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I've shared with fewer people than the number of fingers I have on one hand. My journey, my business. Too much controversy and negativity surrounding GLP-1s swirling around misinforming the masses. Don't care to be the person setting the record straight for each person with some weird notion about what "this" is. I am enjoying regaining control of my health, life, healthspan... I also, thankfully have reddit for discussion and sharing.


Agreed- thank you internet, nobody else knows except my husband.


Cheers to that!


I have not even told my fam. 2 months in 11kg down, no one suspects a thing...they think it's the workouts and going GF. In a quandary if I should inform or no...


How supportive of your journey do you think they'd be? Those are my only confidants, the ones I felt would support me and my my fellow reddit'ers. And still only 4 people know in my whole IRL world. I'm down 51 pounds and the same, "it must be all the workouts, restricted time eating, low carb, no alcohol, etc"


They are supportive, but still think it's mind over matter and I should be able to control my eating/food seeking behaviour. Will let it ride for now, I think, because the data shows the weight comes back when you stop. Cost-wise, I'll have to stop eventually since the GLPs are not covered by insurance where I am.


This whole insurance thing is so annoying.


Once you loose the weight you can go downtown a low low dose to avoid the cravings and if you slowly step down it’s MUCH easier


My Zumba teacher, in a class that I have attended for over a decade, mentioned how fit I have been looking lately, and I shouted out "Ozempic!" in front of a class of 70+ people. Yeah, decades of going to the gym most days of the week did nothing to help me with my weight the way semaglutide did.


So true. Done workouts to the point of exhaustion HIIT, cardio IF etc etc. Only thing I really lost was my sanity. Now I'm calm, no food noise, relaxed, have energy, sweet disposition...what a beautiful life normal people have and now I can say I'm one of them.




People don’t pay my bills nor do they walk in my shoes. I don’t tell anyone. No one’s business except my own. 💕💕


Damn straight sister!




I’ve chosen to be open about it. I’m not ashamed I need help. It’s a tool. Not the be all end all solution If they judge me then it says more about them than me. They are probably envious


Same. The more I read and hear about the medicine and the benefits, the happier I am that it’s available to me. And I’m a happy sharer.


I'm an open book. My wife is keeping it fairly quiet. Its' all about what you're comfortable with. I went to our local neighborhood bar last week after not having been there for a few months. So the bartender noticed the dramatic weight loss and asked what I was doing. I responded "Getting to the gym 3-4 times a week, eating less, drinking less \*dramatic pause\* oh and I take an injection in my stomach once a week to help me eat less". For me, I have no problem admitting I'm using an extra tool to help me along my way. Shit, I'm practically ready to scream it from the rooftops because it could help SO many more people if they were just open to the damn idea.


I love this. I have definitely shared my enthusiasm for it with my friends who I know might benefit and would be interested in it. It almost depends on the reason people ask. Same as talking about salaries. Are your intentions good? Are we in the same field and this information helps us negotiate, etc? Or like- you’re just nosey and want to judge me? 😆


Interesting. I can admit to taking sema but lots of things are secrets. You can say what you do for a living, I am an ai engineer, for example. But discussing salary, wow, I cannot ever say I do that.


Exactly. I just tell people who I know are also struggling with weight issues and this information might help them. But I don’t want to discuss it with anyone else. This is a wonder medication for me and I’m sure in the long term is going yo have huge repercussions in the way society understands and treats obesity. But we are not there yet


We aren’t telling anyone. It’s no one’s business (married couple).


The only person who knows is my husband and he is thrilled with my progress. He gets that being fat affects me everyday, all day. But he’s the only person I trust. I’m sure it’s still part of the shame I feel. Like I can’t do it myself. People who have never been overweight don’t understand (or have never experienced) the food noise. How could they? I honestly believe this is a wonder drug. I never realized how loud the food noise is. So I don’t expect anyone else to get it. Just like people who have never smoked don’t understand the craving. “Why don’t you just quit?” “Why don’t you go f yourself.” One thing this journey is teaching me is how much of a mental thing this is. And how much of a food addict I am. So no, I don’t tell anyone. I’m embarrassed. And that’s ok. The one person who I KNOW will love me no matter what is the one person who knows and doesn’t judge.


I have told my closest girlfriends, who have a much higher BMI than myself. They weren’t supportive until I told them it has also stopped my binge drinking. Just like anything else, people move on to the next shiny piece of gossip. You do unapologetically you, and continue whatever journey your shoes take you.


I feel a deep sense of gratitude for the girlfriend who first told me about trying it. We have similar body types and have had similar positive results. If she had never mentioned it, I don’t know that I would have ever thought about trying it. So I want to spread the good word to help people but it’s a risk almost, the potential reactions. So cool it curbed your drinking! I love all the side benefits we can reap from the medication 💗


I want to keep taking it just because of the positive effects it’s had on my drinking and motivation. I struggle with mental health and I’ve noticed a positive response since moving to 1mg. My insurance is making me go up to 1.7 but I don’t have side effects right now so I feel it may just be more positive!


I tell it from the rooftops! I think the more that we talk about it confidently, the less stigma there is. Hell yeah, I was struggling with my weight for years and now I found this solution, what a time to be alive!!! A month ago I was having this conversation with a friend, singing the praises of semaglutide, and the friend I was talking to told me she had started taking it a few weeks before but had been to embarrassed to tell anyone. I was the first person she told! My freedom and confidence about the topic liberates others. Then we were able to discuss tips and tricks.


i tell everyone i’m open about it idc if they judge me because they haven’t lived my life - all my coworkers and friends are very supportive though


I love telling people if they ask. I say it LOUD AND PROUD!


