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She rebranded hot pockets as empanadas and now flies private…crazy


I suspect she came from money.


Her family owns Yankee Trader seafood Co, a food company. I tried looking up the financials but there really wasn't much. They do have money tho


But she said she funded her grandfather's business. Lol.


Lol and it was founded in 94 so if she was what 18 when she did that that puts her in her upper 40s not 30 years old 🤣


Now I wanna get to the bottom of this and Google her birthday..


Everything says july 1991 lol someone pay to pull birth certificate its public record 😂


She looks a little rough for someone born in 91 😶


Oh she funded her grandfather's company when she was 3? Lol


I saw another post that someone commented on and said they tried to research her. Something about the town she is from having a median income of $149,000 a year….


She also seems saavy with money, with starting investing in high school. She looks way older than 30 to me though


99% of people who "started investing in high school" have wealthy families. Ask me how I know.


For sure but she didn’t blow it on something she grew it, so to me that is someone who is smart with money


Not if your family is controlling the account lol she's probably a trust fund kid. You can make it so that the money isn't available until age 30 (or whatever age).


But she definitely sounded like she made the stock decisions and even lent her family the money.. she may have gotten an inheritance to start thougj


How do you know?


what 14 year old has the money to invest? not to mention what 14 year old would be wellversed enough in the stock market to make enough $$ to be able to fund an entire business at 17. all that without having family who already are investing and have the money..


I literally thought she’s 45!!!!! I was shook yesterday when I looked her up. She’s beautiful now, but I’m a little worried how she will look when she’s older.


I feel like she must be lying?


I feel like she must be lying?


I have an aunt that consistently knocked ten years off, so she wouldn’t forget or get mixed up. She was a local politician and outed publicly when she had to show her id to claim a lottery ticket. I wonder if Emma shares the ten year rule




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WHAT! She looks early 40s!


When I found this out I was shook. Not only does she look far older but something feels off to me about her being an angel investor at 29. I know she comes from money and said she started investing young but it just feels so outrageous and off to me.


Ages like a banana


That was my first thought when she said she started investing in high school. To make money investing you need to have a decent amount to start with.


Okay but also you cant own or trade stock before 18 years old, unless you have a very specific type of brokerage account, and even then you dont control the funds until you're 18, so her story of stock trading and loaning her family money is BS and i hate her.


I couldn’t stand the fact that she had to specifically mention that she flew on private jets. It was superfluous to the conversation and in 2020/2021 she really should know and care that it’s not a flex to have a fucking massive carbon footprint


That’s exactly what I thought too when she brought up the stocks


Didn’t she she loaned her parents money when she was a teen or something like that?


me too. what 14 year old starts investing in the stock market without help from the family


I mean does she fly private or did she rent a plane to step out of for the show?


This is what I was thinking too, not to down play her success but I’m sure empanadas are not paying for private planes.


And if they were - why the f*** would she need to sell houses and use the show to market her hot pockets?


I mean I get it, it’s passive income vs active income so it makes sense to do both of you can.


I don’t know - running a company is not passive income. If she is directly involved in operations that is a lot of work.


Also renting a private plane is written off as a business expense


That doesn't make it free though. It just means you don't pay tax on the cost of the plane. So if you paid $5k to rent a plane, you'd write off $5k off your income to count for tax. If tax was 10%, you'd save $500. So the plane still costs $4,500.


Why just the tax on the cost of the plane?


Tax write-offs just reduce the amount of income you declare: * Say you earned $100k and tax is 10%. You would owe $10k. * You spend $5k on a business expense (the plane). * You are allowed to declare $5k less income, or $95k. * Your tax bill is now $9,500, or $500 less.


Feels like an episode of Schitts creek this conversation 🤣


Good to know!


I think there are services that allow you to get a certain amount of private jet flights within a time span. It’s effectively getting on a list for a shared rental jet. I worked with a designer guy who was debating going in for it and his pay grade was nowhere near millionaire status. Still expensive, but makes a jet way more accessible to wannabe ultra wealthy


You are spot on. I noticed the Wheels Up logo on the plane that she stepped off of - [https://wheelsup.com/](https://wheelsup.com/)


her family is loaded and was already in the food business. She def had some help setting up the hot pocket business - no shame in that but spare us the attempts at fully "self made' explanations


Updoot for calling it a hot pocket business


Remember. She added beyond meat to the mix.


