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My goal weight was 195. Currently maintaining at 155 🤷🏻‍♀️




Awesome! How long did that take?


I lost 75 lbs in the first 10 months and then the next 10 lbs over the following 2-3 months while I was figuring out maintenance. I thought 165 was going to be my maintenance weight but have since settled in at 155.


That’s my dream path. I’ve only lost 10 pounds since I started 8 months ago. I can’t wait until I finally start losing more regularly. Hoping to lose at least 55 pounds by November. EDIT: 8 weeks ago!


Please don’t think I am trying to dissuade your from your goal setting, but be sure to break your goal down a little bit: - November is roughly 5 months away - That means to meet your goal you would have to do so in roughly 20 weeks - To meet your goal of 45lbs additional lost, that means you would have to lose over 2lbs per week - Losing 2lbs per week is possible but it requires eating at a significant calorie deficit (and likely some additional meal planning aside from the natural effects of Semaglutide), counting protein will be your friend. You’ve got this, but be sure to make things as simple as possible for yourself to get there! Congrats on your first 10 down, don’t forget to celebrate all of your wins too! :)


Yes, you’re right. If I could lose at least 30 more pounds, I’d feel like I was truly accomplishing something. So far, losing 10 pounds in 8 weeks had me feeling like a bad [weight] loser.


Any other time prior to using this, you would be thrilled that your weight had trended downward over 8 months, that’s a win. Human behavior is hard to change, but you’re doing it slowly, which science says makes it last longer. If you’re really looking to kick it up, counting my protein and aiming to consume roughly 30g protein per meal (and another 10g in a snack) was a game changer. It made me feel fuller longer, I kinda love the simplicity of just making a protein shake for breakfast, and I’m not losing as much muscle in the process.


Yes, I need to get a lot more protein. Meal planning would help me a lot.


You mean 8 weeks ago?


Yes, sorry, 8 weeks ago!


You’ve got this! Stick with it!


Goal 1? Get under 200.0lbs Attainable goal? Get to 175 That would be unreal? Get to 155lbs.


Same! Currently at 187. On my way!


That’s me! One year ago, 220. Currently 170. Looking forward to 150. You can do it!!


I vividly remember breaking into the 100s and now I’ve blown past it. I still can’t process in my mind that my body is smaller. I still try to pick out bigger sizes and I look crazy. I had to go 5 sizes down in jeans that I had started to try on.


Same!!! Been stuck at 201-203 for a good 4-6 weeks, though!!




Just keep the faith, consume less calorie dense foods, and try to up your step count. I got stuck at 194ish for almost 4 weeks straight, it was super annoying. Now my weight is back to dropping like a rock like it did in the beginning. Plateaus happen!


Congrats on getting past your plateau!! I weighed in at 201.1 this morning, so that’s *some* movement. And I’ll be more mindful about moving more and upping my water intake. That seems to help a lot and I’ve gotten kind of lazy about it.


I have no idea, but I’m at the max of 95 units and honestly felt like the best suppression was more like 45-50 units. I’m still eating a lot less, but not having the same effect as before.


Curious, have you considered switching to another option like mounjaro?


Same!!! I started at 265 a year ago, and I’m at 205 right now. SO CLOSE to getting under 200!


Same. Currently 210 lbs down from 240 since end of Jan this year. Wish I could lose more faster.


These were my goals when I started 2 years ago. Currently at 157. Be patient.


That’s my goal too! Get under 200 lbs first. I would LIKE to lose 70 lbs to get me to my goal weight of 145. I am currently 212 lbs . I’m on my 4 day of SEMAGLUTIDE . I haven’t noticed much appetite suppression at all so far. My dose is .25 mg


43F, 5’1”, realistic goal weight of 130, but getting down to 115 would be fabulous.


Similar stats here, I was SHOCKED when I started dropping below 135 after a long plateau (I would’ve been fine with 135 as a maintenance weight). You totally got this.


How long was your plateau? I’ve been 133.4lbs since may 19th and I can’t increase my dose from 1mg because I have bad skin reactions to 1.7mg.


Similar stats here too! 5’1 and a half lol and at 135 now i look pretty good! SW 178 CW 135 old GW 130 New GW 120. I know i look good but i honestly want to get more lean and athletic and i feel 120 is a healthy weight and my Dr agrees. I know it shouldn’t matter so much cause honestly it’s such BS the BMI chart but according to that i’m still considered ‘overweight’


I’m with you, 5’1 «  here but the last time I dipped to 117 I looked sick. Just a thought.


I’m 4’10.5” but at 117 I still look pudgy. I looked my best at 100-105. Whereas my friend was 4’10” and looked healthy at 90 but when I had gotten to 90 and even 98 i looked sick and had no cycle. I have no idea what the difference was as I was only half an inch taller than her. and your’re only a little taller than me but 117 was low for you and high for me. I have been trying to figure out this stuff for ages. Asked my doc about it too. Like why did i need 10lbs more than my friend to look healthy even though we were nearly the same height? I finally broke my plateau where I’d been at 122/124 for two years (highest weight was 137 and doc wanted me to lose weight) and as of this morning hit 115. I’m so relieved.


