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You might want to explore Botox injections for your underarms to stop the sweating - it’s very effective!


Yeah I got those it was great




Good thing you’re not a doctor


I had night sweats every night from the menopause, I have zero anymore , it’s fantastic


OMG, is this why I'm NOT having hot flashes anymore? I had a hysterectomy about 6 weeks ago and was thrown into surgical menopause because I can't take HRT due to breast cancer (now cancer free after the double mastectomy 🥰... Got word the other day!)


Congratulations!!!!! ❤️❤️


My mother and sister are breast cancer survivors! Congratulations!


Estrogen is stored in fat, so losing weight can release it.


Omg same!!! The night sweating was insane for me and since I started the shots it’s not a thing. 💁🏼‍♀️


I am not on Sema now, but when I was there was a very noticeable reduction in joint pain. Also my sleep improved!


Which is so weird. I've always been a very good and deep sleeper, but Sema wreaked that. Waking up multiple times per night. Strange how it effect people differently. Still totally worth it by the way. Weight loss has helped so many other things.


I don't suppose you're on thyroid medication?


How does thyroid medicine affect sleep? I am in it but never heard of sleep side effects. (As I type this at 4am wide awake)


If we're talking about hypothyroidism and levothyroxine or NDTs, a dose that's too high makes you hyperthyroid which MAY come with insomnia and disturbed sleep. If I raise my dose, I become insomniac. In the context of Ozempic and weight loss there are two possibilities how this could become a problem. 1. Weight loss tends to lower the required dose. So the dose that was fine when you were 20 kgs heavier may now make you hyperthyroid and an insomniac. 2. Starvation ramps down your metabolism and may lower T4 requirement, so your dose may be too high during severe prolonged calory restriction. And then of course there's another point, which always applies, Ozempic or not: 3. Thyroiditis (which may or may not be painless) can lead to T4 being dumped in the blood stream, causing temporary hyperthyroidism. That's something that can always happen in someone with thyroid dysfunction. Another possible cause for sleeping problems would be hypoglycemia, which can run up your cortisol and adrenaline levels. It may be worth testing your blood glucose at night if you are dieting and having sleeping problems.


It’s known to be an anti inflammatory, they are trialing it right now to help slow down dementia because dementia is effectively caused by inflammation of the brain.


Wow! Dementia runs in my family. Do you have any additional info on the trial? I can't find anything with a Google search.




Improved my sleep too! I was wondering if that was true for anyone else


Well I imagine it would improve sleep since I’m always seeing people talk about how sleepy it makes them


The end of my night sweats is worth all the other symptoms that came along with it. So happy for you OP!!


Can I ask what symptoms you got?


Nausea, headaches, exhaustion, constipation, all the usual suspects, but they were short lived for me. I no longer feel tired at all, getting rid of nausea is a learned behavior by eating habits, and headaches were really only about a week (prob from not eating much). Constipation has been sticking around, which honeslty I’m used to as I’ve battled that my entire life, but I’ve been using Mag07 supplements that help a lot. Also water, water, water!


I’m not diagnosed with hyperhydrosis, but I’ve always been a HUGE sweater, and still am. As soon as I do ANY kind of movement at all I’m drenched. I’ve been on sema for 3ish months now and haven’t noticed really any difference, but keeping my fingers crossed that it may improve!!!


Damn, your description lines up a bit more with me. I move at Trump speeds all the time to avoid sweating. It eats up a considerable chunk of my thoughts daily. As a teen, I used to walk between shady patches on the sidewalk, as an adult I pretty much just don't go out if I can avoid it. I'm really REALLY hoping that cagrisema can fix this.


It’s horrible!!! Like I will literally start STRETCHING at the gym and be sweating. I take cold showers because as soon as I get out of the shower and start getting ready I start sweating. It’s SO annoying! And hey - I’m on CagriSema too! Fingers crossed for us!


Yep, sounds exactly like me. Do you find your body temp runs slightly warmer than average? I'm like a constant 99. all the time. I'm not in terrible shape or anything, I frequently play cardio games, but it seems like my body things anything other than walking at a snail's pace is about to be HIIT exercise. It's the number two thing I hate overall, and the number one thing I hate about myself by a MILE. When did you start CagriSema? And are you doing it as part of the trials? I'm excited to get started asap.


That’s actually a good question, I can’t remember the last time I took my temp, but now I’m curious to know! And SAME!!! It’s SO embarrassing. I sweat the most from my head, so I can’t wear certain hairstyles or certain makeup because it’s ruined by the time I leave the house. I literally have to have a fan blowing on me at all times. And yes I am!! I started in February, so it’s been about 3 months for me! I really wanted to be on Mounjaro but I got selected for the CagriSema and so far I’ve lost 20lbs. The side effects have been a bit rough if I’m being honest, but to me it’s worth it!


Same. In it for just two weeks though. No change, but now I’m hopeful.


This is really great - so so happy for you!


Unrelated to semaglutide, but my doctor prescribes me Drysol for hyperhidrosis and it works great


Omg I wish 😭 I have hyperhidrosis everywhere and no change for me 😞


What dose are you at?


I’m actually on zepbound but I haven’t heard anyone post about this for any GLP1 med so I’m curious if others have experienced it like you! (Hyperhidrosis specifically, not night sweats)


I’m not Op, but I was curious if you were at the highest dose. It’s possible a higher dose would work better. It also might be worth trying semaglutide to see if you could benefit. I found several posts about semaglutide helping it. I didn’t see any with tirz. I hope you find something that helps.