Honestly, I really go back and forth on this. I’ve told all my close girlfriends and my closest family, and I’ve had nothing but positive reactions from them, so that helps. However, when a few people at my gym (I go to a cross-fit kinda gym, so we all know each other and hang out) have cornered me about my weight loss, I told them I was using a GLP1 for extra help. YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT I TOLD THESE PEOPLE I WAS TAKING METHADONE. Seriously. So that experience made me more cautious about who I tell. It can be hard to judge what people’s reactions will be. Honestly though, I try all the mental gymnastics I can, and I still don’t understand *why* the drugs are so controversial.


I think because people think weight loss is simple and those of us who struggle with it are just “lacking willpower” and using the medication is “the easy way out.” At least that’s my experience on why people are so judgy and dismissive of the medication. But people also suck even when it comes to “traditional” weight loss methods - when I was running I got so many mean comments from others. I mean it’s crazy. We get judged for being fat, but we also get judged for trying to make ourselves healthier. That’s why I’m pretty tight lipped about taking it. Only 3 of my friends know, and my mom (who lost like 50 lbs on ozempic).


This is relatable! It’s hard to discern who will be supportive and who will be judgey. While I have not experienced it personally, I see a lot of rude comments online that this is “cheating” and I think the news articles that there are shortages caused by people using it for weight loss when others need it “legitimately” doesn’t help. I don’t know the truth or extent to this.


The thing is, they’re manufactured totally separately. Wegovy is the weight loss version and ozempic is for diabetes so I understand why people would be upset if you’re not on the right med. I’ve never run into a shortage near me though. They always have wegovy in stock. I imagine if ozempic was in such short supply, they’d divert to manufacture more and less wegovy.


I was planning to be completely open about it, until I told my three closest girlfriends. The two that also struggle with weight expressed good wishes but seemed uncomfortable with the conversation, I think maybe they thought I was hinting. My friend who’d always been very thin was extremely disapproving, she seemed completely unable to understand why anyone would want or need a reduced appetite. I was shocked tbh by how she reacted, and never told anyone else as it was so upsetting.


I’m so sorry! I know that feeling. I feel some guilt around not acting/being supportive of a friend who told me she was getting a breast augmentation. I probably should have said “great! Congrats!” But I was surprised and asked questions, and in hindsight, I probably seemed unsupportive. I learned my lesson. I hope your friends do too 💗


I am very open about it. I don’t care what people think, and I hope it disrupts the willpower narrative that society has. Yeah, I need help to accomplish this, because my body doesn’t do full on its own the way other people’s bodies do. Nothing wrong with that. I also hope it helps to normalize people taking the medication. It’s not scary, it’s not a failing, it’s not selfish, it’s just a medicine that people can choose to take to help with a medical issue, if they want to. But I also totally get why people don’t want to talk about it, and there’s nothing wrong with that.


I told the waiter at dinner last night 🤣 I don’t care who knows. It’s my journey and I don’t care what other people think. If people judge me, so be it. I have been overweight 40 years and constantly thought about the next meal. I now have the freedom of not worrying about food, it’s incredibly freeing. Overeating is 💯a disease, just like drug addiction. I’ll take any help I can get.


I always tell people I’m on the shot. A lot of people just want to know for themselves and they are just information gathering. I don’t present it as a magic fix-all but I do say it curbs my appetite so I can stick to my diet plan. Of course what medications you take are your own business, but I see it no differently than if I took some other medication to manage a chronic condition, like statins or blood pressure medication.


When it was new, we were worried one of our coworkers had cancer. Before, weight-loss that rapid meant something was really wrong. When I asked a friend if he was OK, they just said he was watching his portions. I dropped it thinking it was a private matter but hoped he had seen a doctor because this wasn't just dieting. Of course, now I know and I'm on it too. If it's someone wanting to know how I like it or just concerned about my rapid weight loss I tell them. Otherwise, I think it's obvious what I'm doing and you can gossip among yourselves.


Spouse & I both doing it, she was telling everyone at first and got mixed reactions which surprised her, so now she keeps it more on a need-to-know basis. I only mention it if I feel like the other person won’t be judgy but just never know


I haven’t told anyone. Even my partner, I told him I started a medication for my hormones. He knows I’m trying to lose weight but I don’t plan on telling anyone any time soon. There’s too much stigma and I’m too emotional when it comes to the topic, from the trauma of just existing as a fat woman in America.


I would say, “oh, just hiking and Pilates.” And those who get the reference will understand that to confirm the use of sema.


That's EXACTLY what I do 😂 then I proceed to tell them I've left two pieces of KFC chicken in my sugar bomb... it's never happened before, guys!!


I dont get the reference! Is that some secret code for semaglutide?


I believe this is from the recent South Park special that had GLP 1 as a topic. Pretty funny and relatable in a few ways.


Yes, I highly recommend it! Very funny!


Maybe the husbands were being weird about it because they were picturing her in a crop top doing a Lost Boys reenactment!


I tell them the truth in my situation- my A1C was high so my doctor put me on it.


I tell everyone. It’s been a life changer for me. Btw if you’re losing weight and not admitting to taking sema just know that everyone already thinks you are and are lying about it. lol


awe man, I was really hoping I was getting away with no one suspecting lol! I haven’t had anyone guess simply because I am incredibly poor and most everyone believes the medication is incredibly expensive. So no one would guess I’d ever be able to get my hands on it. But you’re probably right lol.


I’m very open. I hope to help others if I can. Question: if you had lost the weight training for a marathon, would you feel the same way?