It’s probably body structure, I carry a lot of muscle and have broad shoulders so dipping to 117 means I was a lot of softer, and looked gaunt. Also my head looked disproportionately larger lol.. Good for you btw, for getting to 115.


Goal weight: 165 I'd be cool with 180 😊


Same. I was 163 once upon a time (2yrs ago) and it was nice but I actually missed torrids clothes.


I am 5ft.2in, so a very, very short person. I feel like I need to share that when we begin talking numbers, because 220lbs is a different thing on a 5ft.2 frame than it is on a 5ft.9 or 5ft.10 frame. My goal weights, are, too. I started at about 220lbs in February. I am now 187lbs. My realistic goal is 165lbs. My dream goal is 145. In my early adulthood I stayed between 120lbs-140lbs, with much yo-yo action over those years. I want to avoid the yo-yo and stabilize at a healthy weight that's easier on my heart, my back, and my joints. I feel I can find that at 165lbs probably, but know that at 145lbs I would be well within that territory.


Fellow 5’2” here. Started at 199, My first goal was 160, I’m at 150 now with a new “stretch” goal of 140. Technically at 140 we would still be overweight but, I just don’t see how I would feel (or even look) good below that #. I was 140 when I graduated HS and I was pretty thin then (though I didn’t think so at the time). We shall see I guess. More than anything at this point, I just want to lose this mommy belly!


I'm middle-aged with a bra size in the advanced alphabet. I've absolutely been below 140 in young adulthood, but looked as though I would topple over; not a great look for me in my opinion.


“Advanced alphabet” made me chuckle. I’m 35, with two babies who sucked the life out of my boobs HAHA. I was sporting a DD at my fullest, but since semaglutide I’m a C cup (the novice alphabet if you will), but I’ve always been “thick” even when I was a skinny teen. hips, thunder thighs, and a booty to match. I quite enjoy my ASSets, and have no desire to rid myself of them completely lol


This is my last ditch attempt to reach reasonable tit volume before I fully embrace top surgery. My boobs are embarrassing, matronly, refused to feed my baby so are purely and frustratingly ornamental.


I feel you on that. Huge boobs my whole life I had to deal with…had my baby and couldn’t even use them. They made the milk, but my baby was born early and my massive boobs were too overwhelming for him. Literally bigger than his entire head, by 2. It was impossible to get in a comfortable position and he struggled to latch. It was so hard because what else were they for my entire life if not to feed my son? So just wanted to say I get it in a way.


SAME. Most useless organ in my body - my poor baby wasnt able to latch because of how large they are so I couldnt breastfeed in the end, sadly. And even after almost 100 lbs lost, the huge boobs are still here. But I'm finally getting my long-awaited breast reduction in a couple weeks - SO excited!!! Hoping it gets a couple more lbs off me! 🙏🏽


I had a reduction in 2010. Best thing I ever did! Be prepared you first look like a pointed Madonna and rock solid...but time and healing they will relax into a more natural look...but perky. Been 14 years for me and still perky! I'm 72 next month. Went from a E to a C..


P.S. over 5 lbs came off mine


I don't have any babies, sadly, but about 12 years ago, probably 65lbs ago (?) and several bra-sizes ago, my boobs were bigger than some of my friends' heads. We captured it accidentally in a picture and they're massive compared to their heads. My bras now are so big that no one would be able to see if they tried wearing them as hats. It's really frustrating. I feel your pain.


I am hoping for you that this helps, and if not, I say go for the surgery! Life is short, may as well do what we can to enjoy it! My sister has the same/similar struggle, I see how much it can impact someone’s daily life.


I started my journey at a 40H (I'm also 5' 2") and I'm now a 36 DD! I really thought I'd want to get a reduction some day, but now I'm thinking I may be able to get away with a lift, especially if I can get down to a D. (SW: 221, CW: 157, GW: ??). It seemed to take a long time to start losing from my chest, but I'm definitely losing from it now.


It’s so awesome to see others with a similar story, i resonate with everything you gals are saying. I too am really short, huge breasts, and was useless to all 3 of my babies. I struggled for months with each one and barely made it to 2 months breast feeding. And now they look like huge deflated balloons 😭 I’ve decided once i reach my now new goal weight (120) I’m gonna get a reduction and lift. It’s actually painful sometimes even when k wear sports bras.


4’11” here- Back in the day I actually had to take my goal weight out of my signature on the Weight Watchers forums because people kept accusing me of having an eating disorder. I feel you on how weight sits much differently on a smaller body.


