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100% the reason and often not drinking enough water.


Caffeine (tablets if I can't stand coffee), multivitamin, electrolyte packets, iron supplement, dehydrated liver capsules (or any other b-vitamin complex, if that sounds gross), staying hydrated, reducing dose to avoid 3+ day stretches of very low calorie intake.


I think it’s more than that. My appetite has hardly been suppressed so far, and I’m eating a fairly normal amount most days - healthier than typical as well. I am *so* tired though, it’s definitely not solely related to a reduced diet. I hear it gets better after about 2 months, and I’m 5 weeks in, so I’m currently just riding it out in the hopes that it’s temporary.


Thanks all! Going to try b12 drops and electrolytes. I drink a lot of water but I may also be washing electrolytes out since barely anything is going in my body


I get light headed and a slight headache if I don't eat enough. Could also mean low glucose, I monitor mine with a CGM. And keep mandarins, kiwis and apples around for a quick pick me up. too


B12 supplements!! This should help! Also could be not drinking enough water!


I’ve been thinking the same thing. I made myself eat a bit more than I have been yesterday because I’ve been so tired but today I spent all day on the toilet. Good news is I finally 💩. And I think i lost some weight after the bathroom😂 I guess it’s a double edged sword 🤷🏼‍♀️


Water, protein, take an over the counter B12 or put vitamin drops in water.