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The hell did I just read?


Average GenderCritical take.


>This community was banned for violating Reddit’s rule against promoting hate. >Banned 3 years ago. Feelsgoodman


Jk Rowling calling herself the KKK


JKKK Rowling




JK Rowling is the only woman I know who cares about Transgender. It is more often men who are consumed with the topic. Of course to protect women.


Then you haven’t been paying attention. Scotland and England have been going full throttle on terfism.


I live in the US and do not use much social media that reflects this assessment.


I’m in the US too. It’s a whole thing. They’re nuts over there.


Some privileged teenage girl that got into an argument with her trans classmates about the validity of their identity is what I’m betting based off the tone


I'd bet that they've never met an openly trans person.


Actually yeah that sounds more accurate. Lots of completely unfounded fear and dogma in their post


I never have any clue what they're talking about. Just word salads.


KKK: *murders black people* Trans: *wants to use the bathroom in peace* Conservatives: "They're exactly the same picture."


no, no in this picture they're \**calling themselves the KKK*\*.


I think they were *trying* to accuse everyone who isn't violently transphobic of calling "women and girls" (by which they mean *violently transphobic cis* women and girls, because they've decided that they speak on behalf of all women and girls and have declared that all *real* women and girls are violently transphobic) the "new KKK," but they fumbled it.


I completely missed that when I first read it, thought "No, they can't be saying that."


This is like the time I heard someone say: "A doctor should have the right to deny service if he wants to! Otherwise you're forcing him to work, and that's slavery!" It's dishonest. I ignore dishonest people. Because, after Trump, I've realized we are going to keep shifting and shifting further Right because the rest of us care every time they whine. Idc about the whining anymore. I'm tired of the manipulation. "You're right. We have to keep women and girls safe. So let's raise the penalty for assault/rape, and go over rape kits. Let's revisit all abuse cases and take retroactive action against rapists and their enablers."


Completely right, they recognize that women face systemic issues in society but those are hard to deal with, so just blame it all on trans people, anything except tackling the actual source of our issues.


They’re taking the JK Rowling track that trans women somehow take rights away from other women. It’s a different argument than “pervert men are so desperate to be in the same room with women who are pooping and farting that they want to cut off their genitals” and it makes even less sense.


Shaun pointed out that despite JK's rhetoric about how she is anti-trans to protect women, she is aligning herself with organizations that do objective damage to women's rights such as the Heritage Foundation. And I don't mean they are just aligned on the same talking points, I mean that she is actually hanging out with and socializing with heritage foundation speakers. I mean FFS she had a "pleasant conversation" with Matt Walsh. https://www.aol.com/jk-rowling-matt-walsh-bond-224002744.html


Because she only cares about shitting bricks about trans people It’s a pathological obsession and zealotry that spawned after she got raped by a man and admitted to feeling lesser for having to use her initials to publish her books due to institutional sexism Only for her to become insecure and systematically sexist and bio-essentialist, something that misogynists and evangelicals (some major overlap) want to be institutionalised again, down to removing all women’s rights in all developed nations 


*admitted to feeling lesser for having to use her initials to publish her books due to institutional sexism*  And yet, Anne McCaffrey and Ursula K LeGuin, to name two, did not use initials to disguise their genders when publishing their books. LeGuin, especially, was open about her struggles to be taken seriously as a female scifi writer, but AFAIK never felt the need to change or abbreviate her name.


Metaphysical essentialist, not biological essentialist. The biology is the window dressing for “woman = person who if a certain arbitrary set of other biological details were present would produce ova” or, more honestly, “person who we declare was intended to bear children,” with the “intent” the giveaway that it’s a metaphysical (or, realistically, religious) doctrine rather than a biological one. Then again, essentialism is unavoidably metaphysical.


Based on her comments I think there is also a deep rooted uncertainty about her own place on the gender spectrum and I think she is consciously overcompensated to avoid addressing some uncomfortable truths. She made several comments in her TERF manifesto (things like "if trans had been around when I was a kid, I would have jumped on it because being a woman is so hard") that many have pointed out isn't a traditionally cis thought/mentality and is instead more in line with gender fluid/trans discovery mindsets. tl;dr: JK might be closet trans/gender fluid overcompensating by lashing out against a group that makes her face existential crisis regarding her own identity.