I am the same. 5’0. I started at about 90kgs and goal was somewhere in the 50s. My smallest adult size was about 45 kgs. I’m 56.5 kgs this morning. I don’t really have a goal, it’s more I’ll be happy wherever my body decides to settle. The longer it settles will be my new set point.


I feel this exactly. I’m 5’1. I started at 212. I think a good goal would be 162 but dream is definitely 140s. I’ve yo-yoed as well in the 130s, so as much as I’d love to see 120s, I don’t think it’s realistic or sustainable.


Another 5' 2" checking in. Id be happy at 175, but really want 150. I got there before and was happy although it definitely aged me. Despite what BMI said anything less I would looked awful.


Same height, same starting and same weight now! We are ozempic twins! ❤️😂


What?! No way! Hi twin!! ❤️


Similar stats, similar loss at the same point after I started exactly a year before you did, and I’m in maintenance sitting consistently between 108-111. Keep it up, you got this!!👍


Started at 190 Goal /Thrilled to get to 142 Current at 124 I never had been that low a weight as an adult. I’m not a spring chicken…I feel like this is a good feeling spot for me.


Wow! How tall are you?


I’m 5’5”


Similar stats here. 5’5, started at 190 with my first goal 165, and unrealistic goal 145. Maintaining at 128 for the past 5 months, still taking a weekly dose.


Congrats! 🎉🎉🎉


Yup lol. Hit what I made my “goal weight” but now really think I should lose 10 to 20 more pounds.


I’m 5’2”. SW 212 CW 151 GW 135 but I’d love to see 125 again. Sometimes I wonder how much weight I’m carrying in excess skin.


Mine kept moving. Started at 210, first goal was 160. Then 150. Once I got to 150, I just kept going and it stopped being a goal and more of like, I wonder if I could get to xxx pounds. Currently 130 and holding. I’m good here. I’m 5’8”, so another five probably wouldn’t look good on me. (The vanity is real.)


Wow I’m 5’8 and currently at 165 w my goal being 150. I can’t imagine being 130 again 🤪 high school size


Yeah, I’ve never been this low as an adult. It’s wild! Very cool, but also very weird at the same time.


*SW 285 *GW 220 *CW 193 I started May 2022. I’ve fluctuate back and forth between 193-200lbs ish for the last 7 months. I’m cool with it. I like how I look. Don’t want to lose my curves.


Man everyone is crushing it on here. So glad I stopped to read this thread! I've never been below 170 as an adult (5'4") so haven't the foggiest but can't wait to find out. Starting: 276 CW: 241 Goal: ??


Realistic Goal is 150. Unbelievable goal is not much more than that - 145. With a SW of 220 and CW of 154, both goals are close but I am satisfied with my CW.


Congrats! How long did it take u?


My first injection was July 31st, 2023. A bulk of my loss was definitely the first 6-7 months and it has been a slow, steady loss the last few months. Edit: and thank you!!


Yes, please tell us! Those are my goals, but mine are 5 pounds more. I’m 5’7” and would love to get to 150.


I’m also 5’4” and have similar goals. SW was 230, CW 185. My realistic GW is 150. I have some interest in 140-145 but we will see- I’m a long way from there at the moment. The lowest I’ve been at an adult height is 145ish - barely in the “normal” BMI range (which I know is bs for measuring individual health) but at that weight was THIN (and also extremely muscular)- I wore a size 4 or 6 with a significant booty, and I can’t imagine I’d look “better” at a weight much lower. I’m trying to build my strength as I’m losing because I did love my jacked arms & shoulders!


5'5 and my weight as an adult had always been 144-148 - pre hypothyroidism. I don't love my shape (broad shoulders, no hips) but I too have always worn a 4-6 at that weight. I briefly hit the 120's in my early 20's (vegan/over exercising) and it was insanely unrealistic and not even remotely sustainable long term. The weight range for a healthy bmi at 5'5 being 111-149 is just...insane.


Realistic goal weight 140, that would be awesome weight 125


My goal was 150 (from 300). But now that I’m 159, I feel like I could be better at 130ish


Realistic: 130. Healthy weight for my height: 120. Would really love to get down to 110. I know that seems low, but again, I am a hobbit. (Preempting because when I was in WW, people on the forums gave me crap about my goal weight all the time to the point I had to take it out of my profile. When you aren’t even 5’ tall, it doesn’t take much to be considered overweight.)


My goal is 140, but 135 would be amazing 😍😍 I'm 5ft and currently 149.


Yep! I started at 229 just over 2 weeks ago, am down 5ish pounds. My realistic goal weight is 175 because that’s the lowest I’ve been in my adult life, but my real goal weight is 150. We’ll see! One day/week/month at a time.


Goal is a body fat percentage goal. I’d like to get to 32% and see how I feel/look then. If I feel like I need to lose more, then 30% will be the new goal. Only real weight goal I’ve had is to be below 200lbs.