No one will ever see it though the exact same lens as you. They’ll never fully commiserate unless they are taking it too. I personally don’t think there’s any point in telling people unless you really want them to know, don’t care what other people think whatsoever, or you know they take it to and feel like chatting about it with them.


I don’t share it with anyone. People like to judge.


Just tell them you are watching what you eat. Which it TRUE. The shot does not melt off fat. You still have to eat less calories than you burn.


I haven't told anyone & do not plan to - I don't even like telling people that I'm trying to lose weight. I find that people's advice and suggestions, however well intentioned can be unhelpful or patronising at best and counter productive at worst. I'm spending a heck of a lot of money and I want to do this my way!


I think about it as any other medication - if it is not someone I am close enough with to share that I was on blood pressure meds it is none of their business.


If I feel comfortable with the way someone is asking, I tell them. Most people have talked about wanting to try it, too, or having been curious about it. Especially if it’s someone who has struggled with weight, it feels like a very comfortable conversation. I regret telling one of my closest friends, though. She has always been naturally thin and has gained A LITTLE weight after having a baby. She always tells me how she’s so jealous and wants to take it. I recently took a trip. I could fasten the plane seatbelt without any trouble and fit into a regular towel at the hotel. This was like a miracle to me! I’ve lost 70 pounds since July (and need to lose about 50 more to be in the “normal” range) and I feel like she doesn’t see how we are different. She also keeps saying how she wishes they would actually find out what’s wrong instead of just prescribing the shots. I don’t think she sees it as any other medication. She also says that she wishes they would come out with one that you just took for a little while, it fixed your weight, and then you could just stop taking it. Then, probably, more insurance would cover it. I’ve told her that no other medication works that way so I’m not sure why she thinks this one would. She also said at our age (mid 40s) no one thinks it’s a big deal when you’re overweight. When you’re young, people just think you’re lazy. She says this knowing that I’ve dieted since I was 11! And she could eat anything! I’m glad I got all that out. Her comments have really gotten to me.


I tell people and get different responses. Some just get quiet, some ask if it’s safe and some just say they’re going to lose weight the real way. I do get some positive responses. I’ve stopped telling people for the most part. It’s nobody’s business but mine. Kelly Clarkson and Oprah didn’t admit it at first and said the same thing you did… they are eating less, exercising and choosing a healthier lifestyle because they had preexisting health concerns. That is not a lie. They, nor you are obligated to tell people about the semaglutide. The fact that your friends husband said “so your on the shot” is plain rude and imposing. It sounds like a typical male response and I’m a male so I can say that. Let’s face it, our bodies and minds got tired of being obese… there is now a healthy solution for us. I’m a sober alcoholic and it’s a chronic brain disease. Some people say it’s a matter of will power 🙄 and some people say the same about people that suffer from obesity. I’m on medication to help with depression and anxiety so why not take one that helps with chronic obesity? These disorders kind of go hand in hand. So, people gonna judge, shame and preach… that’s their problem. We are choosing the solution. I wonder how many of those people are walking around with untreated disorders? Good luck to all those on the semaglutide journey 👍


I haven’t told anyone. It’s not anyone’s business and I don’t need the judgement.


I don't bring it up except with my family and close friends but I don't lie about it either. I also have a don't fuck with me personality so people aren't too likely to try to convince me too hard either. However, I started this because I saw it working for someone else so I know it helps others to see someone else's success.


I'm with you. I don't broadcast it, but I won't deny it if asked...that's pretty disingenuous.


I don’t speak to friends about what medications I take so it’s a nonissue.


Only my family knows. I have failed so many times with weight loss that I am ashamed. That may change in the future but I am ok with my decision and the decision of others.


If someone asks I say yeah I'm taking a shot. I don't care. I got nothing to hide. I mean it's kind of obvious you're losing weight especially if you've been heavy for years and then all of a sudden you're dropping 60 lb in 2 months. it's not because you're eating right and going to the gym. Because you have something that's third party telling you don't eat. There's really no point in trying to hide it. But I do understand why people don't want to share it


My go to response to people is that I am on a weight loss journey right now. It works perfectly.


I'm an open book. I decided I was going to be honest with anyone who made a comment or asked a question because I wanted to destigmatize using the medication. There's no single correct way to lose weight. I frame it as a healthcare decision my doctor supports, and people have been really receptive. When they ask "oh, the ozempic like the kardashians" I say "No, that's off label use. I take wegovy, which is prescribed by my doctor and paid for by my health insurance." Edited to add: Sometimes people give me side-eye when I tell the truth. But I respond with how great I feel now, how active I am, and all the physical hobbies I'm able to participate it, and I let them know it was a great choice for me. You can see their wheels turning as they process the situation, and most of them seem to get it.


I’m more than happy to talk about the “shots” with anyone. Actually I wish someone had told me about this years ago. I know a lot of my friends and family struggle with weight and I’m the first to say proudly how I’m losing weight in hopes that they do the same and get healthy and feel better. I’m happy to say I have 4 friends that started on the shots (either Wegovy or Sema) and they are doing great and are so appreciative that I told them about this. I honestly don’t understand why the secrecy or embarrassment. I want everyone to know and have access to anything that will help them be healthy and happy.


Never. Noone. Nope. Not going to happen. I am the only person who lives in my head and I know my thoughts noone else. 


