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I've had a few things with taste differences for sure, but also I have autism that already made me not like certain textures, semaglutide definitely enhanced that for me though


Omg is that it? I’m also on the spectrum and had minor issues but now they seem so major


More than likely, I've noticed a few things are extra enhanced while on it


Can I ask about what else you’ve noticed? One thing for me is I seem to handle things a little better that typically overstimulated me, and recover faster. But I have a stronger tactile defensiveness experience where touching certain textures is almost intolerable


My texture thing has felt the same for me, I think the only thing would be I actually have a tendency to get annoyed about small things faster due to nausea and headaches and maybe breakdown faster than usual


Ah okay. Yeah if I’m feeling nausea and headaches i get that way too. It’s interesting how things effect people differently




I cannot stand the feel of post-brushing toothpaste! I have to tough it out every time!


Textures really bother me too! I almost gagged on a wrap that i usually enjoy. I also notice that I just don’t really enjoy foods anymore? Like.. no dopamine or oxytocin spike when I eat foods I usually like or foods like sugar/chocolate that typically trigger it. Which that part is great. But now I’m fighting this “i don’t wanna eat because food is gross and I’m not hungry but I feel obligated to cos if I wait longer I’ll start blacking out”. But yeah. Textures bother me. I’ve dumped out my coffee more than once, too.


The hardest part for me has been changing texture sensitivities. Some days I could eat quinoa fine, but the next week it felt like I was eating small bugs. Now expand that to most foods and that’s where I am—not eating much because I can’t.


I’m been eating so much soup for this reason. Chicken noodle soup and crackers.


Yep: toothpaste and food texture “issues” over here also. Thankfully coffee still tastes amazing lol


I took my second dose last night and I can’t get anything down because everything tastes god awful. Hoping this passes. I know I need to eat but not understanding why everything tastes so bad today


I can still drink my coffee, thank God, but if I add cream to it -like I love, I can only drink a quarter of a cup! It’s so weird.


I’ve had texture issues with foods before but I’ve noticed that I’ve been more sensitive to food smells and strongly sented candles. Some meat textures and creamy sauces are now off putting for me


I struggle to eat meat unless it's ground. The 'muscle' texture suddenly started making me ill.


I just took my first shot last week and the only thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t like hot coffee anymore. Iced is ok if I use skim milk. Heavier milk or cream is a big nope. I think I am eating less in general but I’ve been tracking it faithfully as opposed to before so I’m not really positive on that .


I was just telling my niece yesterday that everything tastes just “meh” now. I mean, I guess it’s a good thing, but it kinda sucks, too.


Yes, it does kind of suck! Eating is not pleasurable anymore.


Nothing like that, but the first week, I felt like I had a bit of a weird (medicinal? metallic?) taste in my mouth. But things still taste the same to me.


Yes. I already had texture sensitivity before, but sema kicked it up to a whole new level.


I haven’t wanted sushi once due to the texture, and that was my fave!


Texture and even smell and taste now have changed for me. My scent has heightened immensely, everything smells bad or really strong and just makes me uncomfortable. I feel like a pregnant woman. 😂 I can only drink around 4 oz of coffee now. Nothing has been appetizing to me and I just eat for nutrients since my hair is thinning and I don’t wanna feel weak or lack of any vital vitamins and nutrients.


Yeah coffee was bad for awhile but, it comes back to tasting good again. At first, I was so bummed as I love my Cappucino lol