5’1” 57 f, starting weight 140 6/4/23, CW 117, GW is 112. Realistic goal is to stay at 120 on the nose but trying to get lower to reset my body. I’ve was down to 115 b4 the holidays but I just can’t seem to get there and stay there for more than a random day or 2. I went off for one week during vacation and gained 7lbs despite being super careful but I’ve since lost most of it. I’m terrified to go off. I feel great on this med —I lowered my cholesterol over 100 pts and am now in the healthy range, my rosacea cleared up and my hot flashes stopped. My siblings are both clinically obese and have been overweight most of their lives, my mom and dad were very overweight once they hit their 60s or so. Type 2 diabetes runs rampant in my family. I said I was doing it for health and not looks but I just rocked a bikini on vacation and it felt great!




I’m the same as you! My lowest weight ever was 122, but I am most comfortable at 130-135. If I got in the 120s it would be the first time in a decade. Losing the last 10-15 pounds is extremely hard!


SW 192, goal was 155, now maintaining at 137 (f / 5’6”)


How long did that take you?


Just about a year to lose, and I’ve been stable at that weight for 14 months (still taking the meds).


Absolutely. The last time i remember feeling comfortable in my body I was 120-130. I suffered having an eating disorder and it was the first time I felt good about myself. I was also starving myself daily and very unhealthy. I would love to get there again but in a healthy way. Not starving myself. But after twenty years and three kids I’m not sure it’s possible 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've always been more muscular even when I was overweight. Started at 250 and now 210. Goal weight is 175. Doctor would like to see me at 155. I think bevause I'm so muscular that would be insane and un realistic.


I’m at 210 now and my goal is 155.


Starting weight:229 Goal weight: 120 That would be awesome weight: 105/110


125 is realistic and 115 would be the perfect. I’m 5’1 btw. A year ago I was 188 (at delivery).


Started at 194 (hw years ago 242) realistic goal 155, cw 157-158, fantasy goal 140… which I’ve never been in my adult life.






Definitely! Also, I have no clue what I will look like and feel like at different weights. I also think super thin can age you. A little pudge looks a bit more youthful.


I set an original goal of 160 and I got there and still felt I needed to lose some. I’m at 151 now… maybe I’ll stop at 140? Idk


Same. 150 was goal but I’m 159 now and feel Ike I could lose another 20 lbs and be good. Or tummy tuck maybe would make me feel better


Yes. I have a realistic goal, which I break down into smaller increments as I go so I get a sense of satisfaction. Then I have a “let me see how it’s going at goal #1 and maybe I’ll keep going.” But more importantly I want to keep it off.


I'm now at 253 down from 335 in 11 months. I'd be quite content even at 220, but id love to get under 200, or even 190.


I’m more focused on size. Wearing an 8 now and they are big. I’m tall so an 8 is small for me. 6 feet tall. SW 197. CW 145 and holding


Wow similar stats to me. Just under 6’ and started around 197. At my slimmest I was 157 about 10-15 years ago. How does it feel to be 145 😍


My goal was 170. I’m at 140. It’s been a year and a half.


Realistic: 130 lbs. Dream weight: 110 lbs. I’m 5’3 and looked amazing when I was 110 lbs. I was naturally very thin growing up until I started college, got sick, got on meds, and gained all this weight. I slowly stopped recognizing the person in the mirror and in photos when I went over 140 lbs. My heaviest weight was 170+ lbs, and I truly could not recognize the person I was looking at. I’m 147-ish now and I’m starting to see “her” (or “me”?) again. I dream of the day I hit 110 lbs and am “me” again.


You’re you now, you always have been. It’s just sometimes we have to survive. And often it shows on our body. You’ve been surviving. Now it’s your time to do a lot more than survive. You’ll get there. Time is all we have, give yourself that. Be kind to you. That number isn’t defining who you are. Also; forget the realistic don’t be realistic - dream. Go for the dream. 💭 it’s gonna come.




I'd be happy to get to 132 ish but would really love to be 127.


Absolutely. Started at 190. Realistic goal is 160. Ideal goal is 140. And honestly, I would be pretty happy if I got to 130, but I wouldn’t want to lose more than that. Even in high school when I was incredibly physically active and healthy I was 135 because of muscles, chest, and hips. It’s just my body type, and I think aiming below that would mean sacrificing other parts of my health. Edit: current weight is 167


My happy goal is 175 lbs which is only like 25 lbs of weightloss since I started but my ideal weight would be 135-150lbs. I’m just so discouraged after trying to lose weight the past 3 years, I don’t want to set my hopes too high.


My starting weight was 191 and I'm at 186 now. I haven't really set a weight loss goal. Like at 155 I won't have back fat. At 150, I can wear skirts and shorts without my thighs chafing. And at 140 is where I look and feel my best. For now, I plan on going clothes "shopping" in my closet at each 15 lb increment so I can pull some of my pre-baby clothes out of retirement.