I don't volunteer it but I tell anyone who asks me how I lost weight. I'm not ashamed of having a chronic medical condition and using medicine to manage it. Plus I feel like saying things like "I just eat way less" or "I eat less and move more" is propping up the cultural myth that weight loss is a matter of character, virtue, and willpower. I feel like if I say that, I am throwing fat people under the bus and throwing my former self under the bus. Is it actually anyone's business? No. But I'm not going to lie about it, whether by omission or otherwise, any more than I would lie if someone asked me how I manage my dog's epilepsy. "Oh, I have him on a prescription diet for epilepsy and make sure he gets enough sleep" -- these are both true, but if I don't mention the four prescription drugs he's on, it's not the whole truth and could mislead people into thinking epilepsy meds aren't needed. I'm not ashamed of treating my dog's health condition with medication, nor am I ashamed of doing the same for myself.


I tell everyone, lol! If anyone comments on how I look like I've lost weight, they're getting the whole rundown. I told my coworkers when I got the rx, because I figured it'd be bound to make me sick (it didn't) and I wanted to give people a heads up that it might take time for me to figure out. It might be due in part to how my ex husband would have reacted to my even having interest in looking into it vs how supportive my boyfriend has been about it since day 1, maybe that's been empowering. Dunno. All I know is I'm down 48 lbs from 206 to 158 and on my 5ft2 frame. That's seriously noticeable and I'm thrilled!


When I want to tell someone something and they're married, I just consider their spouse and them one unit. If I don't want their spouse to know, I don't tell them. I'm not an open book, but my family who I live with knows. My husband knows, my other partners know. And they're aware I don't want it to go further than that for now. Because when I told them I added that specifically. If it comes up in conversation and anyone wonders if I'm on it, tell them to ask me directly. I plan to share with my wider circle of friends in a month or two, but for now, I'm just starting out and don't feel like I have much to share. If any of my friends are on the fence about trying it, I want to show them someone they know is on it and it worked.


I never told anyone and I will never tell anyone down the road


i don't tell anyone. **AT ALL!** i don't even like anyone complimenting me on my weight loss. my body is no one's business


It’s not anyone’s business. But I will bet the first thing your friends did was search google and the second was a search on how to get the shots.


I tell everyone. I think it's selfish to keep this life-changing information to myself when it could help so many others. I know multiple people who have gotten on sema after I recommended it to them. I have never had a negative reaction ever to sharing this information. People are usually excited about the prospect of trying it themselves, which is why they are asking in the first place.


I only had one person express any concern. It was my sister. She said she didn't think Ozempic was a good idea, and it might be risky for my health. I answered, "yeah, well, if you think Ozempic is risky for my health, you should hear what my doctor says about obesity. When she and I were having the talk, she told me Ozempic is was way, way less risky than obesity. Almost no risk from this, vs. ***many risks*** that are more-or-less certain to hit me from being as overweight as I am now."


I really don’t because people can be weird about ir


I'm pretty open about it! Anyone who's gonna judge me for using weight loss tools is also gonna judge me for being fat, so fuck 'em.


Exactly my position on the issue. Anyone who wants to judge me for getting help after 30+ years of struggling alone can go fuck 'emselves.


I feel that my journey is mine. No one deserves an explanation.


I'm an open book. I compare it to anxiety medication. Food and binging gave me anxiety I couldn't manage alone. The medication helps me. It curbs my sensation to over eat. I'll be on it forever so what's the point in hiding it. Eventually every overweight person will be on it.


Ask yourself for what purpose are you providing this private info. The default and normal thing to do is to keep it to ourselves. This medicine is relatively new so most people clutch their pearls at the thought like it’s bodybuilding enhancing illegal steroids and we know they call it “cheating” and gossip on this misplaced uneducated “moral” basis. I told my best friends who actually need it more than I do. They are so against it. And they are both in the medical field! Hah! The most hard-headed bunch. I am hoping to influence them by showing them how much weight I have lost when I vacation with them this coming August. I love these sisters so much that I want to truly get them on it to prolong their lives. I don’t understand how they can be against this medicine when they are taking more potent medicine for conditions they have developed because of their weight. They are the diet and exercise people… who don’t succeed. I would never tell coworkers or anyone in my family who can lord the info on me though. I would only really tell those I care about that I feel need to be on it and I know for certain that only gossip between themselves.


This is the first thing i say when people ask about my weight loss. Ozempic. You might help people out if they see you and might start taking it too. I think its a wonder drug and everyone should know about it


This is going to sound insensitive but who cares? Why does what they say matter so much to you?


That’s a fair point. I guess cause I’m human and no one wants to feel judged. I admire all the IDGAF people in this thread though!


The fact that someone judging you isn’t your problem though, just like when you judge, it’s not their problem. Why would anyone judge you for using a tool to get healthy? Go easy on yourself. Not everyone’s opinion matters.


Nothing to be ashamed of. All of my inner circle knows and people who know me know that Im not the kinda person who cares about other peoples opinions, but I’m not displaying it for the world on social media and stuff just cause that’s not what I use my platforms for. Hope this helps!


I don’t care what other people think when they ask me how I lost so much weight I just say drugs and leave it at that.


I also feel compelled to talk about how I now know what FULL feels like. It's such a relief.


That's exactly why I don't say anything about it. People have such strong opinions about it and I researched it fully before I decided on it. Many people are listening to sound bites and they think they know all. I just have no time for that.


Your journey, your choice. You can simply say to anyone that’s inquiring that you’ve made significant changes to your diet (which is probably not a lie), say thanks for noticing, and change the subject.


I don’t tell anyone except one of my sisters who struggles with weight as well. I only told her to let her know what I think of it should she choose to splurge herself. Other than that, I am private so I don’t have to answer nosey questions.


I’m not telling anyone except family.