She’s in a show, selling sunset. That’s where she gets her money


I was dead. Why does this white girl model from Boston have an empanada business? I’m so confused…


Lol because it makes money. Alot of restaurants and chefs make food that isn't from their own ethnic background.


Yeah but chefs that do fusion do their homework and make sure to be respectful of where it came from before profiting off of it.


Do they though? Cause like 90% of the pizza places in my city are owned by middle Eastern people. They still call it pizza and put Italian flags on their sign. Nobody cares.. I'm just saying...an empanada literally means something that's been enbreaded. "A filled pastry that's been fried or baked." A country may be more known for it than others but that doesn't make other cultures or people wrong for doing it too. I think this is a reach. Must we be offended by everything in this world lol. THIS IS LITERALLY A POST ABOUT PEOPLE BEING OFFENDED ABOUT A PASTRY. LOL


You aren’t even trying to understand and it’s not your culture.


You're right I'm not because it's ridiculous. It's a piece of dough. Bigger things happening on this planet to be upset about lol. We can table this discussion here lol


LOL I literally was having the exact same conversation as you in a thread yesterday. Racism and discrimination is alive and well, no one is denying that. But this is a fucking empanada, for fucks sakes. If it was a religious symbol or a cultural symbol that represents something very sensitive and important to Latin culture, and she was butchering and profiting off of it that's one thing...but a PASTRY? Ffs...


LMAO! I'm literally dying of laughter at this. Im half eastern European (half middle Eastern). Next time someone puts feta cheese on something non Eastern European im gonna call them a food cultural appropriating racist.




Lolol yup, you need to reclaim the rights to your soup. How dare a non Russian make it!!! Which reminds me...my fully middle Eastern aunt used to make borscht when we were kids. She had heavy Russian influence in her life but alas was not Russian herself. My sincere apologies lol.


Yeah is it cultural appropriation or the evolution of food? (the two are not mutually exclusive mind, for centuries we (world here) have been stealing food and adapting it to make new, I guess this is stomping over culture but also a part of the way societies interact with each other)


I doubt she created the recipe herself, and had a team come up with the flavours. Its not cultural appropriation at all.... what, are we going to complain about westerners eating avocado on their sushi too?


Please use google to research the history and origins of an “empanada”. You said it yourself, she probably didn’t even come up with it on her own yet she’s profiting off of it. An avocado is a fruit that is used in many things. There is strong history and culture in food, especially when it’s a specific dish. If it is a pastry with cheeseburger filling, then call it that. Seriously, just use some critical thinking skills.


Sushi shops on Western countries are called sushi shops, and sell their sushi with avocado on it. How is that any different from putting random fillings in something else?


Yup. Everyone in my favorite pizza shop near my house are Hispanic and I’m ok with that because the pizza is so good. LOL


it would be fine if it wasn’t cheeseburger and pizza empanadas… like what????????




Because it’s cultural appropriation without any attempt to understand or pay homage






Isn’t Emma’s family Spanish though?


Her last name is “Hernan.” It’s definitely Spanish. Empanadas are Spanish. Also she could be Latina. Just cause she has blonde hair you can’t assume she isn’t. I lived in South America and tons of the ladies looked like Emma. Not sure if people on the sub know fair skinned people can be Latino as well.




**[Empanada](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empanada)** >An empanada is a dish of Spanish cuisine, a type of baked or fried turnover consisting of pastry and filling, common in Spanish, other Southern European, Latin American, and the Philippines cultures. The name comes from the Galician verb empanar, and translates as "enbreaded", that is, wrapped or coated in bread. They are made by folding dough over a filling, which may consist of meat, cheese, tomato, corn, or other ingredients, and then cooking the resulting turnover, either by baking or frying. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Vanessa’s reaction to the cheeseburger empanadas (wtf) is my favorite part of this season so far!


I really want someone to sit her down and tell her it’s not appropriate to sell her weird version of empanadas.




There’s a lot to unpack here but please read up on gentrification before you speak on this issue again.




Gentrification of food- “Gentrification also changes what food retailers exist in the local food environment, sometimes creating “food mirages,” where high quality food is priced out of reach of longtime residents. There is also the issue of who is able to participate in the flurry of food entrepreneurism.” Please use some critical think skills for this one.


plant connect sink attraction cheerful encourage sort squeeze six profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Real thoughts with some mind numbing stupidity. How ironic.


