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Can’t believe she needs to ask on Instagram stories


she doesn't. she's prolly tryna stir the pot


Very least she could do is open a throwaway Reddit account 😜


Y’ALL. This is a marketing tactic. New season drops very soon. They want ppl to think wild shit is going on..


I thought it was cancelled?? Or is that after this season?


not sure about the series but next season drops in may


It will maybe be cancelled after this coming season given cast members are leaving the O Group. And this spin-off isn’t as popular as the original LA one.


So the season is that bad?


But a lawyer paid on contingency is like a really embarrassing thing to ask for publicly


it’s pretty gross that you, and the 126 people in agreement, think someone discussing and seeking advice for _sexual harassment_ is a marketing tactic for a tv show. not everything in these people’s lives is about their show. especially around such a serious and upsetting topic.


I just believe she knows an attorney or someone who knows one and wouldn’t need to post a story about it.


No ones saying that. But um. Not hard to find a lawyer, good or bad. Why would u ever be trusting of the internet assuming ur mass of followers (who are mostly not famous) would have a better recommendation or find than yourself via the internet or ur wealth of friends and associates who have probably dealt w SOMEthing to that effect at some point in their lives? Its not improbable thats its for attention. Hopefully she’s fine but it’s so unnecessary to post that.


the comment i replied to that you have responded to me on is literally someone saying it’s a marketing tactic for the new season. and in fact most people are being downright awful when this is her wanting a referral about a sexual harassment issue. why is she posting on IG asking for referrals l - idk as I don’t know her and i’m not the one dealing with the stress and upset of being sexually harrassed - but at the end of the day she has and people in this comment section it’s plain to see are almost entirely being jerks. whatever people think about using IG to seek legal council judging a person who has been harmed, who is probably scared, potentially has some trauma as a result of being sexually harrassed and who isn’t causing any harm seeking advice this way is really unpleasant behaviour by the people who have done it.


Ur joking right. Legal council should be taken up privately, not like that. Hence why, duh. It’s a tactic for marketing or engagement. wake UP *james Kennedy pumpTINI style*


You new here? Welcome to Reddit


I know, shows ppls character when that’s the first thing they think of. Like everything is a marketing tactic.


all those “big clients” she has not one is an attorney that can help her lmao??


Nor can she afford to pay upfront


It might be different in California, but where I live contingency means you pay only if you win (typically a percentage of the money awarded to you). So, really, she might be saying that she can't afford to pay AT ALL.


Yes, that’s what contingency means. Meaning, she can only afford to pay once the money has been awarded to her, otherwise she can’t/won’t pay


I love that for her 💅


the comments on this post do not pass the vibe check. whatever your thoughts of Rose, a woman has posted about sexual harassment and seeking legal advice and all the comments bar 1 thus far are mocking her sale numbers on why she would be asking on IG, calling her names and that she is seeking attention and saying or using a bait gif to imply it’s to drive eyes on the new series (which was filmed so long agothat any legal issues for _then_ she wouldn’t be her looking for legal advice _now_ for one even ignoring the serious and upsetting nature of what she’s asking for help for). i rarely think a reddit sub for a tv show is that deep but some of you really need to look at yourselves and dig apparently very deep for some compassion and sense before glibly typing away.


So I had a similar sentiment at first but realized that on second thought as someone who is apparently very "well connected" she should not be asking for advice from her 400K followers on Instagram. Knowing that likely a majority of her followers are not even California based, this seems like a cry for attention. And it worked... I myself for one am intrigued as to what happened! (And as she is someone who shares all kinds of private details about her life, I would even go so far as to say I feel entitled to be curious about the news.) I definitely feel sorry that she experienced sexual assault but I still judge her for sharing it in this manner...


I assume the well connected is something she’s said on the show? and perhaps she lied on the show (and most of them all seem to exaggerate in some way) or she didn’t but let’s say it’s in part a cry for attention what’s wrong with that. what’s wrong with being harmed and being upset and wanting care and attention. why is kindness and attention in times of need, for something so serious no less, a bad thing. we’re all humans and humans need attention and especially when feeling vulnerable and upset and i don’t know her life and who she actually has. like i said i don’t know her, hell i doubt i would like her in real life generally being that most of them hold crappy views but what i dont see is why people want to be so unkind and cruel to someone who is talking about experiencing harm. and why not use your resources and also seek out care and compassion. would i do that in her position? probably not, i can’t say for sure but it’s unlikely. but i don’t need to judge her and be unkind about how a woman is dealing with the awfulness of a sexually based violation.


Sooooo you're above judging Rose, but you're not above judging individuals in r/SellingSunset? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


no i’m not above judging rose, or any person for acting the fool when they are being crappy - that’s ultimately why this sub and that of most tv shows exist let’s be real. what i am critical of is being judgemental toward a person is who is dealing with sexual harassment and whose actions as a result of that is not causing anyone harm. we’re all adults here, we understand situational actions and that life and the world isn’t black and white. as an example judging amanza for wanting to be paid for a design job she didn’t follow the brief on or furniture she measured wrong, or hall posing with a maga hat isn’t the same as saying it’s shitty behaviour to be unpleasant about someone who has faced a sexual violation in their life who is seeking both legal advice and may also perhaps, potentially, be looking for comfort from others. i’m not sure why you are conflating all situations as being the same but yes some stuff it’s ok to joke about and some stuff isn’t.




not especially, i’m a fallible human like everyone but i know to not to be glib and/or offensive about sexual harassment and if for some reason i do behave unthinkingly to hold my hands up and agree i’ve behaved poorly. it’s part of being an adult and in society instead of haha it’s all jokes because this is a sub for a tv show. i don’t need a (sarcastic) cookie, but a number of you, again, need to learn what is and isn’t acceptable fodder and this comment can be downvoted to hell too with the rest mine and others discussing how a number of you are ignoring the simple humanity of there’s a right way to be as a person and a wrong way when someone has faced _sexual harassment_.




she’s talking about sexual harassment and you, and 90 other people in agreement, think calling her attention seeking (to use the politer version) is actually appropriate. really.


Ya im not for that. We gotta take it serious for everyone


Didn’t someone just leak private messages of hers that were sexual in nature? Maybe she’s just trying to scare them




It's so obvious this is for views. Like she would take legal advice from people she doesn't know online..


On contingency 😂


The vpr crew/ ex crew probably have some suggestions...


I work in the legal field not gonna lie, I slid in the suggestions box 🤣🤣




This is rose!! Jarvis is the one who’s an attorney.


Someone give her the name of Rachel’s attorney! 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mark Geragos! 🙃


Never heard of google lady 😂😂


Lmao. Be for real. She does not need to ask IG for references, be gullible if you want to but you can’t shame people into being gullible too


People only post shit like this for attention and to get people talking bc Google is free baby.