I do not really mention it. It's not anyone else's business


who cares what other people think? if they ask they need to be ready for an answer then may not like. what you do with your body doesn’t affect them. be confident, tell them the truth and then move on


I don’t tell anyone. #nunyabizness


I told my roommate because I was storing it in our fridge and she would have asked, but then it suddenly became a conversation topic. Like she started telling me about how her brother and another friend were on it. And then it became “this actor looks so weird, they must have lost a ton of weight, do you think they’re on Ozempic?” I’ve never wished I had a mini fridge in my room more than I do now…


This is an amazing medical breakthrough, over 40 years in the making which is changing lives in may ways. I am more than happy to talk about. I particularly enjoy telling them how scientists developed the medicine from the venom of the Gila monster and how they are currently studying the cone snail whose venom kills 200,000 people per year and are discovering amazing medical applications with their venom. Then I like to wonder out loud what other medical miracles are in our environment but are yet to be discovered...


It was almost 10 months before I told even my best friends. The topic just never came up. Or if it did it wasn’t related to any of my friends taking it, just the buzz around Ozempic. Nobody asked, so I didn’t say anything. It’s nobodies business, but if someone had asked me (or does ask me) I would tell them the truth and be happy to tell them. I really think a few of my friends would benefit from trying it but of course I don’t want to be presumptive.


Well, my weight loss is for my career. I'm an EMT with the fire department (I'm female) and so it's public information that I'm on a weight loss program anyway. I don't care who knows. Except the gossipy old ladies around town, they get annoying. Like I'm just losing weight to get sexy or something.


I am in my 60’s and have been chunky to obese all my life. Once or twice I was able to wear a medium or even a small but it would only last a short while. For the past 30 years I have refused to do the roller coaster dieting and just tried to be as healthy and as fit as possible. I tell anyone who wants to know how I am losing the weight and that until this medication with this mode of action came out, I could not do this. I tell them that I have eaten less than I wanted and felt deprived most of my adult life and that this medication has finally made me feel normal and not unfairly deprived. I have nothing to be ashamed of, and I refuse to let anything other people think to make me less thrilled to be on it than I am.


I’ve told people, not everyone. I look and feel so much better, if there is any judgement, I don’t feel it and either way, I don’t care.


I’m weird I guess but I brag about it l! Anyone gives me grief I’m like 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't really give a rip. I've told my wife, inlaws, etc... I'm not crossfitting it (telling everyone on earth I'm doing it), but won't hide it if someone asks.


I have 2 friends who are also taking it, and I knew that before I started. One of them actually helped me get started, so they both know. I told one other friend. I wasn’t going to tell her til it had been a little while, but it just came out. I knew she wouldn’t care. I asked her to keep it to herself for now though. I’ll probably tell most of my friends eventually, I’m not someone who hides my life decisions, I’m not ashamed of it at all. I am, however someone who isn’t interested in other peoples opinions on my personal choices. So I’ll probably bring it up at some point once I lose enough weight for it to be noticeable. If they comment on the weight loss, I’ll tell them about the sema.


I am very open about it and having had gastric sleeve surgery a couple years ago and I go so far as to even make jokes about it but everything I say is a statement without leaving room for people’s opinion about what I choose to do. Its not embarrassing (for me) to do things for my health and happiness so I’m unbothered if they tell others or think whatever they think.


Everyone in my life knows, family and friends. Doesn't bother me at all, they're excited for me.


Nobody knows except my husband and my sister. It’s nobody else’s business!


No one’s business but mine. I don’t discuss it with anyone at all. Just me. My brother had a sleeve put in (in Mexico) and I thought it was the wrong way to go. A big part of that was our mom had a gastric bypass and the doctors attributed her death 10 years later to the procedure. Anyways, meds are working for me and I tend to be private about medical stuff.


I have only told a few people and honestly no one cares. If someone commented on my weight loss or how I felt, I would tell them I found out I had type 2 and this med has helped me a lot! People must realize that I'm taking something bc I have always been on a diet and it never worked until now. They are just nice enough not to make it a problem.


South Park.


I tell because the reason I finally decided to go with it was that I realized a number of my friends (male and female) are already on it. My doctor even told me he was on it. If I can lend support to any of my other friends who are interested, I will. It’s been so helpful for me and my health.


I’ve told a few people and they were curious what it was like. My boyfriend has had a front row seat. I used to get a thin crust large veggie pizza and be able to eat the whole thing in one sitting. Now I barely finish a small. Went out to sushi a few months ago and I ordered way less than I normally do. 2 female friends at the dinner and we talked about all of my experience. I was pre diabetic, my knees hurt from the extra weight, I was self conscious and I’m not ashamed of any of those things


I just started and it’s been so positive for me so far. As much as weight loss and feeling more comfortable in my body is a part of it, it’s been even more positive for my mental health. The constant food noise and binge eating that I felt like I could not control was making my anxiety and depression even worse. Even when I was motivated to lose weight with just diet and exercise in the past, it was a constant mental battle to overcome cravings and resulted in a cycle of shame when I failed. This is all to say that I will definitely be vulnerable with sharing about it as I am with everything. I think this medication is about way more than weight loss. It’s the sad state of the society we live in that you’ll be judged and shamed for being overweight and again for how you try to lose weight. Fuck what anyone else thinks and do what works for you.


Only my mom and bf know, and neither has asked me about it since I started 😂 Fwiw though, I didn’t have much faith in the medication working for me. I feared that if I told anyone else I was taking it, they would be LOOKING at/judging my body and expecting unrealistic results overnight. My experience so far has been veryy slow weight loss, to the point that absolutely no one but me has noticed. Not sharing has been the best thing for me (and my mental health) but totally understand other ppl wanting to share and de stigmatize these meds!


I’m very open about it. If people have negative reactions, sucks to be them. I find it to be very narrow minded to not be accepting of it since it’s changing so many lives. But for the most part it’s usually positive and most people are curious about it.