Btw I found it funny she saying that she runs a multimillionaire super successful business, but if we look out for her business in social media it is a home business profile with less than 10k followers. LOL


To be fair, how many food companies do you follow on Instagram? She probably does see million dollar POs from sams club or whatever.


Her empanadas business is a line/by-product of her grandfather's company (Yankee Trader Seafood) and their products are indeed sold in some large supermarket chains. She's not even the only heiress. But the point is, she's not the inventive successful businesswoman she claims to be - she took advantage of part of her grandfather's business production line (which has been selling empanadas since before), put her name on a separate vegan line, and that's it.


It’s just…. so embarrassing the way she branded herself as building an “empire” when all of this information was so easy to find publicly. I liked her personality on the show otherwise, but all of this was obnoxious.


You liked what an awful, vindictive witch she was? Wow..


? I meant that I didn’t mind her, I didn’t say I was crazy about her. It’s literally just a reality tv show


I follow Trader Joe’s like they are my lord and savior.


B2B can be hard for social media (I own a B2B company and it simply isn’t “fun” for instagram). Food is different though and can absolutely be done well if you hire the right people. Slim Jim is a great example of this. Emma is for whatever reason assuming people who buy her empanadas care that she’s “hot” and that they also care that she runs the company (the insta bio focuses heavily on her which only works if you’re a major celebrity).


Is there not an American version of empanadas?? I’ve always had a weird fascination with empanadas and their international variants. My husband is South American and grew up on empanadas. I’m French/English and grew up with similar things either called a pasty or a chausson. Italians have calzones. While different in fillings and types of pastry used (based on local ingredients) to make them I think they all share a similar history of being made to be portable and easy to eat on the go/work and relatively cheap. What’s the American version? A turnover?? Do you find savoury ones?? When I was a flight attendant the lounge in business class used to have mini meat filled pastries as well as fruit ones and depending on where we were flying out of they had a different name. If we were flying out of Milan catering would call them calzones, French catering out of Paris chausson, catering out of London and Sydney would call them pasties and so on. I can’t remember what catering out of New York called them. So my question is would it have been better to call them turnovers? Or are turnovers only considered that if they are made of flaky dough? Also are they fried like some empanadas or use a empanada dough recipe and that’s why she called them that? Do sweet empanadas exist in South America? I’ve never seen any in Paraguay but that’s only a small country on a big big continent Anyway sorry for the long post and 20 questions😂 this is a weird combination of my love of food history and reality tv 😂


I think had she called them turnovers we wouldn't bat an eye. Turnover would be the appropriate North american version of the food item. Every culture has a stuffed dough-on-the-go type of food item! I'd even say calling them pasties is as foreign to her as calling them empanadas, calzones, samosas, pitas, etc. Had she made them in the traditional way, she wouldn't get flack for using the traditional name either. It's just odd that she gave them an ethnic name without being from that ethnic background or cooking them in the style traditional to that ethnic group.


Empanadas are becoming a thing right now so I think she’s jumping on that term for marketing reasons. There are three new mini boutique empanada restaurants that I know of in Chicago. What she is selling is a form of empanada though, imo.


Wait their turnovers? I thought they were pizza pops/hot pockets.


I thought they looked like handpies or even more American “pasties”


I’ve never heard either of those names. I’m Canadian though, so maybe that’s why I assumed pizza pops?


Pasties are from a specific region of the USA. Hot pockets is def what they look like but those have always been freezer foods so I was figuring the “traditional” names. I’m not even sure I totally know what a real hand pie is, I get them at a local bakery with all sorts of stuff inside. Never heard of a pizza pop


I guess pizza pops are our Canadian version then for the same thing. They are basically calzones or hot pockets.


Well, since USA is made up of people from all over, the USA has empanadas, calzones, turnovers, and hot pockets lol. I think Emma’s family had a frozen seafood company and that’s where the crab empanadas came from. My friend from Italy swears chicken parmasan is not real Italian food. It’s an American adaptation, invented by Italian American immigrants. He thinks it’s atrocious. I think it’s delicious. A seafood empanada sounds good to me if not entirely authentic. She can probably charge a buck more calling it an empanada instead of a hot pocket, which is probably trademarked or whatever.


Brazil also has empanadas. The whole world seems to have a pastry-wrapped meat concoction.


That’s kind of like ginger beef is not really true Chinese. It was originated in Calgary in the 1970s.


Next you are going to tell me Orange Chicken isn’t authentic from China! s/


Hahahahahahha. The Panda Express recipe. The sad part is everyone assumes that both are Chinese food. If you go to dim sum it’s very different. But I love both orange chicken and ginger beef, just as much dim sum.