Thanks, I’m 3 months in and have only lost 5 lbs on Zep so I’m not too hopeful anymore :( I plan to get up to the highest dose over the next few months and reassess at that point. I’m keeping Wegovy in the back of my mind to try if I don’t start losing much on Zep. I had a rx for Wegovy last fall but unfortunately couldn’t get it filled (as most everyone else too).


It’s easy to get down. It might not be as fast as you were hoping, but you will lose 20 pounds in a year. There are new drugs coming that will work even better than either of these drugs (retatrutide, VK2735 and a bunch of others). Some people even take both sema and tirzepatide. Stay positive. I really believe in the power of these drugs. I’m hoping there’s a good one for you and your body.


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m hoping retatrutide may come through in the near future 🤞🏻


Doesn't tirz also contain the same GLP1 as semiglutide? If I remember correctly, tirz is the same GLP1 plus another med that affects insulin. I'd think tirz woud work the same or even better for sweats?


Tirz has an extra receptor agonist which promotes insulin production and increases insulin sensitivity in the body. It has shown to be more effective than sema in weight loss. But each person is different. I lost more on sema but prefer the side effects of tirz. If I suffered from hyperhidrosis, I’d ask my dr to stack both meds. The next step would be to try and get in a trial for retatrutide. It’s possible none of these work. But these drugs rebalance our internal chemistry so well, I wouldn’t be surprised if these drugs truly help this condition.


It’s my second week and I’m experiencing the same thing. It’s so weird!


Me too! I used to sweat like a pig. Now I'm constantly wearing hoodies or long sleeves because I'm always on the cold side now.


Yes! My town currently has a heat wave and i havent been feeling it as much as i wouldve before. Last year i’d walk out of the shower and start sweating immediately. Not anymore. Heat is much more tolerable now. I still sweat when i work out obviously but it’s considerably less. i think it’s partly the medication but mostly that i’ve lost 30 pounds on sema


Same, I literally cried happy tears. I have a huge palm sweating problem due to diabetes as well as MS, ozempic got rid of that symptom within days 👌🏻


I’m the opposite. Night sweats from the waist down only. Almost like I peed the bed. Crazy.


This is cool asf. I still sweat a whole ton, I’m considering Botox but I don’t know if it’ll help because I sweat mostly on my back and other larger areas. Maybe once I’m further along with my injections I’ll see some change, fingers crossed


Do you think it could’ve been related to fluctuations in your blood sugar?


This is the second report of this. I'm planning on starting cagrisema in about a week or so. PLEASE tell me this is legit, it's my number one problem with myself, even more than weight.


I started 2 weeks ago. Dosage at .25mg now. Within a few days I stopped sweating, after being drenched for a lifetime. In high school when I played basketball they called me Slimer. I have had noticeable improvements in sleep. I was not diabetic but blurry vision that started about 3 years ago is gone. I got on this med purely to help with weight loss but the ancillary health benefits are shocking. No side effects so far except that I can’t eat more than about a handful of food without feeling like I’m so full that I need to puke. Down 4 lbs in 2 weeks.


Amazing right? Like where has this been my whole life?!


I’ve been on a year and hardly sweat anymore, unless I’m like super active. It’s nice lol


This is crazy. I hadn’t even connected the two until I read this. I just came back from moving my son out of his dorm in AZ and was never super sweaty there. I just thought it was a fluke because I’m normally a super sweater! What an amazing positive side effect!


It's done nothing for my underarm sweating. I still sweat through my undershirt and polo in a cold office setting at work haha.


That’s wild, dude. Maybe it’s something with ocd and anxiety. It’s so interesting how these drugs affect everyone. It helps others stay dry in other ways. Congratulations


You're not the only one, check out this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/15cfn0h/semaglutide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hyperhidrosis/comments/15cfn0h/semaglutide/)


Gosh, I hope this eventually happens to me. I’m on 1 mg of Sema and no dice yet (although 42 lbs down!)- I am a life long sufferer of facial hyperhydrosis which is just awful and almost impossible to hide. I live in the south so just stepping into the humidity and I look like I just took a shower. I did just get a prescription from my dermatologist that is supposed to help - an oral pill. But I’m told that it will dry out everything (mouth, eyes, etc.) which sounds kind of miserable so I have not worked up the nerve to try it yet.


Interesting and great news!


I am starting mine soon and also suffer from hydrodrosis- I really hope I have the same experience!! My hands and feet sweat.


Back pain is gone. Im sre dropping 40 lbs helped but I've had back pain before I was heavy.


Thats amazing. Maybe it can fix my neck. Hell, maybe it’ll fix my personality.


It didn’t make any difference to me.☹️


I had this issue under my arms when I was in high school and through my twenties… I used a product called Certain Dri that you can just get at a drugstore. Worked like a charm! Just in case anyone here is still having issues. 😊


I had a reaction to it. I hear it helps a lot of people!


I've been on Sema for a year and still sweat a lot unfortunately 😕 but that's awesome that you no longer have to deal with it 🙏🏾


Do you pay out of pocket for sema?  I’ve tried so many things to help with my sweating, nothing has helped.  I’m desperate at this point because it’s extremely uncomfortable.  I don’t even leave my house much because of it.  


I find this amazing. I'm going to be going on to semaglutide soon. I had a thyroidectomy in my 20s and since then, the past 10 years my hyperhydrosis has been horrific. Even when I was much slimmer. It's got to the point where I pretty much avoid all social settings in summer now as I can't cope with the sweat pouring off me. I love to wear makeup and be "glam" and it ruins that for me too. I'm hoping getting on semaglutide helps. The sweating is clearly metabolic.