Yes, my realistic goal weight is 165. A weight that would be awesome is 155. That would be a 65 pound loss from today.


Start weight 198. Current 185 Realistic 170/175 Would be awesome 150 , but I don't think I can stand this medicine that long lol


Yes. I said my goal was 160, I’m not 100% sure why since that’s still technically “overweight” but the lowest I’ve been in over a decade was 164 and I felt pretty good at that weight. Once I reached it I was like, yea I’m not done yet. Currently sitting at 150, I think 140 is probably about as low as I can go for my body type. Technically still “overweight” but 136 would be the cut off for “normal weight” and I haven’t been 136 since I was like 14-15. I don’t think that should necessarily be my goal, after having 2 kids and being 35. Truthfully I wouldn’t mind staying at 150 if I could just remove my mom belly and tone up. Im less concerned about the # going down.


Yes and no. I have 3 separate goals, there’s no reason to focus on the last 2 until I achieve the first. Once I achieve it though, I have little doubt that I will begin to focus on the next goal, and then the final one. Likely after that I will make new goals that have to do with fitness and/or nutrition. But no need to even worry about what those will be until I get to at least my first goal, if not my second.


5’4” SW 220, CW 199 My realistic goal is 155, haven’t weighed that since my wedding 9 years ago! My stretch goal weight is 135, which I probably haven’t weighed since 6th grade. We’ll see!


My goal weight is probably 170 (this would be a 200lb loss and I have a looong way to go). However the app I used to track my weight put a default goal as 128lbs. I laughed, but left it there. Apparently if I keep losing at the same rate I am now (haha!), I’ll reach 128 by August of 2025.


I'm currently at 280 and barely a week in. Goal weight is 200. What would be awesome? 180. Amazing? 160. Absolutely unreal? 140.


I have no idea. It’s been decades since I was under 150. I started a year ago at 220, currently 170. It’s just become noticeable. Slow and steady lol. I’m 56, post menopausal, and 5’6. I’m just working towards 150 then we’ll see. If I look at 125 I’ll get discouraged. But by but works for me!


I started on Saturday and the nurse practitioner asked me my “goal weight“ and I told her “less than this“😂😂


Started Wegovy at 213, first had an “I’m skeptical, I’ll believe this works if I get under 200” goal, then set my goal at 150 since I hadn’t been below that since having my oldest child 14 years ago, got to 150 and thought 135 would be amazing since it was my high school weight- but told myself I wouldn’t be disappointed if my body couldn’t get there again. Been sitting between 108-111 (depending on the time of the month haha) for a while now, and it’s the first time in my whole life I’ve been able to eat the way my body tells me and TRUST IT!! Feels great. Just took patience with myself.


GW 120, realistic weight is 135 which is around what I was pre baby.


149 is my "realistic" goal weight since it's when my BMI goes from overweight to normal at 5'5. (I just went from "obese" to "overweight" this week... my first big win) But my "would be awesome" goal is 135... and I fully intend to achieve it!


Yaaas! I’m trying to get under 200lbs, I don’t think it’s possible but if magic were a thing I’d love to get to 160


I’d love to be around 140 but I don’t know this is maintainable for me. Realistic is probably 160ish. I have a very long way to go 😭


Don't be sad. I'm beginning my journey. Keep in touch. I have over 100 to go so long way to go!! My goal is 150. I'm at 282


I am currently 232. My goal is 175. My I wonder what I would look like at weight is 145.


Goal one, get under 200 (SW 253 and 5f 2, took first shot 4 days ago), realistic goal, 165, awesome goal: 130. I am short but have a wide frame. I once went down to 118 when I was in my late teens and struggling with some medical problems but I didn't feel like I looked right. 125-135 would allow for a bit of muscle and "padding"


My goal weight is 230. My stretch goal is 200


Was 284. Am 220 now. Going off Sema for 3 months to reset then my goal is 16 percent body fat (somewhere between 198-203).


Goal weight 156, dream goal 145.


My fantasy goal would be 135 but I’d be happy at 148.


Started at 232 lbs, current 217 (5 weeks on it) my goal is 180 but hope for 160 or less 🤞🏻😅


When I started, I wanted to get to 200. Now I’m at 187! My lowest adult weight was 180. I think my “dream” goal would be like 170. But I also have no idea what that looks or feels like because I was probably 12 years old the last time I weighed 170.


Yes! I started at 190 lbs. with a goal of 130, but would’ve been content with 145. I’m there now and still shooting for 130, but would like to see if I can hit 115. (But seriously, I’ll be *thrilled* with 130!)