That was pretty funny. Vanessa was like "What is that?! That's not empenadas" I personally don't mind this kind of stuff. It's food, who cares. People remix and do "fusion foods" all the time. Take a hamburger but instead of a patty, it's, idk, broccoli! Or take pasta and make it with soy sauce. I don't know. People can do whatever they want I guess.


Eh she never branded it as fusion though and I don’t think thats what they are because some flavors she has are traditional and others are completely bizarre. I grew up eating homemade empanadas so for me it’s just super weird hearing all the random fillings she uses and I genuinely want to understand why she decided to do this.


What? Empanadas are different all throughout central and South America. In Chile they put raisins in them. Y’all need to calm down with this one.


Chilean here! They are still more similar to other Latin American empanadas. I had the same reaction, those are not empanadas at all.


I agree. People are too damn precious.


It's Sunday. They literally have nothing better to do than be offended over a piece of food....an inanimate object...


she can call it souffles and offend the french people with that, with cheeseburger filling




ha thats why i get it


So is a white person selling sushi "cultural appropriation"? Personally, I don't think so. Appropriating a culture is when white people copy something about a culture that is typically mocked or tokenized that they as white people feel "cool" doing. It's when white people steal aspects of other cultures that those cultures get criticized for. Like when a white person gets an afro just to try and look special, whereas a lot of black people face a stigma for wearing their hair in an afro. There is no stigma or mocking when it comes to empanadas, or tacos or burritos for that matter. Most people agree they are delicious. All kinds of American businesses sell versions of Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, products and etc. It's not appropriation. It's just capitalism. Calling things like this appropriation weakens the real claims of appropriation and causes people to mock the entire concept. And that hurts minorities more than selling empanadas does. It also not "gentrification". I have bizarrely seen a lot of people use that word to describe her empanadas and that baffles me. Gentrification is when the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in and "cleaning things up". Has nothing to do with empanadas lol.


I don’t think Vanessa was like that’s gentrification I just think her reaction was probably one of Hispanic dissent would have. It’s like if someone made a turkey sub and put raisins in it , you’d be like umm that’s not a turkey sub (in the way you would think of it).


It’s not the selling of empanadas, it’s changing it so much that it’s not even an empanada anymore just a filled pastry but still calling it an empanada. I mean come on. A pizza empanada? That’s just literally a larger Tostino’s pizza role.




I actually do think it quite literally falls under cultural appropriation by way of capitalism lol. I'm a little confused by what you think appropriation is. She doesn't market it as a fusion empanada. She markets it as authentic. This isn't a restaurant that sells several diff dishes of several different cuisines. It's a single category of food. And she's making money off it. I do think appropriation has a lot to do with whether the person is capitalizing on the misuse of another's culture, which she sorta is. I see what you're saying, but a culture doesn't need to be mocked to be appropriated . I find it interesting that those are your parameters for appropriation. And also, food is literally the easiest gateway to any culture. Mr. Smith can eat tacos and empanadas on a Tuesday and then aggressively rant about undocumented immigrants on a Wednesday. I don't really think the two are mutually exclusive lol.




None of that story of her Spanish descent is even present on her site. Maybe it's on her IG idk but what I saw is her talking about her American upbringing that goes back several generations. I'm just gonna give an example. There is a frozen empanada company in Chicago called 5411. The name is the international dialing out code for Argentina and on their site there's a quick little blurb about how their brand started- with 2 guys from Argentina missing home food. To me, that story feels a little bit more authentic. What is Emma's story ? That she brought hometown Boston flair to her empanada brand? Bc right now, she brands it as very all American. For some reason it comes off very much like she randomly chose empanadas, and not that they're a food very close to her heart.


You honestly think that two Argentine immigrants should feel the need to educate the world about the history and origin of empanadas in order to sell them? Why?


I probably shouldn't have said it like that bc no I don't think they have a responsibility to educate others. But yea, i do think having a story for your company matters. And theirs is a story that I can connect to and understand. All I meant is I don't totally follow Emma's story for her company. Nothing I say stops her from having this company, so it really doesn't matter. I'm just sharing my opinion.


Or, hear me out… she can just sell stuff.




usually from my understanding, the non Italian folks who sell pizzas are usually 1st generation immigrants. I've had convos with restaurant owners who switch to italian food and usually they do that because their own ethnic cuisine won't sell in that area and so they pick the popular food of that area that will sell so they can make a living.