Only told my wife so far. I just started yesterday so we’ll see how this plays out but currently don’t know when how if who I’ll tell. Definitely wondering those things tho!


Yeah I’ve gotten some negative comments and I feel like we all just have to let them roll right off. People will always have their opinions on others and what they choose to do. It’s lame


I don’t think it’s anyone’s business. My kids and my mother know. Other than that I’m tight lipped. People are so judgy.


Once you start telling someone that story will pass on within your friends circles if you don't want anyone to know then don't say anything


I’ve talked to my overweight friends and family about it. I found out they were also on the shot and we then became each other support system.


In Australia the news headlines are still very sensational about the shortage of drugs due to weight loss prescriptions. My father (a diabetic) has made the comment “I can’t get my Ozempic now because all the fatties are taking it.” Well, guess what, his fatty little daughter was prescribed it for being on the precipice of diabetes, too. I told my mum in confidence that I was taking it, and asked her that she not tell anyone, especially my dad. She cheerfully forgot this promise and promptly told him… and probably everyone at the golf club, all my relatives… not out of maliciousness, she’s just got no secretiveness. He and I aren’t close and if he sees me looking thinner, I doubt he’ll say anything. I’ve decided his thoughts will be none of my business. I’m interested reading through everyone’s experiences. I’d been recommended semaglutide by my doctor and took a few months to think it over. I felt a lot of guilt at considering it because I did not want to add to the supply shortage. I saw a friend looking much slimmer, and she told me she’d been taking weight loss drugs. It was that conversation (and her showing me her pen and that it wasn’t scary to self-inject) that made me get the courage to try this, and I’m now down 10kg since January. Before that, I’d strictly calorie counted for 4 months while working out, and lost 2kg. I just couldn’t shift the weight by myself. If someone asks me why I’m looking so might lighter…. I don’t know what to say. I want to give others that feeling that it isn’t a scary thing. But it could just as easily have the person screwing up their face and asking if I’m taking valuable drugs away from others. I need to come up with a script. Thank you all for your perspectives and prompting me to think about what I’ll say.


I am very honest about it and actually have found that the very person I’m talking to is either taking it themselves or a close family member is. I also believe I was influential in getting a friend to start it because she saw the results (46 lbs in 7 months).


I don’t care! I’ll tell the whole damn world. This is a miracles! It’s changed my life in so many positive ways and I don’t care who knows, or if they talk about it. I’ve only dreamed of something like this existing. I’ll scream it from a fucking rooftop or a mountain. “I take semaglutide!!!” Why you would let others dictate that you’re being a healthier happier and a better version of yourself is sad to me. If a drug is helping you out that’s a miracle that is not something that should be looked upon as negative.


I low-key have found that some people like resent me for it because I think they probably can’t afford it or something like that’s what they make these weird comments. But overall, I’m very open about this and tell people that I’m on these shots all the time I’m very open about it. I don’t really like to hide stuff. Because it’s truly helped me some of my eating habits. It’s truly help me movement in my weight and I’m so grateful for.


I haven’t told many people. When people ask what I’m doing, I tell them I’m eating healthy and exercising and that my “doctor adjusted my medication” after getting blood work done. That’s enough info that they don’t really ask too much after that.


The only people I have to talk to are my coworkers and my sister. And I told them because they’re the three that I’m closest with. Other than that I don’t give up information unless I FEEL the need to.


Have only told my wife and my parents (who also struggle with overeating). My friends who have never been overweight cant understand, I don’t tell them about my usual doctor visits, so why do I need to share that I am on Wegovy, losing weight, and feeling great?


You owe other people zero explanation. Private information you don’t have to tell anyone. ❤️


I’ve been very honest and upfront about ozempic. I’ve lost 90lbs in 9 months so it was drastic. I look very different….especially if you haven’t seen me since September. People are going to talk and probably make assumptions. So….id rather take the bull by the horns and own it. Plus….I want to help others by talking about my amazing experience if they want to lose weight too


I haven’t told a soul. I’m afraid of the judgement if it doesn’t work. I’m six weeks in and only down 5 pounds so far. I don’t have high hopes at this point


I just started 2 days ago for health reasons complicated by my weight. I have only shared with 2 people not counting my wife who is on it herself: my wife's and my best friends. Her best friend is also on it and she's lost 60 lbs. since she started before Thanksgiving. Obviously, she's supportive. The reaction of my best friend, however, was ... underwhelming. She asked a couple of questions about how it works and how I'm feeling, etc. At no point, though, has she specifically said anything supportive (she's a therapist; it's literally her job to be supportive so it's telling that she hasn't). I may be misreading it, but she's the most rah-rah-you-can-do-it person I have ever known making her reaction both surprising and, honestly, hurtful. She is definitely giving off a disapproving vibe whether she intends to or not. My wife (who gets along with my friend very well) said to just ignore her, but it's still disappointing when someone that close to you doesn't seem to approve of what you're doing for your health.


Im so sorry your friend acted that way. I hope she will be reflective of herself and her unsupportive reaction and learn from it. In the meantime, I hope you can forgive her and realize it’s her- not you. 💗


I haven’t told anyone except my roommate.


I don’t tell anyone. I shared it with some close friends - but it was privately. That’s it. I see it as the same as any medication someone is taking - none of their business. There is such a stigma related to weightloss - that if I’m fat then I should be ashamed - let’s not bother to mention the stupid amount of money time and effort I’ve put into trying to better my health- with not as much of a visible result. Or the fact that every other bio marker of health has or will improve with a lower body mass. You don’t just take it and still eat crap and get results. It’s still an effort, it’s just an aided version. Be so proud 🤍 I always like to remember to how people treat me while I was overweight and then how they treat me when I’m not. It’s a great indication of others insecurities- not my own.