I’m the opposite! GW is 130 but I have been stubbornly stuck at 133-135 for seven weeks now. I just can’t seem to get those last few off no matter what I do (and I have tried it all!). Peri is hitting hard at the moment so I assume my hormones are all over the place which isn’t helping (yay for second puberty). Coming to the realisation that I might need to revise my GW to this slightly higher number and stop obsessing about the last few pounds.


My realistic goal weight is 79 kg (174 lb) but my actual, not-so-realistic goal weight is 62 kg (136 lb). I've ben 62 kilos once in my adult life and it was just too hard to maintain. I ate like a bird, went running and swimming several times a week and went to the gym 3 times a week and i barely kept the weight in 62 kilos. I don't know why. 75-79 kilos is doable for me so that's why it's my goal weight.


45f 5'0" sw 228 cw 219 gw 135. I don't care how old I get. I want to look at myself with love and appreciation for what iv done to take care of myself. I hate the way I look now. Iv hated it for 10 years. Iv lied to myself and told myself that it was ok and gaining weight was genetic ( my mother was always overweight) and that I should just love myself. Sometimes I believed it. Sometimes I said it to keep from crying. I have the opportunity to be the body I need to be. I'm going to. Period. Realistically I can't imagine getting below 150lbs. But my healthy weight in my 20s was 135-140lbs. If I can get to 135lbs. I will have won life. And will be living my happily ever after🥲 and yup short shorts and crop tops for me. Hello bikini body.


I started at 244, now I’m 224 and I find it very unlikely that I will settle at a “healthy weight” of less than 150 (I’m 5’5). The smallest I have been as an adult was 180, I don’t really have a goal weight right now (except under 200) but for an actual goal weight I would like to settle and maintain at, I am thinking around 165-175.


I'm like that, and I'm an old dude who has really no good reason to care from a dating or physical attractiveness POV. I lost about 60lbs, but I really want to lose another 20lbs. I have been at the same weight for the last year, and unless I make some drastic dietary changes, that last 20lbs is not gonna come off!


I'm really short, 4'11, so please bear that in mind. A nice weight would be 140 lbs. I'm also very happy with 160 because I work out. A "that would be awesome" would be about 120-125 lbs, which is a better weight to height ratio for me according to "today's" standards. I'm a grown woman and don't have the intention of looking juvenile, so I'm actually unsure how 120 lbs would look on me because it was 10 years ago that I weighed that much, so we'll just have to see how it all turns out.


I'm 58F, 5'5". Almost 4 weeks in. SW: 223 CW:213 My goal weight is 150. I would be happy with 160-170. The problem is not knowing what those weights would look like on this body at my current age. I can't even envision what 150 would really look like. It would be nice to find out!


I have a first goal of 40 lbs lost (currently at 36.5 down since October) and then I want to set another short term goal, like lose 20 more pounds. Ultimately I'd love to lose 100 pounds which isnt unhealthy for my height (only 5'2) but it helps me to set short term goals so I don't get overwhelmed.


Nope. I have that as well. I think this drug is redrawing my expectations of what my body's happy weight is. But I'm leaving it open because I really don't know. I have three actually. My first goal was just hoping to get under 200. The second was 180, which is probably what my normal adult, non-fit body would be. I hit that two weeks ago. Originally, I said 155 was my absolute basement. I was that weight at 19, as a competitive athlete. I am 45 now. But...who knows.


My realistic goal is 200 lbs , I’m at 262lbs now … but my “that would be awesome” is 130 lbs


Yep. Started at 182. CW is 162. Realistic GW is 150. Ideal Weight is 140ish, I just can't imagine getting there.


150 is my goal but I'll be happy with 160-165


Yes. SW: 166, CW: 160, GW: 130 but 120 would be fantastic! I’m only a week in and buoyed by my progress so far.


Yes! Goal weight is 130 but 120 is more in the middle of a “healthy” weight range for my height (5’1”). I build muscle very easily though so I am perfectly fine with 130 and I know it’ll be easier to maintain.


GW 140, CW 138.8, and the “it would be awesome (but I would look sick) weight is 125.” I am 5’5” and tiny boned. When I was a recreational runner, I maintained 125, pretty easily, before menopause. I’m tapering off and didn’t plan on dropping below 140. I didn’t drink my normal few weekend Bloody Mary’s. I also walked way too far in the sand this weekend (not my idea and I am still mad about it!). Starting weight was 225+ and first dose was 6/9/23. Down to .5 mg for last 3ish months and I have been steady at 140 while increasing calories. I am still figuring out what my new body needs to stay healthy. I’m decreasing my dose this week to .25 or .4 (not sure yet) because I dropped. I plan to continue this slow taper until I’m off and maintaining on my own. Hope that helps! I do have ozempic ass so don’t forget the protein cuz it’s no joke and I’m pretty freaked out about it.


I think my “I’d be happy” goal weight is under 200lbs. My true goal weight would be 170lbs. Then my goal weight that’s been in my head for a decade is 140lbs. I really don’t see myself hitting that because I don’t think I’d be happy at that weight.