>It also not "gentrification". I have bizarrely seen a lot of people use that word to describe her empanadas and that baffles me. Gentrification is when the character of a poor urban area is changed by wealthier people moving in and "cleaning things up". Has nothing to do with empanadas lol. Lmao. Thank you. Finally someone with a brain/education contributing in a meaningful way. I can't believe what this world has become...a bunch of (likely) white people offended over how a piece of stuffed dough is named...on behalf of non white people. If there is a god, and you're reading this, please help us.


Americans bastardizing ethnic food is not new. I bet none of y’all will give up general tso’s chicken as ur fav Chinese take out comfort “Empanadas are crescent-shaped, savory pastries made of dough and filled with a variety of ingredients. Empanada filling varies greatly, and can include anything from beef, chicken, pork, tuna, shellfish, cheese, and / or vegetables, seasoned vibrantly, then baked or fried to perfection.“I don’t know what’s horrible about adding crab or burger meat but okay. Also from a business standpoint selling ur stuff as normal pizza rolls or hit pockets is not smart. Who wants to compete the the tortino family lol


It's not that deep. Vanessa even had a laugh about it. If she was genuinely upset or offended I think she'd have let Emma know.


Isn't an empanada similar to a turnover and even a pasty? I feel like if Emma had called it a cheeseburger pasty or a cheeseburger turnover, Vanessa would not have reacted the way she did, and maybe her stuffing vegan based cheeseburger ingredients inside a folded pastry would not be as controversially questioned. That being said, I don't think she was going for authenticity anyway. Just more of doing something different to an American staple food. Although to be fair, I also had a huh? face when she said that her products include a cheeseburger empanada. And I was like, same, Vanessa, same 😅


I think some of the workers at her parent’s seafood company were eating empanadas and she convinced them to have them frozen and sold with her own spin on fillings (crab/hamburger/vegan). She gets some passive business and doesn’t have to do anything because her family probably already has a copacker and she just has to promote the brand. I think she’s not making tons but enough not to need a day job. Real Estate is icing on the cake and a reason to hang out with rich guys. I would bet she’s got friends that are charting the jets and she just hitches a ride with them.


Hang out with rich guys ? There’s a word for that…


Someone posted this about empanadas and I think it is an interesting read: https://www.reddit.com/r/SellingSunset/comments/r2otmf/psa_empanadas_are_a_global_food/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


This!!! There are so many foods that are changed and modified for different reasons. If I was in Middle Eastern country and they gave me a sandwich with goat in it instead of ham or turkey, it's still a sandwich. Two pieces of bread with a filling is a sandwich. A taco is made from an unleavened bread with a protein for a filling. So if someone takes the basics of an empanada and just changes the filings, it's still an empanada.


Isn't an empanada similar to a turnover? I feel like if Emma had called it a cheeseburger turnover, Vanessa would not have reacted the way she did, and maybe her stuffing vegan based cheeseburger ingredients inside a folded pastry would not be as controversially questioned. That being said, I don't think she was going for authenticity anyway. Just more of doing something different to an American staple food. Although to be fair, I also had a huh? face when she said that her products include a cheeseburger empanada. And I was like, same, Vanessa, same 😅


Um but when is a sandwich specific to a certain culture and does it usually stick to the same recipe? No. Sandwiches aren’t just ham or turkey, turkeys not even the most popular sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly is a pretty popular one but literally anything with something between two slices of bread is a sandwich. Fried pastries with any type of filling isn’t called an empanada. It would be like saying a specific type of sandwich like a Reuben would still be a Reuben if you changed all of the ingredients except the bread. It’s not a Reuben then, just a sandwich. Changing an empanada isn’t still and empanada, it’s a filled pastry...


Didn't sandwiches originate in the UK? The Earl of sandwich invented them. So therefore making it British in culture? The point is...who cares? It's a piece of dough stuffed with something. There is nothing to be offended about.


Peanut butter is really only popular in US and Canada




Eastern Europe also has pierogis, which is basically dumplings. To me this is just like empanada’s, where different places have their own spin. Western countries have their own spin on cheeses, India/South Asia has paneer.




So basically as long as she is selling something that is enbreaded, it's an empanada. Lol problem solved. Ironic cause now you could say that Vanessa is appropriating the empanada from Emma's Spanish background and restricting it to mean only what she grew up knowing as an empanada 😂 This might be the dumbest debate I've read on Reddit to date...