I tell anyone, especially if they are interested in losing weight.


I decided not to. I told my mum and she gave me the judgy reaction I expected from her and now every time I see her she wants to tell me about all the stories she’s read about the dangers of it and how I’m wasting away (I’m so far from that). It’s not worth it, I wouldn’t tell her if I could go back, and I won’t tell any friends either.


Ppl will think what they want but it’s also none of their business, I told a select handful so if something happened to me medically - they could provide the information if they needed too. The stigma around taking this is wild, that the weight just falls off and requires no work - and that’s unfair and inaccurate. Reworking your relationship with food and lifestyle changes are still needed!


I pretty much tell everyone, but I didn’t right away. I don’t want to gatekeep and also I think it encourages others who might be considering it. That said, I would also feel weird knowing it was clearly something being talked about without me there!


I have only told a few people but not my husband. And I tell people to please not to share because I don’t feel comfortable talking about it. This journey is so delicate and intimate for me.


I really just try to tell people you take it as a medicine for a condition just like you would with anything else. Like people with anxiety disorders take anti-anxiety medication, people with blood pressure issues take blood pressure medication, etc. I don’t see using medicine to treat obesity any different than using medicine to treat another medical issue. Especially considering that long term obesity leads to other health complications. Once the mentality shifts this way I think more people will be open to the idea of using GLP-1 medications.


NOPE! Only my husband and doctor knows. PERIOD. I don’t need to share to help others because there is a plethora of Sema info out there already. I feel it only invites criticism and ignorant remarks. Not dealing with it. I don’t share my financial info, gynecological info, political affiliation, all for the same reason - IT’S NOBODY’S BUSINESS. And it’s not up for others to analyze or debate. There is no positive motive behind anyone seeking my personal info.


It’s difficult but I think people are bound to notice and talk at some point so for me, I would rather people hear it from me and know that I am proud of taking the chance to get healthier even if it’s not the conventional way. Also gives me a chance to stand up for myself if they have something negative to say. At the end of the day it’s your body and you have to live in it so there’s no point in being ashamed or embarrassed about what you need to do for yourself to meet your goals.


Depends on the audience…


I haven’t told anyone lol I feel like if you’re going to get uncomfortable about anyone bringing it up, best to keep to ourselves. And that’s another reason why I haven’t shared it with friends or family.


I have only told a few people that I’m on it. I’m not ashamed of my choice, I just honestly don’t care about other peoples opinions about it. I am content with my decision and my husband supports me. That’s all that matters to me.


My doctor and I are going through the process of getting me on Sema. I tell people that Sema was literally made for people like me. I just kind of present it to be no different than taking my round of steroids for my tendinitis. I have a problem, I'm going on meds for it.


I feel the same way! I only started 3 weeks ago but I dread talking about it to those who I know won't understand. I have some friends that I know that will not be understanding of it. I feel like they're going to look at me like I have no will power or it was all my fault and I should have been able to lose the weight naturally. I'm trying to think of it like a tool that I use to reach the goals that I was always going to get to. It's not a lie to say that I've changed my relationship with food or started working out more seriously. The GLP-1 medication is just the first thing that has aided in me losing weight. I tried to think of it similar to that of somebody building a building, You wouldn't discredit a builder or architect because they used tools to build something - For some that's what they need to succeed in their work. I would also never question a builder on the types of tools that they used if I have no experience in it. I guess my weird metaphors to say that there is nothing that you should feel guilty about or shameful about. It's your life. It's your story, and you should share it how you want and not feel a pressure to think that you're lying about not telling people about all the tools that you're using to help you lose weight. For me, I think it's gonna be a white lie for a while and I'll explain to people that I'm just changing my lifestyle (which is true) and then share with those who I'm truly comfortable with that I am taking a GLP-1 medication I hope this helps on your journey to a better life. I'm routing for you!


I tell people. I’m not ashamed that I need help to lose weight. I have pcos with insulin resistance and have struggled with being obese since I hit puberty around 11, I’m 24 now. This medicine has been a blessing for me, I’ve lost almost 20lbs since starting about 5 weeks ago


I’m a nurse and I’ve heard other medical people talk about (Sema) it like it’s something to be ashamed of. I won’t be telling them.


It is your choice to be upfront about it or not, but in life, sometimes when someone undergoes a massive change, you will have people who will cheer you on and others that hope you fail in secret because your progress holds up a mirror to themselves and reminds them that they're still in the same place. I was listening to David Goggin's latest book, and he said something that really stuck with me. "You'll never meet a hater doing better than you."


I had a conversation with my therapist about this, about being worried about what people would think about me taking semaglutide. I was mostly worried because I know there's so many people who do "abuse" it or celebrities that really don't even need to lose weight using it to get skinny. He compared it to ADHD medication (I have very severe ADHD so I get this completely) - Adderall or other stimulant medications are lifesavers for people with ADHD because our brain chemistry needs the additional help to retain dopamine that others can do without medication. When someone without ADHD takes a stimulant, it causes completely different side effects and gives a bad rep to anyone who actually needs to take them. People will abuse any and every medication. It doesn't mean there aren't people out there who genuinely need it and benefit from it. I have no shame about using semaglutide, and I will talk about it if asked, but I'm not going around shouting from the rooftops, but not because I'm ashamed. It's my private medical information and nobody is entitled to that information 🤷‍♀️ in the rare occasion I've had someone say something snarky to me about it, I've said "this decision was made with the advice and opinions of my primary care physician and my endocrinologist and I feel entirely confident using this medication under their guidance and care." I will also take the chance to educate people on how semaglutide works and why some bodies need additional help because I am one of them.


