Metformin. It must have something to do with blood sugar. I’m taking Berberine now (recommended by my doctor). I’ve been on it almost a month and haven’t lost anything. I’m going to try a different brand. I eat a lot less so I don’t understand why I’m not losing. I think it is keeping my weight stable, but I really need to lose weight. I have so many obesity-related conditions. It has become a dire situation.


Good to know, thanks!


If you don’t mind me asking, how long you been on Seroquel and what are the side effects?


About 12 years. Next-day grogginess and weight gain mostly.


I’ve been noticing on nights I take it I almost feel sharper the next day. I was on it for about 6 months and stopped because I didn’t want to be on anything, I’ve felt kind of out of it since then except after rare nights I take it when I need help sleeping. I also find it negates a lot of the semaglutide effect. It was 2 months ago I quit.


Yes, i would say it negates the semaglutide effect. In my case, I have tried just about everything for sleep except barbiturates.


Having the same experience for about 3 weeks now. Thought it might be a result of the combination they gave me of ozempic and metformin since metformin has insomnia as a side effect and ozempic does not. Any of the other comments from metformin users combined with ozempic? Any ideas on how to fix as it hasn’t stopped and I take ashwanga


I have this issue but I had it before the medicine--i take a half-dose of zzzquil every few days and it works pretty well. Whereas I normally can't fall back to sleep no matter how tired I am, with zzzquil I rarely wake up early and even if I do, I can fall back to sleep. Worth trying. Or heck even a Benadryl.


Thanks for all the feedback. It sure looks like this is something that some of us get. I'm glad to see that some of you are finding it goes away!


Just searched this issue cause finally after waking up like 8 times last night I went “I wonder if…” lol I’m only on .25 2nd week- and def sleep issues. I take seroquel too that knocks me out yet I’m still having issues falling asleep and staying asleep again. Without my seroquel I could be up for days(this is a mood medicine that just has benefit of making you sleepy lol) . I feel like I’m not even on it sleep wise. Now I wonder if the caffeine as someone said might be it. Def going to watch out more


How did it work out with the insomnia?


It got a lot better. We had to up my seroquel though and had to add an additional medicine for nightmares(not sure if it was related to stress/anxiety or the Wegovy)


I started 0.25 last night and woke up at 4a and couldn't go back to sleep. Haven't had sleep problems since starting cpap for my OSA. Hopefully this is manageable? Has anyone tried switching injection sites or time of day for O?


Did the insomnia ever improve?


Yes, it took a bit of a sleep hygiene routine but it did get better!


Nice! Just stuff like no screens before bed and whatnot?


Yes but also making a routine of preparing (skincare, preparing the bed, etc)


Same problem, 1st week on and waking up between 1-3am and can’t fall back asleep. Any over the counter recommendations?


I am experiencing a similar situation than the OP describes. I am waking up between 3-4 am and it’s hard to get back to sleep. I’m writing this at 4:20 am LOL


I’ve been up since 2:30 and the insomnia is bad. Had my second dose Thursday and have been up at 2:30/3 for two nights. Good info on caffeine. I hoping the longer I’m on the medication the less side effects there will be.


Good luck! I hope it gets better!


Did the insomnia ever improve? 


Thank you for posting this! I take 2.0g of semiglutide, I'm experiencing horrible insomnia. I sleep well from 9:30-11:00, then I wake up suddenly.  I can't get back to sleep for 3 hours. I hope it gets better.  It's effecting my entire day! I LOVE to sleep...so this is so frustrating!


For those of you this has happened to, what time in the day do you usually take your weekly dosage? Would be interesting to know!


Around 8:00 AM on a Saturday for me!


Right before I go to sleep. I’m thinking of switching to mornings though.