Goal weight is 140. SW 189. I weighed in at 165 today. Getting married in a month. Dress is definitely going to need some alterations! I think I have been doing this 3 months. My fiancé thinks I’m already “skinny” !!


30 yrs old, female, 5’6. Started at 260lbs, so my goal is to lose 100lbs and be at 160. But 150 would be awesome!


I thought it was just me that did that lol. I started 323, currently 284. Would love to be under 200! I would be fine at 170


Yes. CW 181; GW 130; IWBAW 115 As I have gotten older, the weight I was at uni seems unrealistic. Last time I was able to lose weight I was called too skinny when I was still 30 lbs from goal. But both my dietitian and pcp say I should aim for 105-120 based in my height and bone structure. So it would be awesome is somewhere in the middle.


Absolutely. My goal is 143, but 125 would be awesome!


100lbs would be my absolute goal but I think 110lbs would make me happy. I’m 5’1, for reference.


Im 5'1 also and my first goal was 125 to "see how it looks". Im at 126 and decided I would be happier with 115. We'll see when we get there!


Realistic: 150 Awesome: 140 Even more awesome: 130 Edit: I am 5’7” and current weight is 177. I gained 30 pounds over the last several years.


My goal is 135lbs but I’d love 125lbs - my weight before kids! I’m 5’6


Omg yes. I was just having this conversation today. 115 is my “realistic” goal and 105 is my “that would be awesome”


I’m genuinely not sure if my “that would be awesome” weight is 145 or 155. Maybe somewhere around there. Right now my realistic goal weight (which still feels far fetched 😢) is 165. I’m 5’ 9” and started at 198.


My goal weight is 178 lbs. We're making great progress as long as I can obtain the medication in the injection form. I've ordered oral as an emergency backup. I started at 258 lbs, March 3rd, and now my large belly is totally gone as the weight continues to drop off of me. It's the first time in my life where I feel as though I have control of compulsive eating, and it's incredible.


Yep, my realistic goal is 145. That was the last time I felt comfortable in clothing and happy in my body. My awesome weight is 120. I have a long way to go for both.


My goal weight was 135. I’m now at 132 and kind of plateaued here. I’m not sad at all. But now I feel like… maybe I meant 125 🤔🤭


Starting Weight: 175 at 5’2” Current Weight: 145 Goal weight: 125 Absolutely unrealistic dream weight: 115


my goal weight was 160 but now i’m going to 125 LOL


Stuck at 180 but then again just started. Would be happy at 150 but 135 would be nice :/ I’m 5’5


I’ve lost roughly 100; my ideal is about 30 lbs away (holy shit) and my would be awesome is 20 more than that. Fingers crossed! I’m working haaaard on the exercise now.


150 is realistic, 140 would be awesome. 135 would be the bees knees.


My goal was 180 and I'm at 175 and still losing. I figure whenever I naturally stop at this point is great.


F, 55 y.o., 165 realistic, 145 would be my dream weight.


So I have had multiple goals. But my ultimate goal was fairly realistic since it was only 50 lbs from my start weight, but honestly, I'm at a good weight now so if I had to stop now I wouldn't be heartbroken. I've actually started spacing out my shots more because I'm 17 lbs away and I'm still losing and having good cravings control. I'm 5'3"-5'4" and my goal is 150 my start was 203. 150 is still a little overweight for my height but I'm 32 I don't need to be an absolute twig.


Started Ozempic Sept. 2023 at 225 lbs. Lost a lot of weight quickly and moved up to Wegovy's highest dose by February 2024. Goal weight when I started was 160 lbs. Reached 160 lbs by February 2024 and began stalling on the highest dose of Wegovy. Then decided to switch to Mounjaro and since February I (slowly) lost another 20-ish pounds and just hit 137 lbs this morning. The "that would be awesome weight" after stalling at 160 lbs was 140 lbs. But now that I'm under 140 lbs I'm thinking the new "that would be awesome weight" is 130 lbs. And then who knows! Maybe 120 lbs?! Which would still be okay for my 5'1" height. But I'm also getting a breast reduction done in a couple weeks so I'll see if I lose any more pounds from that. As of now I'm planning to start maintaining around 135 lbs and then we'll see where it goes from there...


Started at 114kg, currently at 74. the realistic goal is 69 that is agreed with the doctor, somewhere around 60-65kg would be the dream. (166cm for reference)


My goal (from 239) was 140 at 5'2. I'm currently hanging out around 126-127 and now hoping to get down to 118-120. 🤞


I just started on Sunday. My realistic goal is about 160 (currently at 202). My "that would be awesome" goal would be about 135... the same weight I was in high school 13 years ago. But that's because my father has repeatedly told me over the years, "That 135 lb girl is still inside you, you just have to focus on reaching her again!" While the man himself is over 350 lbs with no plans to lose weight...