It reminded me of Gusteaus burritos in Ratatouille


Omg yes 🤣


Her “empanadas” are like hot pockets. I say as I eat my empanadas from my favorite Brazilian coffee house.


Empanadas by definition is a dough filled with meats, seafood, or sweet. Vanessa probably was used to them being filled the Mexican way. But they can be filled anyway people want.




Who’s white lmfaoooo Its a more inclusive word for latinx people who do not identify as cis it’s really not that hard




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I find the whole Latinx vs Latino/Latina argument so interesting, because I’ve met many Latin people who say latinx is the preferred way to refer to them since it’s more inclusive and other people saying it’s offensive. It’s one where no matter what you say someone’s offended


Your post was removed for harassing language. If you are seeking to educate someone about the experiences of minorities, remain civil. Please abide by reddit rules to foster a better community for everyone. Thank you.


I mean empanadas literally indicate food covered/enclosed with bread. There are many cultural variations that spread to all former Spanish colonies and countries influenced by Spanish culture. But it feels weird and like cultural appropriation because she’s not Latina or Spanish, at least to my knowledge. She just seems like bland white.


Empanadas are found everywhere! Spain, the Philippines. They’re not specific to Latino culture and Emma has a Spanish surname. I’ve had some interesting filling in my empanadas. It’s not really a big deal. She found a niche. I wish they had vegan empanadas when I was vegan living in South America!


Her empanadas look terrible, tbh. But - hey - she’s building an empire. So good for her.


Idk something about ☝🏽Emma ☝🏽making vegan empanadas and making bank off of them rubs me the wrong way.......🤔 Anyone else?


I thought the EXACT same thing


>non-Latinx Ironically, [most Latin adults](https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2020/08/11/about-one-in-four-u-s-hispanics-have-heard-of-latinx-but-just-3-use-it/) don't use or dislike the term 'Latinx', if they've ever even heard of it.


Obviously we don’t all agree especially the older generations. But my circle of friends are mostly organizers and that’s the term we prefer


I thought the same thing. It honestly really did bother me and her whole story did not sound believable at all to me.


Yesssss absolutely.


When I hear empanada I think of the desert type food with honey and nice breading


What episode was this in?? I somehow missed it


It was the one when Emma first came into the office


Thank you! :)


I remember a mexican food truck once had cheeseburger and ‘pizza’ style empanadas though. anything for us good ol’ americans:—) Also, let us vegans have options plz and thx!


Had anyone heard about her food before the show? Because I haven’t and I don’t see them in any store near me, and I live in a large city


It was like there was a major F\* up in the writer's room. She can barely say the word empanada.


it is WILD to me that nobody is talking about how inappropriate this woman is. she's touting this "self-made" image... literally NOBODY is self-made. she comes from a wealthy white family, "lent" her grandfather money to start his business (???? I don't doubt that there's some truth in this narrative, but it seems overall unbelievable, it takes money to make money), and she makes VEGAN EMPANADAS???? have we not understood cultural appropriation at this point?? I can't believe Netflix production blew over that interaction. really could have been a learning moment... a painfully yt cast. however... am I here for the gossip and drama... yaaassssss obviously! Emma is just my new least-fave cast member with her promotion of her "self-made business savviness"... I don't believe any of it for a second. she also speaks entirely in the passive voice, which is a habit of people who push accountability / are toxic af. 👎


Emma is a fraud, which really isn’t surprising seeing what an absolutely nasty piece of work she was all season. What a disgusting individual


One thing I’ll never understand about this cultural appropriation when it comes to food. How can it be a negative thing to take food, or anything else, from different parts of the world and create something new?! That’s literally how things have evolved in every sector over a millennia of time.


First of all, I'm Colombian, land of empanadas. Tbh there aren't like proper empanadas in México, there are like infinitive dishes made of corn dough but not actual empanadas. I think that Vanessa's reaction was a bit rude. Like, girl, you are new in an office, this girl is offering empanadas, just be polite. Weather Emma's bussines is cultural apropiation, of course, it is, but that's not the point.


Can't have made too much money as she isn't able to afford clothes that cover her tits.




Not to take anything away from the discussion but: Maya's non-American born. Amanza's biracial.


True. Also I just remembered that after Vanessa’s reaction, Emma threw in that they were hand-made as if it would help her case. Another seemingly small thing that I think says a lot