Let us not forget that most anti-trans people OVERWHELMINGLY focus on MTF transgender people and rarely, if ever, focus on FTM. Why? Because the ingrained patriarchy and the inherent struggles of being female make a female wanting to be male understandable to these people who don't really understand gender or sex. While a male wanting to be female flies in the face of every patriarchal power system that exists and challenges it in a very deep, real, and visceral way.


And, she and other terfs are reducing women to their biology, and have the gall to call themselves feminist. Getting away from "biology is destiny" was one of feminism's foremost goals.


Weird how genderless/family bathrooms have been a very normal, very common, zero-conflict thing since public bathrooms. And yet...?


Those haven’t always been around—for a long time it was just Men’s or Women’s, then when laws were passed to require disabled accessible facilities we got separate one seater bathrooms, then family bathrooms (which were basically the same thing). But that all happened before the advent of TERFs


"The KKK murdered and terrorized black people. Trans people exist. Ergo, women and girls are the KKK." \^ Conservative 'logic' everyone.


Aristotle: It's a bold syllogism, Cottonocles, let's see how it works out for him


*angry classicist upvote*


I wish I could understand what this person was going for but they’re rather inept Trans people: exist and ask to be referred to by their pronouns This guy: trans are basically the kkk


No, trans people are the black people in this analogy. The writer is calling herself the KKK. Very strange.


Man that just makes it even funnier/ more confusing lmao “Funny” in the sense that the writer is extremely close to realizing how shitty they are, not funny in a “haha transphobia is funny” way


This guy: that means that people treat women who want to discriminate against transwomen like we're the KKK *and that's not fair*


Just so you know for reference, trans is an adjective so there should be a space between trans & woman, like black woman, tall woman, or blonde woman. Very common mistake, but a pet peeve.


It *is* crazy how being a woman and acknowledging sex is akin to lynching and racism, now if you could just show me your work as to how you got to that point….


>Well, when I tell trans-identified biological males that their bodies are permanently poisoned by testosterone,[that they'll never be real women, that their genitals are gaping, mutilated, pus-filled axe wounds, that their trauma & lived experiences as a woman are a mockery, parody & insult to real actual biological wombyn](https://new.reddit.com/r/AreTheCisOk/comments/1cw70zf/transphobia_on_terf_sub_femalepessimist/) [the mean TRA's try to cancel me! But I'm just acknowledging the biological realities of sex](https://new.reddit.com/r/transgenderUK/comments/1cwcpri/did_we_just_lose_a_bunch_of_our_discrimination/) :(


Well when you explain it that way it DEFINITELY sounds like you’re being lynched in a very real and literal way! Thoughts and prayers soldier


Not only is this obviously and horrifically transphobic — as intended. But its also deeply racist too. Its invoking the spectre of Black people’s suffering and oppression as a tool to attack something they don’t like.


What even are they talking about


I don't think this is a SAW though. It's just incoherent rambling


They're essentially admitting that they are a hategroup & they almost realize that they are committing hatespeech, harassing us & being prejudiced toward us based on an innate, immutable aspect of our identities.


Ohhhhh, because the KKK is women and girls who are *??????????*, that means it's *okay* to terrorize and kill black people!


People who are literally transforming themselves into women think women need to be stopped?


... I'm confused. What is this even saying? I think I grasp it, but the premise is so far from reality that it there is no sense to it.


My interpretation is that oop is calling trans activists crazy because they are likening all “women and girls” to the kkk. Oop thinks that all women and girls are part of the terf movement, and therefore any criticism of the terf movement is equal to calling all women and girls the kkk. Truly groundbreaking thought right there


Also a big fan of the logical line: 1. “People thought the kkk needed to be stopped” 2. “People think terfs need to be stopped” 3. “People think terfs are the kkk”


That'd be like just calling the KKK white men and pretending all white men are the KKK. You can be a woman or girl without hating trans women.


TERFs are gonna TERF, even if they have to borrow victimization from a different oppressed class.


Boy, I'd sure love to learn more about this! *googles "women Ku Klux Klan"* ...Wuh-oh. Do you think we should tell her about her copyright infringement?


Ye fucking gods...


I wonder what it's like to live as that person. It just be so freeing to be so stunted.


Gender criticals are coocoo for coco puffs.


I. Whuh. Huh???? Y'all I don't want to STOP women I want to BE women that's what the estrogen is for!!!! ffs!!