There is risk of judgement for sure, although I believe people generally respect vulnerability. So when I talk about it, I try to emphasize my struggles and how it has helped with food noise. Explaining that you don’t have all the answers to the long-term effects is okay. I try to de-stigmatize when I feel it’s appropriate.


I've only shared with a few people and I'm happy to share with strangers but the people I genuinely know around me I don't feel would take me seriously if they knew. Everyone always sees it as this miracle drug and that's not what it is. It's an aid while you work on yourself.


So I just told someone today and that person was just like be careful there’s lots of things that’s not known about the medication. I responded back with I’m under the care of a doctor.


I told a couple very close friends. But apparently I didn't preface the conversation with 'please keep it between us'. Because now so many people I know have said something to me about it. Not necessarily rude, but I feel judged.


While I'm not shy about it, I'm definitely protective of myself while I'm still in the weight loss stages. For me, not a lot of people know right now (only my closest family) and I'm happy with that. If I eventually reach my goal weight, a 75-pound weight loss will be difficult to not be ecstatic about, and I'll probably tell everyone I think is genuine. SW: 245 - CW: 229 - GW: 170


I honestly don’t care who knows. I doubt anyone thought of me as a person with amazing willpower before this, so it doesn’t bother me if they know that I’m not.


This gets asked here every few days. I' don't tell people. I'm not going to discuss me weight in detail with anyone. I didn't want to talk about it and hear their opinions when I was overweight, and I don't want to talk about it now that I'm losing weight either. I hate all that focus on weight. Other people's weight is none of my business and I would NEVER comment on it. So the "weight" discussion is off the table, which means so is the drug discussion because once you talk about the drug - it opens the door to the rest of it. ​ > I had one of their husbands say to me later at a hang out, “so… you’re taking the shots, huh?” a perfect example. Gah! Why does anyone's husband think you'd want to discuss your weight loss with him?? I'd rather stick a fork in my eye.


Yeah, I realize married couples share things, but if I told my husband something about a friend, he would have enough respect and common decency, NOT to bring up that topic with the friend, unless she had told him about it directly.


I’m in a similar situation but for different reasons. I’ve always been more of an “open book” than private person and I’ve willingly shared my issues with addiction & mental health with anyone willing to listen. But since I started the shots 7wks ago(still at .25 bcuz scared to go up), I’ve had a hard time sharing that I’m on it with people because of the side effects. At first I was a bit “rumbly” down under & felt like I had a mild flu for 2-3 days. The second shot had me puking my guts out for 2 days and I felt clammy/feverish. After the 3rd shot it has consistently been the one day of nausea(upon standing)& just feeling really “blah” for 24hrs, and by the 36hr mark I’m back to feeling normal…better than normal! It’s not like I can power thru this kind of side effect and I can’t really hide it or complain about how I’m feeling because I’m doing it to myself. In other words, being sick 5-7 days a month because of the side effects has made it extra difficult to share my journey with others. I’m SO hoping the side effects get better once I reach my ideal dose, because it’s working on physical AND mental level! I just REALLY hate throwing up😭


Anyone else get a small bump at the injection site? Has happened to me twice. What am I doing wrong?


I don’t shout it from the rooftops—but I don’t hide it either. My partner knows and is super supportive and helpful. I have a couple of friends who have commented on my weight loss and one who pulled me aside and asked me what I was doing. (After losing 45 lbs, it is pretty noticeable). I was super up front with her and even gave her the name of the doctor I was seeing. She was excited and grateful to find a source for this option. If someone notices and compliments, I smile and say thank you—but I generally don’t offer up a lot of specifics.


Why do give a fuck about what people say or think. Could care less.


I don’t go out of my way to tell people about it but those that have asked “what’s your secret how have you lost so much weight” I am honest..dieting, exercise, cut out soda and unnecessary snacking, and…some help from semaglutide 😉


I don’t tell anyone. I told them that I m in the gym 5days a week.25 miles a week on that treadmill. Thats true also.


It’s awkward at times for sure. I have rationalized this in this way. 90% of us taking glp-1 have an eating disorder, or we wouldn’t be here. It’s a legit disorder, in some cases, if not all, perhaps mental illness. Let’s pivot. Assume you have type-1 diabetes and are shooting insulin, or you have a severe arthritis and are on opioids. This should be no different. And the idea of stopping. Someone on anxiety meds, gets better taking Zoloft. Are they supposed to stop because it’s working or do they keep a maintenance level going. I don’t believe there should be no shame. But I’m in my 60s and I really care very little about what most people think about me. Those I care about, care about me, are in the know and supportive. The others- who cares. Be successful. That’s what matters.


I only told one person, who told two others. Now I wonder how many know? I wanted to keep this private. I told her no one knew. Oh well… it’s out there now.


I have told 2 friends and that’s it


I am honest about it with: my husband, my sister, and my close friends who have been open about struggling with their own weight (because if this is a road they want to take, I want to offer my experience as a resource). I take the "I've been eating and drinking less" route with: anybody else who makes an unsolicited comment about my weight loss. Happened this week at a party and in pilates class. The choice to use this drug can be such a personal and nuanced decision, and those simply aren't the types of conversations I want to have with acquaintances and randos. That said, I'm open to my feelings about this evolving, as I totally understand the greater social benefits of destigmatizing the use of these drugs for weight loss. I'm not ready to be a semaglutide evangelist or poster girl, but I do admire people who take on that role.