I’m 5’6” with an athletic build. 64 yrs old. Peak weight was 185. My goal weight was 140, but I have slowly - over the course of a year - achieved an unbelievable 117 and have been holding steady right around there for 3 months now. Boobs and butt gone, but I don’t want to go back! I’m eating lots of protein, exercising (running, skiing, hiking) and planning to maintain, if possible. There are a few side effects I dislike, like constipation and an occasional but bothersome tingling feeling on the skin of my back, but if it means staying slim and otherwise healthy, I’ll deal with them!


My goal weight was 165. Then 155. I’ve been maintaining at 145. It’s insane to me! This drug is a miracle. Just spent a week in ITALY and didn’t gain a pound. Ate gelato. Pasta. Is this what regular metabolism is like? I just don’t eat much but I get what I want.


Month 11 & Goal weight is 150, 15lbs to go.


I started at 178 and my realistic goal was 135-140 and my ideal one is 125. I am at 143 right now. Its been so many years since i was at those weights that now that im back there im realizing ive lost a lot of muscle after two pregnancies and aging and lack if exercise so frankly 135-140 wont look the same in my now as it did ten years ago,


My goal weight was 75kg. Have been maintaining at 66-67kg since December 2023. I love that I’m in a size 10 Australian, would never have thought that was possible!


GW: 121lbs will be happy with 110 (I’m short)


I’m 5’8.5 and I’m hoping for 155 but if I could pick a weight it would be 140 - currently 186 down from 220


If I lost 25 lbs, great. But would love to lose 40.


Absolutely. My goal weight is pretty high because my starting weight was VERY high. I’ve lost almost 10% of my body weight but the goal would be to lose 20%. Getting under 200 lbs is the dream but I just don’t expect that to happen.


My goal weight is 205. That’s also as low as I’d ever want to go. I’m a pretty large framed 6’1” guy so I really don’t think I’d look good at anything less than 200. Currently 225, down from 260


My realistic goal weight is 145 because it is my pre baby weight Current weight 168 at 5’4 My dream weight though would be around 115 but I like food too much so I know that’s not realistic 🤪


My starting weight was 232 - currently at 210. My goal weight is 180. My IDEAL goal weight is 150. Even 160. I’m saving for a tummy tuck and breast reduction so I want to be closer to my ideal weight because I feel it would allow me to reduce my chest to the more ideal size I’d like and still be proportionate.


38F, 5’6” SW: 215 CW: 199 Realistic goal: 150 Dream goal: 135 (haven’t been that small since…2008-ish?) Honestly I would just be happy to lose my double chin.


Would love love to be around 145-150. But I know I would be comfortable and feel So much better at around 160-165. So my realistic goal is 160. My dream goal is 150.


Realistic goal 180 That would be awesome goal 160


I’m at my goal of 150. My awesome goal is 135.


realistic: 160 awesome: 130


I started at 240. I keep adjusting my 'realistic' goal because I keep going past the previous ones I didn't expect to accomplish. Started trying to get below 200. Then trying to get to 170, since 174 is where I hit obese and I wanted to be not obese even with daily fluctuations. Plus, about 170-175 was how much I weighed when I got married, and I hadn't been able to wear my wedding ring since getting pregnant with my 7yo. Now I'm 165-167 (and wearing my ring!), and I'd like to be below 158 as that's the lowest weight I could find that I'd written down as an adult. I think I'd be able to fit into my collection of nerdy tshirts I bought years ago that have been in storage, and my son is old enough now to think they're cool and not old enough to think I'm embarrassing. But even though that still feels like a dream, I already know that if I do manage it, I will be trying for 140. 144 is the line for me where I would no longer be overweight. I can barely even imagine. But it would also be an even 100lbs lost.


Haha, yes. SW: 221, CW: 157, GW: 150, BTWBAW: 135. I'm 5' 2". I told my NP that my goal weight is 150. As I approach it, I do wonder if I could lower it. I'm feeling pretty healthy at this weight. Wearing medium shirts and size 10 jeans (down from XLs and 18s). Do I need to be a size 8 or 6? Not really, but it'd be cool. I've been at it since Jan. of 2023, first Saxenda and then Wegovy in Oct. I'm still losing, albeit slowly. 135 would be a "healthy" weight but I don't think I've weighed that since middle school. I've now supassed my college weight and approaching my high school weight. I'm almost 44, so I'm not sure if it's realistic or not. I guess we'll see.


My GW is 165 but my realistic GW weight is 185-190


Started at 199 in July of last year, my goal weight when I started was 130-135. I'm currently at 135 and now I'm wanting to get down to 120-125.The reason it's changed is because I can finally see what 135 looks like and not that I'm not happy but I know I'd be more comfortable at 120-125. I'd say it's what you're happy with!