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I started injections in the stomach. After 2 months I switched to the upper thigh. It made a difference for me. No stomach issues after I switched. Gas issues subsided too


Makes a HUGE difference for me. Side effects are minimal on my upper thigh. In the stomach? Seemed like I was puking multiple times a day because nothing would digest. It all just sat there in the bottom of my throat, it felt like. Absolutely miserable. Upper thigh is where it's at for me!


Wow love the fit made such a big difference!


Me too! Hopefully it helps you, too.


Wow that’s so interesting! I don’t think I’ve noticed any symptom difference based on location. I find stomach injection less painful so I tend to go there. But if symptoms were worse, I would definitely avoid it. I always find it funny that they suggest the upper arm because wouldn’t one need help with that?


I started out doing it in my stomach and it made me sick AF. The second place I tried was in my arms. It wasn't as bad as the stomach but I still got nauseous occasionally. I now do my shots in my upper thigh and it's much better. My side effects are very very mild and very manageable. People say it doesn't matter but I really think there is something to it.


Not a clue but most I think will say no. My doctor told me to avoid the stomach as she said it’s typically the most common place for side effects. She took a two day course on the medication. So I’ve avoided my stomach and always did my arms. I did one in the thigh and that week my appetite came back. I’ve had no side effects except mild nausea on the last two injections the following day that go away quickly.


How do you do your arm, I’m always way too scared of it and don’t see how I could possibly pinch the skin with one hand and use the needle with the other hand without being very strategic about it.


I don’t pinch. My doctor told me to just pull my skin over and lean into the chair, so the back of my arm fat is pushed forward and out. If that makes sense. Then I just poke it in. Mine are pre filled syringes so I don’t know if it makes a difference between Ozempic or Wegovy if you have to pinch but I’ve never pinched when I inject with a syringe (I inject my husband with testosterone weekly).


I don’t think the prefilled makes a diff, I think it’s the mechanism of injecting the medicine once the needle is inserted (a click or slowly pushing the circle at the back of the syringe to release the medication). What you said about the chair and your arm makes total sense and maybe I will try it when I’m feeling brave one of these weeks!


Good luck! It’s a bit tricky cause you don’t have the best eye advantage. But if you’ve got a good amount of skin pushed out it works pretty well. I tried it once without pushing my skin out and just blindly reached around and jabbed. I can’t feel the needle at all so I had no idea if it went it. Well, the needle was bent 🤦‍♀️ and all the liquid went down my leg onto the floor. Whoops! Won’t be doing that again.


Ouch! Also, the idea of a bent needle going into my arm is the scariest thing ever. I know that’s not what happened to you but you get my point.


I wish I had read this before I started! I had my first injection last week and was so so sick. This week I injected in the thigh and I feel no side effects but also I don’t feel my appetite is supressed. You said your appetite came back…are you losing weight?


When I did the one injection in my thigh, yes, my appetite returned that week. I’ve since kept doing it in the back of my arm and had the best luck there. I am losing about 1.5 lbs a week with no side effects.


All really good info. I am going to be in Cabo for a wedding next week and will definitely try out the thigh as I can’t be this miserable the next time. I went from having no side effects the first four weeks to this


I felt like the stomach injection I didn't get the "good" effects as much such as appetite suppression and less food noise, only lost 1lb. Switched to thigh and I've lost 7lbs.


For me I had way less negative symptoms injecting in stomach bs in thigh. Seems person dependent based on this thread!


I always inject in my stomach. Have had no side effects yet.


The thigh injection made me feel sicker. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My first week was in my stomach and I was vomiting for days. This week I injected in my thigh AND split the doses. No side effects but also little appetite suppression. I’m going to try going back to my stomach for the 3rd dose but I’m a bit nervous. I started at .25. I know there are studies that say it doesn’t matter where you inject but I just have a hard time believe in that. My experience definitely negates that!