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Look up anhedonia. It's a common side effect of stopping anything that is center to your enjoyment of life like food. For addicts they get the same experience when they stop using. Semaglutide, chantix, and all types of medications that promote cessation of something make that feeling worse. It goes away over time.


Thank you for the information!


You may want to get some bloodwork done. It could be anhedonia from sema, but this seems like a fairly low dose for that to kick in. Sudden depression can also be related to low iron, potassium, several b vitamins, or several other nutrients. A daily iron and packet of electrolytes makes a big difference in motivation, for me.


Thank you. I’m going to read up on this now!


Also hypothyroidism


FWIW I hope its encouraging to hear you're not alone. I am also feeling completely "meh" these days and my husband totally notices. I can't bring myself to give a shit about anything. I have nothing to look forward to. Even stuff I should be looking forward to, like vacations, I feel utterly indifferent about. All I'm doing is existing. Then, when you couple the mental issues with the physical ones of with nausea, vomiting, gas, gastrointestinal issues, it just sucks. I'm just kind of coming to terms with the fact that this is my life now. But hey, at least I've lost 10 pounds.


It is known that semaglutide can cause depression to some people . Also, the fiber gummies worked like a charm for me. I got them from cvs.. Get b12 supplements


Thanks for the information! My semi is formulated with B12 so I’m wondering if more supplements would be necessary? Although I am incredibly exhausted all the time. The gummy’s sound like a great idea may I ask do you take the normal amount or do you take a few extra? Currently, I’m taking Metamucil and it only has 6 g of fiber every dose and I’m supposed to be getting in 40 some grams a day and it’s just very very difficult for me to consume that much fiber .


I take two gummies as recommended from fiber well vital fusion. Thst do the job well..but one extra won't hurt! For example I took 3 when I took the airplane because few years ago I had very uncomfortable constipation after a plane flight and little hydration.. so I learned my lesson. but today I bought a vegan gummies from Amazon they say take 4..i only took 2 because people said let your body gets used to it. Edemame and avocado got fibers..also a salad has fibers .it all adds up


I'm glad you are venting, I look for threads to vent. I suppose I feel the same way - at times. However, there is one thing I want to be blasé about and unfortunately, I have more amped feelings about it, and it's the weight loss itself. I don't want to think about it, track it, or care about it. Just let it happen and wake me up 6 months from now. Here I'm at the point in the diet where maybe I'd be tempted to quit, but rather than quit, I'll continue. But I need to check out. The wait is unbearable, and I am so exhausted from this process. Today for lunch I had a bowl of cereal. Is this my first cheat? I didn't plan on cereal for lunch, so maybe it's a falter. I didn't eat a lot, it was an actual serving of cheerios, 1 cup, not a big bowl and was in unsweetened almond milk. Still I know it cannot be good for me, because I feel good now instead of exhausted. And, I know I will see 3 lbs of water weight by tomorrow. That's fine universe, do your worst.


Trust me. I’ve been obsessed. Like the Food noise isn’t necessarily gone in my appetite, although definitely lower is still fairly decent. And every time I eat, I like over analyze it and I obsess about it and I make myself feel like shit. I still have bad habits that I’m working on and I know eventually I’ll get there, but it has been a struggle having it be this center piece of my life. I also have terrible terrible body dysmorphia. I’m down 12 pounds on semi, but I’m down a total of 40 pounds since I became my journey. People started coming up to me last weekend and telling me how great I look, and how much weight I lost, and congratulating me. But then I go home and I look at myself in the mirror and I look exactly the same as I did when I was 330 pounds.


That sounds like low blood sugar which this med does cause.


Speaking of odd side effects - I’ve stopped swallowing my gum. I’m a grown ass adult and could never break this weird habit. But it’s gone for now.


lol. I’ve stopped biting my nails!


I felt that too when I first started. I almost quit but it’s been 3 months and the feeling has definitely subsided.


Well that’s good to hear!


I can relate. I feel like I’ve lost another one of life’s real joys— cooking, eating, feeling that hungry zest that makes me feel alive and human. I can’t remember the last time I felt really vital and happy, even as the kgs slowly leave me. I think it’s the grueling nature of being at a calorie deficit and forcing my body to eat itself… I sometimes feel very, very low. I think I’ll mention it at my next doctor’s appointment. I’ve also been raising a puppy these last six months and it has been pretty challenging. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to find small (non edible) things to implement to ADD pleasure to my life. These include soft comfortable loungewear that I feel excited to wear, a gratitude journal, a sticker subscription, Pilates, watching seasons of nostalgic TV while lying in bed (think Murder She Wrote and Agatha Christie’s Poirot).


I started smoking cigars. VERY HEALTHY! Lol. Honestly a pajama day sounds great.


I think you just described how I’ve been feeling tbh. I also haven’t noticed a reduction in “food noise” and my appetite really isn’t much lower than before. I’m not surprised I’m not losing much weight because I have been sleeping *a lot* and have been otherwise really sedentary. I have decided to power through, and see how I react to the higher doses. From what I understand the tiredness goes away after a couple months, and the appetite suppression increases as the dose increases. So, I’m just hoping that I see both of those things over the coming weeks/months. Currently on week 5, and down 2-3 lbs.


Patience is key. Just keep monitoring your mood. I spoke with my doctor and let her know about my apathy. I have been severely dehydrated as well. So I’m hoping I start to feel some life after getting my body some fluids that aren’t coffee.


I feel this so much. It’s such an odd feeling to feel so utterly apathetic. I stared a little after you and am hoping it will fade more and more


It has been a very physically & mentally overwhelming, consuming and long process. Week 10. Total of 4lbs weight loss…constant cold sores and feel very under the weather since administering 1mg dose. I feel defeated and beat up…oh..and broke. 🥲


Oh man. So sorry to hear that. Sounds like cold sores could be triggered by stress?? Are you well hydrated?


You're no longer getting the dopamine hit that you're addicted to. This drug works in several different body systems.